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by Lacey Carter Andersen

  Tobias looked to the front door and back to her, indecision in his gaze.

  “Your brothers need you tonight,” she said, knowing the words that would get them to leave her side. “I need every one of you to survive the night.”

  Adonis hesitated for another moment, then leaned down and gave her the gentlest kiss. “From your mouth to the ears of the gods.”

  Tobias brushed a kiss against her cheek. “Bolt the doors and hide. We’ll return for you when the city is won.”

  She followed them to the door, watching for one brief moment as the two large men went out into the burning night. Saying a prayer, she wiped away the tears that ran down her cheeks, and then closed the door and bolted it.

  Time to lead my people.

  “Follow me,” she said.

  Her servants followed her up to her room. Once there, she pushed aside one of the large shelves of book to reveal the room beyond. They crammed in together. Fitting, but just barely. Grabbing her jewelry chest off her dressing table, she squeezed in with them and closed the door.

  Please, please let all of us survive the night.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lana trembled alongside her servants as they listened to the door being bashed down. They held their breath as they heard the shouts of men and the sounds of the house being torn to pieces. And when the men entered her room, she swore terror held them all in place as they prayed not to be discovered.

  It was a long night. The longest of her life.

  She felt responsible for each and every person in her household. But she also thought of her twelve handsome warriors, wondering if they were safe. Hoping they would keep their promise and return to her in the morning.

  Many, many hours passed. The rebels left her house. For a long time everything remained dark and quiet. She and her household sank to the ground in their tiny room. The children drifted off to sleep, while she was sure the adults stayed awake, staring into nothingness, just as she did.

  When a long time later, she heard the smallest sounds of people in her house, she held her breath. Have my gladiators returned, or is it an enemy?

  But that was when she heard her name. Soft. Concerned.


  She unlatched the lock on their hiding place and slid open the shelf. There, in the center of her torn up room, was Solon. The dark scar on his face looked strangely darker with the blood splattered across his flesh. His stomach was bound and dark circles were visible under his eyes.

  And yet, he was alive.

  She ran to him.

  He dropped his sword and pulled her into his arms.

  “You’re alive! Thank the gods!” She squeezed him tighter, feeling tears prick her eyes. Pulling back, she met his dark gaze. “And the others?”

  He looked away from her, to stare at some place behind her head. “They’re downstairs.”

  Her people slowly came out of the room, and she led them down the stairs, her heart in her throat. Solon wasn’t telling her something. She wouldn’t feel right until she saw each of her men alive.

  “Gladiators!” she shouted, hurrying down the stairs. “Adonis, Tobias, Palaemon, Bion Orestes, Macedon, Kosmas, Cadmus, Hesperos, Elias, Damon!”

  They came out from every hall and corner, every one of them looking relieved. She hugged and kissed each one in turn, not caring that tears raced down her face. They had survived! They looked beaten and bloody, but they had survived!

  And then, she froze. “Where’s Adonis?”

  The room grew still.

  “Cadmus!” She grabbed the warrior, squeezing his forearm in her small hands. “Where is he?”

  His head dropped. He looked at the other men as if seeking their permission. “He got the door to the city open. He saved countless lives. He—“

  “Where is he?”

  He gestured to one of the small servants rooms.

  Unable to think, she simply ran, throwing open the door. On a pallet on the floor, he lay unmoving. His eyes closed. His flesh pale.

  “No,” she whispered, collapsing onto her knees before him.

  She sensed the others behind her, but she ignored them. Reaching out, she touched his chest. There! His chest rose and fell, ever-so-slightly.

  “He lives!” she turned to the others, excited beyond words.

  Orestes gave her a sad smile. “But not for long.”

  Her teeth clenched together. “I will not let him die. Do you hear me?”


  “Sedrai!” she shouted. “Find me any healing supplies you can! Reger, boil water. Hepheta, I need clean rags!”

  Her servants raced to obey her command. Behind her, her warriors spoke, and she knew they were trying to stop her. But she ignored all of them. Pulling back Adonis’ sheet, she gasped at the slashes across his entire body.

  He was losing a lot of blood. Too much blood. And it was clear his leg was broken.

  She swallowed, hard. No matter the odds, I won’t let him die.

  Working throughout the day and long into the night, she focused every ounce of her attention on Adonis, while her servants cared for the wounds of her other gladiators. There were so many times she’d feared Adonis had stopped breathing, but then he’d give a ragged, shallow breath, and her heart would start once more.

  By morning, he was clean and stitched up.

  She had done all she could for his body. So as the sun rose, she knelt by his window and did the only thing she could: she prayed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When they left the city, Lana rode within a carriage, and her gladiators had adorned the clothes of her household guards. They were hopefully well-equipped enough to make it to their destination, but now, they had to be afraid of both attacks from the Romans and the newly freed slaves.

  The odds are stacked against us that we’ll survive. And yet, she felt more hopeful for the future than she ever had before.

  Adonis stirred in her arms, his eyes creaking open.

  Instantly, she reached for water and poured it into his mouth.

  After a few seconds, she drew the flask back. “More?”

  He shook his head. “I have not been babied this way since I was a small child.”

  She tried to scowl. “Well next time I expect you to try not to injure yourself so badly!”

  He laughed. “Yes, my lady.”

  When he tried to rise, she carefully helped him. It had only been a week since the others had been certain of his death. Now, he seemed to think he was invincible, and she was determined that he take it easy.

  “How are the others?” he asked, wincing as he leaned fully back.

  “Better than you.”

  He gazed at her, raising a brow. “I’m fine.”

  “You are not!”

  Leaning forward, he kissed her and everything within her tightened. When he pulled back she found she was out of breath.

  “Shall I prove my abilities?”

  Heat pooled at her core. He need more time! “I’ll take your word for it.”

  He looked disappointed, but leaned back once more, closing his eyes. “What have they heard?”

  “Every person we pass speaks of the rebellion, and each of their cities have been taken over by slaves.”

  He spoke without opening his eyes. “They’re free men now.”

  She shook her head with disbelief. “But what will our world be like now? Are all my people dead? Will the rebels take over everything?”

  “I’m not sure. But for now, our plan is a good one. It means you’ll be safe.”

  She stiffened, ready to argue for the millionth time. “And all of you!”

  His brilliant green eyes opened, and there was a sadness to them, but instead of openly arguing, he simply said, “we’ll see.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Godeis was even more beautiful than she remembered. Her manor, located in a small village on the shore, was completely untouched by the war.

  But then, it was a place without slaves.
r />   Her people welcomed her and her gladiators with open arms. And she very quickly made herself at home. Their future, she felt, was finally certain. They could be together. And they could have happiness.

  When she received word of her father’s death, it was a painful blow. Her gladiators crowded around her, helping her through her grief. None of them spoke of leaving, and she prayed that they never would again.

  But then one morning, she awoke alone in her bed. Dressing quickly, she spotted them in a field just beyond her manor. When she reached them, she immediately knew something was wrong.

  “My lady,” Orestes began.

  “Lana,” she corrected him.

  He cleared his throat, looking at the others as if for help. “You must know that we can’t stay here forever.”

  Her hands curled into fists. “Of course you can! Don’t you understand—“

  Kosmas’s heated gaze ran over her. “You have no idea how much we wish to stay.”

  “So stay!”

  Bion took a step toward her. “Our love won’t be accepted.”

  She rolled her eyes. “The villagers are quite aware of our unique situation. And they don’t seem to care.”

  Bion tossed his arms in the air, his brown eyes going to the heaven as if for help.

  Cadmus fiddled with the sword on his lap. “We are not your equals.”

  Going to him, she knelt down and pressed her hand over his, stilling his nervous movement. “You are my equals in all ways that matter.”

  At last, Adonis’ deep voice cut through the tension. “My lady, we love you with all our hearts, but this can never be. We cannot hide here forever, and you cannot be safe with us, not romantically.”

  Why won’t they listen? How can I make them understand?

  An idea suddenly formed in her mind. Standing up, she started toward the woods. “Follow me,” she called over her shoulder.

  Some of them protested. But, she knew all of them followed.

  When she reached the little lake tucked into the thick woods, she turned to them. The tension in the air hung between them, something untouchable and powerful.

  Reaching for her dress, she undid it and let it fall to the ground.

  “Lana, don’t,” Palaemon said, his voice choked. “You’re only making this harder.”

  Sliding into the waters, she stood in the center, waiting for them. When none of her men followed, her stomach gave an uncomfortable tingled.

  I’m losing them.

  “I don’t care that our love is untraditional. I don’t care that my station in life is higher than yours. I love all of you, and I will fight for a life for all of us. But I can’t fight for it alone. I need all of you. In my bed and beside my side.”

  Damon knelt down at the water’s edge. “If only there was a world in which that could happen, but we must go, before we risk you anymore.”

  It’s time. They need to know. To really know what they are fighting for.

  “And what of our child?”

  “Child?” Damon’s mouth dropped open.

  Her word moved through the men like a ripple.

  “You’re pregnant?” Adonis asked, his eyes wide.

  She nodded. And waited. Will they still refuse me?

  Her heart couldn’t handle it if they did.

  Hesperos began to slowly undress. “It won’t be easy. For us. For you. Or for our child.”

  Excitement built within her. “No, it won’t. Or perhaps it will be. Only the Gods truly know.”

  When he took off his pants, and saw his hard erection, she knew that she had won him over. He moved into the waters, pulling her into his arms and holding her so tightly.

  “A child?” he whispered into her ear. “Truly?”

  There was more motion in the water. Elias plucked her from the other man’s arms and tossed her up slightly before pulling her into his own arms. “We’re going to be fathers!”

  One after another her men joined her until she was surrounded by them. Their love and happiness like a warm blanket around her. But when she looked back at the shore, Adonis and Cadmus had yet to move.

  Her smile disappeared. “Can’t you give us a chance?”

  “You’re a lady. Wealthy. Privileged.” Adonis looked as if he was being tortured.

  Breaking free from her other warriors, she moved to the edge of the lake and knelt before Adonis and Cadmus. “I was once given to you as a slave. Someone else made that choice. But now, I give myself to you as your wife. You did not refuse me that night, gladiators, because you could not. But you’re free men now, and you can refuse me now. So what will you do?”

  For a second, neither man moved.

  What will I do if they say no?

  And then, Cadmus laughed and shook his head. “You are completely insane.” Then, reaching for his belt, he began to undress. “And completely ours.”

  Adonis sighed noisily. “We must have all lost our minds to think this can work.”

  She grinned up at him. “Come, husband, I can see your arousal from here.”

  He smiled. “May the Gods help me. I do love you. And already I love our child.”

  There was nothing more satisfying in the world to watch her last warrior undress and join her in the waters. Her men surrounded her. Their arousal feeding her own. Her satisfaction overwhelming.

  When Damon kissed her, his hard mouth demanding and intense, she eagerly spread her lips and allowed his tongue to slide in. When his twin moved behind him and began to stroke her breasts, she felt a quiver run through her body.

  Elias kissed her neck, sucking it in all the right places, leaving a hot trail down her throat. She groaned and leaned into him, even while Damon’s lips increased their pressure on her lips. Elias’ warm thumbs began to circle her heart peaks, and then he pinched her nipples gently.

  She gasped, feeling herself melt between them.

  More hands joined theirs, one reaching between her and Damon to touch her womanly folds, to caress, and fondle. Each movement brought pleasure radiating through her. At first it was just a teasing stroke, lightly, back and forth.

  Her core heated, and she felt herself growing wet. The light touching continued. A torturous finger circling her clit. When at last a thumb flicked her magic spot, her hips bucked, and she cried out, breaking her kiss.

  She wanted these men so damned badly. Inside of her. With her. Always.

  Another hand began to stroke her womanhood, then slid back to her ass. She tensed, but slowly relaxed as the finger teased her from behind before slowly easing one finger into her. They slid in and out of her, relaxing her tight muscles with each stroke. When a second finger joined the first, she found herself moving against the fingers, wanting more.

  Damon pulled her away from the others, lying back along the warm sands and positioning her on top of him. She stared down at him, brushing his long blond hair back from his face. His aroused gaze watched her as her fingertip touched the small scar on his cheek, a reminder of their fight for freedom.

  “I’m glad I could convince you to stay.”

  He caught her wrist. “It isn’t hard to convince a man to fulfill his heart’s greatest risk.”

  She leaned down and kissed him.

  He groaned and cupped her breasts, flicking her nipples.

  Wiggling her hips, she positioned her over his tip and slowly sank down onto him. His mouth opened, breaking their kiss, as his eyes rolled back. His breath came hard and fast as she took him inch by inch deeper.

  Elias joined his brother behind her, spreading her from behind and easing into her tight muscles. Long ago her body had grown accustom to taking two men and once, but she never got tired of the way her body seemed to awaken. To feel each and every inch of them.

  As Damon began to suckled her breasts and she bounced against the two hard cocks within her. Solon, Tobias, and Palemon knelt down. She grasped two of their shafts in her hands and leaned forward to take Palemon into her mouth.

  The men groaned in uniso
n, and she used her expert tongue to pull a strangled cry from her swordman’s lips. A hand slipped between her and Damon to rub her clit, to build her need.

  All logic faded and she rode her men, stroked them, and sucked them. There was nothing more satisfying when she felt hot cum slipping down her hands. A few moments later, Palemon came into her mouth, hot and salty.

  She licked him clean, then cried out as Damon sucked harder on her breast. Her inner-muscles quivered, tightening around the cock within her. When her orgasm built higher and higher, she tensed, shocked when she jumped over the edge.

  Her hands moved, pressing Damon’s shoulders. Nails digging into his flesh. She moved like a wild creature upon them, stretching out her orgasm until she felt them explode.

  Gods, did she love the feel of their cum inside her.

  She collapsed against Damon, but was instantly lifted away. Adonis stood, wrapping her legs around his back. Cadmus moved behind her.

  “Ready?” Adonis groaned the word, then leaned it. “I love watching you come.”

  She shuddered, nodding.

  They plowed into her. So big. So hard. Two strong, powerful men claiming her. The friction between them brought tears of pleasure running down her face.

  Her nails dug into Adonis’s back. She chanted. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  Their rhythm grew faster. Harder.

  And then, she was soaring into another orgasm. They came inside her as she continued to ride them, their sounds ones of please and torture as she continued to work them.

  When they at last sank into the waters, she felt as relaxed as jell.

  Orestes took her from her men. She closed her eyes as he laid her back in the waters. Many hands came, washing her, touching her. Rubbing her sore muscles.

  “Are you well satisfied?” Orestes whispered, his musical accent sliding through her.

  She spoke without thinking. “Not until I’ve had all of you.”

  When strong hands began to rub her feet, she opened her eyes to see Macedon and Kosmas on their knees in the water. Their large erections just an inch from her toes as they worked. Unable to help herself, she curled her toes around them.


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