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Matty: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 6

by Carlisle, Lisa

  “You have good form.” Matty complimented her after the set.

  His gaze raked her body and her skin burned.

  “Glad I picked something up from my personal training sessions a few years back. They were uber expensive.”

  “No need to pay for that while I’m around.”

  A buzz of excitement rippled through her. Only how long would he stick around?

  He led them through a few more sets of core and back work with the kettlebell.

  “I have no doubts you can handle the stadium.” Matty gave her a resolute nod.

  Her skin tingled at his positive appraisal. “All I did was a few core exercises.” She gestured with a dismissive wave. “That doesn’t mean I’m ready to tackle mount football stadium.”

  “Mount football stadium,” he repeated with a chuckle. “I like it. Sounds more challenging that way.” He reached over and touched her thigh. “Want to stretch?”

  The touch of his hand there left her tingling. It might have just been friendly, but struck her as more intimate. “Sure.”

  While they stretched their legs, she stole more surreptitious glances at Matty. How could she not stare at how his muscles moved? His calves alone were carved like a Roman statue. She resisted the urge to ask him if they were as hard as they look and touch them.

  That’s when she saw them—the scars. The red, raised, jagged lines beneath the dark hair on his legs. She pulled her gaze away before she caught him staring. What had happened?

  Probably something painful and not something he wanted to talk about. After all, when she’d asked him why he’d left the Navy, he’d simply replied, “Circumstances.”

  Would he ever confide in her?

  “Ready to shower?” Matty asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  A far different image took over with him in the shower. Heat flickered in her core, descending between her legs.

  “Yup.” She kept her tone neutral, struggling not to reveal her hidden desire as they walked toward the locker rooms.

  “See you in a few.” Matty entered the men’s one.

  She entered the women’s one and undressed. After she stepped under the hot stream of water, she pictured him on the other side of the wall doing the same—naked with rivulets of water streaming over those honed muscles…

  Shit, she needed to get a grip. The only reason they were here together was part of a ruse to fool Roberto and get him to back off. Images of a naked Matty in the shower were completely inappropriate. Fantasy that had no place in her reality.

  Yet, she couldn’t promise that the image wouldn’t return when she was alone in bed that night. How many times had she thought about him in recent nights? He was the star of her late night fantasies.

  Once she’d dried off and dressed in jeans and a rose shirt, she found Matty seated on a chair in the lobby looking at his phone. He wore a Red Sox T-shirt and a pair of gray shorts.

  She stepped up to him. “Hey stranger.”

  He glanced up at her and stood, putting the phone in his pocket. “Ready?” His gaze traveled over her again.

  “I am.”

  His hair was damp and he smelled like soap. She resisted the urge to lean closer and inhale it more deeply.

  “Your chariot awaits.” He extended his arm for her to hook hers through it.

  She hooked her arm through his and couldn’t help but smile as they walked out to the parking lot. This was kind of nice. No more than nice. She could almost believe that it was real.

  Someone approached the gym entrance from the opposite direction. She gasped and stopped.


  He leered at Matty. “Who the fuck are you?”

  Chapter 7


  Every part of this dude’s body language spelled aggression. He glared at Matty from hawk-like eyes and puffed his chest out. Even his expensive cologne rubbed Matty as assertive—a power play.

  Although Matty had already had his left arm connected with Jenna’s, he tightened the hold, bringing her closer to him while making a subtle shift to a defensive posture.

  “Who the fuck I am is Jenna’s boyfriend.” Matty stared the fucker down until the jerk broke eye contact.

  “Boyfriend?” Roberto repeated with a scowl and turned to Jenna. “Since when?”

  “Not your concern,” Jenna replied.

  Roberto sneered. “It sure as hell is.”

  “You must be her ex who won’t leave her alone.” Matty stared at the fucker as he gauged the situation.

  Jenna nudged his arm. “Let’s go, honey.”

  “Don’t walk away. I’m talking to you.” The guy’s tone was a pure authoritative demand, as if used to getting what he wanted from whoever he wanted.

  Matty might not have known all the nuances of their relationship, but this shit wasn’t going to fly. He stepped closer. “Jenna has made it clear that she doesn’t want to talk to you.”

  “Stay out of it.” Roberto snarled. “If I want to talk to my wife, I will damn well do so.”

  “I’m not your wife, Roberto!” Jenna’s voice edged higher with distress.

  Matty’s heartbeat echoed in his ears as his vision narrowed and his fists itched with the urge to make contact with that slick fucker’s face. But he couldn’t overreact and start a fistfight in a parking lot without cause, like he was some aggressive asshole rather than a trained SEAL.

  He forced his arms to remain at his sides, his senses heightened with vigilance for any signs of escalation. “You fucked up. It’s over. She’s moved on.” The threat in his tone was implicit.

  Hate filled Roberto’s eyes as he sized Matty up.

  He faced Jenna. “Are you seriously with this roidhead?”

  “Watch who you insult, Roberto. He’s a former Navy SEAL.” She raised her chin with proud defiance, but her grip tightened on Matty’s arm.

  “And I’m ready to play your game, asshole.” Matty pointed to his cheek. “Go ahead, give me a reason to clock you.”

  “No, please,” Jenna pleaded, stepping in between them, and raising her arms.

  “Your relationship with Jenna is over,” Matty spat. “Accept it.”

  “Or what?” Roberto challenged.

  Matty glowered, his veins pulsed with agitation as he rolled on his feet. He forced himself to breathe slowly and remain calm. He was surprised to be struggling for composure. His training had prepared him for much worse. Yet, he was about to engage in a fistfight in a gym parking lot responding to her ex’s instigation.

  “You’ll deal with me.” He declared it in a cool, detached tone and held the glare until her ex broke eye contact and swore under his breath. Under the bravado, he was a coward. “Stop stalking her.” Matty raised his index finger in warning and then raised his chin. “Come on, Jenna. Let’s go.”

  He led her toward the Subaru while all his senses heightened for signs of footsteps or that pungent cologne following.

  Once they reached the car, Matty opened the passenger door for Jenna. After closing the door, he fixed his gaze back on Roberto who’d remained where they’d left him. He continued to glare, eyes spewing hatred. Matty held the stare as he walked over to the driver’s side.

  He’d seen that rage in combat before, burning in the eyes of those who wouldn’t let anything get in the way of what they wanted. Roberto had that hunger for power and control, which meant he was dangerous. He wouldn’t give up on something he wanted without a fight, which meant Jenna might be in more trouble than she realized.

  Once Matty drove from the parking lot and could no longer see any sign of Roberto behind them, he turned to Jenna. Her expression appeared troubled.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry about that. He’s just—” she shook her head. “Arghh!” She wrung her hands. “He doesn’t listen,” She repeated and dropped her head back onto the headrest.

  Warning bells continued to ring in Matty’s head. “Jenna, I don’t like the way he looked at you. There’s something off wi
th him.”

  She grunted. “Don’t I know it.”

  “What I mean is he seems threatening.” His gut was telling him to take this situation more seriously. His experience on the battlefield led him to never discredit a feeling like this.

  His muscles twitched. Just like the time with Gunther. Matty gripped the steering wheel more tightly. He had sensed something was wrong a flash before the explosion. A moment of time standing still. The sky had erupted in light and thunder boomed, knocking him backward into the sand. His senses dulled, he couldn’t hear for several seconds, but then he blinked into the gray veil of dust that clouded his view and curled his nostrils to squelch that overpowering scent of burning.

  He forced himself to relax with a slow exhale. Gunther was gone. It was too late to save him, but not too late to protect Jenna. She was in trouble, he knew it. What that meant was that he needed to be around more to protect her. She might not like what he was about to suggest, but it was necessary.

  At a red light, he faced her. “Now that I’ve seen what’s going on, we need to adjust the plan.”

  “In what way?” Jenna cocked her head.

  “We should nail in the message that you’ve moved on with me and that I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her brows furrowed. “How do you propose we do that?”

  Matty turned ahead. The light turned green, and he accelerated. “I should stay at your place.”


  Jenna blinked twice. Did she hear him correctly?

  “As in move in with me?” She stared at Matty.

  “Not officially. We should make it look like I’m sleeping there.” Matty gave her a determined nod. “That way our relationship appears more serious.”

  He couldn’t be serious. Then again, he liked to tease her. She stared at him. “Is this one of your jokes?”

  “No. I wouldn’t joke about something like this.” His eyes appeared wide and sincere.

  It wouldn’t be the first time he’d said something with that serious expression, only to break into a grin and then ruffle her hair, saying she was gullible. But that had been a long time ago. They’d been kids. Had he changed, grown up?

  “Assuming that’s the case and you’re not messing with me—don’t you think you’re overreacting to the situation?”

  “No. No, I don’t.” He ground his teeth. “I’ve seen that determination before, people who aren’t afraid to die for what they want.”

  She counted two deep breaths. Struggling to keep her voice gentle, she said, “This isn’t combat, Matty.” Sometimes when her marriage was falling apart, it had seemed that way.

  “I know that. I’m not overreacting like some guy who has been in the military for too long. I’m reacting like someone who has learned to read people over the years. And when my gut is telling me that something is wrong, I know better than to ignore it.”

  She steepled both hands over her mouth and then lowered them. “I know he can be—intimidating.”

  Matty made a sound of disbelief followed by a look that all but said come on. “I’m not intimidated by some manscaper.”

  She couldn’t help but grin when Matty called Roberto that. That description was dead on. Roberto was so concerned about his appearance, from the style of his hair, to the labels on his clothes, to the maker of his shoes, and even those damn manicures that no man should ever get. She glanced at Matty’s large hands and remembered holding them. They were rough and calloused, so much more appealing—the hands of a man who wasn’t afraid of using his hands for hard work.

  “I’ve faced far worse, Jenna. Believe me,” Matty added.

  She shook her head. “Of course you have. It’s just that I’ve dealt with his crap and have learned the hard way about how to deal with him.”

  “And I’ve dealt with some real bastards who’ve wanted to kill me. I’ve learned to not let my guard down—especially when someone feels threatened. That’s when they’re most likely to lash out.”

  Jenna sighed. She pulled her hair over to one side and twisted it. “I do think this might be a bit of an overreaction. I mean, it was just some guy bravado in a parking lot, right?”

  Matty glanced over with a doubtful stare. “Do you really believe that?”

  She swallowed, not sure what to think. She shouldn’t try to downplay the situation, but having Matty stay at her place was ridiculous. Overkill. He was already driving her around like a chauffeur and escorting her to restaurants and the gym to pretend they were a couple. She couldn’t ask him to do anymore.

  “Jenna?” Matty prodded.

  “No.” She said it so low that she barely heard herself. She cleared her throat and repeated it more loudly, “I don’t know what to think. Everything is happening so fast.”

  She blinked a few times and averted eye contact, pinning her gaze ahead. An old couple with gray hair walked slowly side-by-side down the sidewalk—a future she’d foolishly thought she’d have with Roberto once upon a time, but that vision had turned murky. It definitely wouldn’t happen with him. Would she ever have that closeness with someone?

  He stopped at an intersection and she felt his gaze warm her cheeks. She turned to face him. She could feel him searching her out with his gaze and she finally lifted her eyes back to meet his.

  “I can’t ask you to do more.” She grimaced. “I already feel like a burden.”

  “A burden?” Matty echoed. “No.” He shook his head and tapped the steering wheel. “In fact, if I stay at your place, you’ll also be doing me a favor.”

  “How so?”

  Matty turned to the street leading to her house. “I’ve been going mad staying at my parents while I look for an apartment. I need some space.”

  “What’s wrong with staying with them?”

  He groaned. “They’re my parents. Being home on leave was one thing. Moving back to live with them at this stage in my life is something else entirely. Horrid.”

  “Are they in your business? Something like that?”

  Matty dropped his head back on the headrest. “God yes, the questions. The concern. The curiosity as to what I’m going to do next in my life.”

  “Yikes, a bit intrusive, I guess?”

  “Absolutely. My mother won’t stop trying to take care of me. Making sure I get enough food and sleep. I’m not five.” Matty grinned.

  “Ah.” Jenna laughed. “That sucks. But she’s your mom. Can you blame her?”

  “No. But I have to get out of there.” Matty pulled up in front of the yellow Colonial on the tree-lined road and glanced at it. “You see, this wouldn’t be a burden at all. It’s actually a solution to both of our short-term problems.”

  She arched a brow. “We might drive each other crazy sharing a space. My apartment is smaller than your parents’ house.”

  “But…” He raised his index finger. “You’re not my mother.”

  She chuckled. “True.”

  Matty fixed his gaze on her. “So what do you say? Will you let me stay with you?” He gestured to her with an open hand.

  She sighed. What to do? Having him stay at her place upped the whole fake relationship factor. It was another way of letting Roberto control her life.

  But it might be a quicker way of getting him out of it.

  Like Matty put it, she would be doing him a favor as well with giving him a temporary place to stay. Perhaps it was beneficial to them both.

  “Do you need to think about it, Jenna?”

  “That’s what I’m doing. Give me a minute.”

  One problem is that it could complicate their situation. After all, she couldn’t deny the jittery excitement inside every time he was close. Even an innocent kiss led her to daydream at work. She was practically drooling over watching his body at the gym and fantasizing about him in the shower. How much worse would the attraction be exacerbated by having him sleep under the same roof? Knowing he was so close, yet completely unattainable.

  Hmm. On the other hand, living with him might be exactly what she
needed to get him out of her system. After all, the reality of living with someone killed the mystique of a fantasy, right? If he left stinky socks on the floor or drank milk from the carton or farted freely, it might kill his appeal.

  Matty eyed her with a speculative glance as he waited for an answer.

  She shifted in the seat. “I agree. It’s a good idea.” She smiled at him. “I’ll get you a key, roomie.”

  Chapter 8


  “What do you mean you’re staying with a friend?” His mother’s eyebrows rose to the dining room chandelier as her dark eyes pierced him from across the dining room table on Tuesday.

  Matty finished chewing a ravioli and swallowed. “Exactly that.”

  “But you have a room here?” She motioned at the stairs leading up to the bedrooms.

  He exhaled. “It’s just for a short time.”

  His mother studied him as if trying to read a secret language. “Is it a girl?”

  “Oh Marissa.” His father put down his fork. “He’s not a kid anymore.”

  She turned to his dad, but motioned at Matty. “But what about his leg?”

  His father scoffed with a wave. “Bah, he doesn’t need you babying him.”

  “I’m fine, Ma. My leg is fine,” Matty said. As long as it didn’t rain, or he didn’t overexert it.

  His parents found another topic to bicker about, their love language for each other, and Matty made it through dinner without revealing who his mystery friend was.

  * * *

  The next day, he picked up Jenna after work. When she opened the door and stepped out, a breeze ruffled her hair. Once again, he was momentarily paralyzed as heat spread through his veins, a peculiar reaction that was growing more common each time he spotted her.

  When she climbed in, he inhaled her fragrance with that hint of rose petals.


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