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Countdown to Armageddon

Page 5

by Darrell Maloney

  “Oh, my God! Is there anything we can do to prevent it from happening?”

  “No. There is no way to stop it. But there are ways to protect a limited amount of equipment from getting ruined. It’s not easy. And it’s not cheap. But it’s possible to save enough equipment, and enough electricity, to power and run on a small scale. In a safe place that is well hidden. People won’t try to steal it if they don’t know it exists.”

  “Is that why you bought that land up there in the middle of nowhere?”

  “Yes. That’s exactly why. I won’t be going in to work much over the next few months. They can get by without me. What I will be doing is getting the place ready, so that when the time comes it’ll be a safe place to go.”

  Linda hesitated, as though afraid to ask the question.

  “Safe… for who?”

  Scott suddenly felt pity, and maybe a bit of deeply buried love, for her.

  “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t leave you out. We have too much history. And the boys wouldn’t want to go on without you.”

  She sighed deeply. It occurred to Scott at that moment that she surely regretted what her life had become and wanted things to be the way they used to be. When she and Scott were married and he took care of her and covered for her addictions.

  But they both knew there had been way too much water under that bridge to go back.

  “Here’s the thing. When the time comes, I want you to make your way to my house. I had a spare house key made for you. Here it is. Put it on your key ring with the rest of your keys, and don’t tell Glen what it’s for. I don’t trust him. You might, but I don’t.”

  He pressed the key into her hand. She took the opportunity to grasp his hand and to hold it for a moment. Then he drew away.

  “When it happens, make your way to my house. In my office, in the file drawer, you’ll find a folder with your name on it. You’ll have to open the window blinds, because the power will be out. But you can find it.

  “Once you find the folder, open it up and follow the instructions. It’ll tell you everything you need to do to protect yourself, and to tell me that you’re ready. And then I will come for you. I’ll bring you to the compound and you’ll be safe.”

  She hesitated again. She was almost afraid of the likely answer to her next question.

  “Scott… what about Glen?”

  He took a deep breath before answering.

  “Look. I don’t like or trust Glen. You know that. But I realize that he is the man in your life now, and it’s not my place to try to tell you who to be with.

  “If you want to bring Glen with you, then bring him. However, he has to realize that running the compound will take a lot of work on everybody’s part. There will be crops to raise, livestock to care for, chores to do. Guard duty for the men. It won’t be a vacation resort. The only thing Glen knows about work is how to avoid it.”

  She winced. Scott’s words hit too close for comfort.

  He went on.

  “If you want to bring him along, that’s your business. But if he refuses to carry his share of the load, he will become a chain around everybody’s neck. And I swear to God, I will shoot him in the head and bury him up there.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  Then she looked in his eyes and knew he was.

  “Yes, I am, and here’s why. If he is not carrying his load, then he will be an unnecessary drain on our resources. He will eat our food and drink our water without helping to replenish it. We cannot just banish him or kick him out. He’d gather up his buddies and tell them that we have livestock, and crops, and a secure compound with hot water and electricity.

  “And then he and his friends would try to take over the compound. And since Glen had been on the inside, he’d know the security system. He’d know the weak spots.

  “And do not kid yourself, Linda. If it gets to that point, he won’t come in asking nicely if he can steal everything we have. He’ll come in with guns blazing. And if you get shot, or the boys get shot, he won’t give a diddly damn. Because men like Glen only care about themselves. I’m surprised that after all this time you can’t see him for the user he is.

  “But again, that’s none of my business.”

  She was suddenly ashamed. Ashamed for having put herself in such a bad spot that she had to settle for a man like Glen to give her the affection and attention she craved. And she knew Scott was right. Glen took a hell of a lot more than he gave.

  Scott saw the sadness on her face. This time he took hold of her hands, and looked into her moistening eyes.

  “Look, this might hurt you. And if it does, I’m sorry. But you need to make a decision, ahead of time, whether to bring him with you. If you bring him, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’ll step up. Just understand what will happen if he doesn’t.”

  “How will I know when it happens?”

  Scott couldn’t help but laugh.

  “It’ll be hard not to notice. The power will go out. For everybody. It’ll be like a city wide blackout. Except that your cell phone won’t work either. Nobody’s will. And every car, every truck, will stop dead in its tracks. Airplanes will fall from the sky. It will become deathly quiet. Everyone will be in the streets, trying to figure out what’s happening. Asking when the power will come back on.

  “And it won’t. Not ever again.”

  She started to cry. Against his better judgment he held her.

  “Keep a bicycle handy. In fact, get a second bike. One you can keep in your trunk. I’ll help you pick out one that you can put the wheels on easily without tools.

  “And when everything goes off, ride that bike as fast as you can to my house. If you can’t get to your bike, then walk. Run if you can. Just get there.

  “I’ve clocked it. Your house is exactly nine miles from mine. I know it’s a long way, but you can make it in less than two hours by bike. You can walk there in half a day. If you get there quickly enough, you may catch the boys and I before I take them to the compound.

  “If not, find the folder with your name on it. It will tell you everything you need to do. And I’ll come back for you, I promise.”

  “Scott, I’ve got to ask you this. I suspect I already know the answer. And it terrifies me. But if I don’t ask you I will spend the rest of my life kicking myself. And I’ve got to know.

  “Once this thing happens, once we are together with the boys up at your compound, and if I leave Glen behind, is there…”

  Her voice broke.

  Scott knew her question was difficult, and he spared her the pain of having to ask it. At the same time, though, he didn’t want to lead her on or let her get the wrong idea.

  “I’m going to invite someone else to the compound. Another woman. Mostly because she is experienced in survival techniques and will be a helpful addition to our group. But I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t feel some attraction to her.”

  “I see.”

  “Linda, I’m not saying that what you are asking… were getting ready to ask… is not possible. At this point I don’t know what may happen. And at this point it doesn’t really matter. Let’s just focus on getting everyone safely there, and then let everything else fall where it may.”

  He rose and she followed him to the door. She hugged him goodbye.

  He started to walk out the door, and she stopped him.



  “Thank you… for caring enough to invite me along.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.”

  “Yes, I do. You could have just left me behind.”

  “No. I couldn’t. I could never do that.”


  Scott was on his tractor, plowing his new field, when Joyce drove into the yard.

  She’d been thinking a lot lately. She was tired of working. She needed a break. And she liked this guy Scott. She liked him a lot. She thought he liked her too. Today was the day she intended to find out if there was a chance at a rela

  She stepped out of her SUV and waved at him. He took off his straw cowboy hat and waved it back at her. Then he lifted the plow from the earth and drove the tractor over to where she stood.

  “Hey, there, cowboy. Or would ‘Farmer Scott’ fit you better?”

  “I think ‘cowboy’ sounds more macho. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been fine. But I need some advice. I hope you don’t mind me dropping in unannounced.”

  “No, not at all. It just so happens I’ve got something I wanted to talk to you about too. Let’s go in the house and get something cold to drink.”

  Joyce liked the way the sweat glistened on his arms. There was something sexy about a sweaty man. Maybe because it signified hard work to her, and hard work meant success. At least she’d always equated the two together. She followed him into the house, then the kitchen.

  “Why don’t you sit down, Scott. You’ve been working harder than me. I’ll fix the drinks. What’ll you have?”

  “I just made a pitcher of sweet tea. That sounds good. It’s in the fridge. There’s also some fresh squeezed lemonade in there if you want some of that.”

  “No, tea sounds good to me too,” she said as she pressed two tall tea glasses against the ice dispenser.

  Scott watched her from across the room. He liked the way her jeans hugged her hips and backside.

  “Scott, you know I made a good sized commission when you bought this place.”

  “That’s good. You worked extra hard twisting my arm to buy it, so you deserve something for your efforts.”

  “Oh, crap. You had your mind made up to buy it before we even met.”

  “True. Guilty as charged, your honor.”

  “I got the check a couple of days ago, and I’ve been wondering what to do with it. I mean, it’s enough to pay off my mortgage, with enough left over to expand my kitchen and install a Jacuzzi on my back deck.

  “But, if what you say is true about the power going out, I’m thinking the smart move might be to use it to prepare for the inevitable. Any thoughts?”

  Scott took a sip of his tea and chose his words carefully.

  “I hate being in debt to a bank or anybody else. I’ve always been a guy who paid cash when I could. But these are special circumstances, and yes, I am certain this thing is going to happen. I just don’t know when.

  “Paying off your mortgage would be a very good thing. Ordinarily I’d recommend it. But here’s the thing. When the blackout happens, everybody is going to pretty much own their houses anyway. I mean, not technically. But all of their mortgage records are going to be tied up on bank computers that can never be retrieved.

  “And even if they could be retrieved, it wouldn’t matter. Nobody will be going to work anymore. What would they do? Walk from their homes to blacked out offices where the machines no longer worked, and just sit and look at each other? Are the banks going to evict every one of their mortgage holders?

  “No, when the shit hits the fan, the whole world is going to be so focused on survival that the last thing they’ll worry about is making a mortgage payment. So any money you spend paying off your mortgage will be money down the drain.

  “And that brings up something I wanted to talk to you about anyway.”

  Her eyebrows went up. She said, “Yes?”

  “I don’t want to pressure you. And I don’t want to mislead you. After all, there’s a chance that I’m just totally crazy and this whole solar storm and EMP blackout will never happen. I’d feel terrible if I twisted your arm to do something and you came to regret it later on.”

  He paused for a moment and she said, “Go on…”

  “Instead, I’ll just tell you what I would do in your situation. I wouldn’t worry about paying off my mortgage. If I’m right, property rights and deeds won’t be worth the paper they’re written on in a couple of years anyway. If it were me, I’d take that money and use it for something more substantial. Something that would help ensure my survival in the years ahead. Food stores. Seed stores. Equipment like generators. Materials to build Faraday cages to protect essential electronics. That kind of thing.”

  She looked at him and said, “If I were to invest the money in all of that kind of stuff, where would I put it?”

  They both knew the answer, but she ached to hear him say the words anyway.

  “Here. You can make plans to come into the compound with us. I know you have no children or siblings. I never asked if your parents were still alive. But you can bring them in too.”

  “Are you asking me just because you need someone to help with the chores? Or is there another reason?”

  Scott was afraid she was going to ask that question. He wasn’t even sure he had an answer for her. But she’d backed him into a corner now. He had to answer.

  “Joyce, I… I don’t know what I feel, but I feel… something. I’ve been accused of letting my crotch do my thinking in the past, and I’ve probably been guilty. But this is more than a physical attraction. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know if it’s because I feel a certain kinship to you because you can understand where I’m coming from on this whole thing. Or if something deep inside me wants to see if there’s enough feeling there to make a relationship work.

  “I know that’s a non-answer. But this whole thing has my head spinning, and I’m very confused. And there’s another factor involved too.”

  “Go on…”

  “I’ve invited Linda, the boys’ mother, to join us as well. I wouldn’t feel right not offering her a chance to survive.”

  “I see. Is Linda married?”

  “No. She has a boyfriend. But he’s a dirt bag. I’m not sure she’d bring him along.”

  “Do you and Linda still have feelings for one another?”

  “No. I don’t know. I don’t think so. I mean, we have a history, sure. But on my part I consider her just a good friend and nothing more.”

  “And on her part?”

  “I think she would bend over backwards to make a relationship work if I offered her the chance. But I have no intention of offering her one.”

  Joyce put down her tea glass and said, “No. They’re both dead. My parents, I mean. It’s just me and my two cats. Dusty and Daisy. I used to have an old hound dog named Roy, but he was always chewing on my shoes. Every time I’d get dressed to go somewhere nice, I’d have to go looking for my shoes and hope they weren’t in pieces. Roy died a year ago, bless his heart. I was going to get another puppy. But I didn’t have enough shoes left to feed him. Besides, cats are much more suited to country living, I think. Plenty of mice and birds for them to chase and eat.”

  “Does that mean you’ll join us?”

  “How can I resist such a warm and heartfelt invitation?”

  Scott turned red.

  “I know I’m not the best at explaining myself. But I really think we’d make a good team. And there’s so much to do that I don’t think I can get it all done alone.”

  “You don’t have to explain, Scott. I’m not a timid woman who will be scared off just because there’s another female in the picture. And it just so happens that I’m between men right now, so I’m available to just throw caution to the wind and join you on your little project. Under one condition.”

  “And what is that?”

  “If Linda feels threatened by me, if she doesn’t want me around because she wants you all to herself, or feels intimidated by me…”

  She looked him in the eyes.

  “If that happens, you have to promise not to give in to her and try to kick me out of here. If I commit to this, and put my own money into it, then it’ll be my home as well as yours. I will not have you show me the door based on the whims of an insecure woman.”

  “You have my word. And you don’t know me enough to know this. Not yet. But someday you’ll understand that my word is my bond. I’ve never broken a promise in my life. And I have no intention of starting.”

  Joyce smiled.

  “Okay, then,
cowboy, I just have one more question.”


  “When I pulled in I saw about a hundred uprooted trees laying on their sides and lined up in a pretty row a quarter mile long. What’s that all about?”

  He laughed and said, “Come on. Let’s take a walk around our new home. I’ll show you what I’ve been up to for the last few weeks.”


  Joyce continued to work two days a week, just to keep her hands in the pot in case Scott’s theory was all fantasy. But most of her days were spent preparing for the end of civilization as she knew it.

  Scott was right. There were a thousand and one things that needed to be done. Much too much for one person to handle.

  She settled into a routine. Each morning she didn’t go to the office, she’d arise about six, shower and have breakfast, and feed her cats. Then she’d make a trip to her local Walmart to shop.

  Joyce didn’t shop the way most people do, though. She took the rear seats out of her Honda CRV and left them in her garage. When she pulled into the Walmart parking lot she had the intention of filling every square inch.

  Her first few visits were hit and miss until she developed a system. Then she got it down to a science.

  The first two trips in and out of the store were for canned goods. She’d determined that two full carts of canned goods did a pretty good job of covering the floor space of her vehicle.

  Then she went back inside for two more carts full of other foods that had a very long shelf life. Dry beans and pasta, rice and spaghetti, Ramen noodles. Some canned goods, like Vienna sausages and canned ham, had shelf lives of four years. So did the canned spaghetti sauce, and it was high in calories, which was another plus. She also stocked up on sugar and flour and baking goods, and dry milk and seasonings.

  These goods went on top of the canned goods. If there was still space, she went back in for more supplies. Bags of charcoal, pillows and blankets, coats and linens. And whatever else she thought they’d need for the long term.


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