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Uncle Dominic's Touch

Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  When they passed Clara, her aunt made an exacerbated noise. There was obviously something that bothered her aunt, and Chloe had a feeling it had to do with Uncle Dominic.


  Chloe slipped her sunglasses on and closed her eyes. The boat gently rocked back and forth from the waves, almost lulling her to sleep. The feel of the sun above her, heating her skin, made it bead with sweat and had her sigh in content.

  “You look so freakin’ hot.”

  Chloe turned her head toward the sound of Jake’s voice and smirked. “Could you be any louder? My parents are just on the other side of the boat.” Sliding her glasses down the bridge of her nose, she squinted up at him.

  Jake was propped on his elbows. Sweat dotted his forehead and muscular chest. Leaning in, he ran his tongue along the shell of her ear. “That bikini is barley enough to cover your tits and pussy, baby.”

  Smacking him on the arm, she quickly sat up and looked behind her. Her mother, father, and aunt were all sitting on the padded bench on the other side of the boat. It was clear from their laughter and glasses of wine in hand, they were oblivious to anything else.

  “Would you just keep it down? The last thing I need is for my parents to hear my boyfriend talking about how hot I look.”

  Jake raised an eyebrow and leaned in again. “I could say how much I want to fuck you. How do you think they’d respond to that?”

  Chloe suddenly felt hot, which had nothing to do with the heat of the sun. In just the short time since they arrived at the cottage, Jake had gotten even more aggressive with his sexual advances. Not that she minded, they were innocent gestures, she had concluded, but still, she certainly didn’t want her family to overhear.

  When he started to move his hand up her leg, she swatted it away and stood. He let out a frustrated sound and mumbled something under his breath that she couldn’t quite decipher. Walking over to the edge of the boat, Chloe leaned over it and stared at the water lapping at the side of the boat. She felt Jake’s presence behind her and rolled her eyes. He doesn’t give up easily, I’ll give him that.

  Feeling slightly annoyed that he wouldn’t listen to her, she decided that if he wanted a little tease then she would happily give it to him. Chloe turned quickly and pressed herself against his chest. Her breasts rubbed along the hard, unyielding expanse of his chest seductively. Hard, unyielding chest? Her heart stopped instantly. The sunglasses did nothing to hide the glare of the sun overhead and she stumbled back, as much as the edge of the boat would let her. Oh God. Big hands latched onto her arms to steady her. Snapping her head up, she shielded her eyes with her hand and stared at who stood in front of her. Dominic.

  Horror and embarrassment lanced through her like a hot poker. Chloe felt her face become hot with mortification.

  “Oh God. I am so sorry, Uncle Dominic. I thought you were Jake.” Squeezing her eyes shut and wanting to scream, she knew she should just keep her mouth shut.

  He was quiet for far too long. Chloe dared to meet his intense stare. She knew what she had done and said looked extremely bad, no matter how innocent it had truly been. Well, maybe not totally innocent, but that wasn’t the point.

  “Is that the kind of stuff you do with Jake?”

  It wasn’t like she had dropped her bikini bottoms and presented herself to Jake or anything, but she wasn’t about to point that out. Shaking her head furiously, Chloe removed her sunglasses. Dominic’s brow was lifted, as if he actually expected her to answer.

  “You really want me to answer that?” Heat flooded her again. Why couldn’t she just keep her mouth shut? The only clothing he wore was a pair of swim trunks. Her gaze was riveted to the massive muscles upon muscles that layered his chest.

  What the hell is wrong with you? Why couldn’t she look away? Why was she thinking these completely inappropriate thoughts about him? God, she was disgusting.

  “Yeah, I really do.” Tone brokering no argument, he crossed his arms across his chest which caused everything to bunch and flex from the strain.

  She slipped her sunglasses back on and dropped her head. What could she say? “I’m sorry?” What was she apologizing for? Pressing her breasts against her uncle’s chest because she thought he was her boyfriend, or staring at him like she couldn’t control her libido? Her throat felt like sandpaper and she swallowed roughly. She just wished this day was over.

  “Listen, I know you’re eighteen now and a grown woman, but while you're staying here, I don’t want you and him,” he stabbed a finger behind him and Jake, “to be getting into any trouble. Do you understand me?” When she didn’t speak, he continued. “In other words, Jake better keep his dick in his pants.”

  Wow. Blunt.

  “Um...” How awkward was this? Chloe looked over at Jake. He had his headphones already on and his music blaring. Chloe forced herself to look back at Dominic. She said the first thing that came to her mind. “That won’t be a problem.” She didn’t know how Jake was going to take the news, but she sure as hell wasn’t about to try anything with him now.

  “Good. Now get under the shade before you burn, sweetie.” The hard tone in his voice vanished and he smiled before turning away and walking back over to where everyone else sat.

  Chloe moved over to her towel and sat back down next to Jake. He didn’t stir and she was glad. What would she have told him anyway?

  Chapter Three

  A week already passed at the cabin. Chloe had successfully avoided Jake's attempts, but she could tell he was becoming short-tempered over the situation. He was more aggressive with his advances, something she wasn’t used to with him. The last two years with Jake had been about gentle touches, sweet caresses, and softly spoken endearments. This new Jake was almost frightening in his intensity to go farther.

  Trying to push her worries over the situation away, she focused on the fire in front of her. They had gone boating earlier in the day, and now everyone sat around the fire pit. Thoughts on other things, she hadn’t heard Jake speak until he nudged her.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Turning to look at him, she saw his wide grin.

  “I said, would you like to walk with me along the lake a little later? I saw this really romantic little cove not too far from here.”

  Chloe knew where he was talking about, and romantic wasn’t really what she would have called it. The “cove” was a bed of fallen, rotten logs and jagged rocks. The only romance she could even picture there was the small, postage stamp sized beach, but even that left much to be desired.

  “Sure.” It was getting late, but she wasn’t tired and she would still be able to see the house from the cove. She didn’t like venturing too far from the cottage once it got dark.

  Her answer seemed to placate him for the time being and he turned from her, his gaze back on the fire. Chloe reached into the bowl of watermelon, grabbed a chunk and brought the thick, pink flesh to her mouth. Biting into it, she felt the juice slip down her chin. When she lifted her eyes, she locked gazes with Dominic. He watched her intently as he leaned back in his chair. He brought a longneck beer bottle to his mouth, took a drink, and then turned his attention to the conversation her parents and aunt were having.

  How long had he been watching me?

  A spark of an unusual emotion swelled inside of her. Chloe couldn’t help the arousal she felt, but she stomped it down, knowing her affections were completely misplaced. Disgust and self-loathing still played a part in her feelings. Chloe turned her attention to the conversation. She listened with little interest as her parents and aunt talked about the newest breakthrough surgery. This was normally what happened with them. They were always so engrossed in their own conversation that everything and everyone else just fizzled out.

  As the night progressed, everyone went into the house, one by one, until it was just Jake and her by the fire. He was on his fifth beer, ones that had magically appeared from a duffle bag by his feet. Apparently he snagged them from his parents.

  “Want one?” Holding up his
half drank bottle, she shook her head.

  Chloe could tell the alcohol was starting to take effect by the glassy look in his eyes. She gripped the iron poker tight in her hand and pushed around the burning embers in the fire pit. “Want to go for that walk now?”

  Glancing at Jake, she shrugged. “Sure.” She wanted to stretch her legs anyway.

  He took her hand and led them away from the light of the fire and deeper into the woods. Jake kept them within the tree line as they walked parallel to the lake.

  “Don’t you just love this place?” Absently speaking to herself, she watched as the water gently stroked the shoreline. She turned to look at Jake when he didn’t respond. Before she could get a good look at him, she shrieked in surprise when Jake gripped her waist and pressed her against a tree. “What are you do…” He didn’t let her finish, just slanted his lips against hers and slipped his tongue into her mouth. He tasted like beer which wasn’t at all appetizing.

  His groan was deep and satisfied. Grinding his erection into her belly, she shivered, but not from arousal. Jake’s actions were a bit too aggressive and she grew panicked. His hands were all over her body. He stroked, pulled, and tweaked at her, his actions seeming almost desperate.

  “Jake.” Breaking contact with his mouth, she tried to push him away. “Easy.” He took a step back, his gaze roaming up and down her body.

  “You are so hot, Chloe.” His voice was thick, his words slightly slurred. He reached into his pocket and pulled out three small liquor bottles.

  She stared, appalled at him. “Where the hell did you get those?” Drinking wasn’t the problem in this situation, well, not the major one. She had been to plenty of parties, had even gotten drunk herself on more than one occasion, but the way he was acting right now was not the Jake she knew.

  “Took them from my parents' mini bar. Want one?” He unscrewed one of the caps and downed it in one swallow.

  Never had she seen this side of him before. He was acting so reckless and uninhibited. “What the hell, Jake? Since when did you become a lush?”

  His laugh was clipped. “We just graduated. I’m celebrating.” He held a bottle out to her and she shook her head. He shrugged. “More for me.” Unscrewing the second one, he downed that as well. The stench of liquor wafted around her and she wrinkled her nose. “Don’t act all uptight, Chloe. You’ve gotten drunk before.”

  “Yeah, I have, but not the way you are. We are also at my aunt and uncle's house and my parents are here.” He laughed and drank the third one. “You smell like a bar, Jake. So not attractive.”

  He took a step forward, placing a hand on the tree beside her head. “No? What do you find attractive about me, Chloe?”

  “Well, it was your dignity, responsibility, and all around gentleness, but now even that is going downhill.” The dark look that crossed his expression had her stiffening in response. “I think we should go back to the house so you can sleep this off.”

  “Oh? What? You think you’re too good to let loose?”

  She shook her head. The conversation was starting to tread on dangerous ground. “There's nothing wrong with letting loose, Jake, but I do have a big problem with being irresponsible, especially at someone else’s house.” Chloe placed her hands on his chest and tried to push him back. “Move, Jake. I want to go back to the house.” He was immovable. “I’m serious. Move out of the way.”

  “You know how many girls I could have fucked since I’ve been with you?”

  Anger made a slow path through her body. “You’re drunk, and you’re going to regret where this conversation is going in the morning, Jake.” Licking his lips, he dropped his eyes to her mouth.

  “I could have fucked Heather, Kallie and Megan just in the last week of school.”

  She tried to push him away again but got nowhere. “Real nice, Jake. Any other asinine things you want to tell me?” In the next instance he had his hand wrapped tightly around her hair. Crying out in pain, he held her head at an awkward angle and covered her mouth with his other hand.

  “You have to stay quiet, baby. Don’t want anyone spoiling our fun.” As he kissed a trail down her neck, she struggled against his grasp.

  What the hell was happening? This was like a bad scene out of a movie. This certainly wasn’t the Jake she knew.

  “I am so sick of trying to be someone I’m not. For two fucking years I’ve sucked up to you and your family. I, for one, think I’ve been a trooper. I’ve stayed with you even though you don’t put out, even put up with your mother's incessant bitching. All for what, a few make out sessions here and there, a few times of touching your pussy and tits?” He breathed heavily and pressed his erection into her belly again. “I am a man, Chloe. I have needs.”

  He took his hand from her mouth, and gripped her breast roughly. Biting the inside of her cheek, she refused to cry out in pain. “Seems you’re an alcoholic too.” He stopped his ministrations and stared at her. She used that moment to get out of his grasp. Successfully pushing him away, she started off for the house.

  The sound of his drunken mumbling had several emotions going through her. She didn’t think Jake would really try and do anything to her, but then again, his acts up until now were like a stranger to her.

  She made it ten feet before Jake grabbed her arm with bruising force and spun her around. Chloe lost her balance and fell backward. Jake still had a grip on her arm and fell forward with her. Pine needles dug into her skin and rocks jabbed at her back when she finally met the ground. He covered her body with his, laughing, his eyes crazed.

  “Looks like you do want a little cock, baby. See how easily you got on your back?” He started fumbling with her shirt and undoing the buttons. She tried in vein to push him away, but it was no use, even drunk he was stronger than her.

  “Don’t worry, Chloe. I’m going to make this real good for you. Trust me.”

  Chapter Four

  The air wheezed in and out of her mouth as the heavy weight of Jake’s body suffocated her. Chloe would never trust again. Look at what happened when she did. Struggling a little harder, she knew she couldn’t let this happen.

  She mustered up the strength and lifted her hands to rake them down his face. The sound of his grunt of pain brought a semblance of victory to her. Before she could do it again, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand. His other one started undoing the button and zipper of his jeans. When his shaft was out, he roughly pushed her skirt up. He gripped the edge of her panties and tore them clean off her body.

  “Please stop, Jake.” Tears welled in her eyes as she struggled fruitlessly.

  “Chloe, don’t act like you don’t want it. You’ve been teasing me for two fucking years. Didn’t you hint about givin’ up some pussy when we got here? Just give up the goods already.” Horror encompassed every part of her as she watched with wide eyes as he started to stroke his shaft.

  Was this her fault? She had told him she wanted to have sex, but she didn’t think it would end up like this.

  Jake forcibly spread her thighs wider with his own and ran his hand over her mound. His touch was rough and urgent. He placed the tip of his erection at the mouth of her vagina. She started to cry harder. He clamped a hand over her mouth and urged her to stay quiet and accept it like a good girl. She closed her eyes tight and prayed it was over fast. Just when she thought he would force himself into her, the weight of Jake was lifted off of her. Keeping her eyes closed, she feared opening them.

  Muffled grunts sounded close to her. When everything became silent, Chloe slowly opened her eyes. She panted heavily from fear and stared wide eyed at the large, imposing form standing over Jake’s huddled body. Jake lay lifelessly on the ground, and if not for the rise and fall of his chest, she would have thought he was dead. She flicked her gaze back at the shadowed figure and slowly pulled herself into a sitting position.

  From out of the darkness stepped Dominic, his eyes set hard, his jaw clenched. As his gaze raked over her, she saw the ra
ge clear on his expression, but then that emotion softened and he looked upon her with gentleness.

  He took a few long strides and knelt on he ground beside her. “Are you okay, Chloe?” His voice sounded strangled, as if he had to force the words out. His hand on her cheek was big and warm and she couldn’t help but lean into it.

  Not able to help it, she cried harder. Her whole body shook as the severity of what had almost happened played through her mind. Dominic helped her up and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Shhh, everything is okay now. I won’t let anything happen to you, honey.”

  She let him hold her as she cried into his chest. “This is my fault.” She could feel him shaking his head even before she finished. He cupped the back of her head, holding her more tightly against him, and spoke softly.

  “This is absolutely not your fault. No matter what you said or did, no one has the right to take something from you.” He gripped her arms and pulled her back to look into her eyes. “Do you understand me, Chloe?”

  She swallowed. Her throat was dry and ached. Chloe saw the hard determination reflected back at her. “I understand.” Looking behind his arm, she stared at Jake.

  “Don’t worry about him. He’ll be out for a while. Let’s get you inside.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led them toward the house. Before they broke the tree-line, she stopped him.

  “Can we not tell my parents about this?”

  “Chloe, I really think they need to know.”

  She knew they did, but she couldn’t face their reaction when they did find out. Would they blame her? Most likely. They loved Jake, thought he was perfect in every way. No way would they believe he could try something so heinous. “I know, it’s just…” She glanced back at Jake’s curled up form on the ground. “My parents won’t believe he would do something like this.”

  “They love you, Chloe.” His tone softened, as if he were trying to convince her.

  She didn’t want to argue about this. She knew her parents and knew how they would react. “Please, Uncle Dominic. Please don’t tell them.” She could see the war waging inside of him on what to do. He looked behind him at Jake for a suspended moment and then turned back to her.


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