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God Stones: Books 1 - 3

Page 79

by Otto Schafer

  Elaine was there, sipping a cup of tea and chatting with the men. She turned to the door as he entered the room. “Garrett, do you know who these men are?” she asked, motioning to them.

  Garrett nodded, wide eyed. “You must be Dr. Moore, Bre’s dad! And that means you must be her other brother, Ed!”

  From behind Garrett, Paul entered the room.

  The two men lurched upward as chairs toppled.

  “Paul! Jesus Christ, boy! You’re alive!” the older man shouted, throwing his arms around Paul.

  The younger man threw his own giant arms around both of them. “Bre said you were dead,” he said, his eyes glistening and threatening to spill over.

  “What? Breanne! You’ve talked to her? Is she with you?!” Garrett asked, searching the men’s faces.

  Dr. Moore shook his head, trying to catch his breath. “Slow down, everyone, just slow down.” He wiped his eyes. “So you’re Garrett. The Garrett. You don’t have to call me doctor or mister, you just call me plain old Charles.” He turned back to Paul, both hands on his son’s shoulders. He squeezed them. “I… I never thought I would see you again, son.”

  “I’m okay, Pops,” Paul said.

  Charles looked back to Garrett. “And this is my oldest son, Ed.”

  Garrett looked at Ed and nodded, but there was something about the way Ed looked at Garrett that made him feel like he didn’t like him… not at all.

  “Who are your friends?” Charles asked.

  “This is Lenny and David. They know Bre too,” Garrett said sheepishly. “Did you say you talked to Bre?”

  Ed cut in. “I want you to tell me what happened that night, Garrett. I want you to tell me in your own words what happened.” He pointed accusingly across the table. “I want to know how you let Bre get taken by that psycho if you’re supposed to be some kind of chosen one!? That’s what I want to know!”

  Paul spoke up. “Now hold on, Ed, you weren’t there. Garrett went back for her, he tried—”

  “And what about you, Paul? Bre thinks you’re dead. How could you leave without her?” Ed asked.

  “Like I said, you weren’t there. Once Apep magicked himself out, there wasn’t really shit we could do but try not to die and live long enough to find Bre after!” Paul said.

  Garrett looked from Paul to Ed, focusing on a vein bulging from the side of his neck like a swollen garden hose about to burst.

  “Ed. Stop. We talked about this,” Charles said.

  “Stop?! How can you—”

  “Who opened the ark, Ed?” Charles asked. “When Bre begged me not to, who opened it!? If you want to blame someone for all this, you blame me, dammit!”

  Garrett blinked back tears as Breanne’s father’s eyes filled and dumped wet trails down his face.

  “I’m sorry!” Garrett shouted. “I never wanted any of this. I tried to get to her. I tried to get her to run to me, but she wouldn’t or couldn’t.” He shook his head back and forth in frustration and looked to Paul. “I… I begged Paul not to go back, but he wouldn’t listen to me and if he had listened, we would all be dead too! I couldn’t save our friend Janis when the dragon burned her alive, I couldn’t save Mr. B, I couldn’t save my dad! I couldn’t save anyone! Now he’s got Bre and I don’t know where he is! I don’t know what I am supposed to do!” Garrett slammed his fist down on the table as the tears came and flowed openly. He forced himself to look up and meet Ed’s eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for all of it.”

  Elaine made her way around the table to comfort him. Garrett waved her off.

  “I believe you did everything you could do,” Charles choked out.

  Ed’s face fell and he sat back in his chair.

  Garrett looked up and met the man’s eyes. “When you saw Paul, you said Bre said he was dead. What did you mean?”

  “I know where my daughter is,” Charles said, looking at Garrett.

  Garrett lifted his head and traded glances with Lenny. “What? Where? Is she alright? Does Apep still have her? Is she far? Is she hurt? Is she—”

  “Alright, slow down, Garrett,” Charles said. “Let me start from the beginning, and I will tell you everything. For me this starts in a hospital bed in Nova Scotia the night Apep connected the stones and the whole world went dark. For some reason I don’t understand, when those stones connected, I woke up. Albeit with a horrible headache, a fuzzy memory, and a quickly fading dream, but I was back. We didn’t know what to do next. Ed’s compound fracture healed within twenty-four hours of being broken. Some effect of the God Stones.” He gave Ed a sideways glance. “So, my only thought was getting out and finding Bre and Paul. Ed remembered hearing them mention the land of Lincoln, Petersburg, and a kid named Garrett, and so we got out of there and started for Illinois.”

  “But how did you get here so quickly on foot?” James asked.

  “We weren’t on foot so to speak. Look, I would rather not get into it, but let’s just say the ability to heal isn’t the only thing that Ed here ended up acquiring from the God Stones.”

  “I can sort of fly,” Ed said.

  “You can fly, Ed?” Paul asked.

  “Wait, what does that mean, ‘sort of fly’?” David asked, making no effort to hide his excitement.

  “It means not very long, not very high, and not very good,” Charles said.

  “I got us here, didn’t I?” Ed said defensively. “Besides if it wasn’t for me, we would never had made it past the dragons.”

  “Dragons?!” James said.

  “Dammit, you’re getting ahead, Ed. Tell it right or let me tell it,” Charles said.

  Ed motioned for his dad to continue, and everyone else leaned forward.

  “I hadn’t been on a bike in years, but you know what they say, it’s like riding a bike. When we were on the long stretches of clear road, Ed was able to fly a foot or two off the ground with a rope tied from him to the bike and we hit some incredibly dangerous speeds. We hit the dirt a few times too, trying to figure it out but, luckily, we were able to get here in one piece and in pretty decent time. We could have been here sooner, but we had to use the river to sneak past the dragons. If it wasn’t for Ed’s ability, I’m sure I would have drowned.”

  “What are you talking about dragons? We haven’t seen any dragons,” James said.

  “Are you people not sending scouts out?” Ed asked.

  “Of course but… Well, to be honest, we haven’t had any return in the last several days. I expected this, what with the trees moving and their orders to go further out, but what are you saying?” James asked.

  “I’m saying we didn’t see any dragons until we got to within fifty miles, then we saw our first and we tried to go around, then we saw our second, so we went further afield. Then we saw our third, and that’s when we realized they are surrounding this town. They are closing in and burning surrounding towns. You are being surrounded and cut off from everything. It’s only a matter of days before they reach this place.”

  Paul and James shared a look.

  “Haven’t you guys seen the smoke in the far-off distance?” Charles asked.

  “The world has gone crazy without power, so we figured riots in Springfield could be the cause of the smoke. I sent a two-man team to check it out,” James said.

  “Well, your two-man team is probably dragon food,” Charles said.

  “And that’s if the trees don’t kill them first,” Ed said.

  James’s eyes widened. “The trees? We’ve seen them moving, but they are attacking?”

  “Have you been down in this hole too long or what?” Ed asked.

  “Ed, knock it off. These folks have actually created a pretty defendable and sustainable bunker down here,” Paul said.

  “The trees haven’t attacked, at least not in mass, not yet, but they are mobilizing and if I were a tree come to life, I don’t think I would care too much for humans,” Charles said.

  Uneasy looks traveled around the table.

  “Trees are alive and mobiliz
ing?!” David shook his head.

  Garrett absently listened to the information about the dragons and the trees. Everyone was talking all at once, asking questions, but his mind was somewhere else. All he wanted to know about was Bre. “Mr. Moore?”

  Everyone fell silent.

  “Just Charles,” he said.

  “Where is Bre and how do you know where she is?” he asked.

  Charles nodded sagely. “There is this girl, Gabi. She was exposed to the God Stones after Apep left Petersburg. She has the ability to take an object that two people have possessed, or I don’t know maybe even just touched, and somehow connect them.” Charles held up his hands and interlocked his fingers. He launched into the whole story, telling Garrett and the others all about Gabi, Ogliosh, Apep, Azazel, Sarah, and Bre. When he was finished, he sat back and said, “I’ve talked to my daughter every day for the last seven nights. Sarah is getting worse. She is bedridden and has come down with a fever. She needs antibiotics and pain medicine, but Bre tells me they have nothing there and the area is overrun with giant bugs, snakes, monkeys – you name it.”

  “But how is that possible?” Lenny asked.

  “Apep. The last Breanne knew he was on the mountain with Ogliosh. During her escape she saw a blue-grey fog, then she noticed the bugs and had a run-in with a giant snake. She described howler monkeys larger than any gorilla in existence.”

  “Great, just what we need – a bunch of King Kongs!” David said.

  “The night before last, she said an iguana attacked and killed one of the ranch hands,” Charles said, his forehead creasing. “Last night for the first time in seven nights, she didn’t communicate. I’m worried sick. Listen, Garrett, I don’t know what you have planned but Apep is going to open the portal using that pyramid in Mexico. I don’t know how much longer Sarah can hold out and I don’t know how long my baby girl can fend off all these… all these dangers. I would like to know your plan and how soon you are going to make your move.”

  Elaine placed her cup of tea on the table. “We are prepared to weather all of it – dragons, giants, trees, and whatever else Apep tries to put in our path. We have over a thousand followers, ready to march behind the chosen, the one reborn of dragon fire and blood.” She pointed at Garrett and smiled. “Show him your arms, Garrett.”

  Garrett’s face reddened as he turned to James. “How long before we can go?”

  “Your call, Garrett. When we leave is up to you, but if what Mr. Moore is telling us is true, we should wait until the dragons finish their search and move on. In a couple weeks when it’s safe, we can move out. This will give us time to prepare for the journey. We have horses in underground stalls. Enough for those who can’t walk. We have wagons too, to sustain us for the long journey.”

  “You can’t be serious!?” Ed shouted.

  Charles held up his hands for calm. “What my son is saying is surely you don’t plan to wait weeks after what we just told you? My daughter is in imminent danger! Sarah may die if we don’t get medicine to her soon. The journey will take weeks, maybe months. And you want to wait even longer!”

  “Please, Charles, try and understand this is bigger than us. It’s bigger than all of us!” Elaine said.

  “Bigger than two little girls that have already lost so much?!” Charles replied.

  “I knew this was a mistake, Pops! We wasted too much time on this!” Edward said, standing up from the table.

  Paul stood. “Everyone, just calm down.”

  “There is no time for this, son. Your sister needs you!” Charles said.

  “Please, don’t be foolish!” James said. “Stay with us and we will go together.”

  “Didn’t you hear anything we said?!” Edward’s face was flushed with anger again. “My sister will be dead before we get there!”

  Garrett’s face furrowed. He looked at Lenny, who wore the same confused expression. It was like looking in the mirror.

  “I don’t see what more there is to discuss.” Charles stood. “Edward, Paul, go – get your sister, Gabi, and Sarah.”

  “And what about you?” Edward said.

  “I will stay here and travel with this group.”

  “But Pops!” Ed started.

  “Ed, I won’t make it. I barely made it here. I am too damn old and slow. Besides, to get to that part of Mexico, they may need a guide. It’s up to you. Just get your sister and help Sarah.”

  “We will stock you with provisions, provide you meds, and arm you. I am afraid that’s all I can offer,” James said. “You should get some rest now and leave when it’s dark.”

  Ed nodded, then looked at Garrett. He didn’t speak and if Garrett thought the giant man didn’t like him before, he was sure now.

  Paul looked at Garrett expectantly.

  Garrett couldn’t hold his stare, and he didn’t know what to say. This all felt wrong, but it was happening so fast.

  “This is the right decision,” his mother said, placing a hand on Garrett’s shoulder. “Your people need you, Garrett.”

  “Come with me – I will show you where you can rest,” James said, nodding towards the Moores as he headed for the door.

  Garrett glanced up in time to see Paul shake his head and turn away. He felt sick.

  The two other Moores followed.

  “Boys, leave Garrett and I for a moment, please,” Elaine said.

  When Lenny and David were gone, Elaine turned to her son. “Close the door.”

  Garrett closed the door and returned to the table, sitting back down across from his mother. She picked up her cup and took a sip.

  “You know this is the first time we have really been alone since you woke up this morning. So much has happened. Did you get the item you sought from Syldan’s?” she asked.

  Garrett laid the diary on the table. “Yeah, I got it.”

  “Already, today, you have woken, Syldan has died, and the Moores have shown up, disclosing the location of Apep and with it the destiny of mankind.” She paused to look sideways at him. She placed a finger on the rim of the cup and began to move it slowly around the lip. “How are you?”

  Garrett frowned at the absurdity of the question. He thought about that for a long moment. How was he? He was pissed off. He wanted to yell at her, I am damned pissed! He wanted to tell her she was horrible for doing this to him. Horrible for lying to him. He wanted to tell her that he didn’t trust her, that he didn’t trust any of this.

  Yet somehow, he knew the prophecy was real. He knew this was all really happening. He thought about Breanne. If her own brothers didn’t save her, she would be dead long before he got there. And what would she think of him then? The boy who didn’t try to save her. His stomach turned as a voice spoke in his mind. It was a memory from the cave… when he thought he would never see Paul again. Promise right now, that if I don’t make it, you will find my sister and you will save her from that bastard!

  Garrett had made that promise not understanding the burden he now carried for a thousand others. If it is the last thing I do I will find her. I promise I will. I swear it. Whether you make it or not. I swear it! He had known Breanne for one evening but it felt like he’d known her his whole life, and now she might die because he couldn’t save her in the cave and he couldn’t save her now.

  “Garrett?” his mother said.

  Garrett blinked up at her. “Sorry… I… I was just thinking.”

  “Care to share?”

  “What exactly does the prophecy say I will do?”

  Elaine looked curiously at him. “It says you will lead your people home. Back to the planet we were cast away from.”

  Lead my people home? “It says that specifically?” Garrett asked.

  His mother’s frown deepened. “No, it says, The one of me, flesh and blood of my flesh and blood, the only male descendant of me. The one named Garrett. The one who died and was reborn of dragon fire and blood. The one who is reborn bearing the mark will lead his people through the portal and put right what was made wrong
so long ago. There, satisfied?” his mother said. “That’s word for word.”

  “What does put right the wrong mean?”

  “Ah, yes, that is the question. No one knows. It isn’t written. Perhaps leading us home rights the wrong done to humanity and nothing else will be required.”

  “Or there will be more to this,” Garrett said.

  “Perhaps, but you will know what to do when the time comes.”

  “But how?”

  His mother smiled and for a moment it felt like it used to, before he knew she was someone else. “Your heart will lead you.”

  Garrett nodded slowly and stood from the table. “I’m tired, Mom. I think I should get some rest.”

  “You sure you are okay?”

  “Just tired – it’s all overwhelming.”

  “Of course.”

  He turned to leave when his mom said, “Garrett?”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  Garrett found Lenny, David, and Pete waiting outside.

  “Pete!” Garrett said, throwing his arms around the boy.

  Pete hugged him back and smiled. “Glad to see you decided to wake up.”

  “Are you okay? I mean, I heard about your mom and stuff.”

  Pete shrugged. “It is what it is.”

  But Garrett could tell it wasn’t okay. There was something different about Pete – something besides the fact he didn’t wear glasses anymore.

  “You find your rat today?”

  Pete looked at Lenny and shook his head side to side, then back to Garrett. “Who were those guys I saw walking with Paul?”

  “They were his brother and dad. Turns out Bre has been talking to them through some telepathic girl,” David said.

  “Seriously?” Pete asked, raising an eyebrow.


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