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Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 133

by Maia Starr

  I frowned. Was this what Chaz’z was talking about? If he knew about an innocent race being exploited and killed for his planet’s greed, why couldn’t he do anything to stop that?

  “They don’t?” I asked, struggling to maintain my Samantha act.

  “No,” Zod said with an odd snorting sound. “They are quite inferior. Many races throughout the galaxy find them to be quite simple creatures.”

  “Is simple bad?”

  “Of course! It makes it quite easy to get what you want from simple creatures. Isn’t that right, female?”

  He came toward me and reached out. I cowered, and Zod laughed.

  “Aren’t you pleasant?”

  His hand settled heavily on my head, and I froze. Was Zod petting me?

  If I could keep up the charade long enough, perhaps I could get more information from Zod. I couldn’t help my investigative impulses. If the planet I was stuck on might be at risk of an attack from these people, the Kalron, then shouldn’t we all be a little more informed about it? I didn’t know yet what I would do with the information, but it was a start just knowing that Chaz’z was not the man he appeared to be.

  Just when I thought he was a good person. I looked at Zod as he continued talking about how great he was at manipulating the weak of will. It was hard for me to keep up because he was speaking in Thressl’n and my device was cutting in and out. I wished I could have it fixed. That, or learn the language on my own.

  Zod suddenly turned to me, his eyes flashing, and said clear as day, “We are going to be masters of the universe.”

  It gave me chills, and I smiled weakly, trying my best not to reveal my true feelings. Were all of the Thressl’n monsters? What was I going to do?


  I spent the next few days waiting for Zod’s terrible temper to rear its head, but he seemed surprisingly cheerful as long as I maintained my Samantha act. However, one small hint of defiance would make his eyes steel, and I had to act quickly to make it seem as if I simply didn’t understand his orders. He would usually blame it on my humanness and laugh at my inferior intellect, which seriously pissed me off but would probably bounce off of my twin like nothing. I could see now why she said she had dated men worse than Zod. Had he laid a hand on her once or twice? It seemed impossible that he’d completely behaved.

  “Greetings to you, female,” Zod said about two weeks later, the morning the rest of the fleet was supposed to return from space. I couldn’t help but bring my thoughts to Chaz’z, and wondered if he had made it home from the war in one piece. “There is going to be an event to commemorate the men who are risking their lives for Jenal’k. You should be ready before 5th meal.”

  “All right,” I said, trying to keep my disappointment out of my voice.

  Another event? I wasn’t ready to deal with another stressful situation with the elite Thressl’n men. But maybe it would be a good chance to get more information about what was happening with the Kalron. From the way Chaz’z was talking about it, nobody seemed to understand the implications of the war on the other side of the galaxy, much like the wars on Earth were all too frequently misrepresented in order to benefit the greedy men pulling the strings.

  “Great. As always, I expect perfect compliance and obedience. It’s going to be a very specific crowd there tonight, and not a whole lot of outsiders are welcome.”

  “Of course, my lord,” I said, bowing slightly.

  “You’re getting it!” Zod exclaimed happily.

  The rest of the day sped past, until I found myself in the hovercraft, wrapped in a beautiful gown made of Thressl’n fabrics full of incredible colors that, despite my situation, made me feel a little bit happy. When we landed, we were in a dark area that I assumed was something like a parking garage on Earth. We got out of the craft and walked briskly to a large booth with a plump Thressl’n man inside.

  “Welcome, Captain Zod!” the man taking Zod’s tickets said pleasantly. He didn’t acknowledge me at all until Zod cleared his throat sternly. “And female.”

  I began smiling in acknowledgment, but the man didn’t bother looking at me and greeted the next couple in line.

  “Welcome Commander Wyl’es.”

  “Thank you.”

  I was electrified by the deep, musical voice behind me. Without looking back, I knew that it was Chaz’z. Despite my anger at him, I was relieved to know that he had arrived safely back on Jenal’k.

  Zod and I were ushered quickly inside, and I realized immediately that this wasn’t the same type of event as the first. The first had been hosted inside a tent-like structure, though admittedly classier marquees than the tents at the camps.

  Instead, this time the event was being hosted inside a huge palace. I had seen it in the distance a few times, and now being shown inside, I was overwhelmed by the vast space surrounding me and intricate Thressl’n art lining the walls. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.

  “Come, female, and stay on your best behavior. All of the most important men on Jenal’k are in attendance tonight. We will be celebrating the events taking place on Kalron.”

  I bristled at the news, and glanced over my shoulder at Chaz’z, who was glancing frantically around the room, his expression tense. What could possibly be on his mind?

  “Captain Zod! So good to see you!”

  The Supreme Leader was suddenly standing in front of us, bowing deeply at Zod. Zod smiled genially at him and returned his bow.

  “Female, fetch yourself some refreshments. The Supreme Leader and I have a few things we need to discuss in private.”

  “Yes, my lord,” I said, bowing deeply at both of them.

  “I taught her that!” I heard Zod exclaim as I turned my back on them and disappeared into the crowd.


  I froze in my tracks as Chaz’z came running toward me, his handsome face bright. I couldn’t help but feel my heart thud hard despite myself. He grinned at me and slid to a stop, nearly spilling his drink.

  “I wasn’t sure if Temal would drop you off here or not. She’s very intimidated by the palace guards.”

  Did that mean that Sam might be around here somewhere?

  “Um…well, I made it,” I said nervously, glancing around the crowd for my twin. But she was nowhere in sight.

  “Listen, I need to talk to you. It’s kind of urgent.”

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, frowning.

  “Not here,” Chaz’z said, looking over my head at the crowd of mingling men behind me. “Come with me.”

  Chaz’z grabbed my hand and heat coursed through my body. It had been a long time since I’d seen him, so it had been easy to downplay my attraction for him in my head. Now that he was right in front of me again though, it was a completely different matter.

  We disappeared up a flight of stairs and ducked inside what looked like an elegant bedroom.

  “It’s beautiful up here!” I exclaimed, walking through the room in a daze.

  “Not so loud!” Chaz’z hissed. “This is highly frowned upon.”

  “Sorry,” I sighed. Still, the room was beautiful, and I was mesmerized by its incredible architecture and the beautiful linen on the bed.

  “No, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have snatched you away like this, but it’s important. I’ve decided to strike back.”

  “What?” I asked, my heart drumming in my chest. Could he possibly mean…

  “Yes,” Chaz’z said. “I want to tell the people of Jenal’k what is truly happening. They have a right to know. But I need your help.”

  “My help…but how?”

  Chaz’z grinned, and rummaged through a bag strapped to his waist.

  “With this,” he said, offering a clunky dark object to me. It took me a moment before I realized what it was.

  “A camera?” I gasped.

  “Yes,” Chaz’z said, taking it back from me and hiding it back in his bag. “We are going to do this together. In return, I will grant you anything you wish.”

was quiet for a moment, and suddenly, his broad chest was against my face, and he was embracing me tightly. I closed my eyes, basking in his masculine scent and the feeling of his strong arms holding me closely.

  “I missed you,” Chaz’z said, his deep voice rumbling in my ear and sending thrills down through my body. “You were all I could think about the whole time I was gone.”

  I felt guilty. I hadn’t wanted to see him again, thinking that he was too much of a coward to do the right thing. But now that I knew it wasn’t true, now that I knew what he was really like, how could I allow myself to deny my attraction to this man?

  I cried out softly in a combination of surprise and pleasure when Chaz’z soft, warm lips burrowed into the nape of my neck, sending a pulse of heat down to my loins. My voice seemed to awaken something within him, and he growled, pushing me back powerfully against the bed.

  We fell onto it together, Chaz’z hovering powerfully above me, the need in his eyes unmistakable. It sent a shiver of longing coursing through me, and I reached tentatively for his face, touching it gently before he dipped down to steal another long, passionate kiss from me.

  I was immediately swept away in my longing for this man, who somehow made me lose myself with every slight movement of his body. I could feel the tension of his body straining not to come too close to my middle, where I knew if we made contact, there would be no turning back. He wanted so badly to respect me, to save our first time for a more appropriate time and place. I could see the conflict in his eyes.

  But we had already waited so long.

  I wrapped my legs around his thighs and nudged him forward, gasping at the sudden electricity of the hard mound of his impressive manhood against my middle. We both froze, overpowered by the deep rapture of each other’s bodies before Chaz’z stripped his clothes off quickly, allowing me a look at his full form for the first time since we had met.

  I was shocked by the well-defined muscles of his abdomen. Instead of a simple six-pack, it seemed Thressl’n men had an extra set of abdominal muscles. He was a pale teal color all the way down his body, except for his erect member, which was more deep blue in color. He moved over me, slowly lifting the gown up over my head. His metallic silver eyes shimmered as he gazed at my body for the first time.

  I shuddered as his strong hand roamed it, his four fingers sending deep thrills to my core. We breathed heavily together as he explored me, inch by inch. Every slight movement of his body against me brought me close to the edge of my self-control.

  Sudden unexpected tears welled in my eyes. I didn’t want to go back to Zod. I wanted to go back home with Chaz’z, who seemed so sincerely to care for me, despite how horrible Thressl’n men may have seemed. Chaz’z, who had never laid a finger on me except lovingly. What had I done?

  Chapter 6

  Chaz’z Wyl’es (Commander of the Fleet)

  Alexa’s small, smooth body writhed beneath me, and I closed my eyes as I moved on top of her, my member throbbing with anticipation. I could feel the heat of her insides without even venturing in myself, and the desire to explore and conquer my human once and for all was overpowering.

  When she had nudged me forward so that our sexes were touching, I had nearly taken her right then and there. But she was so unbelievably beautiful. I wanted to take a moment just to relish in the perfection of her human body. It seemed truer than ever that there was nobody else in the universe who could possibly match her. Not now, and not in any other timeframe, either.

  I pulsed in longing when Alexa bucked her hips against me. It was an invitation to continue my journey inside of her. What kind of a man would I be if I refused?

  Alexa moaned deeply as I pushed myself inside, gently at first, reveling in the tendrils of pleasure that electrified my body as I found myself engulfed by the warmth of her body. Alexa gripped my shoulders, breathing heavily with an expression of pure rapture on her face. She seemed to want this as much as I did.

  The music at the event downstairs had begun, and it was loud enough to drown out the sounds of our love-making. Still, it was also a sign that we didn’t have much time left. There would be all the time in the world to explore her body fully when I took her home. But for now, it was time to gratify my female.

  Alexa gasped, her small fingers digging into the flesh of my back as I buried myself fully inside of her. Her body rode the waves of her pleasure naturally, and I was shocked by the delicious surge of bliss I felt as her body moved against me, gyrating in a sort of unspoken dance that only she and I seemed to hear the music to.

  I felt a deep need to release myself inside of her, and picked up the speed of my thrusting, until Alexa was gulping in brisk bursts of air and letting them out in little hisses and moans of pleasure that made my member harder than it had ever been before.

  I paused for a moment, and we gazed tenderly at each other before I finally unleashed all of my power. To my surprise, Alexa was able to handle it just fine, gasping and moaning and thrusting right back against me as I filled her again and again, until I could feel the tingling sensation of my orgasm building in my abdomen.

  She seemed to sense it and closed her eyes tightly, her muscles contracting tightly around my desperate manhood. The friction of our bodies created an explosion of fire inside us both, and the sudden eruption of my climax rocked us both. Alexa’s clear eyes opened in sudden bliss as she felt the rush of my hot fluids inside of her. She shuddered as her orgasm made her breasts rise and fall in ecstasy, until I had emptied every last drop of myself inside of her.

  We collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily with our fingers intertwined. Finally, I got up and helped Alexa to her feet.

  “We’d best get back to the party,” I said.

  Alexa fixed a strange look on me, her eyes shimmering.

  “Are you sad?” I asked, puzzled this time by her display. “Or happy?”

  Alexa touched my cheek and kissed me tenderly.

  “Both,” she said.

  The action was unsettling, and we dressed quickly before heading back down the stairs to the party.

  “Chaz’z!” I was suddenly being pulled away from Alexa and into a group of men from my platoon in the war. I searched the crowd frantically for my female, but she was already gone.


  I don’t know how it happened. One minute I was standing with my female, and the next I was being dragged away to an exclusive section of the palace and being fed drink after drink by the men from the war. We were all unhappy about the state of things, and although nobody dared to say it in the royal palace, none of us agreed with Supreme Leader Aloitus’ motivations. The Kalron were innocent people. Who were we to decide that they didn’t deserve the resources they were sitting on? Even if they didn’t want to use or sell them themselves. That was their choice, not ours. There was no reason to assist the Vellreq in their quest for universal domination.

  The event went on late into the night, and Aloitus eventually rounded everybody up to give his typical speech and thank us all for our service. He seemed to sense that if he didn’t do something to benefit us for continuing his immoral war, then his command would suffer. And so, unsurprisingly, at the end of the evening, all of us were loaded with bonuses and new gadgets that, despite my anger toward that man and his reign, were quite exciting.

  I was completely drunk by the end of the night, and my concern suddenly became seeing to it that somebody got my female back home. Everybody laughed and agreed they would see to it that she was safe, but it seemed insincere on their parts. I knew I was in no condition to drive, and ultimately passed out in the palace bar.

  I woke up in the infirmary late in the afternoon, confused and embarrassed about my display the night before. What had gotten into me? I could only blame the stress of planning a rebellion against the only government I had ever known, on top of the strange mixture of emotions I felt from finally copulating with my human. It had been the most incredible thing I had ever experienced.

  And yet, something abo
ut it had left her feeling unhappy. I was sure of it. I had never seen happy tears before, but the ones she had given me were not happy. What had I done wrong?

  “Chaz’z, glad to see you’re among the living,” the medic, a man named Thash’r, said. “Usually when your guys end up here it’s really bad news.”

  I smiled grimly. I knew that from experience. I had been in these halls many times to visit wounded comrades. “I’m fine. Just had too much to drink.”

  “So I hear,” Thash’r said, giving me a knowing smile. “Get home and get some rest, will you? You need it to lead our men out there.”

  I felt a twinge of nausea but did my best to smile.

  “My thanks to you,” I said with a deep bow.

  “Of course,” Thash’r said, returning my gesture. “Take care of yourself. Have that human of yours prepare you some Yusha; you know it’s good for hangovers.”

  “Right,” I said, laughing. “If she’s willing to go back into the kitchen after the last time.”

  Thash’r grinned, and I left, feeling a surge of optimism in my breast. What was with this gloomy mood I was in? As long as I could get home and see Alexa again, everything was going to be fine.


  “Alexa, are you here?” I asked, stepping into my home. It was nice to be back after all the time out in battle.


  Alexa stepped out, giving me a strange look.

  “I see you made it home safely,” I said, smiling at her.

  “Whatever,” Alexa said, turning her back on me. “I’m hungry. That chick you have doing the cooking hasn’t been coming around.”

  “What? Why wouldn’t Temal come to provide meals to you?”

  “I don’t know,” Alexa said defiantly. “All I said was that her soup thing looked like it was going to eat me instead of vice versa. I thought it was funny.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Alexa was acting strange again. Almost the way she had been when I had first brought her home. I suddenly remembered my gift for her. Maybe that would cheer her up.


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