Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 7

by Maia Starr



  “Remember, we must act as though nothing is happening between us. It is very important,” she said.

  “Yes, it is a secret. You can count on me,” I said as I took a running start and leapt off the terrace and flew back to the ship. It was quiet when I returned, and I was glad that my absence had gone unnoticed.



  Having Commander Zoq come to my apartment was the best idea, and the worst. I did not know what had got into me. But when he touched me when we were inside the transport, making me orgasm with his hand, I wanted more. Being escorted around the ship with an extra guard was a good call; it did keep us from touching each other. But it made me want him even more. So by the time we were leaving the ship, I had already made up my mind that I was going to invite him to my place. I was not expecting him to show up, but I was glad that he did. I was glad that he was in Dragon form. He was an alien, and it was extremely exotic to me. He took me over and over again that night well shifted into Dragon form. It was the best sex that I had ever had. I was sorry to see him go; the hours flew by quickly. But we could not get caught. The next day I was anxious to lay my eyes on him again. But my plan had failed. Being with him, taking our time making love to each other, did not satisfy my appetite for him. If anything, it only made me want him again and again.

  “What are you smiling at?” Sarah asked me as she put a cup of coffee on my desk.

  “What?” I said as she snapped me out of my daze. I had been thinking about Commander Zoq and the many things that we had done the night before. “I wasn't smiling. Please let me know when Director Fox gets in.”

  “Yes, Agent Maven,” she said walking out.

  I felt embarrassed that she had caught me thinking about the commander. I told him to act as though nothing had happened and yet I was the one that was acting uncharacteristically happy. I never sat in my office and smiled while staring at the wall; I had to keep my focus. I looked through my work, realizing that I had gathered a lot of data on the alien dragon shifters known as the Draqua and had reported it to the leaders. It wouldn't be long before the aliens would be leaving. That thought made me a little sad. I did not look forward to losing my alien lover.

  “Heather, we have news. The president is coming tomorrow to meet with Captain Blace. I need you to send the mothership a message and see if he accepts. If so, then coordinate a time, and I think the best meeting place is in the garage, as we have been. It is away from prying eyes,” Director Fox said as he walked into my office. His news stunned me. I was not expecting the president to be ready to meet with them so soon. But this was partly my fault. I had done such adequate work and gave them the okay, letting them know these aliens were to be trusted, even around a high official.

  “Yes, I will get on it right away,” I said.

  “Good; report to me when it is done, and you have a time. The president will be arriving here tomorrow morning. It is a secret meeting. The media and other people are not to know,” he said.

  “I understand,” I said.

  He left, and I got to work carefully crafting the communication message to Captain Teqqin Blace and the Mothership. I would not be meeting up with Commander Zoq Kane during the day as I had been. This was because I had already gathered a lot of information and I had been asked to hold off on meetings. Now I knew why: it was because the president had decided that he was ready to meet with aliens.

  I spent the afternoon overseeing the communication line back and forth between the ship and the space agency, as well as coordinating the meeting with the president. It was a very busy day. It was a busy day away from the commander, and it was just the break that I needed. After the night before, I knew that I was in dangerous territory. In the back of my mind, it did not escape my attention what he had said the first time we did it in the ship. Commander Zoq warned that we would be killed if we were found out. I didn't know if he meant that the captain would kill us, or my own people. But it was not something that I wanted to find out. So I knew that him coming to my apartment the night before was the last of it. Even though my plan failed and I did not get it out of my system, I could not see him again. But after I had coordinated the meeting with the president and went home that night, I did something that I could not deny was for the benefit of the commander. I left my French glass doors to the terrace wide open. It was because I was hoping that he would show up. I knew that he shouldn't. I knew that it was wrong. I knew that if we got caught there would be dire circumstances. But yet, I did it. I fell asleep hoping that he would show.

  I had the most delicious dream. I felt a hand on my ankle. It was a large, warm hand that moved up my leg. I moaned and turned in the bed. The hand kept going all the way over my knee and onto my thigh. Then it moved down, back to my knee, and down to my ankle. I was dreaming that Commander Zoq was touching me. I was dreaming that he was in my room, about to make love to me once more.

  “Heather…” he whispered my name.

  “Zoq, my alien warrior, take me,” I whispered in return.

  “It is why I am here,” he whispered back. Then his full lips pressed against mine. It was a very delicious dream, until I realize that I wasn't dreaming at all. I opened my eyes and saw his beautiful green eyes staring back at me. His black hair was wild around his face, and his large wings were folded behind his back.

  “You are here. What are you doing here? It is too dangerous,” I said, putting my arms around his neck.

  “I tried not to come. But I could not help myself. Since I did not get to see you today, I was itching to touch you. I could not get you out of my mind all day. But I see you left the door open; you were expecting me, weren't you?” he said with an arrogant grin.

  “Hoping, I was hoping to see you. But I didn't know if you would come,” I said.

  “We don't have much time,” he said.

  “Then take me, Commander,” I said as I pulled the sheet off of my naked body. He groaned in response. He pulled off the loincloth and boots that he wore and climbed on top of me. I opened my thighs wide. He entered me quickly. We both moaned in satisfaction as we indulged in the sensation. I put my hands flat on his strong chest, feeling the pattern of his dragon scales. He was so beautiful to look at. He was so masculine and muscular. I could feel the ripple of every toned muscle on his chest and abs. His strong hips swayed back and forth as he moved in and out of me. I could feel his long, hard staff inside of me as it reached the depths of me.

  “Spread your wings,” I whispered. He gave me an arrogant grin. He knew that it turned me on, his dragon shifting ways. Then his wings spread out long and wide, wider than the bed. I looked up at them as they hovered on top of us and he moved faster and faster. It was just what I needed, and I was quickly on the brink. “I’m going to release,” I whispered. Before I got the words out, I was releasing. Soon after I felt him tense up. I knew what was coming. He groaned and grunted like a beast, then he released. He collapsed his weight on top of me. It felt good to feel his hard body on mine. He was so damn attractive, and even though being with him was dangerous, I still felt safe underneath him.

  A few minutes passed. Then he rolled off of me, and we lay in my bed. I wondered if we would do it another time before he left, but instead, we did something else. We talked.

  “Are you happy here on Earth?” he asked. His question shocked me.

  “Yes, I guess I am. I have never really thought otherwise. Earth is a great planet,” I sai, puzzled that I really didn't know the answer to that question. I was okay, but I guess I didn't consider myself happy before the aliens came to Earth. The sudden excitement in my career had made me happy.

  “I am happy on Kelon, my home planet. I think you would like it there,” he said.

  “Tell me about it,” I said to him.

  He laughed. “I have, remember? During one of your many questioning sessions.”

  “Yes, but that was all factual information. Te
ll me what you love about your planet. Tell me what it is like for you,” I said as I rolled over and propped myself up on my elbow. I put my hand on his strong chest and caressed him up and down.

  “It is beautiful; that is what I love about it. There is a lot of water. The entire planet is made of small islands. It is very lush on these islands. Enormous trees grow, and we live in the trees. It is unlike anything I have seen on any other planet. The air is thick with a beautiful fragrance. Every Draqua works together in the village to see that all are fed and taken care of. It is peaceful, that is until this entire mess with the hybrids and opposition,” he said.

  “You really do love it and want peace, don’t you?” I asked, seeing the pain in his eyes when he spoke of the tension between the Draqua.

  “I do. I would do anything to get that peace back,” he said.

  “What do you think I would like about your planet?” I asked him.

  “Everything. I think you would find it fascinating. You find everything about our race and the ship and everything fascinating, but you have only sampled a small bit of what we really are. I think you would be happy with the new, stimulating environment.”

  I sighed, “Perhaps you are right. I do love my job here. But before you showed up, I had little else but work. I didn't realize how much I had buried myself in my work and I wasn't really living. I wasn't taking chances. Not until you showed up,” I said, feeling very vulnerable as I said it.

  “I am glad that I have opened your eyes, and your heart,” he said as he moved in close and kissed me. He rolled on top of me and began to kiss my neck and my chest, and then back up to my mouth. Our exchange of words had made us want to be closer.

  We spent the night making love and talking, and talking and making love. He left before the sun came up. As always, I was sorry to see him go, but I knew I would see him the next day. The next day was the most important day of the entire alien arrival so far. The president was going to meet the Draqua.

  The next mornin, the office was chaos as we prepared for the president to arrive. Everyone was in a frenzy and security was at an all-time high. The garage where the meeting was going to take place looked like an entire battalion of soldiers.

  “Are you ready for this, Heather? You are the point person here. You are the communication liaison. The president will be relying heavily on you,” Director Fox said.

  “I am ready. I know the president has nothing to fear. As long as he is gracious to Captain Blace, I do not see any problems.”

  “Good, the president is arriving in 20 minutes. Be in the garage in 10,” he said.

  “Absolutely,” I said.

  Twenty minutes later, the meeting began. The president stood with his right-hand men, as well as Secret Service, surrounded by soldiers as the transport landed near us.

  “That is the transport, Mr. President. It is the same one that you have seen footage of. The one with the capability to go invisible. This is how the captain and the commander have arrived almost daily with four armed guards,” I whispered to the president as I stood next to him.

  “I see; so there is nothing unusual about this arrival. This is standard?” he asked.

  “Correct. Captain Teqqin Blace and Commander Zoq Kane will exit the transport and walk over to us. I asked that they stay in their unshifted form,” I said.

  “Good,” he said as he stood up tall and waited.

  The transport landed, and the captain and commander exited the ship with the guards. They walked over and stood about ten feet in front of the president and our group.

  “Captain Blace and Commander Kan, it is an honor to meet you,” the president said.

  “It is my honor to meet you as well sir,” Captain Blace said. “I trust that you have reviewed the message that we bring you. It is the entire reason for our visit to your planet, and nothing more. We mean you no harm. In fact, we have come to stop any further harm from your human females,” he said.

  “Yes, I have reviewed your message. I have reviewed the information that the space agency here has gathered for us. We are very grateful for your message and alerting us to this problem with the Draqua race taking human females from our planet without our knowledge. It is a shock to us all. We will work to try to stop this from happening further,” he said.

  “That is our only wish,” the captain said.

  “If you will, please join me inside for a meeting in one of our meeting rooms. We have much to discuss,” the president said.

  “Yes, we do. We will join you,” the captain said.

  I spent the entire conversation looking at the commander. Seeing him made my blood run hot immediately. It was hard not to think of him completely naked and on top of me. It was hard not to think of him inside of me. Being so close to him was a practice in restraint. I had to force myself to pay attention to the conversation. I lowered my eyes and looked at the ground to concentrate. I thought that everyone there would be able to see right through me. I thought the lust that I felt was all over my face.

  We all followed the group inside to a secured meeting room. The meeting was long and classified. The majority of us sat on the edge of the room while the leaders sat at the conference table speaking. It was a very long day. But the president said something at the end of the meeting that made my heart leap for joy.

  “There is still much to speak of. I think we should continue this meeting tomorro, if that is sufficient for you, Captain?” he said.

  “Yes, we can have as many meetings as you need. As we stated before, we are here to help you; helping you helps us and our opposition cause. We shall meet again tomorrow,” the captain said.

  This made me happy because it meant that the alien Draqua would not be leaving tonight. They would be here tomorrow, and possibly a few more days after that. There was a lot for the president and the leaders to work on. This made me happy. This meant that I had more time to spend with the commander before he was gone and out of my life forever.

  As the meeting ended, I escorted the captain and commander back to the garage with our group of guards. During the walk, we were silent, and I caught the commander giving me a few sensual looks. I had to look away. He was being too obvious. Even though I enjoyed his desirable attention, it was too dangerous. But it also made my adrenaline go into overdrive. We had this secret. We had a secret that we were keeping from the leaders of Earth, as well as his own leader, the captain. There was something very sexy and adventurous about keeping that secret between us. It was a fun game, but a game that could be potentially very dangerous.

  That night, Commander Zoq Kane came to my bedroom once more. I was getting used to his visits, and I expected and craved them. I found myself becoming attached to him. What had started as hot sex had slowly become a feeling of being bonded to him. It scared me and thrilled me. What was I going to do? What was I going to do when he left my planet? No regular human lover could ever compare to what I had experienced with this exotic Dragon shifter. I would never again be satisfied; I was doomed.



  After the initial meeting with the president and other leaders of Earth, 3 days passed. There were many meetings to be had and many Earth leaders involved. I did not mind it. This meant that I had more time to see her. I had grown attached to her. It was not something that I had planned. The entire reason that I was on Earth to begin with was to stop the Draqua from having sex with human females, yet here I was doing exactly that. It was a habit that was hard to break free of.

  Every night I used a secret passage tunnel inside the mothership that led to an open ledge. I shifted and then flew to Heather's living quarters. I knew that each night was a dangerous risk, and yet each night I took that risk. I no longer had control over how I felt about her. Possibly... it was love. The thought made me angry with myself. I could not love her. Loving her would only cause more war and strife between the Draqua. It was wrong; it was very wrong. Yet I could not stop, especially because tonight, I had news f
or her. It was news that she was not going to like.

  “I am glad that you have come tonight,” she said as I walked into her bedroom.

  “As am I,” I said pulling her to me and placing a hard kiss on her mouth. I was going to miss that mouth.

  “There is something I have to tell you,” I said to her.

  “I am listening,” she said with a big smile on her full pink lips and a sparkle in her blue eyes.

  “The captain sent a message today back to our base. He believes that we will be leaving Earth in two days time. He sees the meetings with your leaders wrapping up soon. We must leave. It is important that we leave Earth, so he said,” I said to her.

  She stepped back and pulled away from me. Her brilliant smile turned into a frown.

  “But, I have not heard such a thing. Are you sure?” she asked in a panic.

  “Yes, I am sure. He plans to tell your leaders tomorrow that we must leave in two days. This will give them and you at the space agency ample time to finish any business that you need with us. Ask us any more questions or understand our technology. But we must be going; we have already stayed too long. Our mission was to deliver the message, and that is all. But we stayed to give you more information, to help you stop the Draqua that might come after us,” I said to her.


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