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Page 36

by Sergey Zaytsev

  “Why? It’s less work for them.”

  “You don’t understand. Before storming the Citadel, a party is supposed to clear both the lair and the surrounding area. It’s believed that the Citadel can lure neutral creatures to its side as additional defenders. Then the ascent becomes even more difficult... Can you guarantee that we’ll manage?”

  “Mashta, what are you doing?” Stinger cut in, noticing her removing Chula’s boots. “Why are you undressing her?! Are you a pervert or what? Say your farewells and take the soc, it’s time to move forward.”

  “She was killed by Demons. The right to the soc belongs to her killer or his group for fifteen minutes,” the girl explained gloomily. “I can still take off her gear, but can’t dispel the corpse. Give me a couple more minutes. Actually, you know what? Could you all turn away? It’s not polite to stare at a girl in this position, even if she’s dead.”

  “You two have the same gear. Why do you need another set? Is it greed or…?” I asked, bewildered. “She’ll get a change of clothes in the Fortress after she resurrects. We can’t carry too much with us.”

  “I want to return them to her,” Mashta insisted, shaking her curls. “If you don’t remove the gear off the body before dispelling it, it will disappear with it. This isn’t her default gear, but high quality one. And it isn’t soulbound. She would do the same for me.”

  “Better forget about it,” Stinger kept insisting. “Where will you put your loot if your bag is full?”

  “Don’t expect any loot. I’m telling you that this is just a passage, not a lair... It’s a mile long and has several branches. The entrance opens every two hours, regardless of whether the mobs had time to respawn or not. As soon as I get Chula’s soc...”

  “Every two hours?!” I cut in incredulously. “Why didn’t you mention that before?! So we can go back this way? Fuck, they could leave someone to wait for us...”

  “Keep dreaming, Wise,” she said. “You can move in only one direction. They’re unlikely to give up on the raid. Turn away already!”

  “Mashta, if you want to earn our trust...”

  “Trust?!” Mashta indignantly raised her voice. “Had we not gone looking for you, we wouldn’t be here! And Chula would still be alive!”

  “Had Arkoosh and Colin not attacked me, you wouldn’t have had to look for me,” I retorted coldly, not really touched by her loss. “Get rid of the corpse, or I will do it.”

  “I’ll remember this,” she hissed. “You seemed so friendly when you appeared...”

  Chula’s body began to disappear along with her gear.

  “Friendly?” I grinned with hostility. “So when were you planning on killing me? During the hunt? Oh what luck that that lair just so happened to be there...”

  “What are you talking about!?” she shouted, hitting the ground with her fist. “How could anyone foresee a Dion raid? We couldn’t see the lair! Nobody was planning anything! Double true!”

  “So, I’ve imagined your interest in Tinnie?” I continued with a skeptical grin. “Am I also to assume that Arkoosh and Colin attacked me by accident, hm?”

  “That was a misunderstanding,” she replied angrily, pursing her lips. “I was sure that you had died in the lair. No one ever cleared one on their own. The day was long, and we were all tired, so I went to bed. Then the Dalrokts started making a fuss, sending everyone to search for you. They questioned us and were not at all nice about it, but I had to say that we didn’t see anything.”

  “So they don’t know about the passage to the Vale of the Seal?”

  “They don’t.”

  “And what about you betraying the outcasts a month ago that lead to the extinction of humans?”

  “There was no betrayal!” After her outburst, she fell silent, obviously not wanting to talk any further about that topic.

  “Things just keep getting more interesting... Okay, you’ll tell us your story along the way. And you won’t skip any details. Now, hand in the soc, Mashta.” I outstretched my hand demandingly. “That’ll make sure that you behave decently.”

  “If you take it, you can kill me right now.” Mashta rose to her feet, clutching Chula’s soc in her hand and retreated against the wall, looking at me like a cornered animal.

  “Do no trade!” Rawr shouted threateningly, and stepped closer to her.

  “Wait, Rawrk,” I stopped my overly zealous clanmate. “What’s the problem?” I asked, looking at Mashta.

  “I…” she started, but suddenly fell silent mid-sentence and froze, looking somewhere over my shoulder. Something was wrong with the rest, too; both Stinger and Rawrk froze, staring in the same direction as Mashta. Tinnie suddenly squeaked in fright and soared into the air, pointing with her hand at the tunnel. Fury jumped and turned, and roared fiercely. I unsheathed my dagger and charged it with Soulcatcher. However, my intuition stopped me from throwing it.

  Four feet away from us, shrouded in the darkness of the tunnel, stood a Succubus, intently staring at us with her red eyes. She appeared not as the beautiful maiden I had seen in the lair, but in her true form, that inspired not uncontrollable attraction, but horror that made our blood run cold. Crimson scales covered her perfectly sculpted body; her triangular face and sharp features were framed by a lush, black mane that cascaded down her back. Twisted, blue-black horns protruded from her forehead. Instincts said that she was the one I had dealt with before. Only her name was different.

  The Disgraced Keeper, Succubus

  Level 20

  HP: 6,666

  Creature of Chaos

  I slowly lowered my hand. Appreciating my gesture, her eyes flashed brighter red, and I could swear that I saw a glimpse of relief in them. Last time, I didn’t manage to reach an agreement with her, but now she didn’t even try to influence my mind. However, she did bewitch my companions to protect herself. I hoped that she wanted to talk without no one interrupting us.

  I suspect that each of my companions saw something different. Stinger probably beheld a naked human beauty, Mashta a super macho Lowling, and Rawrk most likely one of his own kind. Only to the pets and me did the Succubus appear in her true form.

  I froze, both confused and amazed, when I saw what she held in her hands.

  Tinnie squeaked with contempt and folded her arms, demonstrating that her master is untouchable so long as he was under her protection. I noticed that Synergy had switched to Kindred Souls: Astral Purity. However, I felt that that wasn’t needed. If the Succubus had come to have her revenge, she would’ve already attacked me. But she had come for a different reason. Judging by her current name, she failed to save her lair and thus became an outcast among her own kin, forced to wander through other lairs in an attempt to atone for her failure. Or maybe to find a new patron? The situation was dangerous but intriguing.

  “You’ve come to talk, right?” My own voice seemed unnatural. She probably didn’t charm everyone on purpose, but her very appearance made the heart beat faster, and breathing heavier from excitement. The longer I looked at her, the faster the horror left, and she became increasingly more attractive despite her creepy appearance. Creepy? No, no... She has very nice horns and hooves... Not to mention breasts, and thighs, and...

  In response to my question, which I seemed to have asked an eternity ago, she gently waved her hand; Flame fell near my feet with a clang. Another flick — and my battered backpack landed nearby. Silent Girlfriend appeared last, as if she were emphasizing her interest and importance of the item. An amazing gift that came not a moment too soon.

  “Interested in my patron?” I asked, picking up the pipe. I shook my head and spoke in a more stable and clearer voice. I wasn’t about to let hormones get the best of me. “Here’s my offer: if you stay with me and help us survive, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that you draw HIS attention. I suppose you’re now free of your duties and able to choose your allies.”

  She hissed softly, revealing a row of sharp fangs, snake-like tongue dancing behind them. The tip
of the tail, which was wrapped around her legs, twitched, betraying her insecurity. The language barrier proved an annoying hindrance once more, but it could be overcome. I just needed to be careful and think faster.

  “Accept the invitation to my clan,” I said, changing my approach. “This’ll be our cooperation agreement. You won’t harm me, and I won’t harm you.”

  Without hesitation, I sent her two invitations at once — one for the party and one for the clan. With bated breath, I waited for her reaction. If it worked, it would be no less amazing than reuniting with Flame...

  Agitated, she hissed louder. Damn it! What if she attacks me? I still didn’t dare bend over to grab the weapon, although my hands itched from the desire to do so. Only now, when Flame was near, did I realize how much I had missed it. I could see that she understood my idea, but was in no hurry to either agree or refuse. I had a minute or so to figure out what needed to be done before the invitations time out and our truce ends.

  What does she need? I couldn’t immediately make her a neophyte of Alan the Dark, not with the current reputation I had with him. Maybe I could give her something that she doesn’t have, but I do? I looked nervously at my companions; all of them still stood frozen like spellbound idols. Even a child could kill them at this point.

  And then it hit me. I remembered how interested she was in Silent Girlfriend. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t attacked right away. Furthermore, she lost her Heart, but had, apparently, touched the pipe. Perhaps by doing so, she received a quest to find herself a new divine patron, thus starting her life anew. But the pipe was tied to me, so everything had to go through me. Therefore, she needed…

  I sat down and fumbled through the old backpack. Hastily pulling out the tobacco pouch and a lighter, I put a pinch of tobacco in the pipe. She sighed languidly and leaned forward with interest. However, after two steps she stopped again, and looked at me demandingly and greedily. I’m on the right track then. Holding the pipe between my teeth, I flicked open the lighter and brought it closer...

  Either the succubus got too carried away and lost control, or her enchantment had expired, but everyone came to their senses at once. Behind me, Mashta gasped in amazement; Rawrk growled ominously.

  “Wise, step back and don’t make any sudden moves, I’ll take care of it,” sounded Stinger’s voice from behind. He sounded tense.

  “Everyone stand down. Don’t move.” I ordered, also sounding tense, trying not to raise my voice because I feared that that would break the fragile truce. “She’s a potential ally. Not a word until I’m done talking to her. Sting, be ready just in case.’

  “Always ready...”

  “Quiet!” Looking at the frozen Succubus, tail nervously whipping between her legs, I thrust the pipe back into my mouth and sucked on it. Fragrant smoke filled the chilly air, spreading the musty smell of earth and damp. Come closer, I won’t hurt you...

  She took a hesitant step forth, then one more, and finally started walking in my direction. Stopping a step away from me, she outstretched her hand with a pleading look in her crimson eyes. As soon as I gave her the pipe, she stuck it between her fangs and smoked clumsily. Indescribable ecstasy appeared in her eyes.

  Player [Marana] joined your party.

  Player [Marana] joined [Fortune Hunters]

  Race: Creepoar, Succubus

  Achievement unlocked: Negotiator II

  You have the ability to find a common language with representatives of the warring factions. Increases the chance to raise your authority.

  Reward: charisma + 2 (9)

  Achievement unlocked: At Home Among Strangers II

  You have convinced a representative of a faction to join your side and persuaded them to join your clan. Such an act can change the balance of power in Lunar Rainbow. Since this happened for the first time, the recruiter for [Fortune Hunters] clan now receives tenfold XP.

  Clan skill points: + 1 (24)

  Clan XP for accepting a new ally: +2,000

  Recruiter reward: XP +20,000

  Cunning: +1 (11)

  Bonus: +20% of current level XP (19,132); intelligence + 2 (55)


  You have reached level 16!

  Current XP: 19,570/114,790

  The message about leveling up caught me by surprise. And the reward for accepting newcomers had become truly enormous. Looking at the buffs, I spotted a couple of new ones.


  Hostiles see you as neutral for 4 hours.

  Imposed Touch of Divine Effect

  Physical and magic damage increased by 5% for 4 hours.

  Oh vow! Great bonuses for smoking a “peace pipe.” It’s not even close to a neophyte initiation, but its definitely worthwhile...

  Chapter 51

  “You... You... How did you do that?!” Mashta stared at the Succubus in utter confusion. “That’s impossible! I don’t trust this creature! She can’t stay with us!”

  “Rawrk no tolerate!” the Raksh snarled in unison with her, looking at the Succubus with hatred, and swinging all four daggers so violently that Stinger had to move away just in case. Rawrk was not trying to hide his desire to attack the woman, but being in the same clan as her didn’t allow him to do so. “Rawrk kill! Rawrk...”

  Nothing could be worse than a fight right now. I stepped in front of Rawrk and stuck the pipe into his mouth the moment he stopped to catch his breath. He choked, shook his head in shock, exhaled a puff of smoke, and looked at the Succubus, which sent him a mocking kiss, with eyes free of hate and enmity.

  “Come on, give it to me, too,” Stinger said. After a puff, he grunted in surprise. “Uplifting...” he muttered. “How did you get something like this?! Man, I want one, too!”

  “These are my things, Sting,” I explained with a nervous chuckle. “Soulbound to me. It so happened that I managed to get out of my first lair, destroying the Heart, but without harming the Keeper. I had to leave my sword and backpack behind in a hurry. I barely managed to escape alive. However, seems that that has come to bite me on the ass. She has become an outcast and is looking for a new home, and I would like to use her abilities for the good of our clan.”

  “You sure are something else, Wise...” I never thought that I would agree with Mashta. “You’re full of secrets and surprises, buddy. How did the she find you?! Is she free to move in lairs?!”

  “Good question. I hope that we’ll find that out as soon as we manage to talk with her. So far I understand little from her hissing and grimacing.”

  The Succubus narrowed her eyes in anger and nervously whipped her tail in response. But then she relaxed; the pipe’s effect was still active.

  “Are you both high on mushrooms or what?” Mashta looked at us bitterly. “Did it occur to you that she could kill us all as soon as the opportunity presents itself?!”

  “Look who’s talking.” I outstretched the hand with the pipe to her. “Come on, have a puff,” I offered. “I guarantee that you’ll feel better immediately.”

  “I’m not Arkoosh, I don’t need this poison! I…”

  “Mashta, you have a choice — either take the pipe, or get to know our new friend up close. Did you forget that you still owe me for trying to harm me and my pets?”

  Tinnie, reflecting my mood like a mirror, flew very close to the Lowling, hovered in front of her face and shook her fist with hilariously exaggerated anger. Fury aimed her poisonous sting at the stubborn girl. Having in mind that Tinnie was level 13, and Fury level 15, Mashta found herself in a rather unfavorable position.

  “Okay,” she said, giving up, and smoked the pipe, without choking and coughing.

  And yet I remember her saying that she couldn’t stand being close to Arkoosh. Well, some people just can’t stop lying. Her features became more relaxed and I had to pick up the artifact, which she forgot about almost instantly.

  Now was a great moment to negotiate about her joining the clan as well. The minimum numbers of members needed to form a clan was five. We pr
obably couldn’t do clan quests so far because we didn’t meet that criteria. Not to mention that we desperately needed clan XP. I also wouldn’t refuse a substantial portion of personal XP.

  “I’ll give you the same offer Mashta. Join Fortune Hunters.”

  “Why do you think that this will give you some kind of a guarantee that we’ll survive after you complete the epic?” she asked absentmindedly; her thoughts seemed to be somewhere else.

  “Wise is going easy on you, Mashta. But I won’t be so forgiving,” Stinger promised almost gaily.

  “There’s no guarantee,” I said to her, finally picking up Flame. Damn, it felt nice to hold it again. “But I assume that you’re smart enough not to try to attack us now, as we’re all in the same boat. And if you still plan on pulling some trick... There are four of us, and you’re alone. You’re outnumbered and we won’t show mercy. And no one will ask questions should something happen to you. Do you understand? So, you can either potentially die or you can join the clan and share your XP with us, and once we get out of the lair we’ll decide whether or not you’ll stay with us. We, too, need to make sure of couple of things. So?”

  “Temporarily?” she asked, making sure of her situation. “Okay…”

  [Mashta] has joined the [Fortune Hunters].

  Race: Lowling

  Clan XP for accepting a new ally: +1,800

  Recruiter reward: +18,000 XP

  The next system message proved that my speculations about the number of players and daily quests were correct.

  Daily clan quest available: Five out of Five

  Clear five rank 2 or above lairs with a party of five clanmates within 24 hours.

  Reward: variable

  “We’re making progress,” I grinned. Taking off the fur cloak, I rolled it up and fastened it to my back so it wouldn’t hinder me in battle. Stinger and Mashta followed my example. “We’ll discuss everything else along the way, and this time, Mashta, you won’t weasel out of giving us honest answers. I’m fed up with your secrets. Stinger, I appoint you, as a senior, to be the leading tank. Marana, you’ll be in the back, dealing with those who slip by him. Let’s see how this goes. We’ll change your roles if need be.”


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