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Her Russian Returns (Brie's Submission Book 15)

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  She shuddered.

  Rytsar felt no remorse for the blood on his hands. Every man who had died had deserved to meet his maker that day. If there came a time when he would have to pay for their deaths on Earth or in Hell, he would do it willingly. Without question.

  “Wallace told us you were in seriously bad shape when they found you.”

  Rytsar shrugged. “It could have been worse.”

  “Yes, you could have been dead,” Thane responded somberly. “So how are your injuries healing?”

  “I have to be careful, I won’t lie. The injuries are slowly healing, except the damn ribs. I’m not happy about the ribs. The physician warned me that my movements might be limited the rest of my life, but that simply cannot be allowed. I must heal completely. If I can’t reunite with my ’nines…” The thought was too terrible to even finish aloud.

  “Let my doctor take a look at you, then,” Thane insisted. “She’s a forward thinker, and may know of new technology or procedures that may aid with your healing.”

  “Normally, I would ignore such a suggestion and allow my body to heal on its own, but with my whole way of life in the balance, I must seek help.”

  “Good, because I don’t know how you would survive without your cat o ’nines as your main source of release.”

  “Me either, brother. I might spontaneously combust from lack of it.”

  They laughed, but he was actually being serious. The idea that he would never swing his ’nines again terrified him.

  Changing the subject, Thane told him, “Captain came earlier with Samantha and explained what happened at the compound.”

  “It was glorious, moy droog!” Rytsar exclaimed with pride. “A work of art.”

  “That’s a strange way to describe an attack,” Brie commented.

  “Ah, you cannot know the evil that was extinguished that day. There are times when destruction actually promotes life. And this was one of those times.”

  “Captain shared that you added your own ‘flair’ to the proceedings.”

  Rytsar shrugged. “It’s true. I felt inspired.”

  Thane raised an eyebrow.

  “I was not going to risk lives, so it necessitated a remote attack. However, it was imperative that the brothers knew why they were dying and who was responsible for it. Revenge is pointless without those two elements.”


  “Do you feel safe now?” Brie asked him.

  Rytsar smiled at her question. “The Koslovs were an uncontrollable but powerful force in Russia. With their organization destroyed, everything they have built will be divided amongst the different factions of that bratva. It will be as if the Koslovs never existed. I do not have to worry about anyone seeking revenge for their deaths. In fact, I am sure there are some who would like to thank me for it.”

  “Thank goodness no one will be coming for you again,” she exclaimed, shuddering.

  “So where does that leave you, old friend?” Thane asked.

  “As far as my future?”


  Rytsar chuckled. “I’m here until that babe graces the world with her presence.” He gave Thane a crooked grin, adding, “Of course, only if you’ll have me.”

  “We wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  Brie nodded her head enthusiastically.

  “Then the first order of business is for me to get you out of here,” Rytsar stated. He loathed doctors and hospitals, and could not handle being there another minute longer than was necessary.

  “But Dr. Hessen has already lined up a rehabilitation center. He’s going to be transferred next week,” Brie explained.

  “Nyet. My brother will not be going anywhere but the apartment,” Rytsar insisted.

  He directed his next question to Thane. “Wouldn’t you agree that the best place to recover would be in your own home?”

  “I would and, I must admit, the idea of returning home so soon has me energized.”

  “As it should. No man should be cooped up in a white cubicle,” Rytsar declared emphatically.

  “However, it isn’t feasible with the multiple specialists required for my rehabilitation.”

  “Says who?” Rytsar scoffed. “I will arrange everything. Do not worry.”

  He turned to Brie, brushing his hand against her soft cheek. “You have suffered for so long, radost moya, but now you will be properly cared for by the two men who love you most.”

  Rytsar was anxious to leave and get everything set up, already mentally ticking off the various things he knew he must arrange for Thane’s transfer. The first order of business was to speak with the doctors and nurses and see what else needed to be added to the list.

  Rytsar watched Brie’s obvious joy as he pushed Sir into the apartment in the wheelchair.

  “We’re home!” she cried, hugging Sir tightly.

  Thane looked up at Rytsar with an expression of gratitude. “Home…at last.”

  From the back of the apartment came a long yowl, and all three of them watched as the large black cat slowly sauntered out.

  “The infamous Shadow,” Thane stated.

  “One and the same,” Rytsar confirmed.

  Knowing how the animal had reacted when he first met Rytsar, he was dying to see how the creature would respond to Thane, who was not a man disposed to animals, either.

  The cat rubbed against Brie’s leg first, purring loudly. It then looked up at Thane, twitching its tail and meowing only once.

  “I’ve been told I owe you some thanks, Shadow,” Thane told the beast.

  Rytsar had to smirk, hearing his comrade talk to the cat as if it were a person.

  The cat narrowed his eyes, then rubbed his cheek against Thane’s ankle before turning and walking back down the hall.

  Rytsar felt rather insulted that the feline hadn’t acknowledged his existence, especially after what they had been through together.

  Rather than comment on it, however, he said nothing. The last thing he wanted was others to know how he felt being snubbed by a kot.

  As Thane watched the animal go, he suddenly tensed. “Brie, please tell me you haven’t been changing the cat litter.”

  Brie laughed. “Don’t worry, Sir. I always wear gloves and a mask when I do.”

  “Why?” Rytsar asked, now concerned.

  Thane explained, “Cat feces can contain a parasite that causes Toxoplasmosis. Although rare, the infection can cause serious birth defects, or even a miscarriage.”

  “Oh, hell no!” Rytsar stated. “From now on, only I will change the cat litter.”

  Brie looked at him guiltily. “Are you sure?”

  “I insist.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. “But I want you to know that I talked to my obstetrician and he told me that I would be okay as long as I was careful and washed up thoroughly every time.”

  Rytsar shook his head. “We take no chances where moye solntse is concerned.”

  “Agreed,” Thane replied firmly.

  “Fine.” She wrapped her arms around Rytsar. “You are now officially my cat litter hero.”

  “For a cat that doesn’t even know I exist,” he grumbled.

  Brie smiled up at him. “Oh, he noticed you.”


  If he must resort to bacon to win back the animal’s affections, so be it.

  Rytsar rolled Thane to the bedroom and helped him into bed, letting him know that the nurse would arrive in the morning. “Anything you need, anything at all, you just ring this bell,” he said, picking it up from the nightstand and giving it a little ring as an example.

  “How do you know I won’t be an obnoxious patient?” Thane asked him.

  “It’s true. I am taking my chances, comrade.” He grinned. “But every time I feel I’m being taken advantage of, I will spank your sub.”

  Brie looked at him in surprise. “What?”

  “Pray that your Master does not have a hidden sadistic streak, radost moya.”

  She smiled at Thane
. “I’d take a million spankings if I had to. I’m just glad to have you back home, Sir.”

  Thane looked at her with such love that Rytsar felt the need to leave the room. “I will go unpack my things.”

  Rytsar walked into the spare bedroom and had to stop for a moment. Although the bed was made, it was obvious that nothing had been moved since he’d left it those many weeks ago.

  Everything had been carefully preserved as if he’d never left.

  Except for the dead flowers…

  Those were new.

  There they were on the bedside table, a vase of long-dead flowers. He walked over to them and picked up the card attached to read what it said.

  Dear Thane and Brie,

  I can only imagine how you are feeling right now after what has happened. Please know that my thoughts are with you both, and I am praying with everything within me that he is okay.

  If there is anything I can do for you, or if there is any way I can help Rytsar, DO NOT hesitate to call.

  Sincerely, Samantha

  Rytsar set the card down and looked at the flowers again. He still wasn’t sure what to make of Samantha, but one thing was certain; she’d never stopped caring, despite their horrific and complicated past.

  While he could never feel any romantic feeling toward her again, he did feel sympathy for the woman. He now better understood why Thane had been steadfast in his friendship with her.

  Somehow, his brother had understood Samantha’s level of emotional investment in Rytsar. Although Thane had done his best to keep them separated all these years, he’d never severed his relationship with her.

  That decision had probably saved Rytsar’s life.

  He snorted at the irony of it as he unpacked his things and readied himself to go out for the evening.


  Rytsar had purposely arranged for a quiet evening for the two, since Thane and Brie needed time to reconnect on a physical level. He’d suspected it had been far too long since they’d been alone together, and it did his heart good to give them this time as a couple.

  “Durov,” Thane called from his bedroom.

  He walked in smiling, ready to receive his friend’s gratitude.

  “I don’t understand. Brie claims you are leaving to go out tonight.”



  “Did your concussion make you dense, comrade? I am trying to give you time to fuck your woman in private.”

  Brie giggled from the floor, already kneeling by the large bed, completely naked, waiting for her scene with Thane to begin.

  “I am not the one who is dense.”

  Rytsar frowned. “What do you mean?” He suddenly looked at Thane in horror. “You are not…impotent, are you?”

  Thane shook his head, looking slightly amused.

  “What is it then, moy droog?”

  “You need something from us.”

  He laughed. “Nyet. I am good, brother.”

  “No, you are not.”

  He furrowed his brow, uncertain what Thane was trying to say.

  “I need something from you, as well,” Brie replied, looking up at him. Her look of love pulled at his heart.

  “We would like you to join us tonight.”

  “I can’t,” Rytsar protested. “It is your first time alone together.”

  Brie corrected him. “We have spent many nights together, Rytsar. The nurses have been extremely kind in setting time aside for us to remain undisturbed.”

  “She’s right,” Thane assured him. “However, we both thought we’d almost lost you, and you yourself expressed that you didn’t believe you were coming back. This physical connection tonight will allow Brie’s heart to feel what her mind already knows—that you are home.”

  That word hit Rytsar in the chest, causing a physical ache.


  “I admit, it sounds too good to pass up.”

  “Excellent,” Thane replied.

  Speaking to Brie, Thane commanded, “Undress him, téa.”

  She smiled at her Master graciously. “I always love it when you call me by that name, Master.”

  Brie rocked off her heels with a little more difficulty and stood up. Her round belly was a charming sight to behold.

  Rytsar held out his hand to her as she walked over to him. “You are a beautiful little mama.”

  She smiled up at him as her hands ran over his buttons. She slowly undid the first one, but Rytsar suddenly grabbed her wrist, stopping her. He was hesitant to have them see the number of wounds covering his body, and the many changes to his body because of the dramatic weight he’d lost.

  “What’s wrong?” Brie asked gently.

  “It is best if I keep my clothes on tonight.”

  “Nonsense,” Thane said from the large bed. “She’s going to get to see my sorry ass, so I am sure as hell not going to spare her from yours.”

  “Rytsar,” Brie said, looking up with those big, pleading eyes. “Not to see you would hurt my heart.”

  He groaned. How she could so easily strip him of his defenses was diabolical.

  “Fine, radost moya,” he sighed in resignation. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Brie resumed the unbuttoning, slowly pulling back the material of his shirt to expose his bare skin. He saw the concerned look in her eyes even though her smile remained pleasant. He glanced over at Thane, giving him a look of forbearance. This was humiliating for him.

  Brie touched every wound and bruise that she found on his skin, and lightly traced the lines of his ribs, which were prominent now. However, her touches did not hurt. They were like a whisper, and he found it somehow healing, as if she were cataloging and accepting each and every one.

  When she was done with his upper half, she knelt down and relieved him of his shoes and socks first. She then unzipped his pants.

  Rytsar held his breathe as she pulled them down, along with his briefs. Now his wretched body was fully exposed. Just as she had with his torso, she began to run her fingers over him. Rytsar closed his eyes, concentrating on her touch.

  “So many wounds,” she commented quietly. “Each one reveals a moment you suffered violence.” She looked over to Thane, her voice breaking. “There are so many, Master…”

  “Téa, he doesn’t need your sympathy right now. He needs your love.”

  She nodded and looked up at him. “I love you, Rytsar.”

  Her simple words fortified his soul. “I love you too, radost moya.”

  Brie’s tactics changed as she smiled up at him seductively and parted those pretty lips. He groaned as she took his hardening cock into her mouth and encased it in warm suction.

  Rytsar watched intently as she began to lick and nibble the sides of his cock, causing it to lengthen and ache as she teased it. And she was such a talented cocktease…

  When she began to bob her head, her lips moving from the head of his cock to its base, he roared in pleasure. “Yes! Yes!” He fisted her hair to help her along but was soon forced to hold her still, commanding her to stop.

  It had been too long.

  He looked at Thane. “I’m as horny as a rutting boy.”

  Thane chuckled. “Feel free to give in to your boyish desires.”

  “Nyet.” He held out his hand and helped Brie to her feet. “We should join you on the bed and see if we can’t get this submissive to come.”

  He led Brie over to Thane. “But first you must get your Master in the same state I am.”

  Brie smiled at Thane as she slowly removed each piece of clothing, doing it in such a manner that it was seductive and alluring. Rytsar was not surprised to see Thane’s atrophied muscles, a product of being still for so long.

  But there was one thing both of them had in common—hard shafts. No matter the shape of their individual bodies, their cocks were rigid and proud.

  A direct result of the beautiful girl in the room.

  “Radost moya, it’s only fair that you suck your Master’s cock,�
� Rytsar stated, wanting Brie to ramp up Thane’s state of arousal to the same level.

  He didn’t want to be the only one struggling for control over his libido.

  Without hesitation, Brie climbed onto the bed. Her round belly made it impossible for her to kneel between his legs, so she lay on her side, propping herself up to take his shaft into her mouth.

  Rytsar smirked when he saw the look on Thane’s face. That girl had definitely learned her way around a man’s cock with that talented mouth. A far cry from the first time he’d experienced her oral skills.

  He watched with satisfaction as his comrade tried to keep his need to orgasm in check. It wasn’t long before he was commanding her to stop, as well.

  Thane was a man of great control, so his lack of restraint now only highlighted how badly this session was needed—by all of them.

  Rytsar lay down next to Brie on the bed so that she was sandwiched between them.

  She settled down on her back, looking at both of them excitedly.

  “And now we get down to the business of making téa scream in ecstasy,” Thane stated.

  “Da,” Rytsar growled, going for her breasts.

  When Thane’s hand disappeared between Brie’s legs, Rytsar felt her stiffen, as he began flicking her clit with expert hands that knew her so well.

  Rytsar sucked on one nipple while playing with the other. His cock ached with the simple stimulation as she responded eagerly to his attention.

  A dead man risen, his body needed to plant its seed deep inside her.

  Apparently, she was as turned on as they were, because her first orgasm rushed through her as she cried out in passion.

  His balls tightened at the sound of her pleasure, and he had to rein in his own climax. Rytsar growled in frustration, biting her on the neck hard enough to bruise the skin. She reacted by pressing his head down on her nipple.

  He grunted in animal-like fervor as he sucked hard.

  Thane must have been vigorously rubbing her G-spot, because the next orgasm was on her and more intense than the first. She whimpered afterward, her pussy gushing with sweet, watery come.

  “Oh, my God…oh, my God…” she moaned.

  Both he and Thane had resorted to stroking their cocks in response to her enthusiastic climax.


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