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Vlad (Sons of Sangue Book 8)

Page 4

by Patricia A. Rasey

  If her instincts failed her and he was guilty of murder times six, then she’d just stepped into the lion’s den. With the sheer size of him, he could easily overpower her; no amount of training or weapons would save her.

  This man wanted something and apparently he wouldn’t stop until he got it.

  “Well if not you, Vlad, then who? Who broke into my home?”

  Vlad shrugged and took a sip from his glass, likely trying to hide the actual truth. The bastard. “I wouldn’t have the slightest clue. Maybe you should think about upping your security. One can’t be too careful these days.”

  “No, one can’t.” Janelle narrowed her gaze. “What exactly do you want to know about this latest case? Because, let’s face it, it’s why you looked me up again. What is it you want, Vlad? What’s your interest and why do I feel like these two cases are connected?”

  He ran a hand down the scruff on his chin, the sexy sound filling the silence hanging between them. His deep dark gaze went blacker if that were possible, nearly swallowing the whites of his eyes.

  “Call it curiosity.”

  This time Janelle laughed. “You show up twice now and you think I’m going to take that answer? Tell me why I shouldn’t haul your ass downtown for questioning of these murders. Or better yet, book you for them.”

  “Because I didn’t do it.”

  “Then you know who did.” It was no longer a question. Janelle was getting the feeling that was his exact reasoning for his interest in this whole scenario. “Who is it? Save me the fucking trouble.”

  “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you. You’re the special agent, that’s what you get paid to find out.”

  “If you’re harboring a fugitive or hampering an investigation, I’ll make sure you go down. The DEA doesn’t take that lightly. If you know something, then you need to tell me.”

  “How about you do your fucking job, Special Agent Ferrari, and stop trying to pin this shit on me. That’s Laziness 101. If you think I know the guilty person, then fucking prove it.”

  He slammed his glass on the table, shattering it. A small bead of blood welled to the surface of his hand where a shard had cut him. He ignored the tiny wound. “I’m only here to find out what you know.”

  “Why? So you can get to the bastard first?” Her tone rose, matching his in intensity. She was good and pissed. “If you want to know what I have, then you damn well better be prepared to tell me why these cases are so important to you. And I swear to God if you know who is responsible, then you better turn him in, or I’ll see you go away for a good long time.”

  “You could try, but there isn’t a prison system on this planet capable of keeping me.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “Think of it what you want. I didn’t murder these victims. And as far as knowing who did? Let me just say you’d best catch him before I do. Your punishment will be less severe than mine. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve grown tired of this.”

  Her mouth rounded. Was he seriously kicking her out after he demanded she come all the way over here? Well, technically it wasn’t that far. She had stopped long enough at Frank’s to let Captain Melchor know she wouldn’t be staying for that drink.

  “You haven’t gotten what you wanted. So why bother asking me here?”

  “Because it’s fucking obvious you aren’t willing to share. That goes both ways, Special Agent Ferrari. If I find the culprit, don’t expect me to have you on quick dial.”

  He grabbed a paper napkin from the table and blotted at the small amount of blood running from the cut on his hand, careful to turn the red fluid marring the white inside the paper before stuffing it into his pocket rather than throwing it in the receptacle sitting no more than three feet away. Funny, she couldn’t detect the wound where the blood had welled to the surface.

  Vlad busied himself, scooping the shards of glass into his palm before carrying them to the sink at the side of the room and dumping them into it. Turning on the water, he seemed to be washing the blood off before then depositing them into the trash.


  Continuing about his business, he ignored her altogether. A long black hair caught her attention, next to where she had placed her briefcase. Janelle recalled finding one just like it at the church crime scene. While he was still preoccupied, she snagged it and slipped it into a small snack-size bag and tucked it away.

  Janelle cleared her throat and gained his attention. “I’m still here.”

  “That much is fucking obvious,” he grumbled, his tone deep and ominous. He pointed to the penthouse exit. “I’ve already dismissed you. The door is that way.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  He grinned, the humor missing from his gaze. “So I’ve been told.”

  Janelle wasn’t about to be dismissed so easily. “What exactly were you hoping to get from me?”

  “The neck wounds…” He looked at her strangely, as if he could read her very soul.

  Janelle shook her head, her thoughts scrambling, the same as when he had come to her office months ago. Refusing to be bamboozled by his parlor tricks, as he called them, she glanced away, her thoughts immediately clearing.

  “What about the wounds?” Janelle glanced around the room, looking anywhere but at him. “They were similar to the Flores case, but not as messy. If you saw a news report earlier on who the victims were, then you’ve already guessed as much or you wouldn’t be here.”

  “Look at me.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know how you’re doing what you are, but you aren’t getting back inside my head.”

  “What do you think made the wounds? A jagged knife?”

  “I’m not the coroner. He’ll be able to tell us that when we get the autopsy report.”

  Vlad stuffed his hands deep into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “Maybe that’s who I should be talking to. I’ve been thinking this through all wrong and allowing my desire to get in the way.”


  “Meaning my attraction to you is clouding my judgment. Now if you’ll excuse me, Special Agent Ferrari, I have somewhere I need to be.”

  Vlad picked up her briefcase and handed it to her. Placing a hand in the small of her back, he ushered her toward the exit. His palm heated her flesh as easily as if he had touched her bare skin. Janelle couldn’t believe the audacity of this man. First, he demanded she come, and now he couldn’t get rid of her fast enough.

  Vlad opened the door. “Thank you for coming by, Janelle.”

  “You haven’t seen the last of me.” Janelle grit her teeth, holding her anger in check. “I’m sure I’ll be looking you up in the near future.”

  A genuine smile parted his full lips. “Certainly. And I’ll look forward to seeing you again. Hopefully, next time will be more pleasant. Good day, Special Agent.”

  She stepped through the exit, the door closing behind her. Janelle wasn’t letting him off the hook so easily. She’d wait in her car for him to leave and then she’d find out exactly where he intended to go.

  Vlad desired her, just as she did him. There was no doubt in her mind by the way he looked at her. So why the hot and cold treatment? The harder she probed him about the murders, the more closed off he became—nervous even, which shocked the hell out of her. She’d bet not much spooked the man.

  If she didn’t know better, this darkly powerful man was afraid she was getting close to the truth and was trying to dodge her. But why? Janelle’s gut told her Vlad was protecting a big secret, if not someone who was close to him.

  Chapter 5

  Janelle followed his Aston Martin at a distance, weaving in and out of traffic. She may have thought she was being sly, but Vlad had been well aware of the tail. Hell, she had been following him since Friday. No way in hell Vlad was going to tail Mircea with Janelle riding his back. Other than visiting Kane and Kaleb at the clubhouse, following her visit to his penthouse, he hadn’t given her much to pursue since he had to wait for the coroner’s offi
ce to open on Monday.

  A smile crossed his face. Why not have a little fun? Being Monday, she had to have known where he was headed. Had she asked, he would have gladly given her a lift, saving her the trouble of trying to be stealthy, not to mention wasting her entire weekend.

  Sitting in close quarters of the Aston, scenting her jasmine fragrance, would have tugged at his southern region and made the driving a bit uncomfortable, but it certainly would’ve made it more pleasant. Any time spent in her company was a delight, even if it meant walking around at half-mast. Vlad wanted Janelle and it didn’t take much for his dick to stand up and salute. Seeing her again only proved his need to stay away unless duty called, regardless of how much he enjoyed her company. Janelle Ferrari spelled trouble, no two ways about it.

  Passing the Lane County office building where the morgue was located, Vlad watched in the rear view mirror as she slid her Tahoe into an angled parking lot about a block back. Vlad’s grin widened as he gassed the Aston Martin and sped past the entrance, his GPS letting him know his need to turn around. Too bad he hadn’t been closer to her so he could’ve seen the look on her face when she realized she had been made.

  At the light, he turned left and sped down the city block before taking the next corner right and doing a quick U-turn. The Aston Martin now faced the intersection as Janelle passed. Her mouth dropped, then snapped closed just as quickly before she waved her middle finger.

  Vlad chuckled, giving her a wink.

  Stepping on the clutch, he put the car into first gear, then took off like a shot in the opposite direction. A glance in the mirror reflected her three-point turn. Vlad waited patiently at the intersection. The window to her SUV slid down as she pulled up next to him.

  “Nice seeing you again so soon, Special Agent. Next time, ask. I’d be happy to give you a lift.”

  The slight rise of the corner of her lips gave away the fact she wasn’t pissed at his mischievousness. “Jerk.”

  Vlad pointed to the parking garage ahead. “Why not follow me and we can visit the coroner together?”

  “Bad idea.”


  “Because you shouldn’t be anywhere near this case and I won’t be the one responsible for giving you clearance.”

  “I’m going in there regardless of whether you follow. And … I won’t need your clearance.”

  “Seriously?” Her brow arched. “This I have to see.”

  Vlad stepped on the gas, popped the clutch, then did a quick turn into the garage. The Aston Martin was a blast to drive. The sports car had some serious get up and go. Inside, he found a parking spot, then waited for the special agent to arrive.

  Janelle pulled up beside him, parked and exited her vehicle, a saucy smile on her stunning face. She didn’t need the aid of makeup, wearing little blush, eyeliner, and mascara to enhance her God-given natural beauty. “Show off.”

  Vlad chuckled and held out his hand. “Ladies first.”

  She shook her head. “I want to see how you manage to get all the way to the morgue without security clearance. I’m betting you won’t get past the first floor.”

  “Which floor is the morgue on?”

  “It’s in the basement.”

  Vlad winked again, knowing she’d never figure out his strategies. “Got it.”

  He walked far enough ahead so they didn’t appear to be together, should the security cameras or anyone in the parking garage take note. Stepping into the elevator, he held the door, then pressed the button for the lobby since there wasn’t one for the lower level. The lobby must contain an entirely different elevator that led to the morgue.

  The doors whooshed open onto the main level. Vlad’s eyes heated, his vampire genetics transforming them to obsidian. He turned his head, looked at the lobby camera and reached out a hand. Energy flowed through him, tingling the center of his palm, scrambling the security footage and all lines that ran to it. Vlad stepped from the car, leaving Janelle to trail behind as if they were strangers. There was a good chance those who worked in the building might know her, or at the very least recognize her. Janelle made it clear she shouldn’t be seen with him, not if she considered him a suspect.


  If he were to kill a human, Vlad certainly wouldn’t be leaving a trail behind like his idiotic brother. Besides, no one other than her would even remember him being in the building.

  A young gentleman with hair cropped close to the side and left overlong on top to drape over the other ear, manned the lobby desk. He wore a lanyard about his neck, dangling a card with the name Robert printed in black. Vlad figured it doubled as an access card, giving the man clearance to other areas of the building. Even so, he bet that didn’t include the morgue. Vlad stopped at the curved desk and leaned forward.

  “Can I help—”

  The young man’s eyes quickly glazed over as he looked into Vlad’s marble-like gaze. Vlad requested access to the basement, making sure Robert wouldn’t remember him or the inquiry. Robert quickly typed into the computer, placed a card into a slot, then pulled it out and handed it to Vlad.

  His well-manicured right hand pointed down the long hall. “The elevators are at the end by the staff entrance.”

  “Thank you, my good man.” Vlad’s smile widened. “Oh, and no need to alert anyone to the scrambled feed of the cameras. Just a glitch that will correct itself.”

  His blank gaze lifted from the monitors and toward the front of the building. “It sure is a beautiful day.”

  “Not a rain cloud in the sky.” Vlad walked down the long hall, hearing footsteps hustling behind him in an attempt to catch up. He didn’t need to look back to know who they belonged to.

  “How did you do that?” Janelle whispered when she came within hearing distance.

  “No worries about being seen, Special Agent. I took care of the cameras.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “No, I did not.”

  Arriving at a larger elevator, he slipped the card he had been given into the slot. The doors immediately slid open and the car, one big enough to roll a gurney into, was thankfully empty. Vlad held out his arm for Janelle to proceed him. They stood side-by-side as the doors closed. Janelle pushed the B, and the car started its descent. He smiled at her in the reflection on the polished metal across from them. Her lips remained tight, her expression making it obvious she was not amused he was keeping his secrets.

  “What if the coroner sees us?”

  Vlad shrugged. “Easy. The coroner won’t remember us being here anymore than Robert will.”


  “Yes, but more powerful than four-flushers with parlor tricks, I assure you.”

  Janelle looked queerly at him as the doors slid open. “Four-flushers?”


  Vlad didn’t bother to further explain as he stepped into the cold clinical room. A short, stout man with a balding pate and wearing a white lab coat, approached. Dr. Schultz was stitched in blue above the pocket.

  He turned to Janelle and ignored him altogether. “Special Agent Ferrari, did you forget something?”

  Vlad’s gaze heated once again, before he drew the coroner’s attention and purposely kept his back to Janelle. Dr. Schultz’s eyes glazed when Vlad told him to answer all questions and do as he was told.

  Janelle stepped around Vlad, looking from the doctor to him. He quickly downcast his gaze until the heat subsided.

  “How are you doing that?”

  Satisfied his eyes had returned to their normal state, he looked at Janelle. “It’s not something I can teach.”


  “Let’s just say it’s a part of me.”

  “Well, it certainly would come in handy with my job. Imagine the confessions I’d get. You wouldn’t care to tag along with me, would you?”

  He chuckled. “Oh, I’m sure that would not be a good idea.”

  “Why are we here?” she asked, ignoring his reply. He supposed she probab
ly agreed more so than not.

  “To find out what you wouldn’t share.”

  “What do these cases have to do with you and why are you so damn interested? Tell me why I shouldn’t have you arrested for breaching security at the least?”

  “Because we have the same goal in mind, Janelle. I want to find the killer just as much as you do.”

  “You know who it is.” She narrowed her gaze, anger flaring in it. “Why aren’t you telling me? This perp needs to be stopped.”

  “Because it’s not that fucking simple. The person responsible for these crimes cannot be stopped by you or law enforcement’s inadequate methods.”

  “I bet a bullet from my gun would drop this son of a bitch.”

  “Maybe, maybe not.”

  “You aren’t going to tell me, are you?”

  He shook his head. “It’s for your safety. I’m not afraid of what you could do to this person. I’m afraid of what he would do to you.”

  “I’ll dog you, not give you a moment’s peace. I will tail you every day if I have to.” She gritted her teeth and pointed a finger at him. “I’ll be your goddamn shadow.”

  Just fucking great. Why the hell couldn’t he just hypnotize her like everyone else? “You realize you’ll be putting your life in jeopardy. I can’t allow that.”

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  Vlad looked at the coroner, who stood there in an unresponsive state. “Women.”

  He neither smiled nor laughed, his face a blank slate. “What can I do for you, Mister…?”

  “My name is not important since you won’t remember me being here. For starters, how did the nun and priest die?”

  “There were teeth marks surrounding the wounds, from what appeared to be elongated canines. Bite wounds surrounded the—”

  “No. Hear me now. That’s not what killed the nun and priest.”

  The coroner’s brow pinched. “It wasn’t?”

  “Jagged wounds, consistent with a serrated blade.”

  “Of course.”

  “They both died by the same knife.”

  Dr. Schultz nodded his affirmation.


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