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Moonlight Sins

Page 25

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

  “Are we not eating in the French Quarter?”

  “No.” Lucian’s gaze traveled down the length of one curvy leg. “We leave the Quarter for the tourists, but I think you’ll enjoy where we’re heading.”

  Firestone’s was several blocks down Canal, off of Gravier Street, and over near the business district, in one of the recently reimagined warehouses. Denny gave her the scenic route, though, cutting down Royal and then coming back up on Decatur so Julia could see some of the older hotels with the wrought iron-balconies and older buildings.

  Navigating the streets was an operation of restraint. Crowds of people spilled out from the bars, following the narrow sidewalks and streets. They were seriously going to need to give Denny an extraordinary tip for this trip. The kind of patience it required to drive these streets on a Saturday night was something only the few, the proud, and the brave could handle.

  But it was worth it to see Julia’s face light up.

  “We’re here,” Gabe announced as Denny pulled the limo up to the curb.

  Julia pulled herself away from the window and looked down at her glass.

  “Just put it on the bar,” Lucian said while Gabe opened the door and climbed out. “It’ll be taken care of.”

  She did that and then leaned forward, saying thank you to Denny through the window.

  Lucian stepped out of the car and turned as Gabe waited on the curb, under the rippling red awning, watching them. Lucian extended his hand as Julia scooted across the seat. She reached the open door, her wide brown eyes moving from his face to his hand as she lifted her chin.

  Julia obviously remembered what he’d said before they’d left the house.

  “Ms. Hughes?” he said quietly.

  She seemed to draw in a deep breath, come to some decision while his heart weirdly kicked around in his chest, and then, almost so slowly that it was painful, she placed her hand in his.

  Lucian smiled.

  Chapter 21

  Crawfish was delicious.

  She didn’t care if it was seafood or not. It was amazing. So was the burrata appetizer and then the main dish of filet and scallops. Julia was going to need to be carried out of the restaurant between all the food and wine she’d consumed, and of course, the guys ordered dessert.

  Julia glanced over at Gabe. He smiled at her as he raised his glass of wine in her direction. She then peeked at Lucian. He just . . . he just stared at her in a way that made her shiver as she sipped the wine, barely tasting its dryness. She quickly looked away, her gaze flickering over the restaurant.

  They sat at a small round table tucked near the wall where privacy was afforded by the alcoves they sat in. The restaurant was lovely, all handcrafted woodwork and trim, tables dressed in cream-and-red linens, lit by tall, tapered candles.

  Several times throughout the dinner their table was approached by people, usually older men who looked upon her curiously. No one had been rude, nothing like meeting Dev’s fiancée. Lucian introduced her each time, simply calling her Ms. Hughes with no further explanation.

  The dinner so far had been great. Just like the ride into the city and what she’d gotten to see of New Orleans. She couldn’t wait to see those flower and fern-covered balconies once more. Julia wanted to walk those streets and touch those buildings—touch history.

  But not tonight.

  She doubted she could walk a block now.

  Lucian shifted, drawing her attention. There didn’t seem to be a lot of room at the table, because Lucian’s leg rested against hers, and every so often Gabe’s leg brushed her calf. “Doing okay?” he asked.

  He’d kept checking in with her throughout the dinner. His concern was . . . was sweet, because she sensed it was genuine, or at least that was what the wine was telling her.

  So Julia nodded. She was doing just fine. The guys kept the conversation flowing, telling her about their days in college and all the trouble they got into as they ate a dinner that had to have cost the same as a luxury car payment.

  But she still felt like a guest—a guest in their home, in their limo, and now at the table where she imagined only the extremely wealthy could afford to eat. The brothers did nothing to make her feel this way. Actually, they behaved just the opposite, but she was so out of her element that she felt like an imposter in a fancy dress, surrounded by even fancier people.

  Julia kept waiting for someone like Sabrina to appear and reveal her as a fraud.

  “So . . .” Gabe reached over, tapping his fingers on her hand. “What are your long-term plans, Julia?”

  Distracted from her thoughts, she turned to him. “Uh, you mean beyond this job?”

  He was leaning back in his chair, body lean and idle as he nodded. “Do you plan to stay here or go home?”

  “I don’t know.” For some stupid reason, she glanced at Lucian and then wanted to punch herself. “I’ll most likely go home, but I haven’t really thought beyond that since I don’t have a set term.”

  Gabe tilted his head to the side, glancing at his brother. “Have you thought about staying here? I think . . . some of us would really miss you if you left.”

  Her brows rose as she took a drink. Considering she’d only shared a handful of conversations with Gabe, she doubted he was one of those people.

  “I’d miss you.” Lucian leaned forward, resting his elbows the table. “I’d miss you a lot.”

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured, sending him a sideways glance.

  “You doubt me?” He leaned his shoulder into hers. “I’m more than willing to prove it.”

  She felt her throat and chest flush as their gazes connected. Too much wine, she thought, because she couldn’t look away, and their faces were close. Inches separated their mouths.

  “I don’t think you should doubt him,” Gabe mused.

  Julia blinked and drew back abruptly, her gaze swinging toward Gabe.

  He grinned at her. “I think if you left, he would be bereft.”

  Taking a long drink of her wine, she collected her scattered thoughts. “I think that’s an exaggeration.”

  Lucian’s warm breath coasted over the side of her neck, sending a shiver over her skin. “I think you’ve challenged me.”

  Her heart jumped in her chest as Lucian leaned away, signaling the waiter with a raised hand.

  Gabe’s grin kicked up a notch.

  She suddenly felt like something was going down as the waiter hurried over with the check. Out came one of those black American Express cards Julia had never seen in real life.

  “Be right back,” the waiter said, and then dashed off.

  “So there’s something you need to see before we leave.” Lucian leaned back, stretching his arm along her chair.

  Understanding flickered along Gabe’s face. “Hell, I almost forgot about that.” His gaze met hers. “You’re going to love this.”

  “Love what?” She demanded.

  Lucian tapped his fingers off her back. “It’s a surprise.”

  Before she could pester him, Gabe nodded to a table catty-corner to theirs.

  “Hey, you see who’s here?”

  Keeping his arm along the back of her chair, Lucian looked over his shoulder. “Hell, I haven’t seen them in forever.”

  Curious, she craned her neck to see who they were talking about. She spotted two men who roughly appeared to be around their age, one light-skinned and the other dark. They were with a very pretty woman who sat between them. “Who are they?”

  “Old friends,” Gabe said, raising his hand in greeting as the darker-skinned one looked over and waved. “They’re on a couple of charity boards with us.”

  Julia couldn’t help but wonder what kind of charities these brothers could be on. “They’re not going to come over and say hi?”

  Lucian sat back, the smile on his face secretive. “I don’t think they’re willing to interrupt their date.”

  “Which is understandable.” Gabe took a drink, thick lashes lowering.

  She glanced over at t
he table again. The woman was leaning toward the darker man, a beautiful smile lighting up her face as he leaned in, kissing her cheek. Julia’s gaze dropped to the table. The other man was holding . . . the woman’s hand?

  Julia froze with her glass of wine halfway to her mouth as what they said and what she was seeing really sank in. That woman was their date. Not having dinner with two guys kind of date, but a date, date with two guys.

  Oh my Goodness.

  Her lips parted.

  Lucian chuckled. “I think she just figured out what’s going on at that table.”

  “I have to agree,” Gabe commented.

  “Is she an escort?” she blurted out.

  “What?” Lucian coughed, choking on his drink. “No. She’s not an escort.”

  “There is no money exchanging hands over there.” Gabe looked like he was about to burst into laughter. “Trust us.”

  Her gaze bounced between the brothers. Then it struck her. She was out with Gabe and Lucian. Both of them had been solely focused on her like . . . like the men at the table across from them. Both Gabe and Lucian had almost vied for her attention throughout dinner. Both were touchy and teasing, but they . . . they were brothers and—and she was Julia.

  She opened her mouth but no words came out as she dragged her gaze from Gabe’s to Lucian’s. His eyes were heavy-hooded, shielding a wealth of secrets.

  Lucian had warned her that she was in his world now. Maybe this . . . this kind of stuff was common in his world. Definitely not hers, though. At least as far as she knew. Her gaze flew to the table again. The woman was speaking and both men were focused on her in a way that caused the muscles low in her stomach to tighten.

  She didn’t even hear the waiter return.

  The next thing she knew Gabe had plucked up her hand and was tugging her to feet. She looked back, but saw that Lucian had her purse tucked under his arm. They walked through the dining area, but instead of heading for the front door, Gabe led them down a narrow hall, passing the restrooms.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “It’s a surprise,” Gabe reminded her, tugging her along.

  A nervous flutter began in the pit of her stomach. “I don’t know if I like surprises.”

  Lucian’s hand brushed her back. “You’re going to like this one.”

  Julia wasn’t so sure about that, especially when Gabe rounded a corner and then pushed open the doors that clearly read EMPLOYEES ONLY. “Are we allowed back here?”

  Lucian chuckled from behind her. “Of course.”

  Passing several waiters and cooks who glanced in their direction but said nothing. The aroma of grilling steaks and roasting chicken was everywhere, and she dimly noted how incredibly clean the kitchen was. Wow.

  Perhaps she’d had too much to drink.

  “So, there are a lot of hidden gems in the city,” Gabe explained, squeezing her hand as he pulled her around the loaded sinks and past another door. They entered a dark hall. “Places where only a few people know about.”

  “Hidden bars and restaurants,” Lucian added as they came upon a single elevator. “Libraries and cigar shops, clubs and whatnot hidden away from the public.”

  “Really?” She swallowed, glancing behind them.

  “Yep.” Lucian pulled out his wallet, and appeared to hold some sort of card in his hand. He swiped it over the side panel of the elevator. “You have to know the city to know where they are.”

  The elevator door slid open.

  “And you need to know people.” Gabe pulled her forward.

  Julia stepped in, and immediately realized that the elevator was small, like almost claustrophobic once Lucian joined them, hitting a button on the wall. The only button. The door eased shut, and then it was just the three of them, standing so close that Julia thought she might hyperventilate. Gabe was in front of her and Lucian was directly behind her. There was only about an inch separating each of them.

  “This is . . . this is a small elevator,” she said, slipping her hand free from Gabe’s. She inhaled, catching the scent of either Lucian’s or Gabe’s cologne.

  “It is.” Lucian’s breath stirred the hair at her temple. “You probably don’t want to know how old it is.”

  She turned sideways, halting when her hip brushed against Gabe and her arm got really close to a certain part of Lucian she was well familiar with. “If this thing breaks down, I might freak out.”

  “Are you scared of being trapped in elevators?” Gabe asked.

  She was more scared of being trapped with them, but she didn’t answer. Her heart simply pounded in her chest as she felt Lucian’s hand on her upper arm. Her gaze flicked to Gabe, and her heart leapt into her throat when he reached over and caught a strand of hair that had fallen across her cheek.

  A faint smile pulled at Gabe’s lips as he tucked the errant piece of hair behind her ear. Their gazes connected as Lucian slid his hand down her arm. She felt dizzy, like she wasn’t getting enough air into her lungs to make a difference. A fine tremor started in her hands and traveled up her arms. Her mind went back to the woman downstairs, and her breath caught.

  They were brothers.

  In that moment, she might’ve figured out another reason why one was called Lucifer and the other Demon.

  They truly were that bad.

  She wrenched her gaze away, focusing on the door. This had to be the longest elevator ride known to man.

  Lucian’s hand made another long sweep, and she thought Gabe might’ve moved closer. She wasn’t sure and she wasn’t looking, but what she was sure of was the fact that she hadn’t told either of them to back off. Not once did she even truly have the desire to do so. It hadn’t even crossed her mind. Her skin was tingling, though, her nerves stretched too tight.

  What in the world was wrong with her?

  Julia knew damn well she couldn’t blame the wine.

  The elevator jerked to a halt, causing her to bounce back into Lucian. He steadied her as the door slid open, and blissfully cool air rushed into the suddenly stifling elevator.

  It took a moment for her to realize they were on a rooftop. Gabe stepped out first, and then Lucian took that hand that his brother had held earlier.

  “What is this?” She was shocked by the huskiness in her voice.

  Lucian’s grasp on her hand tightened. “Come on.”

  Feeling like she was in some kind of dream, she left the elevator. Her wide-eyed gaze swung around the rooftop. She’d lost sight of Gabe. White canopies billowed softly in the wind, covering what appeared to be large chaise lounges. Tall potted plants dotted the rooftop, providing privacy and she imagined shade during the day. She smelled chlorine as they crossed the rooftop, so she believed there was a pool nearby. Stars blanketed the cloudless sky and silvery moonlight cast just enough light to see your way.

  “Wow,” she breathed. “This is . . . wow.”

  Lucian tugged her close. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  He was right.

  He’d guided her over to a low wall. “Look.”

  They were up high, several stories, overlooking the teeming city down below. Slipping free, she placed her hands on the wall and look out over the city. Struck speechless at the splendor, she took in all the dazzling lights of cars and buildings.

  “This is beautiful, Lucian.” She glanced up at him. “Seriously.”

  His gaze tracked over her upturned face. “Yeah, it is. You can see more during the day, but I don’t think it compares to how it looks at night.”

  Biting down on her lip, she turned back to the city. She let out a shaky laugh. “Thank you.”

  Lucian didn’t respond.

  She peeked over at him as she slid her palms over the rough surface of the ledge. “A . . . a month ago, I would’ve never dreamed that I’d be standing here, overlooking the French Quarter or even New Orleans. So, this is pretty amazing to me.”

  “You’re pretty amazing to me.”

  Julia rolled her eyes. “I’m b
eing serious.”

  “So am I.”

  Shaking her head, she watched the blinking lights for several moments. “Where’s your brother?”

  “Around.” Lucian pushed away from the wall. Catching several strands of her hair, he brushed them over her shoulder as he walked behind her. “I believe he’s giving us some space.”

  A shiver hit her. “And . . . why would he be doing that?”

  “You know why.”

  Julia’s hand stilled on the ledge. He was right. She knew why.

  One hand curved over her shoulder. “Would you rather he not? Because I know he would be over here in a second if I called.”

  Her mouth dried as her pulse skyrocketed. “Is that what tonight is about?”

  “You’re going to have get detailed with that statement, Ms. Hughes.”

  She felt her cheeks warm. “Do you . . . do you and your brother share women? Like the guys at the table. Is that what you do?”

  He didn’t respond for a long moment. “I don’t share when it counts.”

  Her head tipped back. “That really doesn’t answer the question.”

  Half his face was shadowed. “It does. You just don’t want to see that yet.”

  She studied the hard line of his jaw. “I . . . I’ve never done anything like that.”

  His other hand landed on her hip. “I didn’t think you had.” He lowered his head, stopping short of his mouth touching her cheek. “I bet there are a lot of things you haven’t done.”

  He was right.

  She also didn’t feel the need to confirm it.

  Lucian’s lips touched her cheek then. “Would you?”

  Her stomach dipped. She knew what he was asking. “I . . . I don’t think I could.” She closed her eyes, unable to believe she was actually talking about this. “I’m not judging anyone who does. I just don’t think—”

  “I understand. Honestly, that’s what I wanted to hear.”

  That was what he wanted to hear? Julia was confused as hell and oddly relieved.

  His lips now brushed over her temple. “Cold?”

  Julia shivered again, but not because of the chilled breeze, but because of how he made her feel.


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