Brief Candle in the Dark
Page 43
Paternal clan chart (slightly amended): © Oxford Ancestors; RD and James Dawkins: photo supplied by the author
Commander Gennady Padkalka (top), Charles Simonyi (centre) and Flight Engineer Michael R. Barratt on Expedition 19 launch day in Kazakhstan, March 2009: NASA/Bill Ingalls; Charles Simonyi at home in Seattle, c. 1997: © Adam Weiss/Corbis; Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal, May 2009: © Jeff Morgan 12/Alamy; Richard Leakey in Kenya, January 1994: David O’Neill/Associated Newspapers/Rex; Paul Nurse, October 2004: © J. M. Garcia/epa/Corbis; Harry Kroto, 2004: Nick Cunard/Rex; Carolyn Porco presenting the first images transmitted from the spacecraft Cassini at a news conference in Pasadena, July 2004: Reuters/Robert Galbraith; Steven Pinker, 1997; Jared Diamond, Aspen, Colorado, February 2010: © Lynn Goldsmith/Corbis; Daniel Dennett, Hay Festival, May 2013: © D. Legakis/Alamy; Richard Gregory: Martin Haswell
Enemies of Reason team; Tim Cragg and Adam Prescod filming Genius of Charles Darwin: both courtesy ClearStory; RD at the Wailing Wall, Jerusalem; RD, Lourdes: both Tim Cragg, Root of All Evil; RD and gorilla: Tim Cragg, Genius of Charles Darwin; RD and Russell Barnes, Faith Schools Menace: courtesy ClearStory
RD in a junkyard: photo courtesy author; Daniel Dennett, Sue Blackmore and RD at Memelab, Devon, 2012; making Chinese junks at Memelab: both photos by Adam Hart-Davis, courtesy Sue Blackmore; chair covers and Lalla with cube: all supplied by the author; RD at home, 1991: Hyde/Rex
70th birthday dinner, New College, 2011: photo Sarah Kettlewell
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.
action at a distance 328–32
Adams, Douglas 156, 162
Break the Science Barrier 4–5, 203–4
Digital Biota (1998) 394
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency 204–5
42nd birthday 205
friendship with RD 204
introduces RD to Lalla Ward 149–50
on religion 424–5
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe 113–14
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 205
adaptationism 341–5, 347, 349–50, 377
adaptive evolution 398, 403
agents, literary 147–9, 151, 161, 162, 171
al-Khattab, Yousef (Joseph Cohen) 221–2
Aldrin, Buzz 102, 103
Alexander the Great 34
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 298–9
Algol 60: 363, 382
alleles 321
allergies 339
Amis, Kingsley 37
Amis, Martin 5, 266–7
Ammophilia campestris 81–2
anatomy 348
ancestors 17, 357–9, 406–7
The Ancestor’s Tale 162–6, 171
origami embryology 401
The Lamprey’s Tale 390–1
publication 172
ancestral genes 390, 406, 407
Anders, Bill 102
Andrews, Edgar 243–4
Animal Behaviour 70
Animal Behaviour Research Group (ABRG) 63
animal artefacts 324–5
behaviour 55, 316, 330
camouflage 144–5
characteristics 344
classification 360–2
on common land 191
D’Arcy Thompson’s transformations 372, 373
ESS theory 48, 59
Galápagos Islands 136
genes 362, 412
moral attitudes to 113
Museum of All Possible Animals 363, 367, 374, 377
reproduction 313, 314, 357, 359
signals 328–9
symmetry in 385
anti-Semitism 249–50, 425–6
leaf-cutter 47–50
ponerine 48
An Appetite for Wonder 3–4, 7, 91, 181
audio recording 157
meeting with Michael Rodgers regarding 141
promotion of 98
recursive subroutines 381, 383
Taxicab Theory of Evolution 311–12
Apple Computers 204, 205, 288, 363–4, 387, 389
Applelink 204
The Archers 289
‘argument from statistical improbability’ 416–19
Argyll, Duke of 254
arms race 327, 328, 338–9, 340–1
Armstrong, Karen 177, 286
Armstrong, Neil 102, 103, 301
Arnold, Matthew 64
arthromorphs 388–94
Artificial Life conference (1987) 375–7, 384–5, 388, 394
artificial selection 364, 388, 389, 393
Asquith, Pamela 88
Astbury, W. T. 90
Asteroid 8331 Dawkins 302
Atheist Alliance of America 268–70, 293–4
Atheist Alliance International 268n, 293
atheists and atheism 30, 212, 254, 260, 295, 432
Aveling, Edward, and Büchner, Ludwig 253–4
Coyne, Jesuit Father George 248–9
The God Delusion 425
Hitchens, Christopher 270
Miller, Jonathan (TV series presented by) 172
Murray, Douglas 248
New Atheism 174–5, 176
RD as an atheist 144, 160, 177, 178
Richard Dawkins Award 268, 293–4
Atkins, Peter 7, 420
Atkinson, Will 372–3
Attenborough, David 107, 128, 159–60, 162
Break the Science Barrier 203
Climbing Mount Improbable review 158
Life 187–8
Life on Air 193
Seven Wonders of the World 206–7
Attenborough, Richard 157, 159
Attneave, Fred 357
Aunger, Robert 407
Australia 155–6, 250–2
Australian National University 156
auto-immune diseases 339
Aveling, Edward 253, 254, 255
Axelrod, Robert 188–90, 194
Ayer, Sir Alfred (‘Freddie’) J. 30, 32, 144, 147
Baerends, Gerard 81–2
Baker, John 413n
Baker, Tom 150
Balliol College, Oxford 241
Barash, David 96
Barker, Dan 426
Barlow, George 95
Barlow, Horace B. 353, 354, 355–6, 357, 412
Barnes, Russell 216–17, 222, 224, 417
Baron-Cohen, Simon 21
Barro Colorado Island 41, 42, 43–9
Bass, Thomas 376
Batalha, Natalie 316n
Bateson, William 403
bats 350–2, 354
BBC 109, 196, 212, 228, 229, 243, 258
Beautiful Minds 440
The Blind Watchmaker 194–8, 417
Desert Island Discs 98
Face to Face 233–4
Horizon 147, 187, 188–98, 417
Loose Ends 99
Newsnight 173, 257–8
Nice Guys Finish First 147, 188–94
Paxman interviews RD 256
RD interviews Maynard Smith 234–7, 320
Richard Dimbleby Lecture 160, 305
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 107, 116
Seven Wonders of the World 206–7
University Challenge 14
Beachy Head, East Sussex 223–4
Beagle 134, 136, 137
beavers 324, 335, 336, 339, 361
behaviour, animal 55, 316, 330
Behaviour (journal) 44
Bell, Colin 128–9, 131
Bell Burnell, Jocelyn 203
Berrill, N. J. 90
Berthon, Simon 227
Betjeman, John 135
Bible 215, 250, 426–30, 431, 438
Bielefeld 91, 93
Bingham, Roger 262
Biology and Philosophy (journal) 97, 333, 334–5, 338
biomorph program 155, 197, 288, 363–77, 384–93
r /> canaries 328, 329–30
kleptoparastism 60–1
nightingales 329
peacocks and peahens 326
red kites 135
weaver birds 335
Birkett, Michael 124
Blackmore, Susan 285, 287–8
meme theory 407–8, 410
Blakemore, Colin 153
Blenheim Palace Literary Festival (2014) 98–9
Blind Watchmaker (biomorphs program) 155, 197, 288, 363–77, 384–93, 394n
The Blind Watchmaker (book) 48, 196, 315
‘Accumulating small change’ 363–6
agents 148
‘argument from statistical improbability’ 416–17, 419
bat sonar 350–1
Bateson, William 403
biomorphs 373–4
cover design 363
German edition 142–3
index 145–7
publication 144
‘Stretched DC–8’ 378–9, 380
The Blind Watchmaker (TV documentary) 188, 194–8
Der blinde Uhrmacher 143
Bloom, Claire 152
blueprint embryology 401
Boehringer conference 85–8
Bohr, Niels 7, 283
Bombardier Beetle Damp Squib display 115
Bondi, Sir Herman 246–7
Boswell, James 231
Bottlewrack 331
Boyd, Sir John 123–4, 437
Boyd, Julia 123
Boyd, William 5
Bragg, Melvyn 182, 424
The Brains Trust 210–11, 212
Brasstronaut 99
Bray, Michael 219–20, 221
Break the Science Barrier (TV documentary) 4–5, 192, 198–204, 206
Brenner, Sydney 30, 211
Briggs, Asa 167
Brightwell, Robin 188
Brockman, John 5, 274
The Ancestor’s Tale 163, 164
Dennett, Dan 286
‘Edge’ website 148–9, 398
first meets RD 150, 151–2
The God Delusion 162, 171–2, 176
The Greatest Show on Earth 179
‘A prayer for my daughter’ 168
Science Masters series 152–3, 296–7
Unweaving the Rainbow 161
Brockman Inc. 148, 152, 166
Brockmann, Jane 44
Behaviour 44
Concorde Fallacy 78, 79–82, 347
kleptoparastism 60, 61
Journal of Theoretical Biology 69–75
Sphex ichneumoneus 56, 57, 58, 59, 61–2, 63–75
Trypoxylon politum studies 75–7, 322, 325
Bromham, Lindell 170
Brown, Derren 201
Browne, Cecil 251
Bryan, Felicity 143
Büchner, Ludwig 253
Buckminster Fuller, Richard 302
buckminsterfullerene 302–3
Bunch (dog) 400
Bush, George W. 133, 162, 171, 175
Bushnell, G. H. 90
Buxton, John 145
Byatt, A. S. 5
caddis larva 325, 328, 335
Cain, Arthur 147, 343, 344–5, 360, 362
Callan, Kevin 199–200
Cambridge Union 243, 248
camouflage 144–5
Campbell, Commander A. B. 210
Canaanite tribe 245–6
canaries 328, 329–30
Canary Islands 101–3
cancer, Darwinian approach to 338–9
Canon, Alan 394n
Capel, Georgina 153
Carlisle, Tamsin 78, 79
Carroll, Sean 7
Cecil, Lord David 37
Celebrity Xpedition 134, 135
CERN 102
Channel Four
Break the Science Barrier 198–204, 206
Enemies of Reason 200, 224–5
Faith Schools Menace 224
The Genius of Charles Darwin 217–18, 224
Inside Nature’s Giants 346
Root of All Evil? 217, 218–22, 224, 417–18
Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life 223–4
Chapman, Matthew 267
Chardin, Teilhard de 286
Charles Simonyi Lectures 282–4, 288, 292, 293, 295–6, 298, 301–7
Charles Simonyi Professorship of Public Understanding of Science 274–307
Chaucer, Geoffrey 85, 165, 166
Cheetham, Anthony
The Ancestor’s Tale 162, 163–4
A Devil’s Chaplain 166
Science Masters series 152–3, 297
Cherfas, Jeremy 195
Cherwell 34–5
Chesterton, G. K. 437
Chomsky, Noam 292, 383–4
Chopra, Deepak 286
Christiansen, Eric 145–6
Churchill, Randolph 250
Churchill, Winston 207
Clarke, Arthur C. 131, 203
Cleese, John 161–2
Climbing Mount Improbable 388
‘Kaleidoscopic embryos’ 385–8
‘Museum of All Possible Animals’ 363, 367, 374, 377
promotional tour 155–6, 157
spider webs 350, 352–3
statistical improbability of apparent design 419
title 152
virus analogy 316
Clutton-Brock, Tim 342
Cohen, Joseph (Yousef al-Khattab) 221–2
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Long Island 289–92
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 163, 204, 211
Colman, Andrew 78–9
Colorado Springs 218–20, 417–18
common land 190–2
biomorph program 155, 197, 288, 363–77, 384–93
viruses 316, 405
‘Concerned Women for America’ 217–18
conchomorphs 368, 372, 373
Concorde Fallacy 78–82
conjurors 200–3
Cooke, Arthur 351
cooperative gene 394–7
Copperfield, David 202
Coren, Alan 4
Cornwell, Robin Elisabeth 180
Cortez (Hernán Cortés) 43
Coulter, Ann 256
Coyne, Father George 248–9, 250
Coyne, Jerry 180
crabs 371–2
Cragg, Tim 219, 222
Craig, William Lane 244–6
creationists and creationism 145, 378, 418, 419
bombardier beetle 115
Paluxy River 195
principal argument of 416
RD and debates with 213, 214–15, 217, 243–6
Wright, Wendy 217–18
Creed, Robert 344, 396
Crick, Francis 178, 211, 287, 390, 402
Crick, Odile 287
Cronin, Helena 7, 31, 141, 147, 182, 314
cuckoos 327, 328, 336, 341
Cullen, Mike 93, 328
Cunningham, Michael 274, 275, 276
Curie, Marie 298–9
Currey, John 344, 345
Dalai Lama 223
Dalio, Ray 126–7, 128, 131, 132
Dallas, Duncan 226–7
Danielli, J. F. 90
Daphne Major 136
D’Arcymorphs 372–3
Darwin, Charles 137, 197
animal behaviour 57–8, 316
Cain’s criticism of 344–5
centenary of death 397
evolution and statistical improbability 419, 420
Galápagos Islands 133
as a ‘gradualist’ 381
and Hitler 215
natural selection 305, 312–13, 316, 384
Origin of Species 71–2, 144, 284, 416–17
Origin of Species audio recording 157–8
and racism/sexism 430
religious beliefs 251–5
scepticism about 378
Universal Darwinism 397–404
‘view of life’ 315
Darwinian engineer 348, 351–2, 353
neo-Darwinism 325, 398
ersal Darwinism 397–404
Davidson, Sam 99
Davies, N. B. 341
Dawkins, Eve (née Barham, RD’s 2nd wife) 167–8, 169–70, 171, 197
Dawkins, Henry Colyear (RD’s uncle) 153–5
Dawkins, James 230–3
Dawkins, James (RD’s great-great-great-greatgreat-great uncle) 231
Dawkins, Juliet (RD’s daughter) 113, 167–71, 196–7, 348
Dawkins, Lalla (née Ward, RD’s 3rd wife) 5, 6, 301
acting career 150, 217, 242, 247–8, 267
The Ancestor’s Tale 163
audio books 157–8
charity work 216
Climbing Mount Improbable 155–6, 157
embroidery 387–8
Eve Dawkins’ illness and death 168–9, 170
EWI 99, 100
Galápagos Islands 133–4
influence on Unweaving the Rainbow 160
IVF 158
meets RD 149–51, 168, 206
RD’s search for giant squid 128
RD’s 70th birthday 437
River Out of Eden 153
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 116, 121, 122, 123
Starmus (2011) 102, 103
ties and scarf designs 93–4, 209–10
Dawkins, Marian (née Stamp, RD’s 1st wife) 3, 26, 190, 354, 356, 364
Dawkins, Richard
awarded honorary doctorates 156–7
at Balliol College, Oxford 241, 342–3, 347
childhood in Africa 3, 48, 49
IVF 158
marriage to Eve 167–8
meets Lalla 149–51, 168, 205
at New College, Oxford 12–37, 273–4
prizes 123–5
retirement 282
sabbatical in Florida 76–82 70th birthday 437
Simonyi Professor 276–307
television work 187–237, 256, 257–8
35th birthday 3–4
ties 93–4
at Zoological Department, Oxford University 11–12, 25, 26–7, 64–9
Dawkins, Colonel William 231
Dawkinsia 132–3
Dawnay, Caroline 147–8, 149
Day, Robin 243, 256
debates 241–70, 314–15
Delius, Juan 43
Delius, Uta 93
Dennett, Daniel 7, 174, 177, 263, 268, 295
afterword to The Extended Phenotype 333–4
Breaking the Spell 175
Charles Simonyi Lecture 282, 284–5, 306
illness 286
‘Library of Mendel’ 367
meme theory 285–6, 407–8
RD visits 150–1
Richard Dawkins Award 268
River Out of Eden 153
The Selfish Gene (30th anniversary edition) 182
Dennett, Susan 150–1
Denville Hall, Northwood 209, 210
Desert Island Discs 98
A Devil’s Chaplain 166–7, 168, 179, 214
Huxley poem 412–13
publication 172
trip to Kenya 297–8
Diamond, Jared 153, 282, 288–92