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Her Russian Returns (Brie's Submission Book 15)

Page 15

by Red Phoenix

  Thane responded by wrapping his arm around them both, holding them in a reassuring embrace.

  “You are home, brother.”

  Making Amends

  Rytsar went back to his room to rest, and was startled to find Shadow sitting on the top of the dresser in the corner of the room.

  The cat made no sound or movement, but its eyes followed him wherever he went in the room.

  It was uncanny, and a little creepy.

  Apparently, Brie had been correct. The cat did know Rytsar was there, but he could not begin to guess what was going on behind the big yellow eyes of that devil cat.

  “You are a strange one, Shadow,” Rytsar confessed. “The way you’re looking at me so intently leaves me to wonder if your plan is to stare me down until I cry uncle. Sorry, old tom, I’ve won every staring contest I’ve ever been a part of. You’d better come up with a different plan or prepare to lose.”

  Rytsar stared hard at the beast, thinking it would look away as animals were prone to do.

  It did not. In fact, the feline didn’t move or respond at all.

  Finally, Rytsar gave up trying to interact with it and went to bed, already determined to cook up some bacon in the morning.

  One way or another, he would get that cat to respond to him.

  In the morning he woke up suddenly, sweating and barely able to breathe. He felt a wave of panic as his mind raced to determine where he was and what was happening.

  It took a few seconds to realize the cat had curled up next to his face with its front paws lying across his neck.

  As soon as he moved his head, the cat started purring.

  Rytsar moved his head away from the animal, staring at it questioningly. “Were you trying to kill me just now?”

  The cat narrowed its eyes and continued purring.

  Although he didn’t sense any animosity from the animal, Rytsar had no idea why it would be sitting on his face trying to smother him.

  He left the bed, with the animal following him with its eyes as he got dressed.

  “Radost moya?” he called out to Brie when he exited the room.

  “Yes, Rytsar?” she asked, smiling at him as she rubbed cocoa butter on her stomach.

  “Your cat tried to assassinate me last night.”

  She stopped what she was doing and looked at him, laughing, obviously not believing him. “I wondered what had happened to him last night.”

  “It sat on my face, trying to extinguish my last breath, while it laid its paws on my throat.”

  Shadow came out of the bedroom as if he knew he was the subject of the conversation.

  “I’m sure he was just letting you know he’s glad to see you.”

  He looked at her incredulously. “He tried to kill me.”

  Brie shook her head and went to the kitchen, opening up the fridge. She took out a small can and a spoon from the utensil drawer. “Do you remember that you sent Shadow a lifetime supply of caviar? We get a shipment every week.”

  “I do recall making that request of Titov.”

  “Well, whenever I feed it to him, I always have something of yours for him to smell. Kind of like what you did with me and Sir’s shirt when we scened together at the cabin.”

  Rytsar smirked. “What are you saying, radost moya?”

  “The reason Shadow wasn’t surprised when you showed up here was due to the fact he smells you every day when I give him a spoonful of caviar. I’m sure last night he was just saying thank you.”

  She handed Rytsar the can and spoon and smiled at him.

  “You did this every day?”

  “Of course. I wanted him to know who the gift was from.”

  Rytsar shook his head and leaned down to kiss Brie on the nose before he turned his attention to the cat.

  “So you appreciated my thank you gift, after all?” He sat down cross-legged, spooned a small portion of caviar for the cat, and held it out to him. “I will always be indebted to your claws and bravery, Shadow.”

  The cat moved closer to him and took a dainty lick of the black eggs.

  “I am a man who repays his debts.”

  The cat looked at him for a moment before licking the rest of the spoonful and purring.

  “He always purrs when he eats that stuff,” Brie informed him.

  “Of course,” Rytsar said, taking a spoonful himself. “Caviar is a decadent treat.”

  Brie stared at him with her mouth open.

  “What?” he asked, surprised by the expression on her face.

  “You just ate from the spoon after feeding Shadow.”

  He shrugged. “That’s what starving to death will do to a person.”

  Brie knelt down beside him and gave him a hug. “I hope you never have to feel hungry again.”

  Rytsar grinned. “I won’t if these shipments keep up.” He fed another spoonful to Shadow but said in all honesty, “Thank you for keeping my memory alive with this beast.”

  Her bottom lip trembled. “I wasn’t sure you would ever come back, but I never gave up hope.”

  He kissed the top of her head, wrapping his arms around her. “Thank you, radost moya.”

  Brie pressed against him, her round belly making its presence known. That’s when he felt the first kick. He looked down at her stomach in wonder, placing his hand on it.

  Sure enough, he felt the movement again and grinned. Leaning closer to Brie’s stomach, he said, “I feel you, moye solntse. Your dyadya is here.”

  Brie’s eyes sparkled. “Yes, her dyadya is here.”

  He looked at her moving stomach and shook his head in awe. “It truly is a miracle, radost moya.”

  Brie rubbed the area where the babe was kicking. “I agree, but I wish the little miracle would take pity on her mama and stop kicking so hard.”

  Rytsar looked proudly at her belly. “She kicks because she is strong.”

  Brie pressed against the tiny bulge. “Well, this strong girl is leaving a bunch of bruises inside my tummy. At least, that’s what it feels like,” she laughed.

  “But you will bear it because you are her mother and you want her to be strong.”

  “I want her to take pity on me,” Brie insisted. “Not that I have any say in the matter.”

  Rytsar gazed down at her stomach again, not hiding his pride. “We should go show Thane how active she is right now.”

  Thane must have been listening to their conversation, because he was leaning against the headboard waiting for them, when they walked into the room.

  “Sorry if we woke you, Sir,” Brie said, leaning over to give him a peck on the lips.

  “I hear that you’ve been admiring our energetic child,” Thane told Rytsar with a grin.

  “I have been, moy droog. I’m heartened to know she is so robust.”

  “She’s a Davis and a Bennett. Nothing can stop her,” Thane said with satisfaction.

  Rytsar frowned for a moment, uncertain what their answer would be, but determined to ask. “When it is time…will I be allowed to see her birth?”

  Brie looked at Thane questioningly.

  He smiled. “That is up to the little mother. Her word is law when it comes to the birth.”

  Brie giggled. “I guess Sir is giving me full reign to top from the bottom in this matter.”

  Rytsar smiled charmingly at her, and asked again, “So, radost moya, what is your answer?”

  She shook her head, rolling her eyes as she did so. “Of course we want you there. I would be hurt if you weren’t with us.”

  Rytsar grasped her stomach in both his hand and leaned down again. “Did you hear that, moye solntse? Your dyadya will be there when you greet the world.”

  Thane chuckled. “Just so we’re clear, old friend. I’m the one cutting the umbilical cord.”

  Rytsar put a hand on Thane’s shoulder. “Brother, I am only there to witness the wondrous event. You are her father, and you,” he said, kissing Brie on the forehead, “are her beautiful mother.”

  Rytsar stood up an
d faced them both. In a solemn vow, he put his hand on his chest. “I will be the best dyadya a man can be. Not only in moye solntse’s eyes, but in the eyes of both of you. If you ever find fault with my actions, you have only to tell me and I will correct it.”

  Brie looked at Rytsar lovingly while Thane spoke for them both. “We gladly accept your commitment to our daughter. Would you like to know her name now?”

  Rytsar shook his head. “Nyet. I want you to formally introduce her to me when you place the babe in my arms.”

  “Aww…” Brie cooed sweetly. “You really are going to make the very best dyadya.”

  “I take my role seriously, radost moy—”

  Rytsar was interrupted by rapid knocking at the front door.

  “That must be your nurse,” he informed Thane. Looking at Brie’s naked body, and then at Thane’s, he said with a grin, “So I guess I ought to be the one to answer that.”

  “Please give me time to get us dressed and the place picked up a bit,” Brie told him, rushing to pick up their scattered clothing from off the floor.

  “Just throw me a pair of boxers, Brie,” Thane told her. “I’ll struggle into them while you throw on a dress and tidy up.”

  “I can help you into them,” Rytsar offered, glancing at the door as the person knocked a second time.

  “No. I need to reclaim my independence, and it begins today with this damn underwear,” Thane stated emphatically.

  Brie quickly handed him a pair before rushing into the closet to dress.

  Rytsar glanced around the bedroom proudly. It was in a shambles and definitely looked like they’d had a good time the night before.

  “I wouldn’t worry about the room, moy droog. Better the nurse know now what kind of man you really are.”

  Rytsar chuckled as he turned, laughing, and walked down the hallway to answer the door.

  He couldn’t stop smiling at the idea of being granted the ultimate privilege of being there when moye solntse was born.

  There was nothing more he could want of the world.

  When he opened the front door, his hackles rose in alarm at the sight of two large and muscular men. One happened to be carrying a large duffle bag at his side.

  “Can I help you?” he asked defensively.

  “We’re here for Mr. Davis.”

  Rytsar didn’t budge as he stared them down.

  “Hello, I’m his day nurse,” one of them said, holding out his hand.

  “And I’m the physical therapist,” the other finished, also holding out his hand. “I personally believe in arriving early, because morning exercises help my patients throughout the day.”

  Rytsar looked them up and down before shaking their hands. He grinned as he stepped back and invited them inside.

  “I didn’t realize you would both come at the same time, but welcome,” he stated, now very curious about what Thane’s reaction would be to these two men.

  Brie came out of the bedroom in a pretty little dress and stopped short when she saw the two muscular bodies in front of her.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked in a concerned tone.

  “Yes, radost moya. These men are Thane’s nurse and physical therapist.”

  A smile suddenly spread across her face as she came forward. “We greatly appreciate you coming to our home.”

  “Of course, Mrs. Davis.”

  “And your name is?” Brie asked the man with the curly brown hair.

  “James Hill. I will be your husband’s nurse for the duration. You can call me James.”

  Brie shook his hand vigorously and then turned to the man with sandy blond hair.

  “I’m Kyle Evans, physical therapist. I prefer to be called by my surname.”

  “Certainly, Mr. Evens,” Brie replied, taking his hand.

  She smiled at Rytsar before turning back around and leading them down the hall to the bedroom. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your new patient, Sir Thane Davis.”

  It was obvious Brie was pleased with the medical staff, but Rytsar followed behind, wanting to catch a glimpse of Thane’s initial reaction.

  “Sir, this is James and Mr. Evens. They’re here to provide you with the medical assistance you need.”

  Thane looked at them and nodded, no other reaction on his face. “Excellent.”

  He pulled back the sheet, exposing that he was in nothing but his boxers. “I could use some help to the bathroom, if you don’t mind.”

  Rytsar noticed Brie stepping back and watching with enthusiasm as the muscular James helped Thane out of bed and to the restroom.

  He noticed she was biting her lip and suspected he knew where her mind was headed as she watched.

  The physical therapist started setting his equipment out on top of the chest of drawers. It reminded Rytsar of a Dom setting up a scene, and he smiled to himself. Thane was going to be in for a good time.

  “I think it best if we leave the professionals to their work while we get Thane something for breakfast,” Rytsar suggested.

  “But Sir doesn’t eat breakfast,” Brie reminded him.

  Mr. Evens looked up and told her, “He will now. His body cannot rebuild the muscles he needs without a proper diet.”

  “Well, omelets are out of the question.” Brie burst out laughing.

  Rytsar joined her, putting his arm on her shoulder. “I’m sure you can come up with something nutritious he will eat.”

  As they walked to the kitchen, she whispered to Rytsar, “Did you purposely choose those two men?”

  Rytsar shook his head. “I used the agency your doctor recommended. I had no idea who would be showing up this morning.”

  “Well, I certainly have no complaints.”

  Rytsar smirked. “No doubt. I could see it on your face.”

  “I’m not ashamed to admit that seeing my handsome Sir with two big, burly men is exciting.”

  “I wonder how your Master feels.”

  “He didn’t seem to have much of a reaction.”

  “I noticed that, as well.”

  Brie quickly threw together a simple breakfast of sliced apple, toast, and blueberry yogurt. She arranged it prettily on a plate and looked up for Rytsar’s approval.

  “I wouldn’t eat it.”

  She giggled as she headed down the hall. When she came back a few minutes later, she had a shocked look on her face.

  “What did he say?” Rytsar asked.

  “He personally picked those men, Rytsar. That’s why he didn’t react when he saw them. Sir told me he wanted the strongest help available because he plans to recover as quickly as possible.”

  “The man is a control freak,” Rytsar complained good-naturedly.

  “Lucky me, I get to admire the eye candy the whole time he recovers.”

  “Four men and one girl. I could see how that would be a woman’s dream.”

  Brie blushed. “I wasn’t thinking like that.”

  “Well, I was,” he replied, already imagining the dynamics of her taking four at once.

  Brie rolled her eyes. “The two of you are more than enough for me.”

  “Still, it’s fun to imagine, isn’t it?”

  “I have more important things to think about.”

  “Like what?” he challenged teasingly.

  “I should be getting back to work on my second documentary, but I was thinking of going back to my pet project instead.”

  “And what pet project is that?”

  “I want to make a film about Sir’s father, Alonzo.”

  “I approve,” he said with a nod. “It is a fine idea. I know your Master will appreciate it.”

  She grinned. “I think so too.”

  Rytsar was surprised to hear yet another knock at the door.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Rytsar asked her.

  Brie frowned. “No, especially this early in the morning.”

  Rytsar approached the door cautiously, his instincts telling him there was trouble on the other side. He took a quick p
eek through the peephole and saw an older couple standing there. It took him a few seconds to recognize Brie’s parents.

  Neither wore pleasant expressions.

  “Hold on, Mrs. Davis,” he warned Brie. “Things are about to get bumpy for you.”

  Brie looked worried. “What do you mean?”

  Rytsar swung the door open and smiled broadly at them both. “Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. How nice to see you again.”

  Brie’s father glared at Rytsar for a moment, the circumstances of their last encounter during the wedding still clearly scorched in his mind.

  “What a shock to find you here, Mr. Durov,” Brie’s mother said. “The last I heard, your whereabouts were still unknown. By the looks of it, you’ve had an extremely rough time of it.”

  “I’m fortunate to have an army of loyal friends and the constitution of a horse, Mrs. Bennett. Thank you for your concern.” He invited them both inside, interested in seeing how this would play out.

  Brie ran up to her parents, hugging her mother first and chiding, “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “Why would we?” her father huffed angrily. “You would have just put us off again. We’re tired of being brushed off by our daughter. We’re your parents, for Christ’s sake.”

  Brie hesitated, put off by the force of his anger but hugging him just the same.

  Her mother grabbed Brie back and held her tight, tears flowing down her cheeks. “It’s been too long. Way too long, Brie.”

  Rytsar could see Brie relaxing in her mother’s arms, and he felt a tinge of jealousy. What he wouldn’t give to feel the arms of his mother again. But jealousy had no place here. “I will leave you,” he stated, trying to make a quick exit.

  “No, Rytsar, please stay with me,” Brie begged.

  Even though her father shot daggers when he turned around, Rytsar moved back to her side, determined to be there for her.

  When Marcy pulled away, she looked down at Brie’s belly and shook her head in amazement. “Look how big you’ve gotten! What are you, six months now?” Her tears started up again as she looked at her husband. “I can’t believe how much I’ve missed.”

  Her father growled at Brie, “You have been very unkind to your mother, young lady.”

  “Mom, Dad…please sit on the couch. It’s time we had a heart-to-heart talk.”


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