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A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story

Page 14

by Fergus Hume



  The more Giles thought about Franklin, the more he was certain that hewas the man for whom search was being made. To be sure there was nodistinguishing mark of identification; the evidence that he was one andthe same amounted to the facts that he had large black eyes, and thathis height and figure resembled the so-called Wilson. Moreover, althoughother people in the village had seen the clerk, no one but Giles seemedto recognize him. In fact, this recognition was rather due to aninstinct than to any tangible reason. But in his own mind he wasconvinced. He recalled how the man had suddenly removed his scarf asthough he were stifling on that night. He remembered the wan face, thedark, anxious face, and the rough red beard and hair.

  To be sure Franklin was dark-haired and sallow in complexion; also hewas clean-shaved, and even when not--according to Mrs. Parry--had worn afull black beard. But the red hair and whiskers might have been assumedas a disguise. Giles did not know very well how to verify hissuspicions. Then he determined to confide in Morley. Steel had told himthat the proprietor of The Elms was an ex-detective, and Giles thoughtthat for the sake of avenging Daisy's death he might be induced to takeup his old trade. With this idea he called at The Elms.

  Morley was delighted to see him and welcomed him in the most cheerfulmanner. He and Giles were always good friends, and the only subject ofcontention between them was the question of Anne's guilt. Morley stillbelieved that the governess had committed the crime and asked after herat the outset of the interview.

  "Have you found her?" he asked, just as Mrs. Parry had done.

  Giles knew quite well of whom he was speaking. "No, I have not," heanswered; "and if I had I certainly should not tell you."

  "As you please," replied the little man complacently; "you will neversee the truth."

  "It is not the truth. But see here, Morley, what is the use of ourdiscussing this matter? You believe Miss Denham to be guilty. I amcertain that she is innocent. Let the difference between us rest there.Still, if I could prove the innocence of Miss Denham----"

  "I should be more than delighted," responded Morley quickly, "and wouldmake all the amends in my power for my unjust suspicions. But you havefirst to prove them unjust. Believe me, Ware, I admired Miss Denham asmuch as my wife did, and thought much of her. I defended her from poorDaisy's aspersions, and would have stood her friend all through but forthis last act of hers. Well! Well, don't get angry. I am willing to beshown that I am wrong. Show me."

  Giles reflected for a moment, then went straight to the point.

  "I have been with Steel," he said abruptly, "and he tells me that youhave been in the detective line yourself."

  Morley nodded. "Quite so," he answered, "although I asked Steel to saynothing about it. I am a private gentleman now, and I don't want myformer occupation to be known in Rickwell. A prejudice exists againstdetectives, Ware. People don't like them, because every one hassomething to conceal, and with a trained man he or she is afraid lestsome secret sin should come to light."

  "It may be so, although that is rather a cynical way of looking at thematter. But you are really Joe Bart?"

  "Yes. And quite at your service. Only keep this quiet."

  "Certainly. I quite appreciate your reasons for wanting the matter keptquiet. But see here, Mr. Morley--I shall call you so."

  "It will be better," replied the ex-detective cheerfully, "and I have asort of right to the name. It was my mother's."

  "Very good. Then as Morley why should you not exercise your old skilland help me to find out who killed Daisy?"

  "I should be delighted, and what skill remains to me is at your service.But I am rusty now, and cannot follow a trail with my old persistence ortalent. Besides, my mind is made up as to the guilt----"

  "Yes, yes," interposed Giles hastily, "you think so, but I don't agreewith you. Now listen to what I have to tell you, and I am sure you willthink that it was the man who killed Daisy."

  "But he had no motive."

  "Yes, he had. I'll tell it to you concisely."

  Morley looked surprised at Giles' insistence, but nodded without a wordand waited for an explanation. Giles related all that he had learnedabout Wilson, and how Steel had connected him with the supposed clerkwho had served the summons on Morley. Then he proceeded to detailSteel's belief that the so-called Wilson was a burglar, and mentionedthe fact of the yacht with the strange name. Morley listened in silence,but interrupted the recital with a laugh, when the scarlet cross wasmentioned in connection with the robbery at Lady Summersdale's house.

  "Steel has found a mare's nest this time," he said coolly. "He knewbetter than to come to me with such a cock and bull story, although hehas imposed very successfully on you and on that Hungarian Princess youtalk of. I had the Summersdale case in hand."

  "I know. Steel said that you carried it through successfully."

  Morley demurred. "I don't know if you can say that I was successful,Ware. It was not one of my lucky cases. I certainly got back the jewels.I found them in their London hiding-place, but I did not catch one ofthe thieves. They all bolted."

  "In _The Red Cross_ yacht."

  "Oh, that's all rubbish," said Morley frankly; "there were a great manyyachts at Bexleigh on that occasion. I don't remember one called _TheRed Cross_. And even if one of that name was there, it does not say thatit is the same that was off Gravesend the other day."

  "Six months ago," corrected Giles gravely; "but how do you account forthe fact that wherever that yacht has been burglaries have taken place?"

  "I can't account for it, and Steel has yet to prove that there is anyconnection between the yacht and the robberies. He thinks it a kind ofpirate ship evidently. Not a bad idea, though," added Morley musingly;"the goods could be removed easily without suspicion on board agood-looking yacht."

  "And that is what has been done."

  "It wasn't in the matter of Lady Summersdale's jewels," retorted theex-detective. "I found those in London, and have reason to believe thatthey were taken there by train. Besides, there was no connection betweenthe yacht and that robbery."

  "Steel said that a scarlet cross was found in the safe, and----"

  "And," interrupted Morley, "there you have the long arm of coincidence,Ware. That cross belonged to Lady Summersdale, and was one of thetrinkets left behind. If you want proof on this point, you have only toask Lady----no, I forgot, she is dead. However, I daresay her son ordaughter will be able to prove that the cross was hers."

  Giles was much disappointed by this explanation, which seemed clearenough. And if any one should know the truth, it would be the man whohad taken charge of the case. Failing on this point, Giles shifted hisground.

  "Well, Morley," he said, "I am not very anxious to prove this man Wilsona burglar. He is a murderer, I am sure, and the greater crime swallowsup the lesser."

  "That sounds law," said Morley, lighting a cigar.

  "Well, Ware, I don't see how I can help you. This man Wilson, whether heis innocent or guilty, has vanished; and, moreover, his connection, ifany, with the Summersdale robbery of ten years ago won't prove himguilty of my poor ward's death."

  "I only mentioned that to show his connection with the yacht atGravesend. But as to this Wilson, I know where he is."

  Morley wheeled round with an eager light in his eyes. "The devil you do.Where is he?"

  "At the Priory."

  "Is this a joke?" cried Morley angrily. "If so, it is a very poor one,Ware. The man who lives at the Priory is my friend Franklin----"

  "He is also the man who was in the church on New Year's Eve--the man whokilled Daisy, as I truly believe."

  Giles went on to state what his reasons were for this belief. All atonce Morley started to his feet. "Ah! I know now why something about himseemed to be familiar to me. What a fool I am! I believe you are right,Ware."

  "What? That he is this man Wilson?"

  "I don't know what his former name was," replied Morley, with a shrug,"but now you mention
it I fancy he is the man who served the summons onme."

  "You ought to know," said Ware dryly; "you saw him in this room, and ina good light."

  "True enough, Ware; but all the time he kept his collar up and thatwhite scarf round his throat. His chin was quite buried in it. And thenhe had a rough red--wig, shall we say? and a red beard. I didn't troubleto ask him to make himself comfortable. All I wanted was to get him outof the way. But I remember his black eyes. Franklin has eyes like that,and sometimes I catch myself wondering where I have seen him before. Hetells me he has lived in Florence these six years and more. I fanciedthat when I was a detective I might have seen him, but he insisted thathe had not been to London for years and years. He originally came fromthe States. And I was once a detective! Good Lord, how I have lost myold cleverness! But to be sure I have been idle these ten years."

  "Then you think Franklin is this man?"

  "I think so, but of course I can't be sure. Naturally he will deny thathe is, and I can't prove the matter myself. But I tell you what, Ware,"said Morley suddenly, "get that woman Wilson lodged with down, and seeif she will recognize Franklin as her former lodger. She, if any one,will know him, and perhaps throw him off his guard."

  Ware rose. "A very good idea," he said. "I'll write to her at once. I amcertain this is the man, especially as he has inherited Daisy's money.He killed her in order to get the fortune, and that was why he keptasking Asher's office boy about money left to people."

  "Ah!" Morley looked thoughtful. "So that was the motive, you think?"

  "I am sure of it, and a quite strong enough motive for many people,"said Ware grimly. "If Mrs. Benker can verify this man, I'll have himarrested. He will have to explain why he came here instead of the officeboy, and why he fled on that night."

  "Yes, yes!" cried Morley excitedly. "And he might perhaps explain whythe governess helped him to escape."

  "Ah!" Giles' face fell. "So he might; but if he dares to inculpate herin this crime----"

  "Ware," said Morley, laying his hand on the young man's shoulder, "if Iwere you I should do nothing rash. Every one thinks that Miss Denham isguilty. If this Franklin is the man who fled with her, he will accuseher to save himself. Certainly there is the motive of the money, butthat might be explained away."

  "I don't see how it can."

  "Nor I; still, there is always the chance. Again, he may takealarm--always presuming he is the man--and fly. I tell you what, Ware,you bring Mrs. Benker down, and take her into the grounds of the Priory.I will arrange that Franklin, without suspecting her or us, shall meether, accidentally, at some place where we can hide. Then we can overhearif he is the man or not."

  "He'll deny that he is."

  "Why should he? There is nothing, so far as he knows, that Mrs. Benkercan lay hold of. If he is the man he will admit his identity, if not, hewill explain who he is. Whereas if we show ourselves and show that wesuspect him, he will be on his guard. No, Ware; better let the womanmeet him by chance."

  "It's a good plan," replied Giles, shaking hands heartily with Morley."I am delighted that you should co-operate with me. We will yet provethat Anne is innocent."

  "I hope so," cried his host, slapping Giles on the back. "Off with you,Ware, to do your part. I'll attend to Franklin. But say no word of ourplan to any one. Upon my word," cried he jubilantly, "I feel just asthough I were in the profession again." And thus laughing and joking, hesent his visitor away in the best of spirits.

  Delighted that he had some one to help him, Giles lost no time inperforming his part of the business. He sent a letter to Mrs. Benker,asking her to come down for a couple of days. It was his intention toinvite Alexander also, as the boy would also be useful in identifyingFranklin as his mother's former lodger; but since leaving Asher'sAlexander had been taken up by Steel, who saw in him the makings of agood detective. If Alexander learned anything he would certainly tellhis master, and then Steel would come down to interfere. Ware did notwant him to meddle with the matter at present. He wished to be sure ofhis ground first, and then would ask the assistance of the detective tohave Franklin arrested. Of course, he had every confidence in Steel, butfor the above reason he determined to keep his present action quiet.Also, Steel was on the south coast, hunting for evidence concerning _TheRed Cross_ yacht, and would not be pleased at being taken away tofollow what might prove to be a false trail. Ware therefore said nothingto Mrs. Benker about what he desired to see her, but simply asked her tocome down on a visit.

  There was a prospect of his having another visitor, and one he did notmuch wish to meet. This was the Princess Karacsay. Several times he hadcalled to see her, but she had always put off her promised explanationon some plea or another. Instead of attending strictly to the businesswhich had brought them together, she made herself agreeable toGiles--too agreeable he thought, for he had by this time got it into hishead that Olga Karacsay was in love with him. He was not a vain youngman, and tried to think that her attentions were merely friendly; butshe was so persistent in her invitations and--in the slang phrase--madesuch running with him, that he grew rather nervous of her attentions.Several times she had proposed to come on a visit to Rickwell, buthitherto he had always managed to put her off. But her letters werebecoming very imperative, and he foresaw trouble. It was quite a reliefto Giles when the post arrived without a letter from this too persistentand too charming lady. However, she did not trouble him on this especialoccasion, and he was thus enabled to give all his time to Mrs. Benker.

  That good lady duly arrived, looking more severe than ever and withseveral new tales about the iniquities of Alexander. She expressedherself greatly obliged to Giles for giving her a day in the country,and got on very well with the old housekeeper. But when Ware told herhis reason for asking her, Mrs. Benker grew rather nervous, as she didnot think how she could support an interview, and, also, she wanted toknow what the interview was for. To some extent Giles had to take herinto his confidence, but he suppressed the fact that he suspectedFranklin of the crime. He merely stated that Steel--who had introducedGiles to Mrs. Benker--had reason to believe that the so-called Wilsonwas wanted by the police. All that Mrs. Benker had to do was to see ifFranklin was really her former lodger. After much talk and manyobjections, she consented to do what was wanted.

  This was to wander in the park of the Priory and meet Franklinaccidentally near a ruined summer-house, near what was known as thefish-ponds. Morley had arranged that Franklin should meet him there, andwas to be late, so as to afford Mrs. Benker an opportunity of speakingto the man. Morley and Ware concealed themselves in the summer-house andsaw Mrs. Benker parading the grass. Shortly Franklin arrived, walkingslowly, and Mrs. Benker saluted him.


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