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Roxanne Desired

Page 4

by Gena D. Lutz


  “What you did for Ariel was pretty amazing...real quick thinking on your part,” Nathan said from across the room. He had just gotten back from making a run to the convenience store. We had both spotted it a few miles back, on our way to the motel. He volunteered to go pick us up some provisions while I stayed back and kept an eye on Ariel; he was currently stocking the mini fridge. It made me think about Ember’s fridge back at the pack house. It was stocked full of nothing but Pepsi. It hadn’t taken me very long to become addicted to it. Nathan’s haul consisted of the tasty drink, plus a few strips of beef jerky to wash it down with. I shoved a full strip of jerky in my mouth. I couldn’t seem to ingest my fill of meat products lately. If it weren’t for the fact that it had been almost two years since I had a lover, I would think I might be pregnant.

  “Is she still in the tub?” Nathan asked.

  “I checked on her a few minutes ago. She’s asleep in there. Her lips are blue again. I am pretty sure that’s a good sign.” I assured him.

  “It is. She should be back to her crazy self in no time.” He chuckled.

  “So you know her then?” I asked, tearing open another jerky wrapper. “You two seemed pretty familiar with each other earlier at the restaurant, before all hell broke loose.”

  He smiled at me and continued to pile a ton of junk food in the fridge. “Yeah, I know her. She is Orea and Ashes daughter. She is a princess.”

  I had met the Queen and King of the Nymphs briefly when Ember and Collin brought me home to the pack house for the first time. They scared the crap out of me to be honest. It was odd to think that it was their daughter in the bathroom floating around, or rather, sunk to the bottom of the tub. My mind wandered over to the plastic bag that Nathan had yet to unpack. Something smelled good in there. I rifled through it until I found the treat that beckoned me. I shoved the hotdog I found at the bottom in my mouth.

  “Are you going to bother chewing that?” He chuckled. “I grabbed a few of those and a couple sandwiches, so you can slow down and enjoy. There’s plenty.”

  I looked down and noticed that I had already picked up another hot dog. For some reason I couldn’t quench the hunger that gnawed at my gut. My eyes closed as thick waves of dizziness shot through my head. My stomach clenched, followed by a sharp pain that sliced my abdomen. I fell over, barely able to catch myself on the table. Suddenly, Nathan was by my side. He had me in his arms and over to the bed before the next wave of pain racked my body.

  “Something’s wrong.” I gasped.

  Liquid fire pooled inside of me. The feeling flowed upwards, scorching my throat like it was about to spew out of my mouth like a volcano. But nothing happened, my mouth and throat were empty, it was just a burning inferno. My mind raced. What is wrong with me? I stumbled to the bed, reached out for the mattress and when my hand touched down, I fell forward. Now draped over the side of the bed, I was scared to move, petrified to even breathe air into my raw lungs. My wolf growled savagely at my body’s violent assault on itself. I felt the brush of cool hands on my shoulders and a slight tug as my hair was pulled out of my face. I cried out, pleading to some unknown force to help put an end to this torture. Strong arms closed around me. I bucked against them, scratched and clawed against pliant flesh, but the iron bands held fast, constricting me in place.

  “She is converting,” I heard someone say, I think Ariel. But wasn’t she floating in the tub?

  I could barely make out her words between the buzzing in my head. Mercifully, the assaulting hell-fire began to pull back, my body eased into a pain free lull. I was able to take in a much needed breath.

  “What do you fucking mean she is converting?” Nathan cursed. “She was sired weeks ago.”

  “Be that as it may, apparently she never fully transitioned.” Ariel explained to Nathan calmly.

  When I came fully out of the daze caused by the crippling pain, I found myself pressed up against Nathan, wrapped in his arms. He looked down and cupped a gentle hand to my face. He shook his head.

  “You scared the shit out of me, Rox.”

  “I’m hungry.” The words stammered out. My thoughts muddled.

  Then I heard a melodious beat. All my attention gravitated toward the sound. It was close, so close, echoing in my ears. I curled my arm around Nathan’s neck and pressed my nose against his warm skin. My lips brushed over his throat, hesitating over his carotid artery. Nathan wrapped both of his arms completely around me, pressing me even harder against him.

  “How can I help her?” Nathan questioned Ariel.

  “It looks like she is about to help herself…to your blood that is.” She answered him matter-of-factly.

  “She can have her fill of it, every last drop, if it will keep her from feeling pain.” Nathan announced with conviction.

  The hunger that held me prisoner took Nathan’s statement as invitation. Before I knew what my body was doing, my fangs slid out, puncturing his skin. A spear of heat shot through me. This time, instead of crippling pain, the fire that burned in me was penetrating and sensual.

  “Can you give us a moment?” He asked. The question sounded like a plea.

  There was a grunted sound of agreement and I heard a door creak open. After only a few seconds, it closed again. Somehow I knew that Ariel had left. Nathan and I were alone together. Regardless, I didn’t care who was where as long as I was able to continue drinking from the devastatingly handsome man in my arms. I needed this intense pleasure to carry on. I never wanted this feeling to end.

  Nathan’s heart danced against my chest, carrying blood through his veins, propelling it down my throat. Nathan moaned in pleasure. A deep sound that had my beast pacing back and forth, pushing against the metaphysical bonds that kept the she-wolf chained inside of me. She wanted to come out and play with her mate. My wolf’s presence went a long way in clearing my mind; she gave me back some of the control I had lost over myself. Being Hybrid was turning into quite the balancing act. My vampire side craved his blood and my she-wolf wanted to tear her mate’s clothes off so she could ride him into oblivion. I expected Nathan to try and pull away from me; I had practically attacked him after all, had dined on his life’s blood without consent. Instead, he tipped his head more to the side, giving me unrestricted access to his throat. I slid my hand across his jaw, turning his full lips toward my blood soaked ones. My thirst for blood had been thoroughly quenched. It was time for my wolf to come out and play. I wanted him inside of me; needed him to fill me up with himself. I wanted it all. With my hunger appeased, my fangs slid back into place. I eased myself up off the bed so I could rid myself of clothes. Plus, I wanted to watch him watch me as I stripped them off. I had never been this brazen in my life. But for some reason I wanted Nathan to want me as much as I wanted him. I needed to witness his dark eyes fill with lust as he took in the sight of me standing before him naked. Nathan smiled at me. From the curious look he gave me, I had a feeling that he didn’t know how to proceed with me next. I had spent so much time pushing him away that I was certain that my advances toward him now were confusing him.

  “As much as I want to lick and caress every inch of you,” Nathan began, his voice shaking with need as his eyes continued to roam over me, “I wouldn’t feel right taking you after what you just went through.”

  Standing in front of the bed, I slid the fingers of my right hand upwards across my shirt; slowing them down a bit as they traveled between my breasts. My body trembled and my nipples puckered in anticipation of being freed from the lace bra that so cruelly constrained them. Nathan had nothing to worry about. I felt fine. In fact, the erotic touch of his lips across my body was a remedy.

  “Believe me handsome, there is nothing fragile about me right now. You would be inflicting more damage if you left me wanting like this.”

  The bulge in his pants jerked at the proclamation. My mouth watered when I imagined everything I could do with his swiftly growing member. I flicked the top button of my blouse and with a carnal loo
k aimed directly at him, slowly opened it. My yearning lips still held the traces of his blood as my tongue snaked across them, slowly. Nathan shot to his knees, his hands landing in front of him, itching to pounce. But he didn’t jump off the bed. It was like he was scared to make the final approach. Afraid that, if he said or did something wrong, his chances of making love to me would vanish.

  “You’re killing me.” He said, with a tortured whisper.

  I brought my other hand up, using both of them to unfasten the remaining buttons. The buttons that held my shirt closed. Once unfastened, both sides of my blouse fell open. Before I lost my nerve, I reached up once again and unlatched the catch to my bra. I let both items of clothing float to the floor.

  “You’re magnificent, Rox. Even more beautiful than I had imagined.” Nathan gasped. He lifted a hand to his mouth and released a shuddered breath; he dragged his fingers down and over his lips and chin. “And I have imagined it so many times.” He admitted.

  Inside, I beamed at his praise but on the outside I kept up my seduction. By this time, any lingering thoughts about what my body had just endured vanished. All I wanted and needed was Nathan. I took my time as I turned my back to him. I heard a disappointed grunt and smiled to myself.

  “Patience, wolf,” I said, glancing over my bare shoulder. He began to creep across the bed, getting closer to me, so I pinned him with a disapproving glare. “Move one more inch and I will put something back on.”

  Nathan froze. A piece of wispy hair fell across his lifted brow; it hid one of his chestnut eyes. He gave me an amused smiled and said “I will try my best to behave for you, my little temptress.”

  A chuckle escaped me as I pushed my pants down over the curve of my hips. “The last thing I want you to do is behave, handsome.”

  He liked me teasing him like this. I could tell by the sound of his heavy breaths. I stood back up, kicking the jeans that pulled at my feet off to the side. All I had left on was a lavender G-string.

  “Your ass is perfect,” he whispered in a smooth voice.

  My body hesitated for a moment while it worked its way through the last of my nerves. With a deep breathe, I boldly turned and began slipping off the very last barrier left between Nathan and an impeded view of my damp curls.

  “I have to touch you,” he said. “My hands won’t stop trembling in want for it. What kind of spell have you put on me, Rox?”

  I took three steps toward Nathan, never taking my eyes from his. I slowly leaned forward, my hands searching for the edge of the bed. When they skimmed over the blanket, I released my full weight onto them. A low growl vibrated from Nathan’s chest. It called to my dormant beast and she growled back in response to her lover’s call of seduction. My wolf approved of what I was doing. She was just as anxious to make love to her mate as I was. It was nice to finally find a common ground with her; she was such a pivotal part of me, making it easier to accept that she actually was me. Yes indeed, it looked like Nathan was me and my wolf’s common denominator.

  “Lay back.” I requested firmly.

  I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. Interested eyes pinned me and the heat that burned in them almost made me chicken out. Too bad for that chicken shit side of me, I wasn’t about to give up. I wanted all of this. Even though I had never done anything like this before, it didn’t matter. The look on his face made venturing into this new territory so worth it.

  Nathan eased back against two pillows stacked on top of one another. He lifted his arms, resting his head on his hands. He was still fully clothed, but I could see a good portion of his toned chest and abdomen through his unbuttoned shirt. His chest was massive, his stomach ripped with an eight pack. I looked down at myself insecurely. My stomach wasn’t flat, it was slightly rounded. I was never stick thin. No matter how much I dieted, my womanly curves stubbornly hung on to me with a death grip. I had actually come to love my curves; they made me feel like a woman. However, I was fully aware that some men preferred a lover that looked as if they could be swept away on a brisk wind. As if he sensed my apprehension, Nathan reached out to me. He gently pulled me to him and I followed. I wasn’t going to be afraid of this man’s intentions. He made it pretty clear how he felt about me. With just a look, he had a way of making me feel beautiful. I wasn’t going to let my insecurities take this moment from me. I fell into his arms. They wrapped instantly around me, making me feel like I had been lying in them for a million years. Time stopped, everything halted, even my very breath as he brought his lips to mine. A gentle caress against my lips at first, but then, his kiss consumed me. It was a kiss that pushed me over an edge I never knew existed. Somehow I held onto him giving him permission to breach the doors, which I had securely bolted against any and all possible intruders to my sole. In that moment, I irrevocably became his. It was a moment of clarity, an awakening. I knew without a doubt that I was exactly where and with whom I was meant to be. It was an incredible feeling, a feeling that gave me the courage to ask him for something that I had always wanted but lacked the proper motivation to try. Nathan was very inspiring.

  “Can I ask you to do something for me?” I inquired, pulling away, gasping for breath. “It’s okay if you say no. I won’t mind.”

  He grazed my cheek with gentle fingers. “You can ask me anything.”

  “Even if it’s a little kinky?”

  His whole body seemed to perk up in response to the unexpected statement.

  “I can do kinky. What do you have in mind?”

  I reached for his belt buckle and began undoing it. I yanked it out of the loops and held it in the air between us. “Will you tie me up?”

  Nathan raised a brow. His chestnut eyes searched mine for a moment before he snatched the belt from my grasp. Without another word, he slid off the bed, quickly stripping out of his clothes. It was like he transformed into someone else in those few seconds between him jumping off the bed and now. A sexy scowl dominated his handsome face and he began to twirl the belt he held in big, slow, circles. I watched the belt go around and around, almost hypnotized by the leather strap’s movement.

  “You’ve been very naughty, Roxanne. I think a punishment is in order.”

  My heart began to beat so rapidly that I thought it might explode from my chest. Nathan was playing along with my hidden fantasy. He even seemed to like it. It was on me now to return his enthusiasm for our little game, full throttle.

  “I think you’re mistaken Warlord. I finished baking the bread for tonight’s meal and I cleaned your room as you instructed. I don’t understand. How have I displeased you so?”

  I looked down, careful not to make eye contact with him, my master. It had been easy to slip into my role as his servant. It surprised me just how simple it really was.

  He leaned over the bed, dragging a slow hand over my stomach. It then traveled upwards between my breasts. The feather light touch was an exquisite torture. Instead of Nathan cupping one of my aching breasts in his hand, like I yearned for him to do, he reached for both of my wrists. He held them together as he wrapped the belt in between and around them both, firmly tying them together. His warm chest brushed against my face, leaning over me so he could tie the rest of the belts slack around the bed’s rot iron headboard. I tugged against my restraints, testing them. It was my body’s natural reaction to being subdued. I knew that I was in safe hands. However, the feeling of complete vulnerability was a bit scary. That fear was also a big contributor to the allure of it all.

  “It is not your place to question me, wench. Stay your tongue before I am forced to gag you.”

  My master knelt on the bed before me, his body large and imposing. I inspected the erotic view being displayed before me and halted when my eyes landed on his manhood. He was long, full, and ready, and it was no doubt the instrument he meant to use to fulfill his threat. I wanted to reach over and wrap my hands around him. My lips parted as I began to beg for him to come closer, just a few inches, but then I remembered his order to remain quiet. Inst
ead I moaned, my body arching, reaching for him to do something, anything to it. I needed him to touch me not just tease me. Damn he was good at this. He looked gratified, pleased with my suffering. That’s when my wolf growled, fighting against his dominance. The master grinned wider as he continued to stare me down.

  “Do you want me to kiss you?” He asked, lowering his head; a set of full lips hovered over my soft, damp, curls. My body went still.

  “Please.” I pled through clenched teeth.

  “You’ll have to do something for me first, my pretty little wench. Are you ready to do your best to please me?”

  I nodded eagerly, accepting his terms. “I will do as you bid me, Master.”

  “Then I shall proceed,” he informed with a quick nod. “Open your legs…wide.”

  His order stimulated me, making heat pool between my legs. I drew my legs up and slowly began lowering them to the side, opening for him. I watched him look at my face, my breasts, his gaze finally landing on my fully exposed sex. The blood in my veins thundered through my very being as he slid his tongue over my slit, barely breaching my folds. My palms were sweaty, clenching; once again pulling against the restraints. I wanted to bury my hands in his hair. I needed to press his mouth deeper between my trembling legs. My body was practically begging him to release me, to make me cum. Then, sweet Jesus, his tongue plunged deep inside of me. I almost came apart at the seams. My hips moved in time with his mouth’s rhythm. His hand crept up my body again, but this time he enfolded my breast in his hand and flicked my nipple with his thumb. I screamed out in pleasure, still riding his tongue. Intense pleasure built up, expanding as he teased my clit with a few quick flicks. Tiny white flashes blinded me as he lifted me up, throwing me over the brink of desire.

  “You will now pleasure me.” He demanded.

  Without another word, he straddled my body. “We’re not done yet, not by any means.”

  I was extremely okay with that. I had wanted to get that cock close to me all night. I was finally getting my chance. I pushed through the aftershocks of my climax and answered him.


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