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Dirty Desires

Page 16

by Michelle Love

  My lips on her cheek moved down to take her mouth. The kiss was soft and loving. Our tongues moved gently with the others. Her tits squished against my chest and I felt her heart beating nice and slowly.

  This was making love. We’d thought before that we’d made love, but we hadn’t. This was sharing our love in its truest form. One day in the far away future we would be old and gray, unable to make the movements we were capable of at this time. In those days, I could see us holding each other this same way, relishing in the connection and needing nothing more than that to keep our love alive and well all through the years.

  And with that one thought, my cock twitched. Nina’s heartbeats increased, her body heated in my arms. With that one little movement, I’d spurred her on, changing the moment from one of pure love to pure lust.

  She moved her body to grind on mine as our kiss went deeper, sexier, and hungrier.

  My hands went hard on her body, gripping her back, pulling her closer to me. Her hands moved up to run through my hair. She pulled the band off the bun at the back of my head, releasing my hair so she could run her fingers all through it.

  Lifting her up and down to stroke my cock, I held her by the waist as our kiss came to an end. Already panting, she moved her hands to my chest, pushing me to lie back. She moved her legs so that she was straddling me. Riding me hard, I watched her boobs as they jiggled with every move she made.

  I had to take them into my hands to squeeze them, they were so tempting. I sat up and sucked one of them as I played with the other. She moaned as her nails dug into the flesh of my back, “Ashton ... Baby ... Yes!”

  The next time I opened my eyes, the bedroom had gone dark. I rolled over with her, mounting her as I pulled her legs up, putting her feet by her head. Pushing my cock into her much deeper, I loved the deep grunt that came from her as I shoved my meaty organ into her tight recesses.

  Each thrust I gave had her making the same little grunt. No matter how much I gave her, she would take. She hung onto my wrists as I slammed into her over and over until I felt liquid heat pour from her as her body climaxed.

  Her pussy pulsed around my cock incessantly, trying to pull me under with her. I let her legs go, bringing them down. She wrapped them around me as she arched up to me. “Harder,” came her one demand.

  My cock was ready to burst as I thrust into her fast and hard. Her pussy pulsed around me as she clung to me, screaming my name over and over until I could take no more.

  I let it all go, filling her with my seed then going limp and falling onto her body, our skin slick with sweat. I could feel her heart as it pounded inside her chest.

  I hadn’t known such an exchange was possible. We both left it all on the table that night. Not an ounce of shame or shyness was left in either of us. I felt like she was just as much a part of me as I was. And I was the same for her.

  Moving to one side, I trailed my fingers over her stomach. I didn’t say a word, but thought to myself that one day I would see that belly nice and round, filled with my child.

  My future resided inside of her. Nina Kramer was and always had been my future. The one woman for me.

  And just as I thought that, my eyes began to burn. They filled with tears. Natalia filled my mind. The image burned my brain. The memory of her came on so suddenly and with an intensity that I couldn’t have foreseen.

  I had thought she was my one and only, too. It had been her.

  What’s happening to me?

  A hand moved over my chest, then Nina’s sweet face was close enough for me to see. Her lips pressed against my forehead. “It’s going to be okay, Ashton. There’s room for both of us in your heart. You don’t have to worry.” She kissed away every last tear before she said, “The love you have for each of us is different. But you can’t have a love like ours with a person who is no longer here. She understands that, I assure you. Your love for her isn’t gone. It’s just resting in the back of your mind. You’ll never completely lose her. Don’t worry.”

  Gripping her hand, I choked out a sob. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  “Hush, now.” She kissed my cheek. “You and I were meant to be. Life is a crazy thing. A rollercoaster ride. And with any ride comes danger. Some make it to the end, and some don’t. That’s just the way that it is. It doesn’t mean that one is more important than another. It’s just the way life goes.”

  Finally, I regained my composure. “If she’d lived, I would’ve never had this with you. I would’ve never known how great things could be.”

  “That’s right.” Nina’s lips pressed against mine. “And I wouldn’t have ever known this either. I’m sorry you were a part of the accident that took Natalia’s life. I’m sorry you bear guilt over that. But I think you should know that nothing happens for no reason at all. Nothing, Ashton.”

  I lay there, thinking about what I had just experienced. It was life-changing. It didn’t make much sense to me that a sexual act could be felt that deeply, like soul-shatteringly deep. But it was real. It was intense. And it was definitely meant to be.

  Slipping my arm around Nina’s shoulders, I pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. “There’s no doubt in my mind that we were meant to be together, Nina. Whether it happened this way or another, it couldn’t have been a mistake.”

  “I think the same thing.” She snuggled into my side. “I wonder if we’ll have an even more intense experience after we get married.” She laughed. “Listen to me. You haven’t even asked me to marry you and here I am, talking like you have. Ignore me. I’m just riding the high of our delightful bed-play.”

  “One day, Nina Kramer.” I kissed the side of her head. “One day, you’ll be Nina Lange, and we will have our happily ever after. You just wait and see.”

  A long sigh came out of her. “I can wait. I can do anything for you, Ashton. Anything at all.”

  As I lay there, holding her close, I could swear again that the woman could read my mind. There just wasn’t any other explanation for how she always knew exactly what I needed to hear.

  So, I thought one last thought before I fell asleep.

  I will love you forever, Nina Kramer.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The next few months flew by. Living with Ashton was better than a dream come true. We had more fun than I thought two humans could possibly have. Even chores were fun when we did them together.

  Taking the laundry down to the laundry room in the basement of the building, we told each other scary stories to make the time pass by more quickly.

  I came up with a great one. “So, I ran into an old woman the other day in the elevator. She told me she’s lived here for seventy years.”

  “That long?” he asked with surprise. “I’ve never seen anyone that old in this building. Are you sure?”

  Nodding, I went on with my little story. “I’m sure. She said she lives on the top floor. She rarely gets out. Has her groceries delivered.” I decided to add that to make the tale more plausible.

  “Okay,” he said, but looked skeptical. “So, what else did you and this old woman talk about?”

  I ran my hands up and down my arms, as if I’d gotten chills. Which I hadn’t, but I was going to milk this story for all it was worth. “She asked me if I’d been down to the basement, to which I answered that I had. It’s where the laundry room is located, after all.”

  “Uh huh,” he said, as he put more quarters in the dryer. “A laundry room that could use some new machines, if you ask me. This is the third time I’m having to start this dryer.”

  “Take it up with the manager, Ashton.” I rolled my eyes before going on with the story. “Okay, so what this lady told me was that there was a man who lived here even before she did. And that man was the janitor for this building. One day, he was caught taking some kids and hiding them away in this very dungeon. Oops. I mean, basement.”

  Now Ashton rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah? And what did he do to these supposed kids, Nina?”

>   I weighed the options before saying, “He ate them!”

  With a grimace, he said, “Gross.” Then he went to pull the clothes out of one of the washers. “These are ready to go into a dryer now.”

  I took the buggy over and let him fill it with the wet clothes before taking them to put them into an empty dryer. “The parents of the kids found him in this very basement one day, and they killed him.”

  “And how did they do that?” he asked me, with a grin on his face.

  Looking around, I found the old furnace and pointed at it. “They threw him in that thing. And the really creepy part is that ...”

  He chimed in, “He comes to people who live in this building in their sleep and tries to kill them.”

  Shrugging, I said, “Sounds like you have heard this story, Ashton.”

  “Yeah, it’s called Nightmare on Elm Street.” He laughed uproariously as he slapped his thighs. “You’ll have to come up with something original if you want to get one past me, doll. I’ve watched every horror flick ever made.”

  “I hadn’t even realized I was making up a story that already existed. I suppose I saw it sometime when I was a kid or something.” I laughed. “Funny, huh?”

  “I guess so.” He put four quarters into the dryer. “I hope this one works better than that other one. I don’t want to spend our entire Sunday down here.”

  “What are your plans for today?” I asked him, as we hadn’t discussed anything fun to do yet.

  “I’ve got plans, baby. Big plans. And they don’t involve going anywhere at all,” he informed me.

  I was a little displeased with his announcement though. “Aw. Why not?”

  He pinched my cheek as she smiled at me. “No reason to whine, baby. You’ll like it. I promise.”

  “Can you give me a hint about what we’ll be doing?” I asked, as I pushed the buggy back to the corner it was kept in.

  “Well, I’ll be making you a great lunch. And we’ll be enjoying it picnic style, on the living room floor.” He made a flourishing gesture, as if he was throwing a blanket on the floor.

  “Why not just have a real picnic outside? In a park, maybe. Now that sounds fun too, doesn’t it?” I asked, trying to get him to do something outside of the house.

  He nodded. “That sounds fun too, but this has to be done just the way I’ve already planned.”

  I could see I wasn’t going to get him to change his mind, so I stopped trying. We finished the laundry with him telling me a story that actually did freak me out, making it hard to walk up the stairs to leave the basement. “Now I keep thinking a hand is going to come out from under one of these stairs and grab my ankle, Ashton. Thanks a lot!”

  “That’s what I’m here for, to make life interesting for you, baby.” He laughed at his joke as I walked carefully, so as not to fall when something did grab me.

  Fortunately, I made it up the stairs, and we went up to our apartment. I put the laundry away as he set about getting this special lunch prepared. He laid out a blanket for us that spread out over the living room floor.

  He’d pushed the furniture back to make room for the feast he’d made. I could smell the smoked ham as I put things away in the bedroom. “That smells awesome, babe,” I called out to him.

  “I’m putting everything on the blanket now. Are you nearly done in there?” he asked me.

  Putting away the towels, I shouted back, “Yep. Are you ready for me?”

  “I am,” he called out.

  Taking a second to look in the bathroom mirror, I ran my hand through my hair, then over my T-shirt to smooth out a few wrinkles. “Not too shabby.”

  Heading to the living room, I found Ashton lying on his side, his upper body resting on his arm as he looked at me. “Hey, you.” He patted the blanket. “Come take a seat.”

  I sat down with my legs crossed in front of him. “Okay. So, what do we have here?”

  Stretching his hand out, he gestured to the food. “We have smoked ham, potato salad, and green beans. And some white wine to go with that.” He sat up, getting on both of his knees as he dug into the pocket of his shorts. “But first, I’ve got something to ask you.”

  I thought he must have tickets to something in that pocket and had planned on surprising me with a show of some kind for our fun day. I clapped. “Oh, goody!”

  He moved around a bit, getting on one knee as he held out a little white box. Flipping the lid open, he grinned as my eyes focused on the gorgeous diamond ring inside.

  My hands flew to my mouth. “Nina Velma Kramer, would you do me the great honor of becoming my lawfully wedded wife?”

  Tears clouded my vision as I nodded, but there was a massive knot in my throat that prevented me from saying a single word. But my nod was enough for him, and he took my left hand, sliding the ring onto my finger.

  Wiping my eyes with the back of my free hand, I finally choked out, “Yes.”

  “Good to hear you say the word, Nina.” Ashton laughed, then crawled over to me. His lips touched mine, and I threw my arms around him.

  “I can’t believe you did this today, Ashton!” I was crying like a baby. “This is the best day of my life!”

  “I hope to be responsible for many more of your best days, baby. Many, many more.” He got up, picking me up with him and we danced around the room to no music at all.

  I was soaring as we swayed, and I looked at the ring he’d given me. “It’s so beautiful. I’ll never take it off. I swear I won’t.”

  He laughed again, and then we kissed. For the longest time ever, we kissed and held each other like we never had before. He’d made the perfect Sunday fun day. I would never forget it.

  After settling down, we ate the lunch he’d made, and I had to run one little errand. “I’ve got to get down to the corner store. I’ve been feeling little cramps, so I’m thinking I’d better get some tampons in this place before Mother Nature hits me.”

  “I’ll go with you,” he said, as he hauled the dishes to the kitchen.

  “You don’t have to.” I waved him off. “It’ll only take me a few minutes and then I’ll be right back. I think I’d like to meet you in the bed when I get back. Naked and waiting, as a good fiancé should.”

  Jerking his head at the blanket picnic that still had to be cleaned up, he said, “After I get this taken care of, I will dutifully undress and wait for my fiancée, as requested.”

  “Cool. I’ll be right back.” I grabbed my wallet and house key, then left to go to the market.

  The sidewalk was crowded as usual when I stepped outside. The air was on the brisk side, and that always made people walk a bit faster. I stepped in with everyone, making my way to the market at the end of the block.

  Some man was yelling at someone over his cell as he walked past me. At first I jumped, thinking he was yelling at me. “Hey, you listen to me, bitch.”

  Whoever he was talking to was an idiot, as far as I was concerned. Anyone who would call me a name like that would’ve been hung up on before he could say one more word.

  The jackass’s voice faded as he moved ahead of me. Somewhere in the distance, I could hear the sound of a car honking continuously. It wouldn’t let up, and it was coming closer.

  Moving a bit closer to the inside of the sidewalk, I was getting ready to go into the door of the market. Some idiot boys cut in, cutting me off and stopping me dead in my tracks as they played some game of chase or something. “Hey, you little shits!”

  One of them actually pushed me into the way of another boy, shouting, “You’ll never catch me, Joey!”

  Joey pushed me out of his way, as if I wasn’t even a real person. “Ha, fuck you, Ray-Ray! I’ll get you. You’ll see.”

  As they ran off into the pack of people, I turned around to get back to the entrance of the market. Now I was muttering obscenities under my breath, “Damn little bastards. Where are their parents? Heathens!”

  Some man shouted, “Move!”

  I stopped to look back to see who was being ru
de now. I had just about had it with rude people. I was ready to chew his ass out, no matter who he was or how big he was. “Now, see here,” I shouted.

  But the crowd was parting, people running in every direction. The sound of the horn was so loud that I couldn’t think.

  “Move!” came the loud order again. Only this time it was a woman who had said it. “Get the hell out of the way!”

  I didn’t know which way to turn. People were going every which way. Horror filled me as three people who had been in front of me seconds ago, suddenly weren’t.

  “He’s driving through everyone!” came another shout.

  And then the grill of a truck was right there in front of me. Barreling toward me, mowing down everyone in its path.

  Including me.

  Chapter Twenty–Eight


  With the picnic cleaned up, I walked toward the bedroom to get undressed and ready for my new fiancée. I laughed as I thought about the expression on her face when she first saw the ring.

  Getting into the bedroom, I thought I would open up a window to let in a little fresh air. And as I did, I could hear the sounds of sirens filtering through from the street below.

  Looking down, I could see that things didn’t look right. People were moving oddly. Running or stumbling in every direction. And then my eyes went to something that just shouldn’t have been there. An armored truck was up on the sidewalk.

  My heart stopped as I saw police cars stopped on every side of the vehicle. Officers got out with guns drawn, aiming them at the vehicle. Then a loud voice came up to me as one of the officers used a bullhorn, “Get out of the car with your hands up.”

  Pulling my cell out of my pocket, I found my hands were shaking as I swiped Nina’s name. The phone rang, and I could hear it in the apartment. She’d left her phone on the nightstand. “Fuck!”

  Hauling ass, I ran to get to the elevator. I had to get to Nina. I couldn’t sit there and wait.


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