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Love at First Sight

Page 2

by Kelly Elliott

  “Guess the bait I was using worked. Huh, Gage?” A shit-eating smirk went across his beautiful face.

  My father looked proud while Gage shot Rip the finger, then changed the bait on his line to what Rip was using. They quickly got back to fishing after Rip let the bass go in lake.

  Picking up my book, I leaned back and got lost in the words, grinning. This was a perfect day for me.

  And even though I was smiling at how perfect the moment was, I knew there weren’t many of these days left for us in the coming months.



  The whispered voice came from behind me.

  Turning, I saw Alyssa handing me a piece of paper. A note from Rip.

  I couldn’t help the silly smile on my face. Glancing around the room, I moved my hands toward my lap so I could read the note. Rip was the only person I knew who still wrote notes on paper instead of sending a text. He only did it with me, though, and it made me feel special. I had a shoebox at home filled with notes from him that I’d kept as mementos, among other things that Rip had given me since we were younger. Inside that box was the very first flower he ever gave me, pressed between the pages of a little Bible my grammy had given me when Daddy and I first moved from Oregon to Texas.

  That’s where I was born…Oregon. Daddy never truly told me why he left Texas to move to Oregon, though. That’s where he met my biological mother, who I haven’t seen since I was five and never care to see again. Even now I can remember the mean words she would say to me. Those words still had an edge to them that tore at my heart.

  Once we moved to Texas, though, everything changed for the better. I found my very best friend—second to Rip—Patches. He’s a goat my granddaddy gave me. And my father married his high school sweetheart, Paxton. In my mind, she is my one and only mother, and I love her so much.

  Glancing down, I read his note.

  Dear Chloe Cat,

  I’ve got an early Christmas present for you. Meet me under the bleachers after school.

  Love always,


  My thumb ran over the words, love always. I smiled and folded the note, slipping it into my back pocket.

  “What did it say?” Alyssa asked.

  I glanced over my shoulder and grinned. “He has a Christmas present for me.”

  She returned the grin. “I hope it’s his dick in your va-jay-jay!”

  “Oh my gosh! Shut up!” I whisper-shouted. “You are insane!”

  We both started to giggle until Mrs. Hathaway cleared her throat.

  “Chloe, Alyssa. Is there something you’d like to share with the class? Perhaps something that has amused you?”

  “No, ma’am,” we said in unison.

  Facing forward, I placed my hands on my burning cheeks.

  When the teacher went back to writing the math problem on the board, Alyssa leaned forward and whispered, “You know, if you told him you wanted him to take your virginity, he would.”

  I waved her off and glanced around the room. It wasn’t a secret I was a virgin. A silly fool who was holding out hope that the man to experience sex with me for the first time would be my very best friend.

  Alyssa’s comments really threw me for a loop. The rest of the day I couldn’t stop thinking about Rip. Thoughts of him filled almost every free moment. We passed each other in the hall four times during the school day. Every day. We sat next to each other every single day at lunch with the rest of our friends. We had one class together, the last class of the day. French.

  It has always been my dream to go to France some day, and when I decided to take French instead of Spanish, Rip did the same just because he wanted to make sure we had at least one class together. Alyssa also took it. My insides melted whenever Rip spoke French in class. A few times I caught myself daydreaming he was making love to me in France for the very first time as he whispered Je t’aime in my ear.

  When I walked into French class today, Rip was sitting on the corner of Miranda Williams’s desk. The way they were smiling at each other instantly made me jealous. Quickly recovering, I walked to my desk and sat down. Miranda laughed at something Rip said, causing me to look again. This time she saw me watching them. She placed her hand on his leg. Rip slid off her desk, then leaned down and said something only she could hear.

  I looked away, opening my book and quickly acting like I hadn’t noticed the exchange.

  “Hey, Chloe Cat.”

  Ignoring Rip, I kept writing notes.


  With a quick glance, I smiled. “Hey, Rip.”

  “How’s your day been?”


  He sat down next to me, his normal seat in class.

  “Just fine? Did you get my note from Alyssa?”

  “Yes. I don’t know why you couldn’t just ask me in class.”

  My words were cold and bitter, and I regretted them the moment they were out. How was it that just a little bit ago, I was grinning from ear to ear as I read that note, but now I was feeling a mixture of anger, sadness, and love?

  “I thought you liked getting notes from me.”

  I looked at him and then at Miranda. “I’m sure I’m not the only girl who likes getting notes from you.”

  I sighed, pissed at myself for being jealous, and for showing my jealousy.


  “It doesn’t matter, Rip.”

  He went to reach for my hand, and I pulled it away.

  “Talk to me. What is wrong?”

  When I looked over at Miranda again, she was watching us.


  I gathered up my books and stood. “I feel like I’m coming down with something.”

  As the teacher walked into the classroom, I headed out and said, “I’m not feeling well. I’m going to the nurse.”

  Not even giving the teacher time to respond, I picked up my pace and headed to my locker.

  Stupid. You’re so stupid. He’s not yours, Chloe. He was never yours.

  I threw my books into my locker and grabbed my backpack and purse. Slamming the door shut, I made my way to the exit. I never skipped class. Ever.

  I pushed the door open and headed to my car.

  “Chloe!” Rip shouted from behind me.

  I nearly wanted to cry for being so childish and stupid. Why couldn’t I simply tell him how I felt? I hated this game. Hated it. Uncle Trevor’s words were bouncing around in my head, reminding me that I would always feel this way if I didn’t tell him.

  “Not now, Rip.”


  “I’m going home.”

  “Will you fucking stop walking away from me and tell me what in the hell is wrong with you?”

  Stopping, I spun around and glared at him.

  Internally, I screamed at him.

  I’m in love with you, you stupid, blind fool!

  Rip jogged up to me and stopped. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to curse like that. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

  I shook my head and looked away. “I’m having a bad day, that’s all.”

  He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear that had fallen from my ponytail. “Will you tell me what’s wrong?”

  Tears stung at the back of my eyes because I couldn’t tell him I was insanely jealous that he was talking to another girl. I couldn’t tell him that it was me who loved him, me he shared Saturdays fishing with, me who should be on his arm and not just because we were friends.

  But I told him none of that.

  “It’s stupid and childish. It doesn’t really matter anyway. Why don’t you go back to class? You can sit with Miranda.”

  There. I did it. I showed what a jealous fool I am, and I regret nothing. Well, that’s partially not true.

  He pinched his brows. “Anything that makes you upset matters, Chloe. And why would you tell me to go sit with Miranda?”

  Pressing my lips tightly together to keep from crying, I turned away from him.

  He placed his
finger on my chin and turned me until I was looking directly at him.

  I swallowed hard. “I don’t know why I said it. I guess because I saw you with her when I walked into class. If you’re dating her, that’s fine. Honest…like I said, I’m having a bad day and want to be alone.”

  When he smiled, I felt my knees go weak. “I’m not dating her. I don’t want to date her. What you saw was her trying to make a move on me when you walked in to the classroom. I leaned down and told her it would never happen.”

  I felt like a fool. “Why wouldn’t it ever happen?”

  He shrugged. “She’s not my type. Listen, I still have that Christmas present for you. Want it now?”

  I felt my cheeks go hot.

  “If you want to give it to me now.”

  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. When he handed it to me, I felt giddy and warm inside, and that was before I even knew what the precious container held.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “Open it and see.”

  I still felt foolish for how I had acted earlier, but I pushed it aside, and opened the envelope. I stared down at two tickets as I slowly pulled them out. Then my eyes jumped up to meet his.

  “Rip, these are tickets to see Tartuffe in Austin.”

  He flashed me a bright smile. “In French.”

  Staring back down at the tickets, I covered my mouth.

  “I wish I could take you to see a play in France, but I’m little short on cash right now, saving up for the future and all.”

  My gaze jerked back up to him. “This is… Thank you, Rip.”

  I threw myself at him, and he wrapped me in his arms.

  “Has your day gotten better, Chloe Cat?” he whispered against my ear.

  “So much better.”

  “I hate seeing you upset.”

  Squeezing my eyes shut to hold back my tears, I whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  Rip continued to hold onto me in the middle of the parking lot of our high school. I didn’t want him to let me go. I wanted to confess to him right then and there that I wanted more than our friendship. I wanted him.

  “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my best friend.”

  My smile faded briefly before I withdrew. Maybe that was all I truly was to Rip. His best friend. I wasn’t ready to accept that role in his life, though. My heart was still holding out hope for something more.

  “It’s on Christmas Eve! How exciting,” I said.

  “I’ve got the whole thing planned and have already asked your folks if we can stay in Austin for the night. They agreed because Mike and Alyssa are going, too. The girls can stay in one room and boys in another. I gave your father my word y’all would be okay and nothing inappropriate would go on.”

  I smiled. “Sounds amazing.”

  Hugging him once more, I kissed him on the cheek.

  “I think this is the best present I’ve ever gotten besides Patches.”

  Rip laughed. “Damn, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to top Patches.”

  “No, I don’t think so.” I wanted to add, Unless the present of your heart was finally mine, but I kept that locked deep inside.

  “Come on. Let’s head on over to Lily’s Place and grab a few shakes and split a piece of cheesecake. I’m starving.”

  With a nod, I replied, “I’ll meet you over there.”

  As I walked to my car, clutching my present to my chest, I realized now we were both skipping class. With a smile on my face, I slipped into the car and started it.

  All thoughts of how silly I’d acted were gone, and I was looking forward to hanging out with Rip alone.


  I SAT ON the bed of my truck and watched as everyone gathered around the massive bonfire. It had become a tradition: every year on New Year’s Eve, we lit a bonfire at the Parker Ranch and celebrated. Chloe’s grandparents were pretty chill about it. They had one rule—no alcohol—and pretty much everyone respected it. A few jerks would try to take some out to pass around, but Chloe wouldn’t have it. More than once I’d seen her toss a bottle or two into the bonfire, causing it to ignite even higher, usually making everyone cheer.

  “How was the play?”

  Turning, I saw Miranda walking over to me. Good Lord. Why can’t this girl take a hint?

  “It was great. Chloe enjoyed it, so that’s all that matters.”

  She laughed.

  “Oh, yes. Chloe. You know everyone thinks you two have a friends-with-benefits thing going on.”

  “I don’t really care what everyone thinks.” I just wanted Miranda to go away, but I didn’t want to get rude to accomplish that.

  She shrugged. “Maybe not. But you know how people talk and how twisted stories can become. What are you doing tomorrow night? Maybe you and I could hang out.”

  “I’ve got plans.”

  “With Chloe?”

  Squinting at her, I replied, “No, with my father. We’re going hunting.”

  “What about when you get back?”

  I felt Chloe’s stare. From across the flames of the bonfire, I turned and looked directly at her. She was standing next to Alyssa and Lucy. I couldn’t help but remember how she had reacted that day last month when she thought something was going on with Miranda and me. I had replayed it over and over in my head. Had she been jealous, or was she really just having a bad day?

  God, women were frustrating as hell. A part of me wanted to admit to her how I felt, but I wasn’t sure if she felt the same. And what if she did and things didn’t work out? I’d lose my best friend and I couldn’t gamble that.

  “Well?” Miranda asked. My gaze was still locked with Chloe’s. She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, as if to silently ask me if everything was okay.

  “Sorry, Miranda. Like I told you that day in class, I’m not interested.”

  She sighed in frustration. “Listen, Rip. You either go public with this weird, twisted relationship with Chloe, or everyone, including me, are just going to assume you’re gay.”

  I looked at her and laughed. “Did you ever think for one minute that maybe I’m not interested in anyone here in Oak Springs, Miranda? Hell, half of y’all have slept with most of the guys in town, and the other half have slept with guys from other schools. If I’m interested in taking anyone out, I will.”

  Her mouth dropped open and her cheeks flamed up like the bonfire. “You’re a real asshole, do you know that?”

  “And yet you keep coming back around like a bee to honey. Asshole, huh? I’ve been told that once or twice.”

  Miranda folded her arms and shook her head. “You’re a real prick. Whatever. It’s your loss.”

  “And somehow I’ll learn to live with it.” God, she forced me be rude on New Year’s Eve. What a way to start off the new year.

  She stormed off to stand with her friends. Most of them were cheerleaders. Even though Chloe and Alyssa were cheerleaders, too, neither of them had gotten sucked into that group of bitches. I was glad; everyone standing in that circle was fake, but Chloe and Alyssa weren’t.

  “Looks like you pissed off one of the Barbie dolls,” Mike said with a chuckle as he punched me in the shoulder.

  “Yeah, they don’t like being turned down…repeatedly,” I replied to my best friend. Well, best friend after Chloe. Mike had no issues coming in second to Chloe.

  “Alyssa and I are thinking of going camping next week for a few days with a few other people. You and Chloe want to come?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe. I need to check with Jonathon. He might need me to help him build some cabinets.”

  Chloe and Alyssa walked up to us, lost in conversation.

  “I wonder if we can make it happen?” Alyssa said as they came to a stop in front of us.

  “Make what happen?” Mike asked.

  “Chloe wants to study abroad in France. I’m wondering if we can both do that at the same time.”

  “That would be fun,” I said.

  With a nod, Chloe r
eplied, “It would be.”

  “Maybe some French guy will sweep you off your feet, Chloe, while you’re over there,” Alyssa said.

  Chloe giggled. “Maybe.”

  “Oh, it’s a shame they stopped doing the love locks on the bridge in Paris. How romantic would that have been?” Alyssa was in her own little world now, and it was starting to piss me off.

  Jealousy mixed with rage and raced through my veins. I looked away, not even wanting to think what college was going to be like. Once Chloe was able to get away from this small town, would some guy catch her eye? Of course. The thought made me feel sick.

  “I was telling Rip it might be fun to go camping next week.”

  Alyssa jumped and clapped her hands. “Oh, that would be fun. Chloe, can you go?”

  “I can’t next week. I’m helping my father and Uncle Trevor on the ranch. Daddy wants me to start taking on a bigger role. The plan is for me to work there each summer, starting when I graduate from high school.”

  A part of me was relieved Chloe wouldn’t be going camping. It was selfish as hell, but the thought of her hanging out with some of these guys, yeah, it made my blood boil.

  “Hard to believe they’re grooming you to take it over some day,” Mike stated.

  “They know how much I love it. I mean, I’ll do the business side of things, and Gage will handle the daily running of the ranch once he gets his degree and Uncle Trevor steps back some. That won’t be for years, though. He loves that place too much to not stay involved.”

  I smiled. Chloe’s father and her uncles Mitch, Trevor, and Wade, lived for that cattle ranch. Her other two uncles, Cord and Tripp, worked the ranch every now and then, but Cord owned a local bar on the square called Cord’s Place, and Tripp was a lawyer, married to Harley, the town vet.

  “Yeah, that is years down the road. Gage is still in middle school,” I said.

  Chloe laughed. “Yes, I know. According to him, he’s not going to college. Everything he needs to learn he can learn from my uncles, or my dad.”

  “He’s probably right,” I said.

  Glancing at the ground, Chloe nodded. “I’m worried he’s going to be lost when I leave, though.”

  I reached for her hand and squeezed it. She had no idea how lost I’d be when she left, too.


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