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Pretend Daddy

Page 21

by Lulu Pratt

  Again, I tried calling her name, but nothing. So I ended the call, quickly opening the app to track her location. Little did I know when I installed it that it would ever come in handy for her own safety. Her location was only five minutes away.

  I felt a small feeling of relief when I saw Ashley’s car parked in the parking lot, but still had no idea why she would be over here or who was yelling on the other end of the phone. Unsure of whether the app was mistaken, I tried peeking through the window of the store it said she was in. The place looked abandoned.

  My adrenaline pumped over time, desperate to find her. I was just about to give up when a loud thud and scream from inside caught my attention.

  The dusty glass door was locked, but I shattered the glass with an empty trash can. I burst through, determined to find Ashley. I was unwilling to lose her or see her in danger. As I scanned the room, I feared for anyone who would think of hurting her.

  “You think you can demand anything from me? This is my money! It’s not my fault you were so fucking stupid!” a bulky man yelled as he held an envelope in his hand.

  It wasn’t until she screamed again that I saw Ashley. I launched into action, racing to get between them. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, but she didn’t say a word.

  “Look, pal,” I yelled. “I don’t know what your problem is, but if you even think about touching her, you’ll have to go through me.”

  The man looked undeterred, his eyebrows furrowing together with anger as he sized me up. He was heavier than me, but I was at least two inches taller. I could see the ego in his eyes, too big to back down. He paused, and I used the lapse in judgment to take in my surroundings.

  The store looked as abandoned as I’d imagined from the outside. A layer of dust covered everything, with random cardboard and metal car parts strewn about. Ashley rushed to the side of a woman I hadn’t noticed before.

  She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her. Then, it hit me. She was the woman Ashley had introduced me to in my living room – her friend from childhood. Now, she was silent, her eyes widened and fearful.

  “This has nothing to do with you. Leave us to handle what they started,” the man yelled.

  His words replayed in my head. He’d mentioned something about money while holding the envelope. When I refused to back down, he shoved the envelope into his back pocket, standing as though he was preparing for a fight. I wondered what business he could have with them, but I didn’t have much time to consider it, because he swung his fist, which I dodged easily.

  He was too bulky to move quickly, making for an easy target. I jabbed him twice before backing up, giving him ample opportunity to back out of a battle he could never win. But he was too enraged to think clearly.

  I’d learned so much in combat training, his movements appeared slow as he attempted to attack. It was far from a fair battle, so I tried to take it easy on him. The man swung heavy hooks, first with his left and then with his right. He was furious, but losing steam with the overexertion of energy.

  “Look, man,” I tried again to end things just before punching him one last time. His head jerked back, but he still inched forward. “I don’t want to have to take you down. We can talk things out.”

  We circled around each other as Ashley pulled her friend to keep them both behind me. I could sense she was using me as a shield and liked it. I wanted her to know that she could depend on me. I hated to see her in fear, and my ego was bruised that the man had spoken so harshly to her.

  After I punched him a few more times, he accepted he could never beat me in a boxing match and decided to capitalize on his bulk. The man rushed me, charging into the wall. Ashley screamed loudly, but I wasn’t the least worried. I flipped him easily, pinning him to the ground as he panted for breath.

  “I don’t know what the hell your problem is,” I said. “But trust me, this is not a battle you’ll win.”

  He was too tired to fight, but too proud to surrender. We rumbled on the floor like I did with Jasper, though there was no laughter in this scenario. He punched me hard in the ribs. I’d given him every opportunity to back down, taking it easy on him. But there was no way I was going to walk away with bruises when it was clear he provided no challenge.

  Flipping him onto his back, he let out a shriek of pain as I twisted his arm. He was helpless beneath my weight. I’d never been able to respect men who would hurt women. This guy was scum to me, the lowest of the low.

  My instinct was to punish him, to make sure he knew to never hurt anyone I cared about. And as far as people went, Ashley was near the top of my list. He had picked the wrong person, and I wanted him to feel pain for what he’d done.

  Then again, I knew that it was unfair for me to use my professional training in a street fight. I was supposed to protect, not punish, so I fought the urge to lash out at the stranger.

  None of it made any sense. More than anything, I wanted answers.

  Glancing at Ashley, she looked stunned as I held the man to the ground with one arm. Her friend was finally regaining her composure. She kicked the man in his side and when he turned from the pain, she reached into his back pocket to retrieve the envelope before returning to Ashley.

  “Fuck you, Catharine!” he barked.

  It was all so bizarre. He knew her name, so I doubted this could be a random incident. I began to wonder if he had a relationship with Ashley’s friend, one that had gotten physical. I hated to think that Ashley’s friend would drag her into something so personal, but it was all that made sense.

  Looking at Ashley, my mind began to wander with questions. What was she into to be on this side of town? As I held the man down, I wondered if I even knew the woman I had spent so much time with. There was more to her than she had let on, that much I knew. But how wrong could I have been about her? The answer to that question seemed to hold the key to my future.

  Chapter 45


  I COULDN’T BELIEVE my eyes. As if things could get any wilder, Jake had burst through the doors just when Nathan was about to attack me. I still couldn’t work out how Jake knew I was in danger, let alone where I was. But that was how Jake was – he was always there when I needed him.

  Nathan had always been so physically intimidating. He worked out every day and had been the most muscular man I knew. But next to Jake, he didn’t stand a chance. My real life superhero had taken him down with ease, defending me without question.

  Jake had no idea what was going on, even more clueless than I was walking into the shop. But he leaped in front of danger to save me, making my heart melt. I felt like a princess watching him go to battle for me, leaving Nathan bloody and bruised.

  Still, he tried to free himself from Jake’s grasp, twisting his body until Jake shoved his forearm into his throat. “Do you really want me to hurt you?” he asked.

  I couldn’t believe how dominant he was, controlling the man who had singlehandedly turned my life upside down. For as long as I remembered, I’d been terrified to stand up to Nathan, afraid of what he would do to me. Now that I had my own support system, for the first time since my dad passed away, I felt invincible.

  Jake had told me how much he cared about me plenty of times, but seeing it in action was something different. The ferocity in his defense left me feeling more than protected. Knowing he would go to such lengths for my safety made me think differently about my conversation at the doctor.

  Before, I thought he might be a great life partner, but after this, I felt even more connected to him. His devotion to me was the most attractive trait, leaving me breathless. I wanted so desperately to jump him and show him how much he turned me on. I was lost to my romantic thoughts until Catharine nudged me.

  “I got it, Ashley,” she whispered, flashing the envelope.

  My thoughts vanished in the air as I snapped to the present with my boyfriend and my ex fighting in front me.

  Knowing this was all over money made me feel cheap and used. I didn’t care about the money any
more, but Catharine was determined to grant me justice. Despite my lack of interest, there was still a rush of excitement that I could pay my tuition again. Jake had solved all my financial worries, but I still felt grateful to have what was rightfully mine returned.

  “You don’t even know the truth!” Nathan blurted. Jake pressed against his throat with his forearm until he strained for breath.

  “Dude, just relax,” he shook his head with frustration. The two had been fighting for what felt like forever. Nathan refused to take his loss, scrambling as he struggled to speak.

  “They tricked me! Ashley just wants to get me back!” Nathan managed.

  My heart dropped in anticipation of what he would say. Nothing was beneath Nathan, and I knew he would go to great lengths to hurt me. Whether he knew it or not, he was face to face with the love of my life.

  “What are you talking about?” Jake barked.

  “She tricked me!” he gasped. “These two seduced me into sending them nude pics and then blackmailed me out of twenty-five grand!”

  Jake glanced up to me and I wanted to disappear. Hearing the words from Nathan’s mouth, it sounded even worse than it had when Catharine first proposed it. My stomach swirled and I feared I would vomit, ashamed to have anything to do with such an awful idea.

  “Why do you think I’m here? Ashley’s my ex, but she can’t seem to let me go. I came here to just pay them off. They tried to ruin my life, threatening to show my boss the photos,” Nathan continued.

  I couldn’t believe his brazenness. I would never in my life want to get Nathan back. He was so arrogant to even speak such ridiculous thoughts. Jake frowned as he looked to me.

  “No,” I shook my head, but the explanation failed to follow. I was speechless and humiliated.

  Jake eventually released Nathan, pressing on his chest sternly before he got up. “I don’t know what the hell is going on between you three, but you better steer clear of Ashley.”

  “Bro, you don’t even know—” Nathan gasped out, but Jake silenced him with a look, glaring down at him as he remained on the floor.

  “I’m not your bro. Trust me, if you ever come near Ashley again, you’ll regret it,” he warned him fiercely before turning to the door.

  “What about my money?” Nathan called out, struggling to get up as blood rushed from his nose. He lay there on the floor, winded and wounded. He wasn’t getting up anytime soon.

  “It’s not my fault you were so stupid!” Jake called back as he stormed to the front door.

  It was clear he was upset with me, but still he defended me. It warmed me inside, though I knew I had some explaining to do. It was true, I played a role in Catharine’s plot to trick Nathan. But he had failed to mention that it was my money to begin with.

  Now, he’d found a way to destroy what I’d rebuilt of my life. With sluggish steps, I chased after Jake, hoping to explain the truth however difficult it might be. I had never intended for there to be secrets, but I’d failed miserably at sharing my whole past.

  “Jake!” I called out as I carefully stepped over the broken glass that used to be the front door. He wouldn’t even slow down to hear me out.

  Just an hour before, I had been planning for a life together, wondering how long it would take us to move to the next level. He was everything I wanted, but now there was a wedge between us that felt overwhelming.

  Tears stung my eyes when Jake refused to turn around after I called after him again and again. It was clear he wanted nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t give up so easily. I had to fight for what I wanted, and never in my life had I desired anything as much as a life with Jake.

  He was my safety and security. The thought of losing him was devastating, and I ran to his pickup with urgency, ready to bear my soul. We’d always said that nothing could ever come between us, but Jake was too upset to remember any of the promises made in happier times.

  “Jake!” I called again. This time, he glanced over his shoulder, but there was no love left in his eyes.

  He looked disgusted, and for the first time ever, I felt shame around him. Jake had always accepted me as I was, but now he looked to want nothing to do with me. The pain but deep as I watched him climb into his truck without a word.

  I’d never seen him so upset. We’d never even had a fight before. Now, he looked ready to throw everything we had out the window. Still, I chased after him, the tears staining my face as I finally made my way to his truck.

  “Please!” I begged. He climbed into the cab and turned over the engine, completely ignoring me.

  I couldn’t believe he could be so cold. Everything between us had been perfect, and I felt as though I’d ruined it with one mistake. The life I wanted was in flames right before my eyes, and there was no way to save it. Jake had learned who I really was, including the ugly past I carried.

  The fairy tale was over. I felt myself crumbling into pieces when he glared out of the window. He’d fallen out of love with me, which was worse than losing every dollar I owned. Now I knew what devastation really felt like, as my heart caved with immense pain.

  Chapter 46


  “JAKE! PLEASE, just talk to me!” Ashley pleaded.

  My blood was rushing. I couldn’t believe she had played me for a fool. I had been completely open and honest and it appeared Ashley had used that against me. I wanted to hate her, but I couldn’t deny the love I still felt for the woman who had so blatantly betrayed me.

  “What could you possibly have to say?” I was beside myself with anger.

  For the past few weeks, we had spent more time together than apart, and now it all felt like a lie. How she could possibly still be in contact with her ex was beyond me. Our connection had seemed so genuine, so real, but I must have been mistaken.

  “I never wanted anything to do with this. You have to believe me,” she pleaded. Her eyes looked genuine, but I couldn’t trust her more than myself. I had seen enough with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.

  Tears streamed down her face, and my gut churned. I wanted to jump from the truck and tend to her, but that was what I had been doing and clearly, she didn’t respect it. There wasn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for her, and I thought I’d made that clear. Still, she needed the attention of her ex-boyfriend.

  “Ashley, is that your ex-boyfriend?” I heard myself ask. I hated to doubt myself, but I wanted to be wrong. I wanted the guy to be a liar, and to still have faith in the relationship I wanted so badly.

  “Yes,” she admitted, her voice weak. She’d been busted. There was no escaping the truth now that it had been so clearly exposed. “But, Jake there is so much more to the story. Can’t we talk about this?” She was crying, but I couldn’t trust her after what I’d learned.

  To think her and her friend were working to extort the man made me sick. I hated to think they were plotting their little scheme from my living room. Ashley never struck me as the type of woman to scam someone, but watching her cover her face with shame, I had no choice but to accept the truth.

  “There’s nothing to talk about,” I snarled before pulling away.

  She had no excuse, and that was the only thing that made sense of all the chaos she’d drawn me into. Of course, there was no way to explain your way out of something so disgusting. She was caught red handed – her two worlds colliding. The one she was pretending to live with me, and the real world she had hidden so well.

  Driving through the city, I struggled to make sense of the devastation I’d witnessed. Seeing Ashley in despair had sent me into defense mode in a way I hadn’t experienced since I left the military. I didn’t care about the reasoning, seeing her being attacked was all I needed to go into combat mode.

  I understood the guy must have been frustrated and humiliated, but that gave him no right to harm her. My hand squeezed the steering wheel, wanting to hurt him further for that. I didn’t care how wrong Ashley was, he better hope she never contacted me again with trouble from him.

  As I sto
pped at a light, I wondered if I would ever even hear from Ashley after the way I’d deserted her in the parking lot. The regret was almost instantaneous. I knew it was impulsive. I should have been open to hearing her side as much as I was to listen to the guy I’d never met. But she didn’t deny it, and I couldn’t see how she could possibly make sense of such a clear case of betrayal.

  Feeling helpless and out of control, I went to my comfort zone, needing the only person that loved me unconditionally. It was Anna-Louise’s day to have Jasper, but I needed to see my boy. Something was drawing me to him, like an internal connection I couldn’t explain.

  I turned down the street to Anna-Louise’s place, noticing a group of thugs on the corner. I had to find a way to move her to a better neighborhood if she was going to continue to have unsupervised visits with Jasper. It was only fair that she could see him regularly, but I had to be comfortable with her surroundings if I was going to drop my son off with her.

  My heart skipped a beat when I reached the front of her building. Jasper was aimlessly walking around the front yard and Anna-Louise was nowhere in sight. Screeching to a halt, I rushed to him as traffic continued down her busy street.

  “Daddy!” he yelled, running to me.

  “Hey, buddy! What are you doing out here? Where’s Mommy?” I asked while quickly looking over him. He didn’t appear to be hurt anywhere.

  “Mommy take a nap.”

  My teeth clenched together as I stormed up the stairs, barging into Anna-Louise’s living room without so much as announcing myself. She was fast asleep on the couch, a pill bottle and a bottle of cheap vodka sitting on the coffee table.

  “You have got to be kidding me!” I uttered.

  She didn’t budge until I was standing right above her. I could see the incoherence in her eyes, a clear indication that she was in no condition to have a conversation. She blinked quickly, as though she thought she may be dreaming.


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