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Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 15

by Maia Starr

  I spent a lot of time with the Council of the King explaining everything that they wanted to know about the space agency. As it turned out, me leaving Earth was not as messy as we thought it would be because Captain Teqqin Blace had been blamed for all of it. It worked out in our favor.

  Two months went by, and finally Commander Zoq was healed enough to be on his feet again, or I should say wings.

  I lived with him in his tree hut high up in one of the tallest, most majestic trees on the island. I spent a lot of time going up and down a spiral staircase, which would be very interesting once I was very heavily pregnant.

  “I am glad to get back to my daily routine,” he said to me as he kissed me on the cheek as we stood in the bed area of his hut.

  “I am happy to see what your routine is,” I said to him.

  “I am sorry that I left you to explore the village and island on your own. I wanted to be the one to show you around,” he said with an embrace. I looked up at his tall height. His black hair was much longer, flowing over his shoulders. He was still the strong Dragon shifter warrior even after being in bed for so long.

  “I explored the village, yes, but I have not explored the island as much as I would like,” I said.

  “Oh, then allow me,” he said as he stepped away from me.

  “What are you doing, Zoq?” I asked confused. He just looked at me and gave me that dashing grin that he always did. Then in a flash, he shifted into Dragon form. It always impressed me and was such an awesome sight to see. I was more turned on by him each and every day.

  “Allow me to show you the island,” he said, walking toward me.

  “Now?” I asked. “You mean you are going to take me flying?”

  “Absolutely. I realize that I have not taken you yet. I was not strong enough until these last few weeks. But I am ready, if you would like?”

  “Yes! I would love to,” I said.

  He walked to me and grabbed my hands. He put them behind his neck. Then his hands slid down my back slowly. I got chills as his hands touched me. I was turned on instantly. Then his hands cupped my bottom as he picked me up and rubbed my body against his. His hands continued down underneath my thighs as he encouraged me to wrap my legs around his waist. I did so. Now I was clinging to him.

  “Hold on,” he said as his hands secured me against his body. Then he ran, and I squealed in delight. He jumped off of the terrace of his tree hut. His wings spread out and then slapped in the air as we flew from the trees. It was absolutely beautiful. Adrenaline rushed through me as he flew fast and high over the village. He flew out over the beaches in over the ocean. Then he flew back over the island toward the isolated forest in the mountains. There were waterfalls and swimming holes deep in the forest. There were animals, and such a lush greenery. Getting a view from this height was better than anything.

  We flew for a long time as he told me the names of each spot that we flew over. It was the best date I had ever been on. Finally, the sun was setting and he landed on an isolated beach on the far side of the island.

  “That was incredible! Thank you,” I said as he put his feet on the ground and I slid down his body, planting my feet in the firm sand.

  “You are welcome. I am glad to have shared it with you. Would you like to go for a swim now? You are dressed for it,” he said, looking at the Draqua clothes that I wore.

  “Yes, I suppose that I am,” I laughed.

  I had grown accustomed to wearing the clothing that was worn here on the island. It was much more suitable than anything that I had packed. On such a hot and humid island tropical paradise, it was better to wear their clothing. It consisted of bright colored cloth that one war as two pieces. One piece was a loincloth, and the other was a bright the strip of cloth, like a tube top that covered your breasts. Then on top of this, you wore a sheer muslin gown that came in many colors. It was almost like always wearing a swimsuit with a swimsuit cover up. It was perfect.

  “Allow me,” he said as he grabbed the muslin down and pulled it off of me. He did it slowly and seductively, and I felt my nipples growing hard instantly. He growled a low growl. He leaned down from his tall height and kissed me. His hands moved up and down my body. I did not know if I was going to be able to pull myself away. But finally, I did. He let out a groan of frustration. I laughed and ran into the water and dove into a crystal clear blue wave. The water was refreshing against my skin.

  “You tease!” he said as he ran after me and dove into the water as well. We played and frolicked in the water for a long time. Finally, we ended up back on the sand.

  “It has been too lon, Heather. I don't think I can go on anymore,” he said.

  “Are you sure? Maybe we shouldn't. You have not been cleared by the healers,” I said to him. He pulled me close to him and planted a strong kiss on my mouth. I melted into his arms.

  “I feel fine. I think I know my own body. I am ready, and I can't go on without being inside of you anymore,” he said.

  “I can't stand not having you inside of me,” I said.

  He picked me up and then laid me on the sand. We had not been together since we had sex in my apartment the very last time. It had been months; it had been long, torturous months. It was hard living with him and only being able to kiss and touch but nothing else. But it was a necessity of his healing process. He could not do any sort of strong movements during his bedridden time. It could open up the wound. And knowing that we could not be together without being extremely passionate, we had to refrain from having sex altogether. It was hard when my hormones were raging like they were in my pregnant state. But now, we were finally going to satiate our extreme hunger for each other.

  He laid on top of me, putting his body between my thighs. We were both dripping wet from being in the ocean. His black hair was wet and stuck to his face and body. Drops of water beaded on his patterned skin. I licked the beads of water off of his strong arm. He groaned.

  He tore at the cloth covering my breasts. My nipples hardened in the fresh sea air as it dried the water off my skin. Zoq hungrily licked them. He licked then and flicked them with his tongue. I moaned and wiggled into the sand. Then he ripped at the loincloth around my waist.

  “Yes, take me, my dragon shifter,” I whispered.

  “With pleasure,” he said. He licked my stomach delicately and moved his mouth further down. His mouth was now on my wet center. He licked my slit up and down, and I spread my thighs wider for him. He moaned as he licked and kissed me. I could feel the pulsations rising inside of me. I had wanted to release immediately because I had all of this sexual aggression built up inside of me. “Oh yes, Zoq. That feels so good,” I moaned.

  “You taste good,” he said. With those words, I exploded and released into an orgasm. I was loud as I screamed and moaned. It made me think of the first time we were together on the mothership, and I had to be quiet. So much had passed since then. I was happy that we were no longer in a dangerous situation and we could be as loud as we wanted.

  “I can’t wait anymore. I need you inside of me,” I said as I pulled his black hair, trying to get him to come toward me.

  He moved up my body until his face was over mine. He kissed me. His tongue twirled around mine. He pulled his mouth from mine and looked down over my body. “I don’t want to hurt you. You are carrying our child,” he said.

  “I know. Don’t press your weight on me and I will be fine. I don’t want to hurt you,” I sai, running my hand over the bandaged wound.

  “Don’t get crazy and I will be fine,” he whispered. We both laughed. Then he positioned himself between my thighs. He was so much taller than me that my face now aligned with his chest and six-pack abs. I felt his hard cock enter me. I groaned loudly. His strong arms held him up high above me. He was careful not to put his weight on me. I was careful not the wrap my legs around him and press him harder into me. He had to be in control of the movement in order to not accidentally hurt his wound. He pushed slowly inside of me until he was deep within m
e. We both let out a sigh of relief to finally be together like this.

  He made love to me, slowly and passionately, in the sand. He kissed me and touched me. He moved back and forth until I exploded into orgasm again. Then I felt him tense up. I could see his hard muscles on his chest in the moonlight. Finally, he released inside of me. “Oh, Heather. Damn, that feels so good. I’ve waited so long for this…for you,” he whispered breathlessly.

  Half an hour later, we had gathered our strength by laying in the sand entwined with each other. We went for a final swim to wash the sand off of us. Then we flew back to the village.

  “Let’s see what is left in the community kitchens,” he said as we landed on the village beach.

  “Yes, I am very hungry now.”

  “You are eating for two,” he laughed.

  “Yes, and you are eating to heal,” I said as he grabbed my hand and led me into the communal kitchens. It was late, and only a few Draqua were gathered around fires talking. Everyone greeted us with smiles. We found a few of the tables still had plenty of fish and fruit for the taking. We stuffed long leaves with fish and fruit and carried it to a fire where we ate and listened to the stories of other Draqua and human females. It always fascinated me to hear everyone's story of either battles or how they came to be on Kelon. It was incredible.

  The fish was fresh and delicious, and the fruit was amazing. I went back for seconds and thirds. After dinner, we took a stroll on the beach to walk off the fullness. We held hands in the moonlight. This became a typical, loving routine for my new life on Kelon. It was extraordinary.

  We left the beach and made our way back to the treehouse. We continued our love making session until the next day. We had a lot to catch up on. We took our time each of worrying about injuring the other. He was very careful of the child inside of me, and I was very careful of not reopening his healing wound.

  We established a daily routine after that day of getting our responsibilities done, but making time for an afternoon treat when we could, and always coming together at night to indulge ourselves in his bed, or the tub, or the kitchen. We lived like this until it was our time to make our union official.

  Finally, the day came. We were married, by the King personally. It was a shock to both Zoq and I that the King wanted to do it. It was a very honorable thing. The King said it was simply because the commander had embarked on a very dangerous mission alone and that needed a high reward. We had a typical Draqua wedding on the beach of the island. It was what I would consider an island style themed wedding on Earth, but with dragons.

  Our wedding night was just as passionate as that day on the beach when we finally were reunited to make love again. I was glad that we were finally able to be officially married. Because in less than five months, it would be my time to give birth to our child.

  We welcomed a baby boy hybrid into the world. We named him Davion Kane. He was the most precious thing that I had ever seen in my life. Now my entire life was complete. Not only did I have my loving husband, an alien dragon shifter, and our child, but I also had a new position.

  After spending months meeting with the King and the council about the space agency and the new reality that they had to face, the reality that Earth now knew of their existence, I was invited to a position on the council. It shocked me. Of course, I accepted. It fulfilled my need to be a knowledgeable and helpful person. It was having a career on an alien planet. Nothing could have prepared me for everything that I was given on this alien world. There was a lot of adventure to come. There was a lot of excitement and happiness for me to enjoy. I had never been happier than I was as Mrs. Heather Maven Kane.

  The End(Flip page to read your bonus books!)

  HADEN: Dragons Of Udora

  (A Sci-Fi Alien Weredragon Romace)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter One


  Everything was going swimmingly. Which, for me, probably meant something was about to go wrong.

  That was life’s inevitable curse on me. I studied to become a reporter, and I ended up in diplomatic relations. I was finally making enough money to take care of my father, then he passed away. Such is life.

  The good luck I was referencing this day was the choosing ceremony. Each year, partial alien shifters called WereDragons would come to Earth to claim female mates. This used to be a more savage practice until Earth’s government decided to make a trade. They would line up the best possible breeders for the men to choose from, and in return, we could send scientists and research teams back to their planet Udora on year-long expeditions.

  It was a mutually beneficial partnership between their government, “The Koth,” and Earth. I work for Riddell, a space station and organization in charge of unifying Earth and Udora. I worked directly under their chief director, Zaphira Reneau. We operated not only the choosing ceremonies, but diplomatic visits to Udora to retain our preferred conditions of peace.

  Today, though, I was on the other side of the process. Today, I was chosen.

  “You are going to lose your mind,” came the squeaky voice of Anita Conlin. She was the chief agent for sending couples back to Udora after the choosing ceremonies. Basically, this was just a fancy title for passport control. Also, she was my best friend.

  “You’re going to be out of control for the first time ever, and it’s going to make you crazy,” she reiterated as she leaned against the check-in counter, swiping identity cards along with no interest as excited couples approached the partition.

  She looked over at me with her light brown hair and large brown eyes. She had the darkest, most enviable eyelashes I had ever seen. Her hair was crafted into an intricate bun, and her wide lips smiled with a chiding grin as she continued, “Admit it!”

  “Oh stop,” I grumbled with a half-hearted smile as I watched her work with little enthusiasm. I twirled my lanyard around my fingers and lost eye contact with her for just a moment. “It’s going to be fine.”

  “And you get to keep your job then, or is this it? Should I just say my goodbyes now and call it quits for this friendship?”

  A white dragon with long, elegant wings and deep black eyes stood at the counter with a gorgeous nurse on his muscular arm. He had spots of black and gold throughout his coloring, which was an unusual sight. He had just claimed the woman next to him an hour earlier. She had a blunt pixie cut and couldn’t seem to keep her hands off the shifter. She whispered in his ear and ran her hand down his body as he looked on with growing impatience with Anita.

  He held his official documents out in front of him, but Anita didn’t notice.

  “Good to know I’m that easy to forget!” I laughed.

  “That’s five years down the drain, I hope you know,” she chattered with mock indignity.

  “Shh,” I instructed in a whisper. “I’m keeping my job, okay? I’ll probably be back in a month or two.”

  “Whew!” She wiped her hand along her forehead.

  The white dragon huffed loudly and dropped his papers on the counter before turning back to glance at the growing line of couples, all anxious to get back on the shuttle and do some… coupling.

  “Anita,” I lectured and darted my eyes toward the queue.

  The couple behind the blonde pixie and her white dragon had gone from light pecking to full on petting and groping.

  “I guess I’d better get this moving before it starts getting X-rated in here,” she said and quickly grabbed the papers off the desk. She looked the documents over before hammering a digital stamp down on the papers and sending the couple on their way, proving once again how efficient she was at her job. When she paid attention.

  Anita stamped the next couple’s papers, but they didn’t seem to notice. Embroiled in their passions, Anita slammed the stamp down again and cleared her throat. “Honey!” she called out firmly. “Either give us a peep show or move along!”

  The couple, embarrassed, shuffled off while the rest of the room filled with hushed laughter at their expense.
r />   “Sluts,” she whispered with a roll of her eyes. “That’s so gonna be you, by the way.”


  “Hey, what? Oh, and have we mentioned that this is like a match made in heaven? You work with the space station, and he is a dignitary!”

  “I know.” I chuckled. “And here I thought my trips to Udora would always be full of meetings and check-ins.”

  She looked down at my match’s papers, already waiting at the desk for her to stamp through. Dignitaries got special treatment like that. She held his photo up and looked absolutely beguiled. “Does it bother you that he can’t show you around now?”

  “Around Udora?” I clarified and felt increasingly puzzled by the question. “No, why should it?”

  “That’s part of the fun!” she insisted. “Fun for him and for you. They love showing the ladies all the moss and the mountains, you know, as though we’ve never seen a blade of grass before. Then we swoon, and they feel proud,” she said with embellished gestures.


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