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Tales of the Shareem 04 - Aiden and Ty

Page 7

by Allyson James

  She flushed. “I would never do that. What happened between us last evening is private.”

  “Is it? Or will your bodyguards arrest us when we get off the train for daring to touch your pristine body?”

  “It was my choice. I had to give you permission to touch me.”

  “Would the patrollers believe that? They’d rather think of us as walking menaces to women.”

  “Then why did you take the risk?” she flared. “Why entice me to the train?”

  He grinned briefly, and she saw a flash of what he was really like—intelligent and good-humored when he wasn’t angry. “It was worth it.”

  “Because you wanted to punish me.” She drew a breath. “I know you see me as an upper-class bitch, but I want you to believe I would never betray you. What we did yesterday will hold a special place in my heart. Please, let’s leave it like that. It was…” She flushed. “It was wonderful. You knew once I had a taste of Shareem I’d always crave it and know I couldn’t have it, but you made me feel wonderful. Wanted.” She paused. “Thank you.”

  “You sure you mean thank you, not fuck off?”

  “Very sure.”

  Ky looked her up and down, a scrutiny that took in every line of her, every defect, every flaw. In spite of herself she felt his chemistry touch her, relaxing her when she wanted to remain tense.

  “You’re not like I thought you’d be.” He sounded grudging.

  “What did you think I’d be like?”

  Again the once-over. She might be the highborn woman, member of the ruling family and he a slave in all but name, but he had the upper hand here and he knew it. He filled the first-class compartment not only with his muscular body and his Shareem chemistry, but with his glittering eyes, his voice, his power.

  “I thought you’d be spoiled. Petulant. An upper-class bitch, like you said.”

  The words stung and so did the look. “I suppose I can’t blame you. I try not to let how I was raised make me insensitive, but it probably does without me realizing it.”

  Ky grunted. “Must be hell being rich and pampered.”

  “I can’t help what I was born to be any more than you can.”

  He slanted her an ironic glance. “Sure. You can say to hell with this and move off-planet any time you want. People will be pissed at you, but they won’t try to kill you.”

  Brianne thought of her grandmother’s steely eyes and thought of the admonishing messages she’d receive if she embarrassed the family by turning her back on them. “Perhaps not, but there’d still be repercussions.”

  “If you’re trying to tell me we’re just alike, you lose. You were raised in a glittering palace. I was I was raised in a hellhole.”


  “That’s the one. We ate the healthiest foods and were treated like priceless art, but it was still a hellhole.”

  “What was it like? I want to know.”

  His eyes glittered. She felt old anger radiate from him, old pain that time hadn’t erased. “What do you want to hear about? Growth acceleration so you matured in five years instead of twenty? Then slowed way down? When it killed Shareem too weak to handle it, the scientists said, Oh well, bring in the next batch.”

  She looked at him, appalled. “That’s horrible.”

  “Yeah, especially when it was someone who’d been your friend.” His voice softened a notch. “Then tests, people watching you to see how you react, more tests.”

  “Physical tests?”

  She imagined the kind of tests Shareem might be put through—strength, endurance, honing of muscles, bodies working and sweating. Sexual tests too. What enticed them, what didn’t, what they could do to women. Being a researcher there must have been—interesting.

  “And psychological ones,” Ky went on, his look somber. “What you do if you’re kept in isolation. If someone you grow to like is taken away from you.”

  “Some people might call that torture,” she said indignantly.

  “You might. DNAmo called it science.”

  She drew a sharp breath. “It was wrong.”

  “You think?”

  “Perhaps that was why DNAmo was shut down. Enough people objected to what they were doing.”

  He shook his head. “It was shut down because stiff-necked d’Aroth women couldn’t face what DNAmo was making. Men who might make women succumb to sexual desires. When they disapproved, the investors started to lose money and so did DNAmo.” He made a dismissive gesture. “So we had to go.”

  “I’m sorry.” She felt silly saying it, because she’d been a child when DNAmo had been shut down and the Shareem experiments outlawed. She’d had nothing personally to do with it closing, but he was right, women in her family had made the recommendation. She’d seen the d’Aroth name on the reports concerning DNAmo’s closure and decisions on what to do with the Shareem.

  “Stop apologizing,” Ky said. His eyes softened, and she felt his pheromones touch her as though he were trying to soothe her. “You paid us back last night. We’re square. We’re done.”

  “Because I let you coerce me onto the train?”

  To her surprise he gave her a small smile. It was incredible how a smile warmed his face.

  “No, sweetheart, that was for you.”

  “I thought—you were punishing me.”

  “I was.” The smile turned sinful. “Punishing you a little. But I’m Shareem. It’s programmed into me to make you feel pleasure, no matter how much I want to punish. It almost killed me to tease you and walk away. You found release twice. I had to hold it in a while.”

  Her gaze dropped to his leather-covered lap. “Why did you walk away? Why didn’t you release?”

  His smile remained though his eyes were watchful. “Would have spoiled everything, wouldn’t it?” he said in a voice that snaked through her senses. “You were bad and we wanted to discipline you a little. But you got us back, sweetheart. We were dying for you.”

  His blue irises started to widen. Arousal. Which made warmth pool in her belly, her quim soften. What was he saying? They’d been so calm and cool walking away from her last night that she’d never dreamed she’d turned them on.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “You like to apologize.”

  She flushed. “You make me feel so guilty. You’re a master at it.”

  “Only because I’m level three. The punisher. I want you to want your punishment.”

  She rubbed her damp palms over her thighs, resisting the urge to push her fingers between her legs. She wet her lips and asked softly, “How would you punish me right now?”

  She sensed Ky’s attention home in on her, his anger fading under growing heat. “Bold lady, aren’t you?”

  “I want to be.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded.


  She nibbled her lip at the question, her temperature rising as his gaze riveted to her mouth. “You gave me such pleasure yesterday. I want to learn how to give pleasure in return.”

  The air in the compartment was very still as he stared at her with his filling blue gaze. “What would you do with your lesson once you learn it?”

  “I’m not sure. But I want to learn.”

  “Aiden’s a better teacher than me. He can be gentle.”

  She shook her head. “No. I want you.”

  He studied her another moment, his gaze arrested. Then he abruptly loosened the catches of his leather leggings. “All right, if you want it so bad, come here and get on your knees.”

  He pulled open his fly, then rose up long enough to slide his pants down his legs.

  Brianne stared in shock at his lap, at the dark shaft that lay hard and full against his abdomen. For a full minute she couldn’t speak, trapped in her first true look at a man’s sex.

  “You know how to kneel, don’t you?” he asked, voice grating.

  Brianne glanced at Aiden but the other man continued to sleep, his legs stretched out, his head firmly on Ky’s shoul
der. Slowly she gathered up her layers of robes and knelt in front of Ky’s spread thighs.

  His cock lay there, huge and hard, waiting for her. She stared at it in fascination. She’d learned something about male organs from school, but the physiology teacher had skimmed over the lesson, implying that men were ashamed they had such things attached to their bodies. Brianne had never seen real bare male flesh, and she suspected the teacher never had either.

  Shareem had been enhanced to be longer than a normal man and a large handful around. A tight fit, but the way her sex ached now she imagined it opening easily for him to slide inside. His tip was dark, the staff a slightly lighter color, his balls tight and high and surrounded by wiry curls. She could look at him for hours and never get tired.

  She swallowed. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “I’ll teach you, love. That’s what Shareem are for.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his hand stretch to the controls that turned off the privacy on the windows leading to the corridor.

  Brianne gasped and glanced over her shoulder, expecting a dozen people to be peering in to see what they were up to. “What are you doing? Someone might come.”

  “There’s no one else in the car,” Ky said, his voice quiet. “And if there are, maybe they’ll see you, a highborn woman, bent over my cock. Maybe they’d watch.”

  Her face scalded. “I can’t.”

  “You wanted punishment, Brianne. If you refuse this, just imagine what I’ll think of next.”

  Brianne had no idea what he could think of, but her heart raced and her quim tightened at his words. “All right. But if anyone does see—you can’t let on who I really am. The journalists would make a meal of me.”

  “Fair enough. Now kiss me.”

  She started to raise her face to his lips, but he laced his fingers in her hair and gently guided her to his cock. She liked the scent of it, male desire. Daringly she nuzzled the tip then kissed it.

  His cock jumped and Ky made a small noise of pleasure. Brianne flicked out her tongue to taste him and found she liked the smooth sleekness of his tip, the taste of the ridge that curved around it.

  “Suck me,” Ky said, voice ragged. “Put your mouth over it and suck.”

  Brianne drew a breath then opened her mouth wide and slid it over him.

  * * * * *

  Ky let out a groan. Brianne’s innocent questing was perfect. Her hot little tongue, her eager tasting, the experimental way she sucked him between her lips made his cock hot and happy.

  He threaded his fingers through her sleek brown hair and raised his hips, willing her to take as much of him in her mouth as she could.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Suck me.”

  She did, sending sweet sensations through him. His pulse pounded, the sight of her dark head bowed over his lap, her pale fingers clenching his thighs making him want to release right away.

  Not yet. Let me savor this.

  His world was turning upside down. His Shareem life had been fairly simple—he knew his boundaries. Share a woman with Aiden, walk away. Have a drink at Judith’s bar, share another woman.

  Sometimes the women gave them gifts for their attentions, generous ones if they were rich. Sometimes they couldn’t, and he and Aiden pleasured them anyway. Hell, those encounters stolen in the back of Judith’s bar or in a working woman’s tiny flat were the best of all.

  He and Aiden shared a good camaraderie. He could count on Aiden. They no longer had to speak to know what the other wanted to do, whether it was watching sports on the digitals or what they would do next while pleasuring a woman.

  The day before yesterday had changed all that. When Ky discovered Aiden was arrested and likely to be terminated, he suddenly realized he couldn’t live without Aiden. Didn’t ever want to live without Aiden. The pain of that bothered him. He realized he’d taken Aiden for granted all this time, his friend and cohort always by his side.

  And this woman—this rich bitch—had been the cause of him nearly losing Aiden forever.

  He’d wanted to punish her, to make her feel the hurt and panic he’d felt. But she’d turned beautiful brown eyes up to him and said, “I’m sorry,” sincerity and innocence in every word.

  She’d taken his punishment without flinching. She had spirit and guts. The pretty face he’d seen on the digitals had strength beneath it.

  He’d already forgiven her, but she didn’t need to know that. When she’d discovered their arrest, she’d leapt to help them. She could have left them in jail to rot, sent them to termination with a smile on her face.

  But her distress had been real, and she’d bent over backwards to help them.

  Mmm, bent over backwards. There’s a good thought.

  He loved the feel of her hair under his fingers, her small tongue struggling to circle all of his big tip. Sweet, sweet woman.

  She’d make a lovely submissive. He imagined her in nothing but a collar, a slim silver chain hanging from it, her wrists encased in soft leather cuffs. She’d carry it off well, with her long thick hair cascading down her bare back, tangling around her aroused, tight nipples.

  The heat in his cock flared, lifting toward her mouth. He’d gently wrap the chain around his hand and hold her in place while she sucked him, then he’d instruct her to get on her hands and knees while he pleasured her.

  A Shareem’s job was to make her enjoy every second of her time with him. She surrendered to him fully, and he made every minute worthwhile.

  Many women didn’t know they liked being a sub until they were bound and at Ky’s mercy. Then their eyes softened and they begged for him to spank them, begged for him to take control, as Brianne had last night. They learned what it was to surrender, and he made sure they loved it.

  Aiden stirred, probably aroused by all the pheromones flying through the air. He turned his warm head on Ky’s shoulder and glanced down at Brianne.

  “Mmm,” he said. “Nice.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. Her smile could melt ice.

  Aiden smiled back, the two sharing a moment. Ky’s heart beat faster as a sudden feeling of completion hit him. Not a climax, but the three of them together enjoying a simple moment of joy. It felt right.

  Aiden slid his hand down Ky’s chest and nudged his finger over the base of Ky’s staff. Ky held his breath, waiting for the warning tingle, but it didn’t come.

  He relaxed, turning his head to kiss his friend. Aiden kissed sleepily, his eyes heavy, lips curved in a half-smile. His level one touch soothed and excited at the same time Brianne’s lips and tongue sent him spiraling toward climax.

  Aiden curved his fingers to encase the base of Ky’s cock, his touch dipping to his balls. One finger stroked behind the sac as Brianne’s mouth drew him forward, her tongue moving on the sensitive skin under the flange.

  Ky rested his head on the seat back, his eyes closing. “Gods, that’s sweet.”

  Aiden licked Ky’s cheek. “We aim to please.”

  “I’m going to come.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “Shut up and keep doing that.”

  Aiden chuckled low in his throat. The man knew how to touch. If Ky had known just how well Aiden touched before—no, stop that thought. If Ky had let Aiden touch him before, Ky could very well be dead by now.

  The fact that it was Brianne’s mouth all over him seemed to mitigate things. Ky kept waiting for the tingling pain to begin in his arm, but nothing happened. Perhaps his body was tricked by Brianne sucking on him while Aiden touched.

  Brianne eased Ky out of her mouth and held on to him above where Aiden stroked. She bent forward and licked him, tasting him from base to tip.

  Ky dug his fingers into the chair seat and boosted his hips upward. A heat swirled through him as his best friend and a beautiful lady did wonderful things to him.

  His hips rocked, his cock stiffened with a painful ache and he came.

  Swirls of come slid straight onto Brianne’s startled tongue and
down his shaft to be caught by Aiden’s fingers.

  “That’s it, my friend,” Aiden said into his ear. “Let us pleasure you for a change.”

  “Gods.” Ky thrust forward, wondering if he’d ever felt this good. Brianne caught his come on her tongue, her face registering wonder at the taste of it.

  Aiden lifted his fingers, wet with Ky’s come, and licked them clean. “Mmm. I always knew you’d taste good.”

  Ky leaned down and hauled Brianne into his lap. She snuggled against his shoulder looking pleased with herself. He kissed her lips and Aiden joined him, lips and tongues playing in the three-way kiss they’d done the night before.

  Aiden tasted too good and so did Brianne. He could get used to this.

  Damn Aiden. Ky couldn’t let this continue, but, oh gods, he wanted to. Brianne was fine—he’d do her backwards and forwards and never worry. But Aiden…

  Why can’t I tell him to back off and leave me alone? Why can’t I be horrified he wants to kiss me?

  Why the hell do I have to like it so much?

  If Ky didn’t stop him, he’d pay for it and he knew it.

  Aiden smiled and slanted his mouth over Ky’s, his sensual tongue finding every corner of Ky’s mouth. Brianne watched, lips parted, and when Aiden drew back, she put her own mouth over Ky’s, copying the kiss.

  Ky sat there and took it. They went back and forth, Aiden, Brianne, Aiden, Brianne, the pair of them never letting Ky come up for air.

  He loved it. They went on and on until the train slowed at the outskirts of the city and he never tried to stop them.

  Gods help me. I am so screwed.

  Chapter Seven


  The train jerked its way into the station, waking the dozing trio in the compartment. Brianne sat up straight, realizing she was draped over Ky’s bare lap. Aiden had resumed leaning on Ky’s other side, head on his shoulder.

  Brianne jumped to her feet, but Aiden woke slowly, stretching his powerful limbs like one of the great predatory cats of the southern canyons.

  Ky opened his eyes but didn’t yawn or make any other confused moves of someone who’d fallen asleep on a public transport. He calmly pulled up and fastened his pants then watched Aiden unfold himself from the seat and take Brianne’s bag down from the shelf.


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