Turning the Page

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Turning the Page Page 9

by Andrew Grey

  “They were that specific?” Malcolm asked, and Hans leaned closer, slanting his mouth over Malcolm’s, who promptly forgot about the weather. This was nice, and he was warm and held. He could almost forget about everything else for a while. Hell, maybe that was what he wanted, Hans was a nice guy, and it had been a very long time since he’d been with anyone. Malcolm wasn’t into casual sex; he’d given that up quite some time ago. But maybe sex with a friend, someone he liked? That wasn’t casual and could be fun. He knew Hans wasn’t going to hurt him or be a dick, so…. He pushed the reservations away and wound his arms around Hans’s neck, pressing closer, signaling that he wanted more. The wind howled, but that could have been a moan from Hans. He wasn’t sure and it didn’t matter. The wind couldn’t touch him here, in Hans’s arms. This was safe and quiet, and his entire being thrummed with energy that had been missing for…. He wasn’t going to think it. Instead he decided to let it go and just be. For one night he could do that.

  “What was so specific?” Hans asked.

  “The amount of snow,” Malcolm managed to croak out. “You said eight inches, give or take. I thought you were telling me how much snow we were supposed to get.”

  “Maybe,” Hans whispered and winked.

  “You’re either naughty or a braggart,” Malcolm said, realizing what Hans was insinuating. He sat up and took a deep breath, then stood and looked outside. Snow fell thick, carried and circled by the wind. “I should go if I’m going to make it home.” He didn’t want to leave, but Hans had not exactly issued an invitation, and he didn’t want to assume anything.

  Before he could turn around, Hans slid his hands around Malcolm’s waist as he pressed to Malcolm’s back, hips to his butt, and damn if someone didn’t feel like showing off.

  “It’s supposed to snow for much of the night, and the wind is supposed to be fierce. I checked on my phone, and they’re asking motorists to stay off the roads. The winds are higher than they expected, and the storm got here a little sooner.”

  “I see. So you’re saying that we should take their advice.”

  Hans tugged Malcolm’s shirt upward, rubbing his belly in little circles. “We wouldn’t want to create a driving hazard, and I certainly don’t want you taking any chances on the roads.”

  Malcolm shivered, but not from the cold, when Hans’s hot breath caressed his neck, followed by his lips. Hans shimmied closer, holding Malcolm tightly, his hands wandering upward, and Malcolm leaned back into the embrace, wanting the closeness more than he was willing to admit to Hans or himself. He needed to be touched like an addict needs a fix. He craved it, and Hans gave him what he needed.

  “I know what you’ve been denying yourself,” Hans whispered. “I can feel the want seeping from you. Every inch of your skin wants to be caressed.”

  Malcolm nodded, too into what Hans was doing to bother to put up a front. He gasped when Hans plucked his nipples, over and over, rubbing them until they ached, and he needed more. Malcolm’s cock pressed at the front of his jeans, desperate for release, but Hans stayed north of the border.

  “Put your head back and give yourself over. I’ve gone through what you have. I know the fear and the longing. I know how badly you wish you could go back and do it all over again, have one more day. Want nothing more than to be touched and cared for one more time. But you can have that if you allow yourself. Starting over is hard, but you never know what you might find.”

  “Are you saying you’re what I’ve been looking for?”

  “No,” Hans breathed and slid his hands over Malcolm’s belly and then down his hips to his legs, pressing to his inner thigh and then along his constrained cock and back up to his hip. “Your body is telling me that. Your cock—” He pressed his hand over and along Malcolm’s erection before sliding it away again. “—your breathing.” Hans’s magic hands slid up to his chest. “Your lips, the way your legs are shaking. It all tells me exactly what you want and need.”

  “I don’t think that’s too hard to figure out.” Malcolm hoped like hell that Hans didn’t stop.

  “No. It’s more than that. I know that your nipples are really sensitive, and that every time I press my hips to your backside, you press back. When we do go upstairs, I know exactly what you want… what you need.”

  Malcolm whimpered. “I didn’t realize I was an open book. Some lawyer I am.”

  “This isn’t a court, and you aren’t trying to hide from me. You want me to know, and that’s a really good thing, because if you don’t tell me, I can’t make you feel the way I want you to.”

  “Damn,” Malcolm breathed. Thinking was the last thing he was able to do at that moment. All he wanted to do was feel, and at that very moment, anticipation and every single one of Hans’s touches seemed designed to heighten his desire.

  “Exactly,” Hans said.

  Malcolm expected that they’d go to the bedroom, but Hans stood where he was, in front of the window where they could be seen. Of course, if anyone were to look they wouldn’t see much, but after a few minutes, Malcolm began to feel exposed.

  “Come with me,” Hans whispered just before sucking lightly on his ear.

  He stepped away, and Malcolm was suddenly cold and alone. Without thinking he wrapped his arms around him and shivered slightly until Hans unwound his arms and took his hand. He led Malcolm out of the living room, turning out the lights as they went.

  The house was dark by the time they reached what Malcolm hoped was Hans’s bedroom. Hans flipped a switch, and a soft glow illuminated the rich bed and dresser. Warm fabrics in muted reds covered the chair and draped the windows. The effect was clean and mellow, the perfect environment for sleeping.

  Malcolm stood in the doorway, looking at the room while wondering what he was doing here. Suddenly he was standing in another man’s bedroom, something he hadn’t done in more than twenty years, and the last time had been David’s.

  “Nothing is going to happen that you don’t want to,” Hans whispered as he turned around and drew Malcolm to him.

  “Have you been with other people since your breakup?” Malcolm asked.

  “Yes. At first I went through the ‘I’m free’ phase, but that didn’t last very long, and then I was lonely and tired of it. It’s been a while since I was with someone else, and I’m guessing that you haven’t been with anyone other than David in twenty-one or twenty-two years.”

  “You’re right. Never wanted anyone else. Sure, I looked at good-looking guys sometimes, but that was all. As far as actually being with someone, it was always David.” He hadn’t intended the conversation to go to this subject. Malcolm had figured that as long as they kept their conversation on sex or them, he’d be fine, but now that he was face-to-face with being intimate with Hans… he was scared.

  “Then like I said, we can take things slow. There’s a guest room right across the hall, and you can stay there tonight if that’s what you want. No harm… no foul. You won’t have anything to apologize for or regret.”

  Malcolm stepped closer to Hans and gently cupped his cheeks. “I….” God, how did he say that he wanted Hans but was afraid? He wanted to be with Hans, but it felt like he was cheating on David. It was more than just sex, but he also wanted to have sex. It had been since after David’s diagnosis. “I do want to be with you.”

  Hans kissed him, cupping Malcolm’s cheeks in return and gently guiding him toward the bed. “Just close your eyes.”

  “Okay,” Malcolm said and let his hands fall to his sides.

  Hans kissed him again and then slowly undid the buttons of his shirt, kissing the exposed skin of his neck and shoulders while the fabric fell from his arms and off his hands. “You’re sexy, you know that?”

  Malcolm shook his head. David had liked his body. They’d been the same age, and they’d grown older and had started the middle-age spread together. They’d also gone to the gym together to stave off some of the inevitable weight gain. “I’m a middle-aged guy who hasn’t been to the gym in months.”

  “Hey. You are the way you are, and that’s perfect.” Hans kissed his shoulder, and Malcolm sighed. “Time affects all of us, and none of us are the way we used to be.”

  Malcolm tensed when Hans moved away, but when his chest pressed to him and his bare arms encircled him, Malcolm thought he was going to come on the spot from pure surprised excitement. “I bet you’re gorgeous and don’t look the way I do.”

  “So I’m a little younger. This society places way too much emphasis on looks and youth. Intelligence, wisdom, and experience are a lot more sexy.” Hans sucked on his ear again, sending shivers through Malcolm. “So just relax and be yourself. You’re a successful, confident man who’s feeling a little lost and on shaky ground. But that doesn’t mean the powerhouse isn’t still in there.”

  “What powerhouse?”

  “The one who built his law practice and handled the man from the IRS so deftly he didn’t know what hit him. How about the one who’s the senior partner at his law firm because he’s the most qualified man for the job? Stop putting yourself down and let the real Malcolm out.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “All right. Think back to the man you were when you first met David. I’m willing to bet you were cocky, driven, and a bundle of energy.” Hans slowly stroked his back. “Don’t you want to be that man again?”

  “God, yes,” Malcolm groaned, pressing closer, needing some friction and stimulation. He kept going from the edge of passion to worry and guilt, and the swings had to stop. It was getting to be too much for him, and he needed to settle his mind.

  “Then be that man,” Hans told him.

  “I think he’s gone.”

  “No, he’s still there.” Hans pressed Malcolm back until his legs touched the mattress. Hans’s kiss was demanding and filled with almost enough energy to shock him. Malcolm felt his reservations slipping away by the second, and he sat down on the edge of the bed and fell backward.

  Hans was there instantly, pressing him into the soft mattress. His weight was solid, and Malcolm explored Hans’s powerful back, muscles rippling with every movement. Malcolm wanted to take in all of Hans, but at the moment he was sinking deeply into the myriad of sensations running through him.

  Malcolm groaned when Hans’s weight lifted, and then Hans stepped back. Malcolm was beginning to feel different, the way Hans had said, and he wanted more. He’d been living in a bubble of self-pity and doubt, and it was time for that to stop. Hans pulled off Malcolm’s black sneakers and socks, letting them fall to the floor. Then, to Malcolm’s surprised delight, he rubbed his feet and up his calves under his pants. Malcolm had no idea that rubbing his legs could be that erotic, but he gripped the bed and held on as Hans ushered in new delights.

  When Hans paused again, leaning over him, Malcolm pressed him back and used that opportunity to take him in. Hans was stunning. He’d imagined more than once what was under Hans’s clothes, and he’d gotten the chance to feel him a few times, but seeing…. Malcolm knew Hans was a big guy, but he was muscle and light, golden skin set off with a light dusting of reddish-blond chest hair. Pink nipples adorned a full chest, and his arms were thick and corded. Hans wasn’t a youngster. His waist was thick—not fat, just thick—with that treasure trail that left Malcolm wondering what it led to. He was more than willing to follow it.

  Hans opened his belt and drew it off, then laid it on the chair. He must have known he had Malcolm’s undivided attention, and he was going to make the most of it. When he opened the catch on his dark jeans, Malcolm’s breath hitched in anticipation. Hans let the pants fall and stepped out of them. Black boxer briefs hugged his legs and thighs. A nearly naked Hans was a sight to behold, and when he stalked closer, reaching for the clasp of Malcolm’s belt, Malcolm held his breath, stilling, but his belly fluttered in anticipation. Hans teased the strip of skin above his waist with his fingers, and then he popped the button on his jeans and tugged them open. Hans leaned forward, burying his face in Malcolm’s belly, hot breath warming his chilled skin.

  “You smell like heaven.”

  Hans pulled the denim downward. Malcolm lifted his hips, and the jeans slid down his legs. His dark briefs tented, and Malcolm’s first reaction was embarrassment, but Hans grinned and nuzzled him, groaning loudly.

  Between his arousal and the way Hans licked and sucked at him, his briefs were damp by the time Hans pulled them away and down his legs. Malcolm’s self-consciousness had long faded, replaced with sheer lustful desire. Hans had teased and prolonged things to the point where Malcolm’s head throbbed. Hans was like a drug. He helped Malcolm scoot back to get comfortable with his head on the pillow. Then he stalked onto the bed, climbing Malcolm as though he were a tree.

  “Damn,” Malcolm moaned softly, running his fingers over Hans’s back. This time he didn’t stop, sliding them under the soft cotton fabric to cup Hans’s beefy ass. He kneaded the muscle, and it was Hans’s turn to moan. That sounded amazing and felt even better. Malcolm loved that he could pull that kind of needy sound out of such a big man.

  He pushed the last of Hans’s clothes down his legs, and Hans kicked them off before settling back on top of him, sliding his cock along Malcolm’s, whose mouth went dry.

  “Like that?”

  Hans rocked his hips, and Malcolm lightly bit Hans’s shoulder to keep from embarrassing himself. He hadn’t ever thought he’d feel like this again, and Hans seemed to push all his buttons. So when Hans slid down his body like a snake and without warning sucked Malcolm’s cock between his lips, he didn’t know how to react. Malcolm placed his hands on Hans’s head and thrust upward. He realized too late that he might have surprised Hans, but all Hans did was suck him harder. Now that was hot, “blow off the top of his head” hot. Hans added more pressure, and Malcolm knew he couldn’t take much more. The desire and pressure had been building for so long, and with all of Hans’s teasing, he wasn’t going to be able to prolong things. Not that Hans was taking his time. He seemed to realize that Malcolm was nearing the edge.

  He backed off for a few seconds and then sucked Malcolm so hard there was no way Malcolm could hold off any longer. His entire body tingled. Malcolm did his best to warn Hans, but his release came on him so fast that all he could do was grunt before he tumbled over the edge and held on for dear life as months of pent-up energy shot from him.

  Warmth and delight hung over him in a way Malcolm had never thought it would again. He stilled and closed his eyes, happy and contented. Hans settled next to him and rolled onto his side, sliding an arm over Malcolm’s belly and just holding him.

  It took Malcolm more time than he wanted to admit to recover from the release of his life. Getting older definitely sucked, but Hans was patient, and when Malcolm could move again, he opened his eyes and nestled close to Hans, rolling him onto his back.

  Hans was like a mountain of muscle. Where he was from, they grew them big and hunky.

  “I’ve wanted to be able to get a good look at you for a while now.” Malcolm made little circles on Hans’s chest with his fingers, teasing his pink nipples. “You look almost as I imagined.”

  “Almost?” Hans asked with a lift of one eyebrow.

  “Yeah. My imagination didn’t quite do you justice.” Malcolm let his gaze rake down Hans’s belly until it came to rest on his long, thick cock, resting on a blond nest and reaching for Hans’s belly button. He leaned over Hans, kissing him as he climbed on top of him. Hans was like a furnace, generating waves of heat that felt amazing. Malcolm stretched out, enjoying as much skin-to-skin contact as possible.

  “Fuck,” Hans groaned.

  Malcolm flexed his hips, sliding Hans along his skin. “Yeah,” Malcolm whispered. “You know you aren’t the only one who can read others.” Malcolm rocked slowly back and forth, and Hans encircled him with his strong, powerful arms, holding him tight. God, it felt so right being held by Hans. Malcolm took in every sensation as he raised his body, straddling Hans and rolling his hips.

  Hans’s chest
expanded with each inhalation, and he stroked Malcolm’s thighs as Malcolm continued the slow stroking of Hans’s cock. “God,” Hans groaned.

  “I may be older, but that also means I know a few things.” He slid back, wrapping his hands around Hans’s cock, stroking him hard and firm. Hans was searingly hot in his hands, and he reveled in it. He rolled his thumb over the head of Hans’s cock about every other stroke, applying just the right amount of sensation under the head to send Hans’s eyes rolling back into his head.

  “Jesus,” Hans swore.

  “I know.” Malcolm was enthralled by Hans’s reaction. He stroked harder while cupping his heavy balls. Damn, Hans had been gifted with an amazing cock, and maybe if things worked out, he’d feel it deep inside one day. “You’re an incredible man.”

  “I hope so,” Hans said breathily.

  “I know so.” He twisted his hands, and Hans gasped. “That’s it. Give it up for me just like I did you.” He locked his gaze with Hans’s, knowing that few things were as sexy as looking deep into someone’s eyes without reservation. Hans’s eyes were like a storm in a blue sky. The blues swirled and deepened the further they went down passion’s road. He knew Hans was getting close by the way his eyes widened and from the flush that spread across his cheeks. Then Hans closed his eyes for a few seconds, stilled, and cried out, shaking as he came in ribbons on his belly and chest.

  The sight was beautiful, and it was enough to get Malcolm’s engine running again. He doubted he’d be able to do anything about it so soon, but that didn’t matter. It was just nice to know.

  Malcolm leaned forward, capturing Hans’s lips in a deep kiss. “I’ll go get something,” Malcolm said, and Hans groaned and pressed Malcolm back onto the mattress.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll be right back.”

  Hans climbed off the bed and kissed him before leaving the room. Malcolm stared up at the ceiling, naked on top of the bedding. Now that the passion was spent, he wondered what Hans would want. Not knowing what was expected was strange and made him a little nervous. Before, he’d known what to expect, and things were reasonably predictable. David had been a talker. He loved to lie in bed and talk and talk after sex. Not necessarily about sex, but just talk. Was Hans like that, or was he the kind of guy who cuddled or simply rolled over and went to sleep? Malcolm knew he was probably being dumb and didn’t move.


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