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All I Need: Rod & Daisy (All Of Me Duet Book 2)

Page 4

by A. D. Justice

  We chuckle together, imagining all the ways her dad could achieve his goal. It feels good to laugh with her. This easiness flows naturally between us, I don’t know why I’ve fought so hard to stay away. Do I believe a deep, everlasting love develops after knowing someone in such a short time? Not at all. But I developed a genuine affection for her after spending every day and night with her in my arms on the island. Every minute I spend with her only makes me want more, and that hasn’t happened with anyone else I’ve met. Watching her with Jules and Isa in the weeks after our trip cemented my affection, leaning more toward the L-word I’m still hesitant to verbalize.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying being here with my family. They go a little overboard at times, but they love everyone with their whole heart. Any one of them would give you the shirt off their back. I couldn’t ask for a better support system. It’d be great if we all lived closer together, but life had other plans. You’ll get to meet my sister later today. She’s one of a kind.”

  “What does that mean? Is that good or bad?”

  “She’s the best.” Daisy grins and shrugs her shoulders, but I detect a hint of mischief below the surface.

  “I’m sure she’s great, but there’s no way she’s better than Mahoe. You’re still the best, Daisy. You always will be.” I mean that with every fiber of my being.

  “That is the best compliment you’ve ever given me. I may swoon from the sweetness. Who knew Hot Rod was a closet softy?” She’s teasing, but her eyes soften despite her best efforts not to be affected.

  “Can we keep this little secret between us? I’d hate to ruin my terrible reputation around Atlanta. Rumors would be rampant. People will say all kinds of crazy things.” I lean toward her and keep my voice low, like a secret only shared between two friends.

  “Oh, yeah? Such as?” She crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head to the side. I love how she tests me, never accepting the smooth lines or sweet talk without proof.

  “Something along the lines of I’m turning in my bachelor card. Or hell must have frozen over because I’m finally ready to settle down with one woman. If they knew the truth, though, they’d see they’re way behind on their gossip. That happened a few months ago when I met the perfect lady.”

  “I’m sure there will still be one or two females who will challenge that notion, see if they can tempt you away from the one who captured you. Someone is always waiting in the wings, ready to test your resolve.” Her bravado wanes, but she refuses to give up. I’m sure she’s also referring to my inappropriate behavior on the island.

  Ogling the girl at the waterpark was one of the worst colossal blunders I’ve ever made. I can’t exactly explain my actions were only a desperate act of self-preservation without removing all doubt of what an asshole I am. If I sabotaged our relationship from the start, I wouldn’t have to wonder every day if Daisy would leave me eventually. The nameless girl was only a means to an end, and nothing more. I don’t even remember what she looks like.

  If I could change that act of stupidity, I would do it in a heartbeat.

  “Their games won’t do them any good. They wouldn’t stand a chance against my girl. I don’t care who they are. You know, there was a time I thought I had to push her away for her own good, to keep her safe from me and the reputation I’ve lived up to over the years. But the truth is, I’ve regretted my actions since that very second when I hurt her, but I don’t think she’ll ever give me a chance to make amends.”

  “She would doubt your long-term sincerity, one-hundred percent. It’s too easy to get caught up in the North Pole, the inviting household, and all the warm feelings the holidays bring. The same way it’s too easy to lose your inhibitions while you’re on vacation in a tropical paradise. But put the beach and the holidays together, and you’ve got a sure-fire recipe for disaster. You’ll have to do a lot more than whisper a few pretty words to convince her otherwise. Here’s some sage advice for you, though, free of charge. If you run every time something unexpected scares you, you’ll miss out on a lot of beautiful surprises.”

  “Couldn’t I say the same to you, though? If you won’t give me a chance to make up for being the dumbest man on earth, you could possibly miss out on the love of a lifetime. Maybe it won’t work out. Maybe we’ll be horrible together and decide we’re better off as friends. But what if we are meant to be a couple? What if destiny has already decided for us?” What she doesn’t realize about me yet is, I’ve never been one to give up on my goals easily, and I’m not changing that anytime soon. Especially not where she’s involved.

  “Let’s get through this trip first, Rod. We’ll see how it plays out when we’re back home in our usual element. If you still feel the same while you’re not surrounded by my entire family, then we’ll talk. If not, we’ll know fate had nothing to do with this.”

  I lean back, fold my arms across my chest, and consider her rebuttal for a moment. Is this a test? Did she only say it to see how hard I’ll fight for her? Or is this how she feels, and would it be inconsiderate of me to push for more?

  “How about a compromise? If you don’t like my idea, no harm, no foul. I’ll respect your wishes and we’ll continue as we are now. If you agree, then we’ll give it an honest try.”

  “What compromise do you have in mind?” Her deadpan expression gives nothing away about what’s going on inside that beautiful brain of hers, but I know her better than she realizes.

  “We’ll use our time here together as one long date. We can start over from the very beginning, if you will give me a clean slate. Instead of starting in the middle of a relationship, we’ll take it slow and actually start from the start, so to speak.”

  “This sounds suspiciously like a fairy tale. I’ve already heard one fable from you, Rod. Right before I moved out of your hotel room and into my own. You were ready to settle down and put all your efforts into building a relationship with me. We both know how well that worked out. What right do you have to ask me to trust you again?” Her face changes, and a lingering grimace replaces her normal approachable expression. The pain of my betrayal obviously still stings.

  “You’re right. There’s no reason you should trust me or even want to be with me again. I gave you my word I’d respect your wishes, and that’s exactly what I’ll do. I’m sorry I even said anything and hurt you all over again. That’s the last thing I’d ever want to do.” With a quick squeeze of her hand, I turn to leave the room and give her some space away from me.

  As I pull away from her, she tightens her grip on my hand and holds on. When I look down, I see the fear swimming in her eyes. Despite the warning bells clearly blaring in her mind, she dares to put her trust in me again. Against all odds, I think she still wants to believe in the dream. Is there a glimmer of hope still in her? What I know about Daisy is, she doesn’t trust others easily, especially men, and she’s a realist. She doesn’t live in a fantasy world or repeat mistakes she’s made. Even considering giving me yet another chance is out of the ordinary for her.

  She just needs time to realize the truth for herself. If she didn’t feel the same about me, she wouldn’t want to trust me again.

  “If I do this, it’ll be your absolute last chance with me. Ever. I can’t impress upon you how serious I am, Rod. Everyone deserves a second chance, I wholeheartedly believe that, but you’ve used your two chances with me. I’ll never speak to you again if you screw this up and hurt me like you’ve done before. Changing your mind is completely fine and your prerogative—as long as you’re upfront and honest with me about it. That’s all I’m asking. No more stupid games. We could still be friends in that case. But I won’t forgive more lies and broken promises. Don’t say it if you can’t see it through.”

  She means every word of her warning, and if I mutter promises I have no intentions of keeping, I’ll lose her forever. For the first time, the ramifications of my words and deeds weigh heavily on my shoulders. Businessman Rod thrives because he never misses a deadline, never disappoints a c
lient by giving less than his very best every time.

  Personal Relationship Rod needs a lot of work.

  I drop to one knee in front of her, surprised she’s halfway to agreeing to try again. “Daisy, I’ve realized what an immature asshole I’ve been, and I’ll never be that person again. If I get spooked, I promise to talk it out with you, to share why I’m freaking out so you can help talk some sense into me. Juliana has tried, but I wouldn’t hear her out. Now I know I have to make some serious changes if I want to be happy. To be honest, I’m learning as I go. I’m seeing everything with fresh eyes, and I’m not proud of everything I’ve done.”

  “You’re too good at saying all the right things and making it sound so easy. Don’t be the man anyone else thinks you are. Be yourself. Any man who takes care of his family the way you do is a good person at heart. You’d be much happier with yourself if you’d be that man all the time. Fighting against your inherent nature only makes you miserable. No one is asking you to change who you are. Maybe we’re asking you to finally be the man we already know you to be.”

  I couldn’t feel more exposed if I were standing in front of my high school English class buck naked. She sees through the cracks in my mask, past the façade of the cold, detached man I show the world. Despite my best attempts to scare her off, she genuinely likes the real me.

  “Give me one more chance to prove myself to you. That’s all I need. You won’t regret it.”

  She presses her lips together and softly shakes her head. I can almost see the wheels turning in her mind while her eyes bounce around the room, careful to avoid meeting mine.

  “All right, I’ll try your plan for the next few days. We should know in that time if we both still feel a spark. But I’ll warn you once more. This time, it’s complete honesty or nothing, Rod. That’s not asking too much. It shows you respect me. I won’t accept anything less.’

  “On my mom’s good name, I give you my word. I’ve been hot and cold, all in and all out, and a complete wishy-washy pussy. But I’ve also been miserable without you. All that bullshit is behind me. I won’t disappoint you again.”

  “I don’t expect perfection, so you don’t have to make lofty promises. Just be the man you hide from the rest of the world.”

  “Fair enough. You want him, you’ve got him for as long as you’ll have him.”

  When I lean closer to press my lips against hers, there’s no way I can deny my feelings for her are real and powerful. The fire burning between us is hot enough to spontaneously combust, and a simple touch from her is like throwing gasoline on an open flame. A soft moan escapes her throat and I feel it touch my soul. Her fingers thread through my hair, pulling me closer, and I deepen the kiss.

  She pushes against me when my tongue glides against hers, deliberately slow and sensual. If the increasing heat in this room is any indication, I’d say the spark has lit the fuse inside Daisy, and she could join me in reaching the temperature of the sun at any moment. Not wanting to rush the moment, I slow our feverish pace. With my forehead leaned against hers and my hands cupping her face, I close my eyes and relish the tender moment with her.

  “You’re the best part of me.”

  My whispered confession comes straight from my heart. Drops of pure love fall from her eyes and roll over my fingers. Then I softly kiss her eyelids until her tears dry and offer a silent thank you to the universe for giving us one more shot.



  I’m not naïve or stupid. This charade between us will last through the holidays, while we’re away from home and we’ve suspended reality, then it’ll fizzle and disappear when we return to Atlanta. Juliana is out of the hospital and she said she’s having the best Christmas for as far back as she can remember. Isa has her mom here, so Rod can still play the part of the fun, carefree uncle. For the time being, his only responsibility is his company, and that’s the only thing he’s fully committed to besides his small family.

  The best I can hope is our time together makes it easier to decide what I should do. Hopefully, the next two weeks will provide an answer. I have no delusions Rod and I will fall madly in love and live happily ever after together. I washed away those silly dreams with the outgoing tide in Punta Cana. I’m more concerned with how we’ll co-parent, or I should say, if we do. As long as we can remain friends once the fleeting desires wane, I’ll consider that a win.

  The problem is, I’m not immune to his charms. His smooth lines, appealing smile, and tempting personality are nearly irresistible. His promises sound so sincere, making me dare to wish they were real. He’s dangerous to my mental health because I’m constantly questioning my sanity around him. When he kisses me, I lose any semblance of reason and self-control and I forget why I shouldn’t trust him with my heart or my body.

  “Daisy, we’re singing Christmas carols, roasting marshmallows around the firepit, and blending piña coladas—your favorite frozen drink.” Dad walks in to get more rum and ice. “Come outside with us. Rod looks lost without you.”

  “Okay, let me finish wrapping this present for Marlee and I’ll be right out. Landen insisted on getting her a gift from him. No alcohol for me, though.”

  He stops and studies me for a moment. “All right. There are still plenty of marshmallows to go around. Join us when you’re finished.”

  “Right behind you.”

  After I put my sister’s present under the tree, I join the rest of my family and friends around the pool area. Mom is grilling steaks at the outdoor kitchen while Dad stokes the firepit with more wood. My extended family occupies all the lounge chairs, mostly couples snuggled up and singing familiar carols. Granted, it’s mostly poor singing, but with a lot of gusto.

  I glance around the tiki-lit pool until my eyes stop on Rod. He’s sipping a tequila sunrise, but he fixes his gaze on me. The smoldering hot intensity in them reaches out and grabs me, impulsively pulling me to him. When I’m only steps away, he moves his legs to give me room to sit in my place—between them, leaned against his chest, with his arms around me.

  Tracy and Kevin both raise their eyebrows in surprise, but I refuse to make eye contact with them. This situation is awkward enough without their silent questions. Juliana tries to hide her smile behind her glass, but she’s more pleased than shocked. Then I realize no one else has even batted an eye toward us. My family must assume we’re a couple already since he’s here for the holidays.

  Mom walks over and gives me a glass of her homemade hibiscus plum tea. “Here, sweetie, it’s your favorite tea. Once Marlee gets here, there won’t be any left.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Her eyes flash to Rod’s face, then back to mine. The smile she gives me before walking back to the grill takes me back to my teen years, reminding me of all the times I tried to fool her and failed. Am I really that transparent? If so, there’s no way I’ll be able to hide this little surprise for very long.

  “Do you feel okay?” Rod whispers in my ear.

  I nod. “Fine. Why do you ask?”

  “There’s a pitcher full of your favorite fruity concoction over there, but you’re drinking tea. You didn’t have a drink with me earlier, either. I thought maybe you weren’t feeling well.”

  “That’s sweet of you to be concerned, but I’m fine. I drank more on vacation than I normally do the rest of the year combined.” I did not lie. Maybe I omitted pertinent information, but I didn’t outright lie.

  “Now that I’m here, I feel bad for not bringing gifts for your parents. They opened their home to my little family and have been the best hosts anyone could ask for, and I didn’t even think to get them a gift to thank them. Any suggestions?”

  “You don’t have to get them anything, Rod, so don’t feel guilty about it. The adults don’t exchange gifts because we all buy what we want or need throughout the year. Only the kids get presents on Christmas morning from everyone. As far as having you as a guest, trying to repay them would only insult them. They love having a house full
of people. The more you eat, drink, and laugh, the happier they are. Don’t stress over it.”

  “But I didn’t get you anything, either.” He genuinely sounds concerned, as if I’d be disappointed not to find a gift under the tree.

  “Then we’re even. Seriously, it’s okay. Exchanging gifts never even crossed my mind.”

  “You’ll have to be a little patient with me. I’m learning what it means to be in a relationship. The only lasting relationship I’ve had is being an older brother. That’s a complete one-eighty from what I want with you.”

  “What exactly do you want for us, Rod?”

  I’m fully aware this isn’t the time or place to have this conversation. My family is all around us, eating, drinking, talking, and laughing. But while they’re distracted with each other, I want to know where he sees this going. I need to know before I make the mistake of letting my guard down and allowing him near my heart again. If I’m honest, I haven’t fully recovered after the last time I made that mistake.

  My intent to remain distant is failing miserably.

  “What do you mean, Mahoe?”

  “I mean, where do you see this going between us? Are we a casual fling? Will I be an occasional booty call when we return home? Do you already have an elaborate wedding planned in your head, complete with a fourteen-day honeymoon package to Bora Bora? What do you want from this relationship?”

  “I want it all, Daisy—and you’re the only one who has ever made me feel this way. You make me want a life I’ve never dared to dream of having before now. I want to spend every day exploring the world with you, and the nights making love to every inch of your body. We’ll be best friends, lovers, and confidantes. We’ll share our most intimate secrets, our deepest desires, and our worst fears—so neither of us will have to face anything alone again. I’m not spouting empty words to trick you or feed you a line to get you back in my bed. If I can’t have this life with you, I won’t have it with anyone. You’re all I need.”


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