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American Street Kings: The Complete Series

Page 39

by Bella J

  I slipped back on the seat and pulled her over so she straddled both me and the Harley.

  It was obvious she had put on some weight the last few weeks. There was still a long way to go for her, as she continued to struggle with the idea that she no longer had to curb her appetite and could eat whenever she was hungry. It was a psychological thing that only time would be able to heal completely. But she looked good, starting to fill out in all the right places.

  I pushed my palms up her thighs, over her jeans. “You look good, beautiful.”

  She smiled one of those gorgeous smiles that had a direct line to the tip of my dick. “It’s because my man really knows how to take care of me.”

  “Well, he fucking better, or I’ll have to kick his ass.”

  Her fingers weaved through my hair. “I have to warn you, he’s this big, tall, burly, bad guy with a real shitty attitude.”

  I placed my palms on her hips and pulled her closer. “I’d still kick his ass.”

  She chuckled, and I caught her lips with mine. The way she welcomed my tongue, kissing me back like she was starved for my taste, was my undoing. Kissing my woman was something I’d never get tired of.

  I pulled back an inch, keeping my forehead against hers. “You know I love you, ballerina girl.”

  “I love you too. I’ve loved you for years.”

  I closed my eyes, biting my lip. “Is it okay that I get hard every time you say those words?”

  She laughed.

  “I swear to God, I think you have this magical power over my cock because he just keeps wanting to stand at attention around you.”

  “Oh, my God.” She slapped me on the shoulder. “That is the cheesiest line I ever heard.”

  “It’s the fucking truth.” I kissed her again, harder this time, my tongue lapping against hers as it swept through her mouth. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. It was fucking impossible for me to keep my hands off her.

  I traced my tongue around her bottom lip. “Turn around.”


  “Turn around.”

  She studied me, her eyes pulled into slits, yet they sparkled with unsaid desire and excitement. They always did.

  The breeze blew some blonde strands around her face as she got off, only to climb back on, facing the ocean in front of us.

  I wrapped an arm around her, pulled her closer, and her breath hitched. “What are you doing, Granite?”

  I popped the button on her jeans, and her body tensed against mine. “We still have a few minutes to spare before he gets here. I plan on making good use of our time.”

  I slipped my hand inside her jeans and had to suppress a groan when I found she was already wet for me. She never disappointed me, and always made me feel so fucking welcome between her legs. With a single finger, I eased her shirt sleeve to the side, placing my lips on her naked shoulder. She tilted her head, breathing in deep, her chest rising and falling.

  “If you weren’t wearing these jeans, I’d let you ride me on this bike until your pussy gushed for me.”

  Her arm reached back, her fingers grabbing at my hair as I pressed the pad of my finger against her clit. My arm snaked underneath hers to cup her tit in my palm, which earned me a heady moan from her lips. To me, it was obvious that her waist wasn’t the only part of her body which had put on some healthy weight.

  Gently, I kneaded her breast, nipping at the skin of her neck with my teeth. “I’m going to make you come right here, right now. But when we get back home, you’ll go straight to the bedroom and wait for me, naked and on your knees.” I palmed her sex and slipped a single digit inside her. “Then you’ll show me just how thankful you are.”

  She whimpered as I dragged my finger all the way from her opening to her clit, massaging the little bud, causing her body to tremble against mine.

  “Do you understand, ballerina girl?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was a whisper, a rush of air as I continued to work her between her legs. Knowing this woman was mine, and only mine, was a kind of aphrodisiac I’d never experienced before. Probably why I was a walking hard-on around her all the damn time.

  I sucked her earlobe, my fingers stroking her sensitive flesh. Her hips started to move, riding my hand, clenching my bike between her thighs as I guided her to the edge, one finger and one stroke at a time. Feeling her thrust into my palm, her greedy body desperate for release, was fucking intoxicating and addictive. I’d made her come enough times during the last few weeks to know her bottom lip would start to quiver whenever she was about to orgasm.

  When I reached for her throat, craning her neck back and pressing her head into my shoulder, I caught a glimpse of that trembling lower lip and applied a little more pressure between her legs.

  Her body shuddered, and moans rolled over her sweet lips like a fucking ballad. The beautiful sounds that came from her as she orgasmed had my cock aching and my balls tight.

  I felt her pleasure coat my palm. “That’s my girl.”

  “Granite,” she said, out of breath, “you need to—”

  “Oh, here comes your dad.”

  Alyx shot upright. “Jesus, Granite.”

  Her pants were buttoned, and she was off the bike in one-point-two seconds flat. I leaned back leisurely with a giant smirk on my face like I was the one who just came in my pants.

  Alyx scowled at me, her face and neck flushed. “Do you want my father to shoot you?”

  I shrugged, dragging my finger along my nose, smelling her sweetness. “You’re mine, Alyx. I’ll make you come wherever and whenever the fuck I want.”

  “Well, you won’t be able to do that if you’re dead.”

  I laughed then watched as she walked toward her dad coming from the other direction. This was the second time since she decided to stay with me that she met up with her dad. It was safer that way. The less the Kings associated with the PC, the better. And Alyx was part of the Kings now. She was the old lady of the president. But I knew how important it was for her to keep in contact with her father, so I made it happen whenever I could. There was nothing in this fucking world I wouldn’t do for my old lady.

  I focused my gaze on the ocean ahead while waiting for them, giving them the privacy they needed. What she discussed with her dad was between her and him. I had every other aspect of her, so the least I could do was give him these few minutes to have her all to himself.

  “What a show.” Onyx appeared out of nowhere, smiling like a jerk.

  I sat up straight. “How long have you been here?”

  “Long enough to know what that finger of yours smells like.”

  “Wipe that smirk off your face before I cut your balls off.”

  Onyx snickered and pulled his hair out of his face. “Dutch made me follow you. He’s pissed ’cause his arm is still in a sling. Now he has me on fucking protection duty.”

  I shook my head. “It’s going to drive Alyx crazy when Dutch is back on his ride and on my ass.”

  Onyx lit a smoke and nudged his head in Alyx’s direction. “You think it’s a good idea to let her see him?”

  “He’s her dad. I’m not going to keep her away from him.”

  “It’s risky.”

  “I know. Alyx knows it too. That’s why we keep these meetings low profile.”

  Onyx nodded. “Listen, man, we haven’t talked about this since shit went down with Tanit. And with Dutch and Neon still recovering, and your newfound romance with your ballerina, everyone seems a little distracted.”

  I got off my bike. “Yeah. So, what’s up?”

  His blue eyes regarded me with caution. “Are you really going to keep to this truce with Slither?”

  “I gave my word.”

  “Yeah, man. I know. But that’s bullshit. What those fuckers did to Neon, what they almost did to Alyx isn’t something we can let go because of some stupid truce. Plus, they took our business. We can’t sit back and do nothing. Word’s already spreading that the Kings are losing ground while the Pythons keep getti
ng stronger.” He took a long drag from his cigarette. “I know you’re in love and shit, but the club is still priority, and I just can’t see how you can keep to the truce.”


  “I’m serious, Granite. Ink is going to retaliate against the Pythons, whether we stand behind him or not. The only reason he hasn’t done anything yet is because he’s too busy helping Neon.”

  “I know that.”

  He stepped closer, eyes narrowed and face worried. “Are you going to let him do it without the support of the Kings? Without the support of his brothers?”

  I pursed my lips, biting the inside of my cheek. Glancing around us, making sure we were alone, I rubbed the back of my neck and finally looked Onyx in the eye.

  “The day Slither and I agreed on a truce so I could save Alyx, I gave him my word—”

  “I know that, but we can’t just sit around and do—”

  “Onyx,” I snapped, “let me talk.”

  He rolled his eyes, and I could literally feel his frustration.

  I placed my hands on his shoulders, making him look me in the eye. “The day I stepped up as president of the American Street Kings, I took a vow to do what was best for the club. To protect its members and do right by them. Apart from Alyx, this crew is my life.” I settled back, pulling a hand down my beard. “I also promised Ink that he will be the one to slit Slither’s throat, and I plan to fulfill that promise.”

  Onyx blinked a few times, eyebrows raised in confusion. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying my deal with Slither is that as long I am president of the Kings, we will not retaliate or pose a threat to them.” I crossed my arms. “And that is why, little brother, I am stepping down…and you will take my place as the new president of the American Street Kings.”

  Chapter One


  This was one of those moments when you saw everyone’s lips moving, but you couldn’t hear a sound. You didn’t hear a single word that came out of their mouths. I sat there watching them, everyone speaking at once while trying to get their opinion heard. Dutch was practically standing on the fucking table, attempting to talk some sense into Granite.

  I rubbed my palm against my beard, pursing my lips before smiling half-heartedly. “Listen, all of you can shut up now.” I leaned forward, placing my elbows on the hardwood table. “I’m not taking Granite’s place. I don’t give a fuck who says what.”

  Granite shifted in his seat, turning to face me. “It’s the only way.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “If we want to take down Slither and make him pay for what he’s done, we need to do this.”

  “You are the president of the Kings, Granite. And we’re not about to let you step down simply because you gave some psychopath your word.”

  “I agree with Onyx,” Dutch chimed in. “I get why you’re so hellbent on keeping to your word, but the fact that they nearly killed Neon, kidnapped Alyx, and used Tanit to do it, I say fuck ’em. It gives you more than enough right to break the deal.”

  Sitting next to Granite, I could hear the scratchy sound of his hand slowly rubbing down his beard. The man’s brain was working overtime as he listened to the guys bicker back and forth. But it was all a waste of time. There was no way I would do this.

  I glanced at Manic to my left as he watched the show with a frown on his scarred face. He looked at me and shrugged like he found the entire conversation boring as hell.

  “Onyx,” Granite leaned forward, “why don’t you want to do this? Why don’t you want to be president?”

  “Because that seat right there is yours. Not mine. And I don’t get why we need to fuck with how things stand around here just because of that stupid deal. Like Dutch said, they used Tanit to kidnap Alyx. If they didn’t kidnap Alyx, you never would have made that deal. It’s fucking entrapment, if you ask me.”

  Manic smirked and reached for his beer. The man never had much to say when we had our meetings. He was game for anything and didn’t really care about formalities. Manic was the strong, silent type. But I knew all too well what kind of demons roamed under that marred skin.

  “It’s the only way.” Granite lit a cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke. “Even if my deal with Slither wasn’t an issue, this is a move they won’t expect. It will throw them off, momentarily letting their guard down.”

  “And what then? What’s the plan? I become president, and we do what? Just ride over and kill ’em all?”

  Ink snorted. “That sounds like the perfect plan.”

  “Be serious, Ink.”

  “I am. I’m dead fucking serious.” He put out his cigarette, looking at me then at Granite. “This club is my life. You guys know that. But understand this. I don’t give a fuck which one of you sits in that motherfucking chair. I am killing Slither. I am going to slice that piece of shit from nose to navel and watch him choke on his own fucking balls. That’s a fact.” He got up, the chair screeching across the floor. “So, it doesn’t matter to me what you decide, as long as I get to watch that motherfucker suffer while I slowly pull his spine from his goddamn body. But what I will say is you better make a decision fast because I ain’t waiting much longer.”

  Ink stormed out, the slam of the door echoing through the silence. Everyone knew he wasn’t kidding. Most of the time, Ink was the jokester, the one who didn’t take life too seriously. But this was different. Ever since we found Neon’s mutilated body on the pavement, choking on what we thought would be her last breath, he’d changed. He was no longer the man who took each day as it came. He was a man driven by revenge, a beast hungry for blood. God knew I didn’t blame him.

  Manic emptied his beer, slamming the can on the table. “That went well.” The rest of us scowled at him, and he shot us a cocky grin. “Someone needs to keep a sense of humor around here.”

  “Do you not take this seriously?” Dutch glared his way.

  Manic shrugged. “Of course I do. I just don’t get what the fucking problem is. Granite doesn’t want to break his word to a fucking psychopath piece of shit, and Onyx doesn’t want to take big brother’s place. So, basically, there’s two options here.” He shrugged. “Either Granite shoves a huge fuck-you up Slither’s ass by not giving a shit about their deal, or Onyx becomes president. It’s as simple as that.”

  I scoffed. “Unbelievable. It’s not fucking simple.”

  “Oh, yes, it is. You’re just overcomplicating it by being a dick.”

  “What did you call me?”

  He leaned back, all cool and collected. “Come on, Onyx. Say it. You don’t want to be president because you’re afraid you’ll fuck up and never be as good as Granite.”

  Manic turned his attention to Granite. “And you don’t want to break the deal because you have too much to lose now that you have Alyx. If it wasn’t for the ballerina, we would already be slitting Python throats by now.”

  He got up, grabbed his pack of cigarettes, and walked out.

  Granite cursed, Dutch groaned, and I pulled my palm down my face. But what I really wanted to do was slam my fist into something.


  “Stop.” I glared at Granite. “I’m not taking your place. It’s a stupid fucking idea, and I’m not doing it.”

  Since it seemed like everyone was storming out, I did the same, whether Granite dismissed the meeting or not. Everything was fucked up now, anyway. Emotions were high, and everyone had an opinion of their own. Clearly, we wouldn’t be coming to a decision today, so no use in wasting time by sitting around a goddamn table going back and forth on the same fucking subject.

  “Yo, Onyx.”

  I let out a breath and leaned my head back. “Not now, Granite. I’m way too fucking sober for this right now.”

  “Is Manic right?”

  I spun around, my glare meeting his gaze. “I dunno, brother. You tell me. Is the reason you’re so hellbent on keeping the deal because you’re trying to keep Alyx safe? You’re afraid Slither will come after

  “Yes.” He didn’t hesitate for a second. “After what I’ve seen them do to Neon, I can’t fucking sleep at night. I almost lost her once, and there are no fucking words to describe the fear I felt while Tanit had her. I’m not taking that chance, Onyx. Not with her.”

  “So, that’s it, then? This is all just to protect her, and fuck what the rest of us think?”

  Granite took a step forward, squaring his shoulders like he always did when he tried to intimidate someone. But not me. I was long past the point where his size and that icy glare made me want to cower away to a fucking corner.

  “Alyx is my life now, Onyx. And so is this club. But don’t make me choose, because I swear to God, I’ll choose her. I will choose Alyx if I think for one second that I can no longer protect her here.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Are you saying if I don’t go ahead with this, you’ll leave the Kings?”

  “What I’m saying is I’ll do everything I can to make that son of a bitch pay for what he’s done. But if the time comes when I have to make a choice, I’ll choose her. It will always be her.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not my place. That is not my motherfucking seat. It’s yours, and I don’t understand why we have to fuck with how things work around here.”

  Granite crossed his arms. “Why don’t you want this?”

  “Because it’s not right.”

  “Is it because of Kate?”


  Granite relaxed his shoulders, rubbing the back of his neck. “Listen, I know you and I haven’t exactly seen eye-to-eye ever since—”

  “Don’t, okay? That horse has been ridden to death. Stop using Kate as an excuse for everything.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing.”

  I leaned against the wall. “This has nothing to do with Kate. Yeah, we had our differences, and I was pissed because she chose you over me. But that’s way in the past, brother. I’m over it.”

  “And Alyx?”

  I scowled at him. “What about Alyx?”


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