Self-Care for Empaths
Page 15
5. Now take out your journal and write down your three top intentions, with a few sentences about each. You might note any healthy sacrifice you are willing to make to harness more positive energy—like using less plastic to help the environment or not participating in negative gossip. Your sacrifice might have an end date, like sacrificing desserts for two weeks or joining in Dry January (abstaining from alcohol for the first month of the year). When you’re done, close the journal and take three long, slow inhales and exhales. If you have a deck of divination cards, pull a single card for each intention and see what guidance shows up.
6. If you’re outside or it’s safe to step outside, close the ritual by looking again at the sky and thanking the moon for its clarifying, magnetic energetic assistance. If it’s a new moon, remember that just because you cannot see the moon doesn’t mean it’s not there. If you can’t get outside, look at pictures online of the full- or new-moon sky. Stay meditative as you blow out candles and put away crystals.
7. If you have time, flip back through your journal to the last intention you set with the new or full moon. (That might have been two weeks ago or it may have been several months ago.) Notice how your intentions have changed and evolved, and how some manifestations have shown up (perhaps in unexpected ways) or how others didn’t—perhaps because of divine timing, other people’s free will, outer circumstances, or your highest good being something different. If you like moon-phase rituals, you might keep a journal specifically for that purpose.
A variation on this ritual is to set your intention or plant a seed with yourself and the universe at the new moon, and then check in on its progress, course-correct, and ask for further intuitive guidance during your full-moon ritual.
Use Visualization to Manage Anticipatory Stress
For sensitive people, the days, weeks, or even months leading up to an event can be way more stressful than the event itself. To minimize anticipatory stress and balance your energy before an event that could potentially be overwhelming, try this creative visualization exercise. This technique may also help you stay more calm and present during the event itself. As empaths work to gently influence the energy of a future event in a positive way, it’s possible this has a perceptible effect not only on themselves but also on others involved.
1. Identify an event that is causing you anticipatory stress, like a work meeting, a wedding, a tough talk you need to have with a loved one, a public-speaking engagement, or a date with your crush.
2. Picture yourself there and the event going well, adding in lots of sensory detail. Feel how relaxed, happy, or confident you are in this mental image, like imagining family members hugging and laughing at a reunion. If you know the event could potentially be very stressful, like confronting someone who crossed your boundary, picture yourself speaking to them calmly and directly and imagine them listening with an open mind.
3. Return to this positive mental image whenever your mind worries unnecessarily about the event. For example: You’ve planned everything for your big pitch meeting on Monday, but your mind keeps obsessing on details you’ve already double-checked, so you switch gears and go to your creative visualization of the pitch going smoothly or feeling confident and relaxed no matter what happens.
While making practical preparations is always important before a big event—like moving to a new home—this exercise can help you stay in balance so you don’t overprepare and create unnecessary stress.
Gain Wisdom about the Empath Journey from Other Empaths
Some of my favorite books, courses, and podcasts are authored by empaths. Yet you can also gain valuable wisdom, tools, emotional comfort, comradery, and resources from the empaths already in your life. The following is a list of questions you might ask a friend, family member, or colleague who identifies as an empath.
1. When did you first realize you were an empath?
2. Were you always sensitive, or did this part of you gradually develop and emerge over time?
3. Have you ever had a sensitivity growth spurt? Why do you think that happened?
4. What’s your favorite part about being an empath?
5. What’s the most challenging aspect for you?
6. Are there other empaths in your family?
7. What are your favorite healthy retreat-and-recover activities?
8. Who are your favorite empaths to follow in the public eye?
9. Which empath authors or teachers have you learned the most from?
10. What’s the best piece of information or advice for empaths you’ve come across recently?
11. What’s your best coping skill when you’re overwhelmed by energies and emotions around you?
12. How has being an empath been valuable in your personal relationships or professional life?
13. How has learning about your sensitivity brought more meaning or purpose to your life?
14. How have you made your home more of an empath sanctuary?
Thank you, from my empath heart to yours, for reading this book. Working on it has been a priceless gift and journey for me. As you use the activities here to enhance or build your own empath self-care practice, remember that there will be seasons in your life when self-care feels more like a priority, or you have more time and resources to devote to your self-care. Other seasons, you will have to emphasize quality over quantity. As I tried to stay balanced and take good care of myself while I worked hard on this book, I was reminded that self-care is a practice—it’s never about perfection.
The other interesting thing about self-care is that it’s always needed in your life, unlike a goal you achieve so you can move on to the next one. I think a myth among empaths is that your self-care practice has to be very complex, involved, and time-consuming. Most empaths are looking to decrease the overwhelm in their lives, so an overwhelming self-care practice just won’t do.
Don’t feel like you have to fold in every exercise or ritual in this book to your current self-care practice. If you have a paper copy, you can hold this book between your hands, feel your heart and palm chakras activating, and then open the book to a “random” page. You might find that the exercise on that particular page isn’t random at all but a synchronicity—an exercise that could be very useful in your life right now.
Thank you again for giving me another opportunity to do two of the things I love most—write and connect with other empaths. I’m sending you all my love and wishing you many blessings. Stay connected with me via social media, sign up for my free newsletter, or find out about my other books, workshops, and private intuitive readings at
Angel Intuition: A Psychic’s Guide to the Language of Angels by Tanya Carroll Richardson
The Art of Extreme Self-Care: 12 Practical and Inspiring Ways to Love Yourself More by Cheryl Richardson
The Book of Sacred Baths: 52 Bathing Rituals to Revitalize Your Spirit by Paulette Kouffman Sherman, PsyD
Chakra Healing: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques That Balance the Chakras by Margarita Alcantara
The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People by Judith Orloff, MD
The Good Energy Book: Creating Harmony and Balance for Yourself and Your Home by Tess Whitehurst
The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine N. Aron, PhD
Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home by Denise Linn
The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self-Care by Emma Loewe and Lindsay Kellner
First and foremost, I’d like to thank the thousands of empath clients I’ve spoken with in intuitive sessions. The deep connection and vulnerability you brought allowed my work to truly be my passion. I’ve learned so much from you! Spiritual teachers/empaths like Robert Ohotto, Sonia Choquette, Tess Whitehurst, Judith Orloff, Cheryl Richardson, Radleigh Valentine, Lee Harris, Elaine Ar
on, Colette Baron-Reid, Tosha Silver, and so many others have been invaluable in helping me discover, nurture, and understand that precious sensitive part of myself. I’ve been blessed to have so many empath friends—too many to name here. So I’ll simply thank one of my oldest and dearest—Amy. I’d also like to acknowledge all my family and friends, who have been incredibly supportive of my work, as well as my angels—I’d be lost without them. Lastly, I’d like to thank the professional writers and editors who helped me hone my craft over the years and gave me opportunities to publish. You know who you are and I’m forever grateful.
TANYA CARROLL RICHARDSON is a self-improvement/spiritual author and professional intuitive who works with empath clients all over the world. She is a regular contributor to mindbodygreen and Spirit & Destiny, as well as the author of several books, including Angel Intuition, Zen Teen, A Year of Self-Love page-a-day calendar, and Forever in My Heart: A Grief Journal. Learn more at
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A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Adrenal glands, 60, 136–37
Altar, creating, 138–39, 182
Angels, 106, 112, 126–28, 131, 183
Astrology, 167–70
Balance, creating, 8–9, 147–86
Bathing rituals, 51–52, 114
Beauty therapy, 64
Black tourmaline, 94
Bonding, 11, 68, 79, 100–101
Boundaries, 8, 41, 70–73, 95, 134, 178–79
Bracelets, 94, 133
Burnout, avoiding, 8, 23–27, 154, 161, 165–66
Centering explanation of, 8, 19–20
nature for, 21–22, 84–85, 126
rituals for, 182–84
Chakras heart chakra, 7, 17, 22, 51, 74, 118, 165–66
palm chakras, 177
quiz on, 116–17
root chakra, 129–30
throat chakra, 102, 116–17
Clairaudience, 13–14, 16–17, 68
Claircognizance, 13, 15–16, 68, 75, 81, 85
Clairsentience, 13–14, 17, 62, 68, 75, 79
Clairvoyance, 13–14, 16, 68, 165
Clutter, removing, 41, 64, 141, 142
Cocooning, 33–35
Codependency, 11, 120, 178–79
Confrontations, 33, 47, 107–8, 178–79, 185
Control, loss of, 63, 89, 93
Control, releasing, 109–11, 121–22
Creativity, 18, 26, 29, 46, 82, 87, 119, 150
Crystals, 47, 94, 126, 131–33, 149, 182–83
Decisions, making, 37, 162, 169
Detox techniques, 104, 176
Diet, improving, 39–40, 61, 136–37, 156
Divination tools, 27–28, 182–84. See also Sacred objects
Drama, minimizing, 31–33, 35, 76, 93, 100, 104
Earth, connecting to, 129–30, 182–83
Emotions. See also Energy absorbing, 7, 11, 33, 99
opening up to, 65, 74–75, 78–79, 154, 158, 171
of others, 7–12, 18–19, 30–33, 53–56, 65–111, 120
positive emotions, 64, 99
processing, 8–10, 18, 29–42, 69–79, 87–89, 102–8
quiz on, 109–11
Empaths explanation of, 7–22
frazzled empaths, 8, 23, 28, 41–43, 101, 181
grounded empaths, 15, 19–20, 41–43, 120, 147
psychic pathways of, 13–17, 62, 68, 75, 79, 81, 85, 165
traits of, 10–12, 173–75, 180–81, 186
triggers for, 41–43, 47–48, 70–71, 76, 129, 135–36
Energy. See also Emotions absorbing, 7, 11, 33, 99
adjusting, 57–58
blanket of, 159
boosting, 8, 26–27, 39, 64, 73
clearing, 47–48, 142, 144–46, 154
connecting to, 82–83
creating, 119
for decision-making, 37
drains on, 7–8, 23–27, 41–43, 65–93, 109–14, 135–42
from earth, 129–30
energetic distancing, 35
of grace, 97–98, 145
grounding, 23–64, 82–83
healing energy, 70–71, 94, 126, 131, 133
mirroring, 79, 93, 119
moon energy, 182–84
of nature, 84–85, 126
nurturing, 95–124
playful energy, 140
positive energy, 14, 97–98, 142, 172, 182–83
power spots, 126, 138–39
quiz on, 91–92
recipe for, 26–27
recognizing, 103
of spaces, 8, 125–46
squirrel energy, 162
tuning in to, 36–37, 62–63, 82–85
warrior energy, 115
witnessing energy, 18, 72–81, 93, 102–3, 107, 123, 133, 171
Energy centers, 7, 116–17, 177. See also Chakras
Energy dumpers, 93
Energy shields, 133, 141, 142
Escape hatch, 114
Financial wellness, 42, 162
Frazzled empaths, 8, 23, 28, 41–43, 101, 181. See also Empaths
Giving back, 19, 160–61, 165–66
Grace, 97–98, 145
Gratitude, expressing, 46, 54, 61, 148–49, 151–52, 164
Grounded empaths, 15, 19–20, 41–43, 120, 147. See also Empaths
Grounding of energy, 23–64, 82–83
explanation of, 15, 18–20, 23
mandala for, 21–22
methods for, 18–63, 84–85, 126–27
mindfulness for, 18–20, 26
nature for, 21–22, 84–85, 126
quiz on, 55–56
rituals for, 21–22, 26, 61, 127–28
Harmony, creating, 9, 147–84
Healthcare professionals assistance from, 13, 29, 42, 89, 112, 135–37, 179
support from, 63, 89, 106, 153–56
talking with, 56, 60, 120, 135–37
Hobbies, 26, 132, 150
Inspiration, 27–28, 36, 44–46, 155
Intentions, setting, 27, 61, 132, 182–84
Intimacy, 100–101, 105, 140, 143
Intuition, 13–17, 24, 27–28, 37, 66–68
Journaling benefits of, 30, 41, 150
gratitude journal, 54, 148–49
for grounding self, 41, 82
for moon ritual, 182–84
for resiliency, 174
for self-love, 102, 148–49
for synchronicities, 163–64, 170
Laughter, 38, 140
Mandala, creating, 21–22
Meals, blessing, 46, 61
Meditation laughing meditation, 38
for psychic pathways, 16
to quiet thoughts, 86
styles of, 87, 129, 159
Mercury retrograde, 169–70
Mindfulness for grounding self, 18–20, 26
for heartache, 171
for psychic pathways, 16
for retreat-and-recover time, 18–20
for self-care, 8, 18–20, 26
for sensitive system, 8, 171
for tuning in, 65–94
Moon ritual, 182–84<
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Narcissistic tendencies, 178–79
Nature for centering self, 21–22, 84–85, 126
energy of, 84–85, 126
for grounding self, 21–22, 84–85, 126
mandalas and, 21–22
nature nests, 126
tuning in to, 84–85
News cycles, 171
Nurturing techniques, 13, 18, 33–35, 95–124
Observer mode, 65, 72–73, 76–81, 93, 107
Opening up to feel, 65, 74–75, 78–79, 154, 158, 171
Oracle cards, 27–28, 44, 149, 177, 182–83
Others emotions of, 7–12, 18–19, 30–33, 53–56, 65–111, 120
enabling, 110, 120, 178–79
energetic distance from, 35
managing, 109–11
quiz on, 91–92, 109–11, 160–61
releasing, 105–6
tuning in to, 8, 18, 36, 65–94
Overexposure concerns, 24, 134–35, 176
Peace, finding, 105–6, 112, 151–52
People-pleasing tendencies, 11, 40, 59, 113, 120, 162
Positive changes, 50, 70–71, 129, 152
Positive emotions, 64, 99. See also Emotions
Positive energy, 14, 97–98, 142, 172, 182–83. See also Energy
Psychic pathways explanation of, 13–17
meditation for, 16
mindfulness for, 16
using, 13–17, 62, 68, 75, 79, 81, 85, 165
Red alert, 59–60
Relaxation, 38, 44–54, 84–87, 143, 159, 185