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The Monroe Sisters

Page 1

by Aliyah Burke

  Table of Contents

  Books by Aliyah Burke

  Title Page

  Legal Page

  Need You Now

  Book Description


  Trademark Acknowledgements

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Let Me Go

  Book Description


  Trademark Acknowledgements

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  I Won't Say Goodbye

  Book Description

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


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  About the Author

  Totally Bound Publishing books by Aliyah Burke

  Single Books

  Through The Fire

  Seducing Damian

  Code of Honour

  A Marriage of Convenience

  The Lieutenant’s Ex-Wife

  A Man Like No Other

  When Stars Collide

  In Aeternum

  Casanova in Training

  Harbour of Refuge

  Protected by Shadows

  Polar Opposites

  Theta Corps





  Temporary Home

  Alone With You

  Till We Ain’t Strangers Anymore

  The Edge

  Called Home to The Edge

  Straying to The Edge

  Returning to The Edge

  Cuffed at The Edge

  The Monroe Sisters

  Need You Now

  Let Me Go

  I Won’t Say Goodbye

  Heart’s Compass

  The Princess and the Marquess

  Keeper of the Stars

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Part Four

  Part Five

  Astral Guardians

  Chasing the Storm

  Highlands at Dawn

  Fields of Thunder

  Branded by Frost

  Driven by Night

  Moon of Fire

  What’s her Secret?


  A Little Bit Cupid

  This Ain’t No Love Story

  With Taige Crenshaw

  Single Title

  Unbreakable Bonds

  Kemet Uncovered








  Need You Now

  Let Me Go

  I Won’t Say Goodbye


  The Monroe Sisters

  ISBN # 978-1-83943-424-2

  ©Copyright Aliyah Burke 2018

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2018

  Interior text design by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

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  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2020 by Totally Bound Publishing, United Kingdom.

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  Book one in

  the Monroe Sisters series

  What happens when that first spark is undeniable?

  Pediatric oncologist Eva Monroe was finally heading for vacation in Puerto Vallarta to enjoy some much-needed rest, relaxation and sex. It was her goal to find someone to indulge in for the night—or the week, her choice.

  Emergency room surgeon and member of Doctors Without Borders Grant Harrison is having fun during his time at the beach when he spies Eva and the heat between them slams into him with incredible force. After he approaches her, they end up going back to his room. What begins as a hot, intense encounter grows to more as they spend the rest of her time there together. Learning about each other and becoming close.

  When they leave, neither want to end what they have started to build, but they’re not exactly neighbors. They decide to try a long-distance relationship—she visits him in Arizona and he her in Iowa, but they want more. Who is going to be the one to give up what they have for the other?

  Someone has to make a choice. But when it comes, will it be too late?


  Thank you as always to Totally Bound for taking one of my stories. To my readers, I hope you enjoy these sisters. To DH, after all these years, what more can I say other than I love you more every day.

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Cinderella: Walt Disney Productions

  Kindle: Amazon Technologies, Inc.

  Irish Spring: Colgate-Palmolive Company

  Jeep Laredo: DaimlerChrysler Corporation

  Hilton: Hilton Hospitality, Inc.

  BMW: Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft Corporation

  Crocs: Crocs, Inc.

  Audi: Audi A.G.

  Skype: Microsoft, Inc.

  Weather Channel:
The Weather Channel, Inc.

  Tinkerbell: Barrie, J.M.

  Energizer: Energizer Brands, LLC

  Jell-O: Kraft Foods

  Chapter One

  “Sometimes, you just need some dick.”

  Eva snorted, the margarita burning her nose as it exited, making her cough and her eyes water. “Did you just—oh, never mind, of course you did.” She glared across the table at her sister with the vulgar mouth, Tara, as she accepted the napkin handed to her from the third member of the group. She wiped her lips before she dabbed at the corners of her eyes, hoping this incident hadn’t turned her into a damn raccoon with how her makeup was running.

  “What?” Tara blinked her almond-shaped black eyes, appearing unconcerned with her statement and how loud she’d made it. “It’s true, a good fuck can go a long way.” She sipped her Chardonnay and gestured to their other sister, Shai. “Tell her. I mean, she’s a doctor. You’d think she would be aware of the benefits.” Tara flipped her braid back over her shoulder, the pink streak in it vibrant and outgoing, much like the woman herself.

  Shai drained the rest of her extra-dirty martini and put the glass down. “Tara’s correct. You need to get laid. All of us do.” She gestured for another drink.

  Eva shook her head. She was the eldest and these two knew how to test her. “How did we go from my day to talking about a hookup?”

  “Because your day didn’t include one.” Tara toasted her.

  She sighed dramatically. I highly doubt yours did either, Tara. “That would be your logic. And just for the record, counselor, I’m a surgeon, not a regular doctor.”

  “Pretty sure there’s a fucking MD after your name and I’ve seen you put DR in front of it. Or so it was the last time I saw you sign something.”

  Glaring at Shai, she huffed with as much indignation as she could manage to pull off having just choked on a drink moments prior. “No one asked for your opinion, professor.”

  “That’s why I gave it. I am a professor. I interject when all the facts aren’t present. I’m an educator.” Shai flashed a grin, her white teeth stark against her smooth nut-brown skin.

  “Why do I agree to come out with you two?”

  “Because we’re family and you love us,” they responded in tandem.

  “Ask me later about the love bit,” Eva retorted as she gazed around the table.

  Shai, the baby of the family, was the youngest tenured professor at the university. Eva’s parents had adopted her when she was only six months old. Tara had joined the family at age two and held the middle-child distinction. All three of them were thick as thieves.

  Running a hand over her spike cut, she spied a guy standing by the bar, eyes on the three of them. Her heart kicked up a few notches as recognition set in, but she couldn’t pull from her memory banks just where she knew him from.

  “Who’s McHottie?”

  “What?” she asked Shai.

  “Which barfly are you staring at?”


  “The witness is becoming hostile. I believe I should press the point,” Tara added.

  Eva faced her sister and muttered, “Bitch.”

  “Later,” Shai said. “I’ve been thinking about what was said earlier.”

  Eva glanced over at her, eyebrows up in silent question.

  “You know, about you not getting any cock.”

  She covered her eyes. “This is the problem—well, one of the problems—with having a professor and an ADA as siblings, you two are used to having to yell. There is something called an inside voice. You know, where you talk quieter, so the entire bar doesn’t learn about me not having sex lately?”

  “Because that was stated so eloquently and with your inside voice.” Shai’s tone dripped with humor.

  Lord, could the floor just swallow me up? She met the amber gaze of the man across the way.

  From the way his bow-shaped lips had kicked up, he’d overheard the embarrassing exchange. He raised his beer in her direction.

  “Focus, please.”

  Professor tone. That’s what Eva called it. She’d heard Shai use it numerous times in her classes and it never failed to silence the noise even in an auditorium. However, her sibling had a way with people and could easily get them to listen to her. It was a gift.

  “I need a refill for this,” Eva groused, waving for another pink-grapefruit margarita. “Especially since the last bit wasn’t enjoyed as it exited my nose.”

  Her sisters exchanged a look and she realized they’d already discussed this and were springing it on her, tag-team style. As they waited, however impatiently, she allowed her gaze to drift back across to where Amber Eyes stood talking with three other men, also good-looking, but none of them rang the bell of recognition for her. His eyes flickered in her direction more than once and she again scrambled to recall where she’d seen him before. He wasn’t a random hookup, she didn’t do those, but from the way he watched her, there had to be something she was missing.

  “Here you go.” The waiter set her drink in front of her and took away the empty.

  She nodded her thanks and put her attention on her sisters.

  Tara with her hot-pink bangs and the long stripe down along the right side of her glossy jet-black hair. Then her gaze flickered to Shai with her purple streak in her dark brown pixie cut. Yep, trouble in their eyes and sass on their lips.

  “As I was saying,” Shai began again, “we’ve all been insanely busy. I mean, even for us to get here tonight, we’ve had to reschedule this three times. Tara and I have already talked about this and we need to step up and take control of our sex lives. Or the lack of them, as the case has proven to be.”

  “I haven’t found a guy I want.” Eva rolled her eyes at the lie that poured from her mouth.

  Guys led to things like thinking of the future, and that typically meant children, which was where she shut down. She was sterile. Would never have a child of her own the natural way. And while she told herself she’d come to terms with that fact, the truth was she hadn’t. Nor was she ready to try to explain this to a man who she’d fallen for only to have him say no and rip her heart out all over again before stomping it into tiny smeared lumps of muscle.

  Her siblings sneered in response, yanking her from the depressing dark hole she was falling into as if she’d stepped off a building to embrace gravity.

  “It needs to happen for all of us,” Tara took over. “We’re professional women who are dedicated to our careers and have neglected ourselves. That’s unacceptable. We don’t have to give it up. Men find a way to do this, which means obviously so can we. This is what we came up with.”

  Shai nodded. “We each take a week from work. All the same week and pick a beach. We go there, have a room and find some stranger to fuck. A week-long one-night stand, so to speak.”

  “We’re going to the same place?” Eva pushed the instant no from her mouth, her body jumping to life, waving its hands, demanding some one-on-one attention from a person of the male variety. Battery-operated machinery wasn’t cutting it. Neither was the touch of her own fingers.

  “Nope, different ones. If we were together, then we’d be together and wouldn’t be getting laid.” Tara moved her glass to the side and rested her elbows on the table.

  “I can’t just take time off,” she protested.

  Tara glared at her. “Neither can we, but we’re planning ahead, so it’s not just taking time off. It will be considered a vacation—something we are actually allowed to indulge in. Same week. Different locales. A week of hot, guilt-free, mind-numbing, leg-shaking, can’t-move-a-muscle-after, sweaty-all-over kind of sex.”

  Eva couldn’t deny how amazing that sounded. So long as I can keep my internal commentary shut down about how great he may or may not be with a child. Damn it, she wasn’t supposed to go down this road. She lifted her drink. “Here’s to us and our weeks.”

  “No more arguments?” Shai questioned with a raised eyebrow.

  “Nope, you said it perfe
ctly. We’ve put others before us for too long. Time to take the bull by the horns, so to speak.” She drew her phone from her gold clutch. “Where are we each going and when? Different beaches, but same distance of travel? Like we all head to places in Mexico. That way, we can tell Mom and Dad we’re taking a vacation together.”

  “Agreed.” Tara’s statement was followed within seconds by Shai’s succinct one.

  They had their phones in their hand moments later as they each picked a location.

  * * * *

  Puerto Vallarta

  Eva shouldered her purse and walked off the plane. The sun shone bright through the airport windows, making even this place seem cheery. As she headed for baggage claim, she withdrew her cell phone and sent a text to her sisters, alerting them she’d landed fine.

  She stood with the others and scanned the group waiting for their luggage to come. According to her sisters, all she had to do was pick the guy she wanted and go from there. God, we should have done this before. I cannot wait to get this vacation started. Now, all I need is to find the right one. Hell, it was like a candy store. I pick whichever one I want. No harm, no foul. This is strictly about me and my need to get my world rocked. No strings, no fuss, no muss.

  It didn’t take long to secure her luggage or grab a cab to the hotel. Bag on the oversized chair in the corner, she flung open the doors leading out to the balcony. Beyond the railing, the ocean beckoned. The Midwest just didn’t have places like this. Not that she had an issue with where she lived…it just wasn’t Puerto Vallarta. There were no sandy white beaches with a beautiful blue water outside her window, bringing the sounds of laughter and the scent of the ocean.

  Her phone buzzed and she reached for it, smiling as she found a text from Tara.

  Glad to hear it. Just pulling up to the gate now. Have fun and ride him hard.

  She chuckled and replied with a smiley face. “I would love to ride him hard. Now, I just have to find him first.” She opened her suitcase and tossed the phone to the king-sized bed. “That isn’t going to happen if I’m keeping to myself in the room.” Rooting through her clothing, she found her bikini. “So I need to get down to the sun.” Once it lay on the bed spread, she reached for the first button on her white shirt.


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