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Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 136

by Maia Starr

  I was silent as Alexa’s words poured from her lips. I could imagine how afraid she must have been, and my hatred toward Zod doubled upon hearing how he treated his female. But it still didn’t make up for the betrayal. No matter what she said, I was hurt.

  “I don’t know what to say to you right now,” I said, sighing deeply. We soon pulled into my home, and we sat in the craft, the tension between us thick. “I thought that I could trust you.”

  “Let’s go inside,” Alexa said, touching my arm gently. It felt so right to have her touching me, but I was still conflicted. “I’ll tell you everything.”

  I thought it over for a few moments. It couldn’t hurt to talk things over. And afterward, whatever conclusion we arrived at, I would be able to learn the truth about Zod, Aloitus, and my government’s actions. It was worth a try.


  Alexa was trembling as we sat on my long couch together, staring at her hands as she attempted to gather her words.

  “It started when we went to the first event. The woman you said looked like me is my sister, which you know now. She’s insufferable, but I have a feeling you know that too. So when she forced me into switching places with her, I was almost relieved in a way, not to be forced into suffering…to let my twin suffer in my place the way I always have for her.”

  “That makes sense,” I agreed. I had seen for myself just how willful Samantha could be. And I was quickly learning that there really was nothing more aggravating than a willful, spoiled Earth female. It wasn’t a lifestyle I was anxious to live.

  “I’m sorry, Chaz’z,” Alexa said, dropping her head into her hands miserably. “I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t stand the thought of Zod being cruel to her, so I left. And we were too afraid to tell either one of you.”

  “You could have told me,” I said. “Perhaps before we joined bodies, you should have.”

  Alexa grimaced.

  “You’re right. I should have. I don’t know why I didn’t. I guess it’s just terrifying to be here. To not know what to expect of the people around you. After Zod treated me the way he did, I guess I just wasn’t comfortable testing your temper. I was worried something might happen to me and Sam if I told anybody.”

  “But you just disappeared,” I exclaimed. “How do you think it made me feel to discover that it wasn’t you, it was your sister who was nearly invited to my bed? Do you realize just how complicated things could have gotten?”

  “I’m sorry, I—”

  “I don’t want Samantha,” I said, looking Alexa hard in the eye. “I want you. And I don’t know how long it will take before I can trust you again.”

  Alexa’s eyes filled with pain, and she nodded, pulling the bag she had been carrying onto her lap and pulling the camera out for me.

  “Here,” she said. “I hope these are useful because I risked my life for them.”

  I grabbed the camera eagerly and immediately began scanning the images on it through its projection lens.

  “Where did you get that, anyway?” Alexa asked. “It’s so similar to cameras on Earth, but so much better.”

  “A man named Laike made it when I asked him. He is quite inventive, and is responsible for the design of my ships.”

  “Well he did a good job,” Alexa said.

  But I barely heard her. I was taking in the information on the photographs, confused and shocked by what I was seeing.

  “Are you sure this was in Zod’s room?” I demanded, flipping through the images again.

  “I’m sure,” Alexa said defiantly. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go to look for information.”

  “I don’t believe it,” I breathed. “I can’t believe it. Not without confirmation…these could be decoys.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  But there was no time to explain.

  “Put this back in your bag,” I said, thrusting the camera at Alexa. “We have to go back to the palace.”


  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Alexa hissed. It irritated me to be second-guessed.

  “Please keep quiet. This is the only way.”

  She sighed and followed me to the room where the Supreme Leader worked.

  “Stay here.”

  Alexa nodded. She already knew the plan. I had enlisted some of the men from my fleet, who were convinced of the Supreme Leader’s corruption, to create a diversion outside the palace gates. All hands would be required, and Aloitus and I would go to see what the trouble was. Alexa would sneak into the office and get whatever information she could, at whatever cost.

  I felt guilty using her in such a way, but it seemed I had no choice. There was more at stake than my personal feelings for this Earthling. And it would do her planet good, too, to learn the true motives of the Thressl’n and the Vellreq.

  “Supreme Leader Aloitus,” I said, bowing deeply. “Greetings to you.”

  “Commander Chaz’z, this is quite a surprise. Welcome.”

  “Thank you,” I said, perching on the seat across from the Supreme Leader’s desk. His frightening attempt at a smile appeared on his face, and I tried my best to return it.

  “What is it you seek from me, today? Zod tells me you have been quite interested in the people of Kalron; is that right?”

  “That’s right, sir. That is why I am here today. I thought perhaps you could use more ground forces. Men who might put the Kalron at ease despite the war raging around them. Docility may make our mission easier to accomplish, don’t you think?”

  “Well, Commander, the fact is—”

  A sudden alarm blared throughout the palace, and Aloitus’ eyes widened.

  “Supreme Leader Aloitus, you will have to come with me. It seems there is danger and your life may be at risk.”

  I was surprised that the small diversion I had organized had escalated to such a fearful event for the Supreme Leader, and Aloitus looked pleadingly at me.

  “Please, accompany me to my chambers. I shall feel safe with you there.”

  “Of course, sir,” I said, taking my laser gun out and leading the way out of the room. “As you wish.”

  Chapter 9

  Alexa Thomas (Investigative Journalist)

  I watched quietly, slinking into the background as all of the guards bustled about the palace and headed to defend it. Soon, Chaz’z and the Supreme Leader rushed past, neither even noticing I was there, and the guards outside the doors were suddenly creating a wall around Aloitus and leading him up a grand stairway.

  I waited until they were out of sight before I crept inside the office. In all the panic, Chaz’z had slyly disarmed the security system by planting an override device on the door. He said it was one of the many gadgets he had requested from Laike, the brilliant but humble man who had been responsible for building my camera.

  I clutched it tightly as I walked through the doorway, my blood like ice as I glanced around the room. It was highly organized, and I’d been instructed to remove the override device and use it on the drawers of Aloitus’ office.

  I had gotten myself into a lot of sticky situations in my days as an investigative journalist, but nothing quite so terrifying as exploring the office of an extraterrestrial leader who may have been responsible for the colonization of my species. It was a whole new level of work.

  And yet, I was thrilled to be doing it. I had always known there would be a day when my skills would come in handy to me personally, but I hadn’t realized that I would actually be working to try and save the world.

  The override device worked quickly on the drawers of the Supreme Leader’s desk, and I quickly took out the classified documents. Many of them were stored in projectors I had no idea how to operate, but luckily Chaz’z and Laike had kept that in mind and given me a little port, kind of like a USB stick, that would copy all electronic information and save it.

  As it copied, I busied myself taking as many photos as I possibly could of every single document that looked important. I had to trust my instincts and
my limited knowledge of the written Thressl’n language.

  My heart lurched when I heard heavy footfalls coming toward the office, and I scrambled to put everything away as I had found it and get the override device back on the door before I was discovered.

  The door hissed open, and I nearly cried out in fear when I saw the dark silhouette of a body in front of me.

  “Did you get it?”

  Chaz’z’s comforting, masculine voice electrified me, and I ran out of the room in tears, grabbing the override device as I went.

  “Yes, let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Chaz’z nodded and before I knew it, we were back in his hovercraft and heading for home.


  “Are you okay?” he asked me gently when we were nearly back to his dwelling. I was surprised by the concern in his voice. He had been so angry and hurt by the betrayal, I almost wondered if I was imagining things.

  “Yes,” I said. “I hope I was able to get enough information for you.”

  “You did your best,” Chaz’z said, glancing at his rearview mirror. He had been doing that a lot since we left the palace. It was almost as if he didn’t trust that the surveillance had been cut off; another nifty trick Chaz’z had received from Laike.

  “Will Laike get in trouble if anybody finds out about this?” I asked. He had been so helpful. And although I’d never met him, I felt like I owed him a lot for making my job easier.

  “We would all get in trouble,” Chaz’z said distantly, gazing at his window again. “But don’t worry about him. He’s planning an escape from here. Most of the underappreciated are recruited in the cursed war. But he is leaving with his Earth female, and they will not be looking back. They will be all right.”

  “We could leave too,” I said. “If things got too bad, then…”

  “They won’t,” Chaz’z said, turning his serious eyes onto me. A tremor coursed through me. I had forgotten just how sensual his gaze could be.

  “All right,” I said, shifting uncomfortably and looking away. I couldn’t let myself get caught up in my attraction for Chaz’z. Not when there was so much at stake and he had to sort his feelings for me out. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us.

  We arrived at Chaz’z’s dwelling, and I was alarmed when Chaz’z shouted, “Oh Gods!”

  I looked out the window, and my stomach dropped. Zod and Samantha were standing in front of the doorway of the house, Zod with his hands crossed over his chest. Sam was wincing at the ground, her cheek swollen and bruised.

  “Zod, what is the meaning of this?” Chaz’z demanded, leaping from the car. I followed, impulsively running toward my sister.

  “You have my female!” Zod exclaimed, stomping toward me and grabbing me by the hair. Pain and fear coursed through me and I dropped the bag on the ground. Chaz’z eyed it briefly before his eyes flickered back to me.

  “Let her be, Zod!”

  “These two thought they could pull a fast one on us, Chaz’z. They need to be punished!”

  I cried out in agony as pain flooded my every nerve ending. Zod had pressed a cold bar against my neck, and a painful electrical current was coursing through my body, leaving me dazed.

  “Enough!” Chaz’z barked.

  Zod shoved me forward, and I fell to the ground in front of my sister. She knelt down and scooped my limp body in her arms, and we cowered in fear together on the ground.

  “Do not dare to harm a hair on either one of these humans!” Chaz’z growled. “Unless you want to live to regret it.”

  Zod sneered, and I could see the control break from Chaz’z’s face as he lunged forward.

  “Don’t!” I cried. I couldn’t bear the thought of Chaz’z going through the agony my body was in.

  He didn’t listen to me, and I winced as a sickening thud filled the air. Zod’s face had been struck by Chaz’z, leaving it a bleeding mess. Who would have thought that the Thressl’n had such purple blood?

  “You are going to pay for this,” Zod said, getting to his feet and launching at Chaz’z. Chaz’z avoided Zod’s staff and dodged behind him, pushing him forward onto his face.

  “Remember your rank, Captain!” Chaz’z warned.

  Zod growled in fury and stood again, running toward Chaz’z with the staff out in front of him. It connected with Chaz’z’s skin, and he cried out in pain.

  “Chaz’z!” I shouted.

  But miraculously, he didn’t drop to his knees. Instead, he glared at Zod through the pain and gripped the staff, thrusting it over his knee and breaking it in half.

  “Commander!” Zod whined, looking down in shock at the broken pieces of his weapon.

  I was flooded with desire as I watched Chaz’z move his powerful body. He leaped in front of us, standing between Sam and me and Zod’s fury.

  Zod ran forward again, this time a high-pitched sound emanating from his lips. He landed a blow on Chaz’z’s broad chest, but Chaz’z had had enough. He unleashed his full power on Zod, striking him again and again until he fell back on the ground, purple blood pouring onto the ground.

  “If you ever harm either one of these females again, I won’t go easy on you,” Chaz’z said darkly into Zod’s face. “One of these females is mine, and the other is yours. And my rank is higher, so I choose which one I want. Not you!”

  Chaz’z stalked toward me and Sam and knelt down in front of us. He lifted me gingerly from Samantha’s protective grasp and glared down at Zod.

  “And if you mistreat this one, then I will keep them both. Do you understand?”

  Zod’s face filled with fear and he nodded frantically.

  “Get out of my sight,” Chaz’z said.

  He stood like that, holding me gingerly, until Samantha and Zod had made it inside Zod’s house down the street. Chaz’z knelt down swiftly and picked up the bag with all of the research in it and carried me inside.


  Chaz’z carried me carefully through the halls of his home and laid me down on his bed, caressing me gently.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, concern apparent on his handsome face.

  “Yeah,” I said, smiling up at the face of my savior. “Thanks to you.”

  “That is good,” Chaz’z said, stroking my cheek. The tenderness in his eyes made me feel overwhelmingly guilty.

  “You didn’t have to do that, though,” I said, turning my eyes away from him. “I can’t forgive myself for hurting you like that.”

  To my surprise, Chaz’z laughed heartily. “Oh female. You still don’t know how I feel for you, do you?”

  “Um…angry?” I guessed.

  Chaz’z smiled at me.

  “I was angry. But feelings are fleeting, female. All but two. Care, and hate.”

  “And you don’t hate me?” I asked, propping myself up on the bed. The feeling of Chaz’z’s strong hand stroking my cheek and moving down to the soft, sensitive skin on my neck was almost too good to be true.

  “Of course not,” Chaz’z said.

  His face was inches from mine, and I studied the beautiful flecks of gold in his silver eyes. How had I been lucky enough to find such a perfect being, when men from my own planet had left me wanting? I had never been more grateful to meet someone in all my life.

  Chaz’z seemed to sense my sentiment, because his face creased in a handsome smile. He slowly bent his head down and kissed me lightly on the lips. The feeling of his body near mine filled me with heat, and soon his lips were pressing more urgently against mine, our need for each other awakened in a sudden, fierce wave of longing.

  I cried out as his hands circled under me, and he sat in front of me on the bed, sitting me up in front of him holding me close to his muscular torso as his hands roamed every inch of me. I gasped as his lips found their way to the sensitive mound of my nipple, and he lifted my shirt eagerly, the heat of his mouth suddenly enveloping it and sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

  He broke away just long enough to strip us both fully, his long, strong fin
gers sending wave after wave of bliss coursing through my body. I couldn’t help but gaze at the perfection of his sculpted muscles, and he grinned at me as if he could sense just how aroused his body made me.

  I cried out in pleasure when he pushed me gently back on the bed, gripping my hips gently in his big hands as I lay on my back. I could feel the deep, hot thrill of having his member so close to my middle, and he showered me with hot, passionate kisses as he slowly made his way inside me.

  I could feel myself opening for him like a flower as my desire for him canceled out anything else on my mind, and he hissed in pleasure as my body closed around him. I closed my eyes, basking in the feeling of his manhood pulsing inside of me. Chaz’z kissed me again, long, languid laps of his tongue, making me forget the world around me and focus only on the pleasure of our bodies intertwined.

  Chaz’z looked into my eyes and thrust suddenly inside of me. I could feel his power parting me in half, and writhed under his touch as pleasure surged through my body. I could feel every inch of his impressive muscle inside of me, and gripped his shoulders as, again and again, my Earth was shattered by his blissful force.

  “I never want to be with anybody but you,” Chaz’z said, turning his majestic eyes onto me and touching my face. His powerful thrusts stopped momentarily, leaving me suspended in anticipation.

  “I love you,” I whispered, unable to keep the words from spilling from my lips. “I’ve never loved anybody like this before.”

  “Love…” Chaz’z said, as if testing the flavor of the word. He then smiled down at me, a shockingly beautiful smile that I got momentarily lost in. “I love you as well, Alexa.”

  His smiled broadened, and he buried his face in the nape of my neck, sending little shivers of ecstasy coursing through me. My body was shocked as he resumed thrusting inside of me, and I felt myself beginning to quake beneath him. I had never been so close to such a powerful climax before, but as Chaz’z continued to push inside my body, I could feel myself coming closer and closer to something powerful.


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