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Snowfall and Secrets (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 1)

Page 14

by Kimberly Loth

  She snorted. “You don’t mean that.” She sat up and made to get out of bed, but he caught her.

  “Yes, I do.” He paused for second. “In fact there’s a beautiful little chapel on the island. I can call the preacher, and we can make this official today if you want.”

  She scooted up on the bed. “Wait. Are you asking me to marry you?”

  His face fell. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she had to understand what was going on.

  “Yeah. Obviously, I didn’t think it all the way through, but Tess, I don’t want to live without you.”

  “It’s been four weeks. Are you sure about this?”

  “As sure as I’ve ever been about anything in my life.”

  Tess took a deep breath. She didn’t know how to reply. Marriage meant he wouldn’t just decide one day that she wasn’t worth having around. Marriage was the ultimate commitment.

  She had to tell him.

  “So what do you think?”

  She grabbed his hands. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  He frowned. “That is never a good way to answer a man when he asks you to marry him.”

  She closed her eyes for a second. This was going to be awful. She opened them because she had to see his reaction.

  “I’m pregnant,” she said before she could change her mind.

  He looked confused at first, then understanding dawned in his eyes. Gasping as if he was in pain, he ripped his hands from her.

  “Wait, we were safe. You know how I feel about kids.” His voice was quiet, but he was heaving for breath.

  “I know.” Her heart raced, and when she curled her hands into fists, they shook. The rest of it had to come out. “It’s not yours.”

  His eyes widened.

  “So you were pregnant when you got here?”

  Tess nodded. He paced, and Tess sat in silence, waiting for his response. He still hadn’t freaked out or told her to get lost, so she was hopeful.

  He sank down on the bed. “Who’s the father?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He creased his eyebrows. “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “I was at a party and passed out. I don’t remember anything. I woke up alone. I had thought about adoption, but after last night, I know I can’t. I’m keeping this baby.” It took every ounce of courage she had to say those words out loud and to him. The implications were huge.

  “So, last night, you weren’t sick?” His gaze focused on the floor.

  “No. I hadn’t eaten, and pregnant, I can’t do that. Marie checked the baby. I heard the heart for the first time. It was a beautiful sound.”

  Tension rolled off him in waves so thick Tess could feel it. She knew. In her heart she knew he couldn’t deal with it. If only she could wrap her arms around him and comfort him. But since she was the reason he was upset, she couldn’t.

  “I’ll take my things and go if you want.”

  “No, I don’t want you to. I don’t want to lose you.” He shook his head. “But, Tess, I can’t. I’m sorry, but I can’t do this.”

  She pulled the blankets up around her and nodded. “I’ll head back to the carriage house.”

  Tears were already forming, but she wouldn’t look at Lukas. She couldn’t.

  He walked out of the bedroom, and she went into the bathroom and gathered her things. Tears threatened to fall. They’d have to wait. She’d have a real meltdown when she got to the carriage house.

  It didn’t take her long and within fifteen minutes she was out the door. She didn’t see either Lukas or Dio. The back door was cracked open. He must have run as far from her as he could.

  Tess hurried to the carriage house. Her throat ached with the need to cry. She opened the door and dropped her bags. What the hell was she going to do now? She couldn’t go home, but she couldn’t stay here either. How could she face Lukas every day? That would be unbearable. The island was a small place. She couldn’t just move and hope she didn’t see him. She leaned against the door.

  She sniffed. Garlic. Why was she smelling garlic? She hadn’t been home in weeks. She poked her head into her kitchen. A naked woman stood by the stove stirring something.

  “Excuse me,” Tess said loudly. “What are you doing in my house?”

  The woman jumped and turned around. She looked at Tess for a few seconds. She didn’t seem at all embarrassed by the fact that she wasn’t wearing any clothes.

  “Jessica, can you make sure you don’t put in any onions?” a male voice called from the bedroom.

  Tess looked down the hall, and a naked man came waltzing out of her room.

  He froze when he saw her, and at least had the decency to cover himself with his hands. “Who are you?”

  “I live here. Now what the hell are you doing in my house?”

  “We’re using it for the weekend. We called Estelle, and she set it up for us. I didn’t realize anyone lived here. Are you renting it from Lukas?”

  Tess squeezed her eyes shut. “Yes, I am. Now would you please get out?”

  hey’d been staying in her room, and she’d have to wash the sheets before she thought about sleeping in there. Ew. Estelle certainly hadn’t mentioned them last night. Knowing her house was occupied would have been helpful information. She pinched the bridge of her nose and went into her living room and sat down.

  She pulled a pillow to her chest and let the tears fall. She heard the couple frantically putting away all their things, but she couldn’t keep it in any longer. The man poked his head in the room.

  “I’m sorry. We didn’t know. We’re going now.”

  Tess nodded. She didn’t look up. As long as they left, it didn’t matter if they saw her break. She’d probably never see them again.

  “Wait. Are you crying? There’s nothing worse than a crying woman.” He sat down next to her, thankfully in jeans and an old sweatshirt. “Jessica, can you grab the tissues out of the bathroom?” He put his arm around her. “Why are you crying, and what can we do to help fix it?”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “You’re right. I don’t know you yet. I’m Conner and a good friend of Lukas’s from college. I stay here when I’m on the island. Now who are you?”

  “I’m Tess, and your good friend Lukas just broke my heart, so I think you better be going now.”

  Conner pursed his lips. “Okay then. Jessica, do you mind staying with Tess while I go knock some sense into my brother?”

  Tess looked up, confused. “Lukas said he was an only child.”

  “I’m one of his fraternity brothers.”

  Tess sighed. Just what she needed, someone to side with Lukas. “What’s your dog’s name?”

  “Octo. He stays home when I travel, except on the fourth. He hates airplanes.”

  “Number eight. Nice.” Tess collapsed on the couch, exhausted from the conversation. She couldn’t think straight.

  Conner stood, and Jessica took his place. As soon as Conner cleared the door, Jessica spoke.

  “You don’t know me at all and have nothing to lose by telling me everything. I’m actually a therapist so I might be able to help.”

  Tess looked at this beautiful girl in front of her and started talking.

  Lukas opened the door fully expecting, and hoping, it was Tess. But standing there was the last person he expected. Conner.

  “I thought you were in Egypt,” Lukas said as he moved out of the way so Conner could come in.

  “You look like shit. And I was. I decided to come home to introduce my parents to Jessica. I wanted to bring her here for some peace and quiet away from my parents. You know how they are.”

  “Wow, parents. That must be getting pretty serious.”

  Conner frowned. “Yeah, but I didn’t come here to talk about me. I came because a very upset woman just interrupted my romantic weekend, and you are completely at fault.”

  Lukas’s face fell. “Were you staying at the carriage house?”

  “Yeah. I decided not
to bother you and went straight to Estelle. Doesn’t she know you have a tenant?”

  “Yeah, she knows, but she also knows that Tess has been staying with me.”

  Dio shoved her shout into Conner’s thigh, and he crouched down. “Hey, girl. Have you been better behaved then your daddy here?”

  He stood and clapped Lukas on the shoulder. “You owe me a drink and an explanation.”

  Lukas went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of beers. At least now he understood why Tess was so against drinking. He should have seen it, or at least dug deeper. They’d talked about so much.

  He handed a beer to Conner, who had made himself at home on the couch. Of course Dio was right there with him. Lukas wasn’t quite ready to deal with this. He couldn’t believe Tess lied to him like that. Especially after what he told her about his own kids. She could’ve saved both of them a lot of heartache if she’d been upfront about it.

  “There’s not much to tell. She lied to me.”

  “Dude, like you never screwed up?”

  Lukas sank onto the couch. “Of course I’ve screwed up. But she’s pregnant. You know I can’t handle anything that has to do with kids. I have no idea what I’m going to do when everyone brings them around on the fourth. Maybe I’ll just stay home.”

  Conner sat up. “She’s pregnant? Is it yours?”

  Lukas shook his head.

  “So she cheated on you?”

  “No, she didn’t cheat on me. She was already pregnant. She should have told me right away, but instead she waits until this morning.”

  “Why?” Conner laughed. “It was none of your business until things started to get serious. How long have you two been together?”

  “About a month.”

  “What changed this morning? Why’d she tell you?”

  Lukas frowned. “You’re going to think I’m crazy.”

  “I already think that. Why don’t you just confirm it?”

  “I’m crazy about her. No woman has ever made me feel like she does. I’d go to the moon if she asked me to. On a stupid whim, I asked her to marry me.”

  Conner snorted. “And then you told her to get lost. No wonder she’s a mess. You screwed this one up bad.”

  “Did you not hear what I said? She’s pregnant. I can’t deal with that. Not only that, she withheld that information for way too long. I told her about the boys, and that I couldn’t ever be a father again.”

  “Stacey was pregnant twice. You mean to tell me you didn’t realize women aren’t exactly rational when they are pregnant? Oh, wait. Stacey was never rational. Never mind.”

  Lukas closed his eyes. “I was a horrible father. I’m never putting another kid through that.”

  “Not even for the girl you’d go to the moon for?” Conner raised an eyebrow. “And you weren’t a horrible father. You made a mistake. Terrible and tragic, but a mistake.”

  Lukas took a swig off his beer. He wanted to tell Conner to get the hell out so he could drink himself stupid.

  “Listen, if you love this girl as much as you say you do, you’ll get past this. It’s time you moved on anyway.”

  “And if I can’t?” Lukas asked, but he knew the answer.

  “Then you’ll be a miserable, lonely old man.” Conner sat his half empty beer on the table and stood. Dio whined. “I’m going to go get Jessica. We’ll find someplace else to stay.”

  “I’ve got a few other places. Estelle sent me a list yesterday of what’s ready for tourist season. I’ll get you keys.”

  Conner nodded and left the room. Lukas sank onto the couch and squeezed his eyes shut. Less than twelve hours ago, his life was near perfect. Now he was a mess, again.

  Tess barely got out that she was pregnant when she started crying again. Jessica kept handing her tissues, but let her talk. It felt good to get it out, like shedding some old skin. Even though her heart was broken and she’d have to start over somewhere new, again, she wouldn’t have to hide.

  “Go back to the party.” Jessica put her hand on Tess’s knee and squeezed. “You don’t remember anything?”

  Tess shook her head.

  “I was dancing and drinking and then I woke up alone.”

  Jessica frowned. “Are you prone to blackouts? Are you an alcoholic? In a program?”

  “No. I’m a schoolteacher.” Tess wiped her face.

  Jessica shrugged. “Alcoholism is a disease that doesn’t affect people based on their profession. Teachers are just as prone.”

  “Oh.” Tess was properly chastened. Jessica must have been hell on wheels to have for a counselor. “I did like to party. I had a bit of a reputation for sleeping around. I was such a…”

  “Don’t you dare say slut. We are women. It is perfectly okay for us to enjoy our sexual side. We don’t shame men in such a way.”

  This woman needed to meet Tess’s mother.

  “Now, back to the party,” Jessica prodded.

  “I’d never blacked out before.” She had this same conversation with Marie. “My doctor thinks maybe I was drugged.”

  “I would say you certainly were. It’s become such an epidemic.”

  “I don’t figure it matters. I’m pregnant either way, and I knew I would lose Lukas when I told him.” Tess sniffed.

  “It matters very much. You were violated, and it left you with a permanent consequence.”

  “I’m not giving the baby up.” Tess put her hand on her stomach protectively. Jessica smiled.

  “I’m glad,” she said. “Your heart is torn up now, but soon you’ll be busy, and time truly does heal.”

  Jessica scooted close and wrapped Tess in a tight hug.

  “Thank you.” Tess dropped her head onto Jessica’s shoulder. “I guess I need to find a new place to go now.”

  “Don’t run.” Jessica rested her cheek on Tess’s head. “It’ll suck, and maybe you can find a new apartment. Cry, eat ice cream, be devastated, but don’t run.”

  Conner busted back in without knocking. He skidded to a stop when he saw them sitting together.

  “Girlfriends.” He shook his head. “I promise you, Lukas and I did not hold each other.”

  Tess couldn’t help it. She laughed.

  “Oh, whatever.” Jessica stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Come on, love, we have a new hideaway.” Conner disappeared into the bedroom and came back with their bags.

  Jessica grabbed Tess’s phone.

  “I’m entering my number.”

  Conner made a noise.

  “Hush, she might need another hug.” Jessica winked. She tossed the phone to Tess as she stood. “Also, call your mother.”

  Tess held the phone for a long time after they’d left. Call Mom. It couldn’t be any worse than telling Lukas.

  She dialed.

  “Tess?” Mom was out of breath. “I had to run for the phone. Are you okay? You never call me.”

  “I have something to tell you.” Tess drew in a deep breath. She should have grabbed some ice cream. Did she have any?

  “What? Are you hurt? In the hospital?” Mom sounded frantic.

  “No. Nothing like that.” Tess smiled, but it didn’t last long. Might as well get it over with. “Mom, I’m pregnant.”

  There was no sound on the other end. Tess breathed in and out very carefully while she waited for a response. None came.

  “I was before I left Miami.” She plunged ahead. “I was at a party, and I think I was drugged.”

  Tess decided to go on and claim that, especially if it helped her in this moment.

  “I knew you’d be so disappointed in me. So I ran.”

  “Tess.” Mom’s voice broke. Tess’s shoulders drooped in relief. She’d begun to worry her mom was just never going to speak to her again.

  “I’ve changed a lot since I’ve been here. I’d thought about adoption, but no, I’m keeping it.”

  “Tess, come home,” said Mom. “We’ll decide this together.”

  “I’ve already decided. I’m keeping the ba
by.” Tess wouldn’t be moved on this issue. Not for anyone. She was this baby’s mother.

  “Honey, you don’t know what you’re getting into. You’ve never made good choices. Let me help.”

  Fresh tears fell.

  “Moving here was the best choice I ever made.”

  Marie, Estelle, Sara, and even Jessica now. She never had such friends and support. Her girlfriends in Miami had been about shopping and shoes. None of them had been there that morning when she awoke alone. Now she’d wake up alone again tomorrow, and she knew that any one of those women would be there for her in a heartbeat.

  “I don’t expect you to understand. This move has changed my life,” she said.

  “You need your mother.”

  “I need my mother to understand and support me, something she doesn’t do nearly enough.”

  “Tess, come home. Please. For me.”

  Tess took a deep breath and made another choice.

  “Mom, I’m not leaving.”

  She wouldn’t run.

  Lukas couldn’t sit in the house any longer. He was going mad with regret and guilt. For both Tess and his boys. He put on his coat and headed out. Dio whined when he shut the door on her.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be back,” he said through the door.

  He walked to the water and found the spot on the beach where those little shoes were found, and sat. The ice was beginning to break up out in the lake. Spring would be here soon. He had hoped to show Tess all the awesome things they could do on the island once the weather cleared. Now he’d be alone again. That would be his fate. He’d be alone forever. And miserable as Conner so aptly put it. It was no less than he deserved.

  He heard crunching on the snow behind and turned to look. Estelle was traipsing down the hill toward him in her ridiculous yellow hat. She planted herself next to him.

  “I thought I’d find you here.”

  “What do you want?” He didn’t know why she was here, but he sure as hell hoped it wasn’t because Tess called her.

  “Conner called me.”

  That was worse.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”


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