Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 6

by Maia Starr



  Being with the communications agent Heather Maven was unlike any experience I’d had with a human female before. I had indulged in sex with human females on my home planet of Kelon many times. But even though this experience was a quick one, it was profoundly different. I did not know why, but it was. There was something about her, and I did not know what it could be. The moment that we separated, I wanted her again. It was all that I could think about for the rest of the evening into the next day. I[SBM27] could still smell her on me. There was so much more that I wanted to do to her that I did not get the chance to do in our quick meeting. But I knew the consequences of us getting caught were very dire. She would be put to death, and so would I, and that did not include what the Earth establishment would do. So even though my mind was occupied with thoughts of taking her again, I knew that it was impossible. We had to keep what we had done a secret. Being with her again was not something that I could allow to happen. This mission was too important. But I knew that I would be working with her again the very next day, and it would be hard to restrain myself.

  “The agenda for today,” Captain Blace said the very next morning. “The commander will meet once again with the agent and finish his work showing her around the ship. Everyone should offer their assistance when possible. The commander will also be showing the agent the invisibility of the smaller transport inside the human building. That is all for today. I have a good understanding that I will be meeting with the Earth leaders within the next two days. Once we have done this, then I believe that our mission will be complete. Depending on what the leaders ask of us and if we can fulfill any requests. Remember: this mission is a mission of delivering a message, and nothing more. Now go about your duties,” he said as he dismissed us. Then he walked over to me.

  “You are still on schedule to take the transport to pick up the agent and bring her back here. Is this correct?” he asked me.

  “Yes. I have not received word from the humans to change the time. I will bring her first here to finish the work. Then upon the return, she will have her team gathered in the landing area to experience the invisibility of the transport, just as you requested,” I said to him.

  “Good. Everything is going according to plan here. My only concern is that the Draqua on Kelon now know that we are here. It won't be long before they arrive or take action. We have no way of knowing what that will be. I must keep on the communication lines and keep on top of it. You continue with what the humans need,” he said as he nodded to me and walked away.

  I knew more than I was telling him about the Draqua on Kelon, but that was the whole point of my mission. Now having indulged in Heather, I had another secret to add tomy pile. I took my mind off of it and prepared to take the transport to get the human female Heather. I was looking forward to seeing her, as well as dreading it. Being near her without being able to touch her was going to be a great test. Even though I was a great skilled warrior that had passed many tests of battle, this was going to be the hardest test of all.

  I landed the transport inside the building they called the garage. Heather was waiting for me, along with her armed soldiers and team. I stepped out of the transport and walked over to greet them.

  “I am here to continue the tour of our ship with Agent Maven.”

  “Yes, that is correct,” Fox said.

  “I have been granted permission to demonstrate the invisibility application of our technology. This transport behind me is able to do such a thing. When I return Agent Maven to this building in 5 hours, I will demonstrate it for you. Gather what team you need in order to understand and experience the technology,” I said.

  The men looked at each other with wide eyes and smiles. They were very pleased.

  “I have read Agent Maven’s initial report on the technology. We are very grateful to be able to see it in person and to understand it. This is crucial to the mission of stopping your race from entering our planet undetected. We will have our team in place when you return in five hours. Until then,” Fox said.

  I nodded to them. Then I looked at Heather. She nodded and followed me to the transport. We boarded and buckled in, and soon we had taken flight. As soon as she sat next to me, I was entranced by her delicate feminine scent. It was delicious.

  “Did you miss me?” I teased her.

  “We cannot speak to each other like that. Nothing happened, remember?” she said looking straight ahead.

  “Yes, I remember. It is torture. I missed you. I missed your mouth on mine,” I said to her.

  She shifted in her seat and crossed one leg on top of the other. I could not help but to allow my eyes to look at her up and down. She was wearing a black dress that stopped just above her knees. I wanted to rip it off of her.

  “We must keep it professional, Commander. No more talk like that. I only want to hear about your race and the technology. That is my job. Your job is to tell me; that is it. No more of this talk of yours,” she said.

  “I know that is not what you really want. But you are right. As soon as we enter the ship, I will cease. But while we are alone, I cannot help myself,” I said, putting my hand on top of her knee. She sucked in a sharp breath of air, but she did not stop me. I moved my hand further up her leg, on top of her thigh. She was so petite, and my arm stretched long across the seat to her. I allowed my hand to move down to her inner thigh and up higher and higher. She uncrossed her legs; she was giving me permission to explore. I did not hesitate. I moved my hand further toward her center. I continued to move further inward, until my hands were directly on her wet slit. I gasped.

  “You are not wearing anything underneath this dress; not like yesterday,” I said to her. She blushed.

  “No, I am not,” she whispered. We were so close to the ship, and I did not want to waste a moment. I allowed my fingers to move up and down her slit. She was already wet. I moved them up and down to the top of her sweet spot. She moaned, and her hand grabbed her by squeezing it[SBM28]. She bit her lower lip. I moved my finger in rapid circles over her sweet spot. She began to moan loudly.

  “Go ahead, Heather. Let it out. No one can hear you in here,” I said to her. Then she moaned louder and louder, “Oh God! Oh God! I am going to come.”

  I licked my lips, looking at her wiggling, trying to keep my focus on flying the transport slowly to the ship. We were so close, and I could see the cargo hold of the ship beginning to open. I was grateful for the slow movement of the door. Then she released as she squirmed in the seat. I smiled. I had told myself that I would not do this, and yet within seconds of being with her, I was pleasuring her. I knew that it was going to be hard to restrain myself, and I had already failed.


  “No, don't say anything. Let's just land and do the work,” she whispered as she pulled down her dress back to her knees and straightened up. I could tell that she was angry with me. I was angry with myself. But it seemed that the both of us had no restraint.

  We landed, and I continued the tour around the ship. This time I was smart about it. I had a guard accompany us. It was the only way that I could keep my hands off of her.

  “This is Jeior; he is a Draqua warrior with us, the opposition. I have asked him to accompany us on the tour. He knows a lot about this ship as the engineer. He is the one that fixes anything that is wrong. I think it is a good idea that he come with us, don't you?” I said to her.

  She looked at me with her big blue eyes. She knew exactly what I meant. “Yes, that is a great idea. I want him to accompany us the entire time, until I leave the ship,” she said.

  I nodded at her and then at Jeior. He began to walk around and show her this ship as I listened. She had many questions, and he was impressed with her intelligent nature, as was I. Watching her every move was intoxicating to me. I only wished that I had been inside of her this day, instead of just pleasing her with my hand. But I knew that I could not. Still, it was very hard.

ter the 5 hours were up, I found myself once again alone with Heather. We were back in the transport. She was uneasy in her seat, and I knew why. I was uneasy being this close to her and alone.

  “I apologize for touching you earlier. I don't know what is wrong with me. For some reason, I find you the most attractive human female I have ever come into contact with. I simply cannot keep my hands off of you. It is a struggle even now,” I said to her.

  “Then don't,” she said.

  “What? What do you mean?” I said.

  “Don't keep your hands off of me. I was wrong, what I said before. I cannot keep this professional. I cannot stop thinking about you. And I think I know why,” she said.

  “Why?” I grinned.

  “Because yesterday was too fast. Neither of us are really satisfied. I think we need to do it again, but this time take a long time. This time do it many times until we get it out of our systems. Only then will we be able to continue this work together. Only then will I be able to focus,” she said.

  “I like this plan. But how? I don't see that it is possible,” I said to her feeling very surprised by her proposition. I knew that it was very dangerous to take her up on it. But I was intrigued. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps after I had savored her for many hours, I would be done with her.

  “Come to my home tonight. I live in a building not far from here, and I am high up in the sky. I have a terrace with open windows where you could land if you were to fly,” she said.

  “The problem is my captain would notice a transport has launched. The cargo door is large, and it would be obvious,” I said to her.

  I do not mean fly the ship. I mean fly yourself. You are a dragon shifter after all,” she said looking at me with a smile.

  “Give me your coordinates,” I said agreeing to her plan.

  She wrote down her home coordinates and handed it to me on a piece of paper. Then within seconds, I landed the ship where her team was outside waiting for us in the garage.

  “Remember, a secret,” she said.

  “Yes, a big secret.”

  We stepped out of the transport and greeted the team. Then I began to explain to them about the invisibility and then finally demonstrated it to them; they were very impressed and in awe of it. I spent time answering their questions, and they touched the invisible ship. After a couple of hours, the team was ready to finish up the work, and I was ready to get back to the ship. I gave Heather one last look. She nodded at me as though to tell me that she still wanted me to come to her. I still wanted to, but I did not know if I could pull it off, but I was damn well going to try.

  In the middle of the night, when the city grew quiet, I waited for the ship to sleep. Then I shifted into Dragon form and flew from one of the many Dragon landings that bordered the outside of the ship. I flew high above the rooftops hoping to not gather any attention. Then I quickly and easily found the terrace outside of Heather's home. I landed on it with a heavy thud.

  “Zoq?” I heard her whisper.

  “Yes, it is me,” I said as I walked forward. Then I saw her standing in the glass door way. She was wrapped in a white sheet.

  “Come inside before you are seen,” she said as she moved her hand out to me. I moved forward, putting my hand in hers. The room was large, with tall ceilings. In the center was a large bed. My mouth was watering as I waited to sample her once again.

  “Kiss me, Commander,” she said as she moved me to the center of the room.

  “Yes, I want to taste your lips again,” I said as I pulled her to me and pushed my mouth against hers. She moaned and pressed her small body against mine as she moved up onto her tiptoes to meet me. Her hands went up around my neck, and she held on. I was almost four feet taller than her. My hands went to the sheet wrapped around her, and I yanked it off of her. I rubbed my hands up and down her naked back. I stopped kissing her and moved away just to get a look at her. She was completely naked. Her long brown hair was loose around her shoulders. I let out a low growl in response to seeing her beautiful body. Then I took a few steps further away from her toward the edge of the room.

  “What are you doing?” She asked.

  “I am going to shift. I do not want to hurt you,” I said to her.

  “No. Don't. I do not want you to shift. I want you to stay in Dragon form,” she said taking a step toward me.

  “You do?”

  “I do,” she said, putting her hands on my chest. She moved them up and down, feeling the pattern of my scales. Then she walked behind me, moving her hand around my back in a soft caress. My wings were folded back.

  “You are so beautiful,” she whispered.

  “So are you,” I said, turning to face her and then pulled her to me. I kissed her hard as my hands moved over her breasts, pinching her erect nipples.

  Then I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her to her bed and laid her gently on her back on the edge of the bed. I moved down and put my knees on the floor. I positioned myself in between her thighs. I pulled her to me on the edge of the bed. She squealed in delight. Then I pushed my face between her thighs and let my tongue lick her wet center up and down. She moaned and wiggled underneath me.

  “You taste so good, Heather. I have been waiting a long time to taste you,” I said between licking her. She let out a cry of ecstasy. Perhaps she was right about taking the time to satiate our appetites. If I could get my fill of her, then I would be able to put her out of my mind. I was thoroughly enjoying licking and kissing her. I moved my tongue in and out of her. I moved my tongue in circles on her sweet spot. I used my hands to move up and down her body. My arms were very long, and I was able to reach her breasts easily and pinched her nipples.

  Then she began to grab at the sheets wildly. She shouted and wiggled underneath me, and I grabbed her thighs to steady her.

  “Oh, I’m going to cum! I’m going to release! I can’t stop! It feels so good,” she said over and over again as I moved my tongue on her. Then she tensed up and released, then fell flat on the bed again. I smiled knowing I had pleased her. Then I stepped away from the bed.

  “Oh God, oh God,” she whispered. She sat up and looked at me, waiting as I undressed until I stood completely naked in front of her. She bit her lower lip. “I look forward to you taking your time with me, dragon shifter,” she whispered.

  “I look forward to it too,” I said. I took a step toward her.

  “Wait!” she said. I stopped. She stood up from the bed and walked toward me.

  “What are you doing, Heather?” I asked.

  “It’s my turn,” she said as she wrapped her small hand around my cock. I moaned, “Mmm… that feels good.”

  She looked up at me with her big blue eyes as her hand moved back and forth on my cock. Then she got down on her knees in front of me. I felt the warmth of her mouth as she placed the tip of my cock inside it. I groaned. I put my hands in her long brown hair as I looked down at her. The sensation was almost too good. She moved her mouth back and forth on me until I thought I was going to release.

  “Stop. I can’t take any more. Don’t you want me inside you?” I whispered, barely able to get the words out.

  “I do,” she said. I grabbed her hands and helped her up to her feet. Then I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I entered her. She shouted in ecstasy as I moved deep inside of her in this position.

  “Will you fly?” she whispered. I looked at her surprised. She was really enjoying the fact that I was in dragon form.

  “For you, anything,” I said. I flew into the air and pressed her against the wall. I moved in and out of her as we hovered high above the floor. We stayed like this for half an hour or so before I moved her onto the bed and entered her again. I don’t know how much time had passed before we both finally released. But we weren’t done. After a short break, we were at it again. As Heather had said, we were here to get it out of our system, and that was going to take many, many rounds.

  Finally, we were exhaust
ed, but I wouldn’t say that I was satiated of ever wanting her.

  “You should get back to your ship. It is going to be morning soon,” she said.

  “Yes, I should go,” I said as I got up from the bed and dressed. “But it is not what I want. I am not sure this plan of yours worked. I still want you over and over again,” I said.

  She smiled, “Just give it time. Get some sleep, and then you will see that you feel different tomorrow.”

  “I hope that you are right,” I said as I kissed her and then moved to the terrace.


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