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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night Book 2)

Page 8

by Alex Grayson

  I give her a cocky grin. “Sure.” There most definitely will be. I’ll make damn sure she can’t resist me.

  She narrows her eyes, but keeps her mouth shut. Leaning down, I place a kiss against her closed lips. “See you tomorrow,” I murmur.

  Spinning on my heel, I whistle a happy tune as I descend the steps.

  Eden has no fucking clue she’ll be on her back come tomorrow night, whispering my name as she comes over and over again.


  WHAT IN THE HELL POSSESSED me to say yes to JW yesterday? My last relationship ended with me witnessing my ex kill another woman. While I don’t think JW is the type to kill or beat women, I’m still fresh out of a relationship that ended horribly. I can’t afford to start something new. Even if it is only temporary. Besides, something tells me temporary with JW won’t be so simple. Yes, I’ve had casual relationships before, and I’ve even had a couple one-night stands—what can I say? I enjoy sex. If I had met JW when I wasn’t running for my life and currently depending on him to save my life, I would have already snatched him up and seduced him. It’s just sucky timing. I need to be concentrating on staying alive, not on how big JW’s cock is and if he prefers doggy style over reverse cowgirl.

  Even through all the reasons why I shouldn’t have dinner with JW rush through my head, I’m still looking forward to it. I know myself enough to not make any mental promises on what can’t happen during our time together. Especially after what happened yesterday on Jenny and Judge’s porch. I was so turned on from my encounter with JW, that I was forced to change my panties when I came back into the house. I may have also gotten myself off in the shower before bed. No, I definitely got myself off, and with thoughts of JW, it took all of maybe two minutes.

  Thinking about it even now has me wanting to clench my thighs together as I make my way out of the bedroom. It’s late, just after eleven in the morning. I haven’t slept this late in years, but it felt good to simply laze around and not have to be anywhere or have any pressing matters to attend to.

  Back in San Antonio, I’m a shift manager at an Irish pub and grill. Before I left, I called my boss, Finn, and told him I had to take a leave of absence due to a family emergency, and I was unsure when I would be back. The awesome guy who Finn is, he accepted my explanation without question and told me my job was there when I returned. I knew he would understand. He’s been an exceptional boss. It’s one of the reasons why I’ve stayed working for him for six years.

  When I walk out into the living room, I almost turn back around to go back to my room. As it is, I barely muffle the groan working its way up my throat. Jenny’s on the couch, her back to the armrest, facing me. Her grin is big and telling.

  “It’s about time you got up,” she says enthusiastically, nearly bouncing in her seat. “I’ve been waiting hours.”

  Yesterday, when I came inside after JW left, I found Jenny and Judge on the couch watching the news. He had his arm thrown over her shoulder and she was snuggled up to his side. As soon as the front door closed, she tried to pull away, but Judge tugged her back to him, murmuring something in her ear. Disappointment lit her face, but I was grateful he didn’t let her go. I have no doubt she would have thrown question after question at me. The rest of the evening was spent with my eyes glued to the TV and Jenny’s questioning gaze glued to me. I didn’t need to know Jenny that well to know it was killing her not being able to interrogate me. It was almost laughable. It would have been if I wasn’t the one who would have been questioned.

  After we watched a couple of movies and had dinner, Judge forced Jenny from the couch and they retired to their bedroom. I don’t know why Judge kept Jenny stuck to his side, but no matter the reason, I owe him my gratitude.

  My reprieve is obviously over though. It’s not that it bothers me to talk about what her and Judge interrupted on the porch. I’m just not sure what to say, because I’m unsure how I feel about the whole thing. My mind’s a fucked-up mess right now. I want JW—really freaking badly—but I also know it’s just not the right time. I have no doubt I’ll be weak if I’m alone with him for any amount of time.

  I give Jenny a lopsided grin. “Can I at least make a cup of coffee first?”

  She blows out a dramatic breath and nods grimly. “If you must. Then get your butt back out here. I’ve waited long enough.”

  Shaking my head, I go into the kitchen straight to the coffee pot. I sigh when the smell hits my nose. Coffee, it’s my vice. One I’ll have until the day I die.

  I carry my steaming mug back to the living room.

  “Judge in his office?” I ask, casting my eyes toward the hallway. The office door is closed.

  “Yep, and he said he’ll be in there for a while, so we’ve got plenty of time.” Her teeth flash as she taps the couch in front of her.

  Taking a seat, I glance at her over the rim of my cup, hiding a smile. She’s practically hyperventilating waiting on me. I take a couple of sips before deciding I better start speaking before she passes out.

  “Alright, let’s have it.” I say, settling my cup on the coffee table and turning on the couch so I’m sitting like her with my back to the armrest.

  She leans forward. “What’s going on between you and JW?”

  I shrug nonchalantly. “Nothing.”

  She snorts and rolls her eyes. “Sure didn’t look like nothing to me. He was two seconds away from shoving your skirt up and delving inside your panties. Had Judge and I been a few minutes later, I’m sure I would have gotten a clear view of JW’s ass as he fucked you against the door.”

  I choke out a laugh. The woman is loony and not afraid to tell it how she sees it. She also could very well be right. I was so far gone yesterday that I probably would have let JW strip me and take me on the porch where anyone could have seen.

  I cross my legs on the cushion and tuck my skirt under my legs. “Okay. How about this? I don’t know what’s going on.”

  She hums and taps her bottom lip with her finger. “That’s better, but still not very interesting. I need more.”

  I laugh again. “Sorry, but that’s all I got; except that I shouldn’t let anything happen. It’s terrible timing, and I’ll be leaving soon.”

  She looks at me slyly before grinning. “Yeah, but you could have some fun while you’re here.”

  I tilt my head slightly. “Why do you care?” At her frown, I rush to add, “I mean no offense. It’s just, you don’t know me. Why would you care if I had fun or not?”

  A small smile forms on her face. “I just like the people around me to be happy.” The smile disappears. “And I know what that man did to you. You deserve to be happy.”

  “I’ll be happy once Diego is no longer a problem, and I can go back to San Antonio.”

  “But why not enjoy your time while you’re here? Why not have something you clearly want? And don’t even try to deny it. I heard you in the shower last night.”

  My eyes widen in horror and she bursts out laughing. “You’re lying!” I squeak. I was quiet last night while I got off to images of JW. I know I was. Wasn’t I?

  After she settles down, wiping away the tears in her eyes from laughing so hard, she admits, “Fine. I’m lying, but your face says your guilty. Admit it. You want JW.”

  I do. Even if my mind wants to claim otherwise, my body says, “Fuck you. I want to get laid”.

  “You’ve seen him. I’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not want him.”

  She nods, her expression serious.

  “We’ll see,” is all I can promise her.

  She pouts, but accepts my answer, which I’m glad, because I’m done talking about JW and what could possibly happen between us. Deep down, I know I’m going to sleep with him. Denying the inevitable is a waste of time. I’m just not ready to admit it out loud.

  I spend the rest of my day doing… nothing. I can’t remember the last time I’ve simply lounged around the house. Even my days off from the pub, I spent them at the homeless shelter, running erra
nds, or catching up on house work. I’ve enjoyed having no responsibilities, but I know it won’t last long. I’ll become restless, needing something to occupy my time. Hopefully, before that happens, I’ll be back home.

  I call Mom and Dad as I promised I would, so they don’t call the police. Not that it really matters anymore. Diego already knows where I am. I’d still prefer to keep them out of it until JW does whatever he plans to do to keep me safe. If the San Antonio PD gets involved, I’ll be forced to go back, and I don’t trust them to keep me safe.

  It wasn’t Mom who answered, but Dad. He was just as adamant as Mom that I tell him what’s going on. I explained the best that I could without giving too much away that I couldn’t go into details, but it was being taken care of.

  Judge came out a little after noon and made meatball sandwiches for all of us for lunch. Just as we were finishing up with our meal, two women who I hadn’t met before showed up. Both were stunningly gorgeous and were introduced as Layla and Gillian. Remembering Judge and my conversation about him being involved with several women, I knew these were his other lovers. I watched his interaction with them closely. Other than pecking a kiss on the cheek of both women in greeting, he didn’t touch them intimately. He was, however, more intimate with Jenny. I wondered if it was out of respect for Jenny because they were in the house he shares with her or if there’s another deeper reason. Regardless, none of the women sent off jealous vibes. Even after Judge left the room to go back to his office. In fact, all three women seemed to be close. I was amazed at how well they got along.

  JW sent me a text message earlier saying he’d be by to pick me up at five. It’s now ten ‘til, and I’m a nervous wreck. I don’t know why I’m so anxious. It’s not like this is the first time I’ve made plans with a guy knowing we may end the night with me in his bed. It’s not the situation but the man. JW makes me nervous because of the feelings he provokes in me. Feelings I don’t dare give a name to.

  Just as Jenny appears in the mouth of the hallway, the doorbell rings.

  “I’ll get it,” she chirps, smoothly changing directions to the door.

  I stand and brush my hands down my skirt. I turn right as JW enters the room. I decided to not wrap my hair in a scarf and opted for a loose braid down my back since JW seemed to like that style more. That’s the first place his eyes land and his gaze darkens with lust.

  He steps further in the room, not stopping until he’s right in front of me.

  “Hey, Gypsy,” he murmurs, dipping his head low and presses his lips against mine. Zings of awareness spark through my limbs at both the kiss and him calling me Gypsy. You don’t take the time to come up with a nickname for someone unless you care for them, meaning I’m not the only one who feels this thing building between us. I just seem to be the only one trying to fight it.

  “Hi,” I whisper when he pulls away.

  His smile only tips up one corner of his mouth, but it’s still one of the sexiest smiles I’ve ever seen.

  You’re in serious trouble, Eden, my mind whispers unnecessarily.

  Yeah, no shit, I inwardly snark back to myself.

  “You ready?” JW asks, and I nod.

  Judge comes out of his office just as we get to the door. His eyes slide to our clasped hands before lifting them to JW, his face blank. “I’ve got an early morning meeting tomorrow I need to attend to. I’m dropping Jenny off at Trouble’s since his appointments don’t start until after lunch.”

  “Eden will stay with me tonight, so you don’t have to worry about her.”

  I jerk my eyes to JW. Did he really just say what I think he did. That’s a whole lot of assumption on his part. I narrow my eyes at him, willing him to look at me. He doesn’t, even though I have a death grip on his hand. I decide to broach the subject when we leave and not in front of his friends.

  Judge gives JW a tight nod, and we turn to leave. I ignore the ridiculously huge smile on Jenny’s face.

  “See you tomorrow,” she says, all too happily. When we pass by her, she tacks on in a low voice only for me to hear, “Have fun.”

  I give her a stern look, but it loses it’s muster when my lips twitch. No one in their right mind could stay annoyed with a person like Jenny. She’s too friendly and bubbly.

  Once we’re seated in JW’s truck on our way, I look over at him. “That was pretty presumptuous of you, wasn’t it?”

  He smiles devilishly. “I like to call it confident.”

  “In my book it’s called conceited,” I retort.

  He chuckles and reaches over the middle console for my hand. His laughter dies away and his expression turns serious. He kisses the back of my hand.

  “I have a spare bedroom if that’s where you want to stay.” He turns his head partially my way. I can’t see his eyes from the sunglasses he’s wearing, but I know the blue orbs are no longer a baby blue, but a stormy grey. “There’s no pressure for anything more than dinner. As much as I’d love to fuck you into tomorrow, I’m not into forcing or coaxing.” His jaw bunches before he continues. “I want you completely willing and as hot for it as I am. I figured since you’ll be at my place anyway, and with Judge having an early meeting, you could just crash there.”

  “Okay,” I say quietly. I keep my eyes trained out the windshield, even though I feel his surprised gaze on me at my easy acceptance. I’m no push over, and I certainly won’t be bullied or persuaded into doing something I don’t want to do. I accept his invitation because I want to. JW, for some unknown reason, makes me feel safe. Like he won’t let anything or anyone touch me without my permission. Maybe it’s because of the badge he wears, or maybe it’s because I’ve seen the hatred on his face any time what Diego did to me and that other woman is brought up.

  We turn silent after that, and I take in more of the town. It’s small, with shops, businesses, and houses clustered throughout the mile or so that makes up the town. When I rode into town that first day, I noticed more houses lining the outskirts of the town limits.

  We take a left down a dirt road with a thick line of trees on both sides. I expect to see a house up ahead, so I’m surprised when the trees clear and it’s a lake that we pull to a stop in front of. Looking around, there are no buildings in sight, only the water and a dock up ahead.

  Before I can question JW on why we’re here, he’s already out of the truck and walking around to my side. He pulls my door open and reaches toward me with his hand.

  “Why are we here? I thought we were going to your house?” I ask and grab his hand for him to help me out of the truck.

  “We are.” He lets me go and walks to the bed of the truck, pulling the tailgate down. He hands me a thick blanket. “We’re having dinner here first.” He winks. “A picnic. On the dock.” With that, he grabs a basket by the handle, snags my hand, and proceeds to pull me toward the dock.

  “Why?” I ask dumbly.

  He glances at me over his shoulder. “Because it’s nice outside.”

  “Try again,” I snort.

  “Because it’s romantic,” he replies with laughter in his voice.

  “You don’t seem like you’re much of the romantic type.”

  We reach the dock, and I watch as we pass by bed after bed of colorful flowers lining the edges in long planter boxes.

  “Fine,” he sighs, stopping just before we get to the end. “I’m trying to seduce you and figured something like this would help.” His lips twitch.

  “Now why is it that reason I believe so much more than the others?”

  Putting down the basket, he grabs the end of the blanket I hand him and we both spread it out.

  “Hey, I may be trying to seduce you, but it’s still nice out here, and you can’t say this isn’t romantic.”

  Reluctantly, I have to agree with him. It is nice out today. The sun is starting to set, and the temperature is just beginning to cool down. This time of year can still be pretty hot some days, but in the evenings, it cools off. It’s a nice change to the sweltering heat in the

  I also have to admit, this is romantic. Picnics, no matter the location, are romantic. And this one is especially so, because of the beautiful flowers surrounding us.

  “So, is it working?” He takes a seat and starts pulling items out of the basket.

  I sit beside him and smirk. “Maybe, but there’s still hours left of the day. There’s no telling what could happen in that time.”

  He chuckles and hands me a plate filled with small rolls of different kinds of sliced meat, tiny blocks of cheese, grapes, and strawberries with their leaves cut off.

  “So tell me,” I say around the block of cheese I just tossed in my mouth. “Did you prepare all this or did you grab an already prepared tray from the store?”

  He sucks in a breath and clutches his chest dramatically. “You wound me, Gypsy. Don’t you have faith in my food prep skills?”

  Popping a grape in my mouth, I smile. “Nope. This just looks too perfect to be made by anyone other than someone who does it for a living.”

  His eyes twinkle. “You’d be right,” he replies sheepishly. I can’t help but laugh.

  We sit and eat for a few minutes, the only sound is the lapping of the water against the deck, birds chirping, and the occasional splash of a fish.

  I gesture with the tip of my water bottle toward a boat pulled up on the grass close to the edge of the water. “Do you ever go out onto the lake?”

  “Not as much as I used to.”

  “That’s a shame. My dad used to take me out on his boat every weekend when I was a kid. It was just me, him, and the fish we’d catch. We never left without enough fish for at least several meals.”

  “Sounds like you had a good time on those weekends.”

  “Some of the best.” I smile, slipping another grape in my mouth. “What about you? Are you close with your dad?”

  The look that comes across his face sends shivers racing down my spine. Never have I seen such animosity in a person’s eyes before. A chunk of the grape gets stuck in my throat, and I cough to dislodge it. If that look were ever directed at me, I’d be scared down to my bones. Thankfully, it’s not. It saddens me because I know the look stems from thinking of his father.


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