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American Street Kings: The Complete Series

Page 76

by Bella J

  Poor bastard seemed scared shitless.

  Ink and Neon were doing great. Out of everyone here, Neon’s transformation was most noticeable. She went from broken victim to a woman thriving at Ink’s side. The one thing I learned from watching those two was to never give up. Ink never fucking gave up on Neon, and he never backed down once he realized what he wanted. It was going great for a while, and we were just getting used to seeing Ink coming out of Neon’s bedroom without a shoe being tossed at his head…until a week ago. Alyx and I were on our way to the kitchen when Neon’s door was yanked open and Ink rushed out, a shoe flying after him, hitting the wall as he ducked.

  He looked at us, his eyes wide and confused. “Something tells me that’s not a normal reaction to a marriage proposal, is it?”

  Alyx and I burst out laughing, and needless to say, we’d witnessed a few shoes aimed at Ink’s head, hitting walls instead since then. But, like I said, when Ink wanted something, he didn’t stop until he got it. I was willing to bet we’d be hearing wedding bells sooner rather than later.

  “What you thinking about?” Alyx sat on my lap, wrapping an arm around my shoulder while one finger traced along the new VP tag on my cut.

  “A lot of things. If you had to ask me a few months ago if we’d be sitting outside on a Sunday afternoon drinking beer and eating burgers, I’d say you’re full of shit.”

  She snickered. “Yeah. Things were pretty insane there for a while.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  The breeze ruffled her hair, and I tucked a strand behind her ears. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

  “You remind me of that every day.”

  “And yet your cheeks still flush every time I say it.”

  She smiled, a sight I’d never grow tired of. Alyx’s light was the one thing that kept me grounded, giving me the strength I needed to push forward.

  After burying my best friend, she was my anchor. She was the one who kept me from drifting away. Every night, when I made love to her, finding comfort between her thighs, I realized no matter what happened to the club or how many crew members we lost, one thing would never change. Our love for each other. There was no better feeling than kissing her, being with her after a shitty fucking day.

  Alyx stared at Wraith and Onyx while they stood hand in hand by the grill. “She looks radiant. I guess the whole pregnancy glow thing is true.”

  My chest tightened. It’d been so long since Alyx started taking care of her health, her weight. But it didn’t appear as if it changed her odds at ever having a child of her own. As her man, I could give her everything she wanted, except the one thing she longed for—the one thing her nature compelled her to long for.

  “Hey,” I placed a gentle finger on her chin, turning her face my way, “maybe we should go see Doc. See if there’s anything, you know…anything we can do.”

  “Are you serious?” Her crystal blue eyes beamed with contained excitement.

  “Yeah. Just don’t get your hopes up yet. But if there’s anything we can do to make this happen,” I placed my hand on her belly, “then I sure as fuck am going to do it.”


  “I love you, ballerina girl. There ain’t nothing I won’t do for you.”

  Tightening her hold around my neck, she placed her lips against mine, her excitement echoing in her kiss. I felt her body move against mine, every muscle tense with the subtle flex of her hips.

  I nipped at her bottom lip. “How about we go start practicing?”

  “You read my mind.”

  She hopped off my lap and grabbed my hand. As I straightened, I pulled her closer, cupping her ass, grinding my already hard cock against her stomach. “You have ten seconds to get your ass in our room and have those pretty ballerina thighs split for me. And that pussy better be glistening, or I’ll make you watch me come with your hands tied behind your back.”

  I felt a shudder spread down her back, and I leaned down, kissing her gently, softly, and with promises of pleasure.

  Touching her cheek, I placed my lips against her ear. “Now, run.”



  Now that we’ve come to the end of the American Street Kings, I have so many people to thank, but don’t want to drag it out.

  First, my husband who has been so supportive of my writing career. If it wasn’t for him I never would have made the leap to follow my dream and become a full-time writer.

  My two alpha readers, Nikki and Sherri, you ladies rock, and without you, I wouldn’t be half the writer I am today. Thank you so much for every second, minute, and hour you give up in order to help me with my stories. Your support means the world to me, and I know I won’t survive the craziness out there without you.

  Natasha Knight, you are an amazing writer, a great friend, and a fantastic mentor. You have helped me so much by sharing your experiences and advice with me. You always know exactly what to say, and I don’t know what I’d do without your guidance. Oh, and I promise I will buy that airplane ticket, and we will be drinking cocktails together in the near future.

  Lori, the best damn editor in the world, thank you for making my words shine. You are such a dedicated editor, and I know my words can be in no better hands. Here’s to a lot more manuscripts, pushing out deadlines, and all those “ing” words we’ll be shooting with nozzles. You’re the best.

  Thanks to Lydia from HEA PR. Girl, I know I’ve earned myself an eye roll or two, but you are awesome. You have a heart of gold, and the way you treat all your authors like we’re your only authors is amazing. Thank you for all you put in, and for being so dedicated and supportive.

  To the readers who made these characters come to life, it’s the best feeling in the world to know that Kings have earned a place in your hearts…and your fantasies. *wink* Thank you for every message, every email, every post in my readers’ group. There is nothing that motivates me more than seeing how deeply my stories have touched each and every one of you.

  And then lastly to my mom—the one person I wish I could say thank you to in person but can’t. You have always been my anchor in this world, and now that you’re gone, I often feel like I’m drifting. But I’ll always hold on to the last words you said to me before the angels took you…

  “It’s okay. Everything is going to be…okay.”

  Available Bella J Books

  The Sins of Saint Trilogy

  The Rise of Saint (Book 1)

  The Fall of Sin (Book 2)

  The Sins of Saint (Book 3)

  American Street Kings

  Depraved (American Street Kings, Book 1)

  Defiant (American Street Kings, Book 2)

  Deranged (American Street Kings, Book 3)

  Destroyed (American Street Kings, Book 4)

  The Twisted Duet

  Blood and Lies (Twisted Duet, Book 1)

  Blood and Vows (Twisted Duet, Book 2)

  The Royal Mafia Series

  Mafia Princess (Royal Mafia, Book 1)

  Mafia Prince (Royal Mafia, Book 2)

  Mafia King (Royal Mafia, Book 3)

  Mafia Queen (Royal Mafia, Book 4)

  The Shattered Secrets Duet

  Regret (Shattered Secrets, Book 1)

  Torment (Shattered Secrets, Book 2)

  The Resplendence Series

  Ruin (Resplendence, Book 1)

  Rush (Resplendence, Book 2)

  Rage (Resplendence, Book 3)

  About the Author

  All the way from Cape Town, South Africa, Bella J lives for the days when she's able to retreat to her writer's cave where she can get lost in her little pretend world of romance, love, and insanely hot bad boys.

  Bella J is a Hybrid Author with both Self-Published and Traditional Published work. Even though her novels range from drama, to comedy, to suspense, it's the dark, twisted side of romance she loves the most.

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