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Love at First Sight

Page 16

by Kelly Elliott

  “Okay, here we go!” Chloe said, looking up at me with a wide grin.

  “I think we should give them something to talk about right off the bat.”

  She giggled as she leaned up and kissed me. When she broke the kiss, her eyes were locked on mine. “I love you.”

  “Oh baby, I love you more.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “Impossible.”

  “Good God, is this what we have to look forward to?” Mike said, reaching out to shake my hand. Alyssa wrapped Chloe in her arms and whispered something into her ear. Chloe blushed and said something back.

  “Damn, dude, it was nice seeing the two of you walk in together like that,” Mike said. “Fucking finally.”

  “Yeah, it feels right.”

  The song changed, and Chloe and I exchanged a look. “Want to dance?”

  She nodded and reached for my hand.

  “As much as I would love to stand here and shoot the shit with you, Mike, my girl wants to dance.”

  Mike laughed as Alyssa came up next to him.

  Chloe practically ran onto the dance floor, dragging me behind her.

  “Let’s show them how this is done!” she shouted over the song playing.

  I took her in my arms, and we took off two-stepping. Throw in a little bit of swing, and we soon had a group of people watching us. The smile on Chloe’s face made my heart flip and flop in my chest. Especially after last night when I sat in in Patches’ stall and she cried until she fell asleep. I had carried her to my truck and up to her house, where Steed brought her in. It had been an emotional day, and I was glad to see her smiling.

  After a few more spins around the dance floor, Chloe and I made it over to the table where Mike and Alyssa were sitting.

  “Beer?” Mike asked me.

  “Nah, not tonight.”

  “I’ll take one!” Chloe said.

  I kissed her quickly on the cheek. “I’ll go grab you one.”

  As I made my way up to the little bar by the dance hall, I was stopped a few times by people wanting to talk. Lori Rhodes was one of them. I tried to move on, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop.

  “So how would Chloe’s fiancé feel about the two of you being together like this? Folks are talking, Rip.”

  I laughed. “Let ’em talk, Lori. They don’t know shit. Chloe is with me now.”

  Her eyes went wide. “She’s not getting married?”

  I smiled. “Oh, she’s getting married. Someday. And the guy she’ll marry is standing right in front of you. If you’ll excuse me.”

  Lori’s mouth dropped open, but I didn’t give her another minute of my time. I ordered Chloe’s beer and a bottle of water for myself. The way back to the table went faster. I kept my eyes focused on the beautiful woman in my sights, and pretty much ignored everyone else.

  Chloe was finally mine. Nothing and no one would ever change that again.


  THE SOUND OF my father and Gage arguing outside woke me up. I couldn’t help the smile on my face. How long had it been since I’d started the day with a smile on face?


  I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Drawing in a deep breath, I stretched. My phone went off, and I reached for it.

  Alyssa: You’re on the prayer chain this morning after your appearance with Rip last night. Word is Rip beat up Easton and chased him away, eventually winning back your heart. It’s like out of a damn romance novel.

  Laughing, I typed my response.

  Me: Well, it could be worse. I could be the cheating whore who suckered her best friend into an affair while her poor fiancé was clueless in Houston.

  Alyssa: Yeah, that would have been much worse.

  My phone went off again, and I saw his name. My stomach fluttered.

  Rip: Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep last night?

  Me: Like a baby. I had fun last night. Thank you.

  Rip: I did too. How about a picnic this afternoon? I have the perfect spot.

  With shaking fingers, I typed my response. Why in the world was I nervous?

  Me: I would love to. What time and where?

  Rip: I’ll pick you up around noon? Sound good?

  I couldn’t wipe the silly grin off my face even if I tried to.

  Me: Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then.

  He sent me back a heart emoji that said I love you.

  Me: I love you so much more.

  The knock on the door made me jump.

  “Who is it?”

  “Gage. Can I come in?”

  I walked to the door, and smiled as I opened it. “What do I owe this little honor?”

  “Folks are starting to talk about you, Chloe. Dad jumped all over me ’cause I came to your defense today in Lily’s.”

  Lily’s Place was one of the best cafés in town. It was on the square, and my folks had been going there since they were younger than Gage.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  Gage sighed. “Well, some asshole said you were sleeping around and cheating on your fiancé. I informed him you were not engaged to the douchebag, and he called me a liar. So I hit him.”

  I gasped. “You did what?”

  “I had to! He was questioning your honor. Plus, I can’t stand the guy, so it was a good excuse to take him out. Anyway, Dad found out about it and just chewed me out and said I needed to come up and apologize to you.”

  “Okay, first, don’t be going around defending my honor. I don’t need you to. I appreciate it, but it’s not needed. Second, you don’t need to apologize to me for anything.”

  He lifted his brows, stuck his hands in his pockets, and rocked on his boots.

  “Oh no, what did you do?” I asked.

  “Well, I sort of told everyone you and Rip have been in love for like…ever.”

  I smiled. “That’s pretty much a true statement.”

  He shrugged. “I may have suggested you might be moving in together.”

  My eyes widened. “What?”

  “It was an accident.”

  “An accident? Gage, why would you even say that?”

  “’Cause Rip is buying a house, you love that house, Dad and Mom said you would probably be moving out soon. It slipped.”

  I sighed. “Well, I guess it’s not that bad.”

  He avoided eye contact.

  “What else?”

  “Someone might have suggested you were pregnant and that sent everybody running to their phones. The prayer chain is on fire.”

  My shoulders slumped.

  Then my phone went off with a text.

  Alyssa: You might want to know, you’re now pregnant with Rip’s child, about six months along according to Karen down at the beauty shop. Rose said you’re not pregnant, but Easton walked in on y’all in the barn…having sex…during your engagement party. He broke the engagement off.

  “Six months pregnant! Sex in the barn! Are these people insane?”

  “It’s been a slow year for gossip,” Gage replied with a smug grin.

  I shot him a dirty look. “Do not defend me again. You caused all of this, Gage.”

  “Right. Got that message loud and clear from Dad.”

  After taking a shower and spending way too much time in my closet, I finally picked a cute little light blue sundress to wear on my picnic with Rip. Every time my phone went off, I groaned. It was either Alyssa updating me on the ever-changing gossip, or someone texting me to ask if the rumors were true. When my phone rang and I saw it was Rip, I sighed in relief.


  “Hey beautiful, how is it going?”

  “Well, I’ve been fighting off rumors you and I are having a baby.”

  “Wow. Okay. We sure work fast. That should be considered some sort of miracle considering we’ve been on one date and haven’t had sex yet. What’s that called? Divine inoculation, immaculate emancipation, something like that?”

  I laughed.

  “If it helps, you beat up Easton in one of t
he rumors.”

  “I like that rumor. A lot.”

  “Between you, Daddy, and Gage…I swear. I’ll be the talk of the town for months with the way things are going. How is your morning so far?”

  “Busy. I’m going to be heading over your way soon. You might want to pack up a bag.”

  “A bag?” I asked, my cheeks burning slightly from grinning so big. “What kind of bag?”

  “An overnight bag. Get a swimsuit, sneakers for hiking, couple changes of clothes.”

  “I’m intrigued, Mr. Myers. Are you taking me off somewhere?”

  “Yes, ma’am. You better believe I am. I mean, unless you don’t think we should. I don’t want to push or rush.”

  “Ignore that comment I made the other night. I was emotional and then you kissed me. That pretty much sealed the deal.”

  Rip laughed, and it made my belly flip. “I’ll see you soon, Chloe Cat.”

  “Au revoir!” I said and hit End.

  With a giddiness in my step, I packed a bag. It seemed our picnic has turned into a bigger adventure.


  AT TWELVE NOON on the dot, Rip was at my front door. I opened it and smiled at him. He was wearing Wrangler jeans, his brown cowboy boots he’d had forever, a white T-shirt, and a light brown cowboy hat.

  Be. Still. My. Heart.

  Lord, I’d never seen a man so good-looking as this one standing in front of me. My insides shook at the idea of simply having him touch me.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey, you’re right on time.”

  “Like always. Well, except for maybe four years too late? But we won’t mention that again.” He smirked at his little joke.

  I laughed, because it was true. Since I could remember, Rip Meyers could be counted on for being on time for everything. I, on the other hand, was always running late. For everything.

  “You’ve got your overnight bag packed?”

  My brows lifted. “I do, and are you going to tell me where we are going?”

  The corner of his mouth rose into that flirtatious smile I fell in love with so many years ago. Then my stomach dropped as a strange zip of energy raced through my body. Overnight bag. Oh my gosh.

  Oh. My. Gosh.

  We were going to be...

  I swallowed hard. “We’re staying somewhere overnight?” This time you could hear the nerves in my voice.

  “Unless you’re not…”

  “I am!” I practically yelled. Clearing my throat, I calmly added, “I mean, yes, I am. Give me two seconds to run back upstairs, I forgot something.”

  His smile grew bigger as he sat down on the sofa in the living room.

  I ran past Gage and barely noticed him following me into my bedroom.

  “So? Y’all are going somewhere overnight, huh?”

  Digging through my closet, I came to a stop and glanced back at him. “Go away, Gage.”

  He laughed. “Did you forget something?”

  I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him out of my bedroom. “Go. Away!”

  “Fine. I’ll just go downstairs and give Rip ‘the talk.’ You know, since Dad isn’t here.”

  Jerking the door back open, I grabbed his arm. “If you do, I will never be on your side again when you need me to convince Mom and Dad of something. Never is a helluva long time, bro.”

  He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Fine. I’ll just go talk baseball with him. You might want to leave before Dad gets home, though.”

  “Thank you! And why do we need to leave before Dad gets home?”

  Gage laughed. “Okay, do you really think Dad is going to be like, ‘Sure, Rip. Take my daughter away for few days and have sex with her.’”

  I crinkled my nose at him. He shrugged. “Dad will ask a million questions about where y’all are going. Then he will give Rip the lecture. The last time he lectured Rip, he scared him away from you for years.”

  My eyes widened in shock. “Right.”

  Rushing back into my bedroom, I searched for something special to wear. I had nothing. A few pair of Victoria’s Secret matching panty and bras, but nothing sexy. I grabbed what I thought would make Rip happy and put it in my bag.

  I took in what I had. A bathing suit. A towel. Some changes of clothes. My favorite big sleeping T-shirt that was Rip’s from high school football days, and a baseball cap for my hair. A few pair of sexy panties, a couple lace bras. Toothbrush, soap, and sneakers.

  “Dad just called. They’re at Waylynn and Jonathon’s house and are about to head home!” Gage called out.

  I grabbed my little stuffed goat that Rip bought me when we were eight years old. I had yet to sleep a night without him. I stuffed it in my bag, and I raced down the steps. Rip jumped up when I came tearing into the living room.

  “We have to leave! Now!” I cried out, running past him and out the front door.

  “Chloe?” Rip cried, following me down the porch steps to his truck.

  “Have to hurry. If my father finds out we’re spending the night together, he is going to flip out.”

  Rip had the oddest smile on his face. When he pushed his hands into his pockets, I stared at him.

  I motioned for him to get into the truck as I said, “Rip. I don’t think you understand the severity of this situation.”

  “Chloe, take a deep breath. I’ve already talked to your dad. He knows where we’ll be.”

  My mouth dropped open. “So we’re not having sex any time soon?”

  His cheeks turned a deep red. I loved that he had that reaction to my outburst. Was he just as nervous as I was? I was scared shitless, truth be told.

  “Well, it was on my radar to make love to you, but your father is not going to be coming and dragging me away, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  I swooned when he said make love. That was so like Rip to describe our first time together in such a real and honest way.

  “Okay. I trust you.”

  He nodded. “Good. Now stop worrying. Did you bring comfortable clothes?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure what I brought. I sort of freaked out and started grabbing things.”

  Rip laughed and kissed me on the lips. “Well, hopefully you’ll be free of clothes for the next few days.”

  My lower stomach pulled, and I almost moaned. Wait, I did moan. Rip’s eyes turned dark with desire.

  “Come on. Let’s go.”

  I climbed into the seat of his truck and watched him walk around the front. If he was nervous, it didn’t show.

  Once he headed down the driveway, I let out a sigh. Being alone with Rip was always one of my favorite pastimes. I felt like I could breathe and nothing on this Earth could bother me when he was with me. I never had to be on my guard or worry. He had always brought such a calm to my life.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “We’re going camping.”

  My face broke out into a grin. “Do you remember the last time we went camping?”

  “Hell yes. I’ll never forget it. You ended up having to sleep in my tent because the tent you were going to use was ripped open, and Alyssa and Mike refused to not sleep in the same tent.”

  I laughed. “I was so mad at her. Looking back, I think they were trying to force us together.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure they were. It was so damn hard to keep my hands off of you that night.”

  This time I knew my cheeks were red. “I laid there almost all night wishing you would touch me.”

  Rip looked my way, a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Chloe Cat.”

  I shrugged. “How many times do you think we both wanted to do something and never did?”

  “Something like touch each other?”

  “Yeah, or kiss. Hug like we were more than friends. Wish that we could simply be willing to take the risk for something more?”

  “Too many times on my part.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Do you remember when Justin was going to ask you to the senior
prom, and I grabbed you and jumped into the river?”

  “That was naughty of you.”

  “It was bullshit of him to ask. Anyway, when we were sitting on that rock, I almost told you how I felt about you. It was right there on the tip of my tongue. If Mike hadn’t called us, I think I might have kissed you and finally confessed.”

  I smiled and looked down at my hands.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t take the leap when you told me how you felt. I was so fucking afraid of losing you, Chloe. I didn’t stop to think about how I would lose by not being with you.”

  With a sigh, I replied, “I’m sorry I wouldn’t let you talk to me after it happened. We’ve both been stupid, but that’s all in the past. I only want to think about our future, Rip. You and me and being together with no expectations.”

  He reached for my hand and brought it up to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on it. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me. I swear I will always be honest with you and never hold back.”

  I believed him.

  “I promise you the same thing. I think if we are ever feeling anything we need to talk to one another. Not hold it in.”


  “One thing I don’t want to talk about, though, is past relationships. I don’t want to know how many women you were with before me.”

  Rip looked at me. “How many women I’ve been with? You make it sound like I’ve slept around.”

  I shrugged. “I just figured that a guy as handsome as you probably had luck. I know you dated that girl Morgan.”

  Rip pulled onto the shoulder and brought the truck to a stop and put it in park. He drew in a deep breath, raked his fingers through his hair, then looked at me. “I’m not going to lie to you and say I don’t want to ask questions about Easton. Deep down, that jealous asshole who was too afraid to tell you how he felt wants to know. But this guy right here in front of you wants to make up for all the lost time and hurt I caused you. As far as other women, Chloe, there weren’t very many. Morgan? She was a mistake I made when I first came back to Oaks Springs.”


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