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A Werewolf Meant to Be Loved

Page 2

by R. T. Ratliff

  David is the first to speak. Michelle, he calls, I think we should talk, David comments. I know Michelle comments; David, I’m not sure why I’m here but I need to be. Michelle walks over to David and stands in front of him. Continuing to hold his blanket tight around his naked body, he steps closer to Michelle. She reaches her arms into the split of the blanket in front to pull David closer in a tight hug. David let’s go of his blanket exposing his body as it falls to the floor. Michelle rubes her hands up and down his back; are you cold David, she asks as she lays her head on his chest. David replies in a soft voice, no.

  She looks up at him as if she were waiting for him to say something. She begins to pull David with her arms still wrapped tightly around his waist toward the couch. She falls over the arm of the couch with David on top of her. He begins to kiss her as the passion increases. The two slide up on the couch to a more comfortable position. Suddenly, David stops; no, wait Michelle, I need to talk to you. We can’t do this; I need you to hear me out. David gets up from the couch to go back and grab his blanket.

  Michelle, David speaks; I need to tell you something. David sits back down on the couch next to Michelle. I want you Michelle, I do and nothing would make me happier right now but, I can’t do this again, David comments. I have fallen three times and each ended in one way or another. Also, I have a secret, David continues; it dramatically affects the relationship. Michelle puts her hand over David’s mouth; don’t say another word David; I understand. I don’t want you to do or say anything you don’t want or need to, Michelle states. She gets up off the couch and heads toward the door. David gets up as well; Michelle no, you have to let me explain, he asks? Michelle opens the door and proceeds out. As she is leaving, she comments; when the time is right David, you and I will talk and it will all make sense. For now, let’s just leave it as it is. She proceeds to the car and leaves. David heads back upstairs to bed. I can’t believe the night I’m having.

  Chapter 3 – A new journey begins

  Early that morning David arrived bright and early to the station. He is surprised to find Michelle already there. He feels a bit awkward after the night before. He speaks then goes straight to his desk without another word. A few minutes later, Michelle walks over to his desk and lays a sheet of paper down in front of him. It is a list of names. David, would you happen to know anything about the names on this list, she asks?

  David glances over the list then looks up at Michelle; these are missing persons. I know of the list he replies; we obviously haven’t found any of these people, why do you ask? There is a young man on the list by the name of Michael Lipneal. His body was found last night; Michelle replies. Well, I guess that is good in a way, David responds; we can give his family closure. Yes, I suppose Michelle finishes. She begins to walk back to her desk; one more question David, she comments. There is a woman’s name, Eileen McNeary on the list, do you know anything about her? She’s a local woman and she has only been missed for about 2 years, Michelle continues. David pauses for a moment then turns to face Michelle; what, are you working the “missing persons” list today, David asks? No, she responds; I shot the missing kid Michael last night in an altercation. Just wondering how missing are all of these people? David stands up, grabs his hat and walks out of the station.

  David jumps in the squad car and starts the engine. As he puts the care in gear, Michelle jumps in the passenger seat. So, where we headed, she questions? David looks over at Michelle and continues to put the care in gear and pull off. For several minutes in the car, the two don’t say a word. David then speaks first; Michelle, why did you come to my house last night? Michelle drops her head and responds; should I have not come? Listen David, I’m drawn to you, I don’t know why but I am. I thought you felt the same but, you just couldn’t tell me. I realized last night, I was wrong. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again, Michelle continues. David pulls over and puts the car in part. This is way more complicated than you think Michelle. This isn’t just a matter of you being interested in me or me liking you. I know David, Michelle replies, I think we should talk about that. David agrees; we should Michelle but not here. Let’s go back to my house.

  A few moments later the two arrive at his house. David unlocks the door and they both sit on the sofa. Michelle begins; David, I saw something last night, something strange that I was not expecting. Right, David replies, that is what I want to talk to you about. There are some supernatural things going on here in Cottonwood Point that can’t really be explained. I know David; I’ve seen things. I believe I was drawn here, Michelle continues; a lot of missing people and unexplained murders. I think I can help figure this out David. No, Michelle, these aren’t things you can help with. I want to explain, David continues; but you have to promise not to run or think I’m crazy. Ok, Michelle comments; tell me. Michelle, I do care about you, I really do. Since you joined the force, I’ve wanted to be with you. The problem is, every time I get in a relationship, something happens to her. I can’t explain it but, they all leave at some point, one way or another; David explains. I can’t stand to see you hurt and I don’t know what is happening to all of the women I fall in love with, David continues. Wait, are you saying you are in love with me David, Michelle questions. David gets up off the sofa and walks toward the door and replies; I’m not saying I don’t Michelle, I just don’t know if I should answer that.

  Michelle gets up from the sofa and walks toward David. David, what if I told you I have something to tell you, Michelle questions? What if I told you I knew things you didn’t know I knew David? David turns to Michelle; what do you know? What do you have to tell me Michelle, David asks? Michelle goes quiet; I think I can show you better than I can tell you David. Michelle begins to unbutton her shirt. She takes it off and lays it on the arm of the sofa. She begins to unbutton her pants as she walks toward David. Suddenly, she drops down on all fours, and in a flash, she turns into a werewolf. David jumps back quickly as she circles him. She begins to speak; David, I was drawn to you. I thought you felt it too but, you never said anything. Didn’t you feel it too David, she asks? David backs up to the door. I don’t understand, how, David questions; what happened to you? David, the same thing that happened to you, Michelle comments. Many years ago I was attacked. I have traveled far and wide for you David. I promise, you will never have to worry about me leaving, we can be together forever, Michelle finishes.

  David walks toward the kitchen; Michelle, this is more than I can handle. I had no plans of staying this way. A werewolf is not the life I wanted to live. I want love, but I don’t want it like this David continues. Michelle quickly turns back into a human and puts back on her clothes. David, I do understand how you feel but, you must know, there is no choice, you don’t have a choice David. Confused, David turns to face Michelle standing by the sofa. What do you mean he questions? Just then, David’s screen door flies open.

  A beautiful, slender, dark haired woman walks through the door. David, the women softly calls, you should not listen to her, she is evil. David is completely surprised and speechless. He can’t move and is in shock because the dark haired women is Eileen, his long lost girlfriend.

  Eileen begins to walk toward David; she came here David to hunt. She is not here to love you or bond with you. She is a murderer and she will kill you too if she gets the chance, the woman continues. Eileen, David calls; I thought you were dead. He runs over to give her a huge. He hugs him back and begins to explain; David, I’ve been here all along. I’ve tried so hard to protect you but, I… I, Eileen stops talking. In the background, Michelle begins to laugh; you must be joking she comments. David, this woman, Eileen, she is weak. She could never protect you and she doesn’t even know me. I came here for you David, don’t you see I love you; Michelle continues. Eileen steps between David and Michelle. I may be weak, but I will die before I allow you to hurt him as you have done so many others. Michelle laughs out load then quickly changes into a werewolf. Just as fast, Eileen follows and changes into a werewolf. How dare you
challenge me, Michelle states then attacks the other werewolf, Eileen. David backs away from the scene half up his stairs in shock. It is unbelievable all of this is happening, and in his house. He continues to back up the stairs fighting the urge to change.

  The two female wolves circle each other growling and snarling back and forth. David runs down the stairs and jumps between the two. Wait, he yells. Please stop, I don’t want this, you have to stop. As David tries to keep the two from fighting, another wolf enters his house. Unsure the new wolf is, David draws his gun. Who are you, he questions? The wolf quickly changes to human form: You don’t know me David but I know you. I’ve always been here. I am the one that gave you your gift, the strange, naked man confesses. David raises his gun and draws back the trigger. I don’t care who you are, I just know you are in my house and I want you dead, David responds. Another wolf strolls through the door. David then aims the gun at the new wolf; who the hell are you, he questions? The new wolf quickly changes into another man. This one David recognizes. It’s the man from the hardware store, William. David slightly lowers his gun; William, he asks? Is that you; but, and responds bewildered. He is lost on all he is seeing right now.

  Yes David, it is me, William. But, I’ve know you all my life, I don’t understand, David comments. I’ve know you as well David but here we are, William responds. David, the strange man interrupts; put your gun down, you don’t want to do this. We are your family and you belong with us, embrace your gift as we have, the strange man comments. As the man is talking, Michelle and Eileen turn back into their human form. Michelle walks over to stand next to the strange man; David, I want you to meet our alpha, Derrick. He is our leader and we should all follow him. David turns and looks at Eileen as she stands afraid. David looks back at William; don’t do this William. You don’t have to live this way, David comments. I’ve lived this way for years David, I don’t know any other way, William responds. Without another word, David shoots and kills William. Michelle and Derrick change and run off as wolves. David runs out the door behind them but Eileen stops him. David, it’s not worth it, you won’t catch them. David turns and hugs Eileen; you know they will never leave us alone. We will have to leave this place, David explains. I know but, I will never leave you again, Eileen comments; were you go I will follow. And I will protect you until the end of time Eileen, David finishes.

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