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revelations 01 - on a red horse

Page 10

by corwin, monica

  “I came to offer you one final chance to relinquish Hades. Do so and you will all be spared.”

  Scarlet did speak this time. “I’m not in charge of another being.”

  “Well, figure it out before I take a bite out of your little boy toy here.”

  Tyr’s lip curled as he surveyed the hound. “You may be my undoing, but remember I’ll also be yours.”

  The hound smiled a wide toothy grin before standing, buttoning his coat, and exiting the pizza shop.

  Scarlet broke the heavy silence first. “What the hell was that?”

  “That was Hel trying to get her way by brute force. She knows us and our lives. She’s planning to use that knowledge against us.”

  “But how did the hound know we were taking precautions against her?”

  He shrugged and stuffed half a piece of pizza in his mouth. She laughed, but the creepy crawly feeling still climbing up her spine kept her from enjoying it. Apparently, she was now acquainted with the other side of her husband’s prophecy.

  The pen was still clutched in her hand, and she shoved it back in her pocket. Scarlet didn’t know if she could have drawn it with all the humans lurking at the edges of the store. She pushed the thought away. The day had been going wonderfully. She was happy, and nothing would change that.

  Tyr sat happily eating his food and scrolling through the tablet he’d stashed in his coat pocket.

  “What are you reading?” she asked nibbling at her own pizza.

  “I saw a book about a fellow named George Washington, apparently a founder of this country. I wanted to read more about him. There is an unbelievable amount of information to be found on the Internet. Especially about this man.”

  She laughed. Scarlet knew who Washington was, but she didn’t know much about the man. It was a comfort just to watch Tyr. He didn’t seem terribly concerned about the encounter with Garmr though.

  “Was that your first time meeting him?” she asked when he’d finished reading.

  “Garmr? No, we met once before, but I remember his face.”

  “As one would when you’re prophesied to kill one another.”

  “We both decided to stay far away from each other, and that was that. I don’t know why he showed up here. Must be at Hel’s orders since he made it clear he did not wish to encounter me again.”

  If Garmr didn’t want to be there, but he was somehow under Hel’s control perhaps they could make a deal with the hellhound themselves, free him from Hel’s captivity, and ensure both he and Tyr stay alive. If he had any sense of self-preservation, he might at least consider it. She wondered how the heck she might get a message to the beast without Tyr or Hel knowing.

  Perhaps Hades could help her. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to call Cloris.”

  He gave her a vague nod as he resumed reading.

  Scarlet stood and exited the shop. She called and waited impatiently while the phone rang on the other end.

  “Hello,” came a soft reply.

  “Hades, it’s Scarlet.”

  “Oh.” His reply seemed more normal and not so wary.

  “Do you usually not get phone calls?”

  “No, never.”

  “Well, welcome to the 21st century. I need your help.”

  “Ok...” He drew it out as if he wasn’t sure.

  “Is there a way to get ahold of one of the hellhounds without Hel knowing?”

  “I don’t know...”

  “If you’re worried about Cloris, I can talk to her, but I would prefer to keep this between us. It has nothing to do with the seals, only Tyr and Garmr.”

  “You want to contact that beast?”

  “I want to ensure the safety of my husband, and that’s all. I think he would be amenable to making a deal or a trade or whatever to ensure he stays away from us.”

  “You met him?”

  “Yes, he was here a few minutes ago threatening us for you, once again.” The other line went silent. She couldn’t even hear him breathing. “Hades?”

  “I’m here. I hate that this is causing all of you so much trouble. It pains me that you’re all in harm’s way because of one crazy ex.”

  “I wouldn’t call her an ex if she captured and forced you.” The line went silent again. “I’m sorry, Hades. I didn’t mean to bring it up. Can you help me or not?” Scarlet knew she sounded impatient with him, but she really needed the information only he could provide. If he couldn’t help, she would ask Cloris.

  “You might be able to send a Raven. But you will have to make it convincing when you send the message because the hounds will probably try to eat the Raven. So make it want to hunt the Raven and then allow the Raven to deliver the message.”

  “You think I’ll be able to convince a Raven to do this.”

  “You might be able to convince Huginn or Muninn. They would be able to get the message there and get out safely. But be warned, the All Father will know what you seek to do.”

  “Why should that matter? You would think Odin would want to save his son.”

  “Well, that may well be, but the All Father is a purveyor of prophecy. If Tyr and Garmr are going to fight, he will assume the Ragnarok is upon us.”

  “Oh good lord, how much more convoluted can this get?”

  “Good luck,” Hades said before the sound of the disconnect cut through the phone.

  She put it in her pocket. Now to figure out how to convince one of the All Father’s Ravens to take a message to a hellhound for me. No big deal. Her phone rang in her pocket. Cloris. “Hello.”

  “Hades tells me you want to send one of the All Father’s Ravens for a hellhound to hunt in order to send a message.”

  “Okay, when you put it that way, yes, it sounds bad. Hades is a rat too apparently.”

  Cloris laughed. “No, but there is nothing he can keep from me. Ever.”

  Scarlet shook her head at Cloris, even though she couldn’t see the motion. “I just want to keep Tyr safe.”

  “We all do, honey. He’s part of our family now. You don’t have to hide the fact that you love him.”

  “I’m not hiding it, and not everyone would agree with this plan, especially Tyr.”

  Tyr tapped her on the shoulder. “What will not I agree with?”

  Speak of the devil. “Gotta go, Cloris,” she said before hanging up. She hugged him in an attempt to distract him, but it didn’t work.

  “What will not I agree with, Scarlet?”

  “I was trying to plan a little get together, but Cloris doesn’t think you’ll like it.”

  He furrowed his brow and drew the hair out of her face with a finger. “I’m the god of justice. I can taste a lie on my tongue. I usually don’t call you out on it, but this time I think you mean to hide something important from me. What is it?”

  “Nothing okay, nothing.”

  “Scarlet...” His voice held a tone of warning, but she didn’t know how to explain it to him in a way that didn’t sound like a terrible plan.

  “Can we go and talk about it back at home?”

  He pursed his lips but said nothing as he stepped up to the curb to call a taxi. “I’ll not forget,” he finally said once they settled in the back of the cab.

  Guilt and fear were heady emotions. They spurred humans into committing atrocious acts, and an immortal sat confronted with those same feelings. They seemed to be universal. She would do anything, anything, to save her husband. It was a scary truth to admit as her version of anything was for more dangerous than a human’s.

  Chapter Fourteen

  WHEN THEY ENTERED THE hotel room, Tyr removed his coat and sat on the couch, determined to remain calm. It had been less than a week since they’d been reunited and already she schemed behind his back. She sat opposite him in a large chair equally determined to not meet his eyes. At least she felt guilty about it this time.

  “What were you were speaking with Cloris about?”


  “Don’t lie to me, Scarlet. Tell me wh
at you’re planning so we can fix it before you do something stupid.”

  She sucked in a gasp, and he knew he’d been too harsh with his words.

  “If you’re planning to leave me again, please know that I’ll hunt you until the end of my days. And this time I will not be so forgiving.”

  “Oh gods, Tyr. I’m not leaving. I was speaking to Cloris to see if she knew a way to contact the Ravens.”

  “You want to contact my father’s Ravens?”

  “Yes. I figured if Garmr is equally unhappy to be killed by you, we might be able to discuss this is a civilized fashion before it turns to fighting.”

  He snorted. “War trying diplomacy. And what were you going to say to the hound? ‘Please don’t kill my husband. I kind of like him a little bit.’”

  “Of course not, I was going to ask him to run away and hide until we figured out how to get rid of the Hel problem. Then you two could go on mutually ignoring each other. If that didn’t work, then I was going to ask him not to kill you.”

  He sighed loudly, stood, and walked over to a bag she hadn’t even noticed he’d acquired. Tyr pulled out a short glossy black feather that shone almost iridescent in the sunlight streaming through the open curtains. He dug into his bag again and found a box of matches. He took the items over to the sink off the side of the kitchenette and lit the feather. It flashed a blinding white, and they both cast their eyes away.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked.

  He shook his head and held a finger to his lips for silence. She shot him a murderous glare and pressed her lips together. Not even a minute passed before another flash of white light burst into the room. In its wake stood a beautiful naked woman with long, glossy black hair.

  “Desire,” Tyr said bowing at the waist.

  The Raven didn’t speak. She stood silent with wide eyes as she stared at Tyr and then at Scarlet who remained quiet as Tyr had bid.

  “We ask a favor of you, Raven.”

  She turned her head to the side and stared at him. The Raven’s voice sounded in his head. “What will you ask of me, Son of the Great All Father?”

  “I ask you to carry a message to Garmr.”

  “You wish me to tangle with a hellhound?”

  “I would not ask if it were not important.”

  “Do you believe Ragnarok is upon us?” After she spoke, she cast her glance to Scarlet. “You have a rider here. Only one reason for a rider to be anywhere.”

  “She is my wife.”

  “Son of the Great All Father. You married yourself to War. Justice and War, there is a poem there somewhere. What is the message you wish me to carry?” Tyr opened his mouth to tell her, but she held up one slender hand. “I want to hear it from the rider.”

  Tyr bowed again and looked at Scarlet. “She wants you to tell her what the message is.”

  “May I write it?” Scarlet asked.

  The Raven tilted her head and nodded.

  “Yes. You may write it,” Tyr relayed.

  Scarlet stood, straightened her pants, and went to the desk. Quickly she scribbled a few words and then handed the paper to the Raven.

  “I may ask something of you one day, Rider, or your mate, and if I do, you will grant it.” She spoke directly to Scarlet this time, who met her eyes and nodded in agreement.

  With a flash the Raven disappeared, and Scarlet sat back into the chair with a slump. “Are they always like that?”

  “Yes, for as long as I can remember.”

  “How often do they take human form?”

  “Only when called.”

  “Is that what you did there? Called her to human form?”


  Tyr had never before called one of his father’s Ravens, and he was sure he would hear about it soon enough, once Muninn told the All Father about the desired message. Odin wouldn’t like them messing with Ragnarok. Technically it was Scarlet, and Odin had no influence over the Riders. But Tyr would hear about it regardless.

  “What did you write?” he asked as he cleaned up the ash the feather had left in the sink and tossed the paper towel into the garbage.

  “I asked him to come back and meet us. Well, I guess me. I would prefer you not be there.”

  Tyr nodded. He didn’t like the thought of her meeting the hellhound alone, but he also didn’t want to face his slayer two times in under twenty-four hours.

  Scarlet crossed the room, and he folded her in his arms dropping his cheek down to rest against the top of her head. She smelled like home, like life, like his life. He wanted her more than ever, and yet he wanted her to be happy and comfortable, only what she wanted to be. It was such a convoluted emotion to explain. So many ways to look at their love, and so many lenses to corrupt something so pure.

  If he died, then it truly was the end of days meaning Scarlet would also have duties to perform. At least she wouldn’t be left alone. But the thought of losing her with all that passion and fire and drive created a dull ache in his chest he didn’t want to think about too hard.

  In that moment he held her, and they were fine. He would focus on that. He might even succeed at it for a time if he didn’t think about the doom and gloom of the last few days and remembered the time they’d spent together.

  Five minutes of them gently holding each other passed and the phone rang announcing the arrival of a guest.

  “It has to be Garmr,” she said. “I’ll be back as soon as it is done.”

  “Be careful and don’t do anything foolish.”

  She nodded and kissed him hard on the lips before leaving the room. His heart somehow climbed up his chest and into his throat. Tyr stood alone in the room with nothing to do but wait.

  Chapter Fifteen

  SCARLET ENTERED THE BAR and found the hellhound sitting at a high top table in the corner clutching a tall glass. He looked even more menacing with the shadows from the bar cloaking him in random darkness. The look on his face would scare away most humans, but as she climbed into the seat next to him he gave her a wide, toothy smile that was more creepy than comforting.

  “I got your message, and I’m intrigued, especially at your messenger. We tried to catch the pretty one, but she slipped away too quickly. But we will continue to hunt.”

  Scarlet swallowed and hoped the Raven stayed out of harm’s way. No doubt if something happened to her, others would be punished including her and Tyr.

  “I just think that you and Tyr should go back to your original understanding,” she said as a waiter came over to offer her a menu. She waved him away, and he retreated quickly.

  “You act like I have a choice in the matter.”

  “Does Hel control you all by force? I thought you were merely following her since she controls your home. You followed Hades once too.”

  “Yes, but he abandoned us. And Hel is less—"he stopped and tasted a word in his mouth moving his lips around as if he swished a beverage"—forgiving.”

  Scarlet could only imagine the horrors they faced at Hel’s beck and call. “You could come here to Earth and partner with us. Refuse to join the end of days and live life.”

  “As what? A human? You all look like humans that sometimes change to Riders. We are hounds that sometimes look human. We wouldn’t fit in here; we wouldn’t have a place.”

  The scent of sulfur around him grew stronger with his anger. Scarlet racked her brain to try and think of a way to get him to go along with her plan. If Hel controlled them, they were screwed. “Is there a way to break Hel’s control? Of you, I mean,” Scarlet asked.

  “If she died, but there needs to be a ruler in the Underworld. Hel was second choice after Hades abandoned us, and that’s who we’re stuck with.”

  Scarlet slapped her palm on the table drawing the gazes of some of the nearest humans. “Ok, let’s get this straight. Hades didn’t abandon you. He’s stuck in this just as much as the rest of us are. He had no choice.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Scarlet already revealed too muc
h. “I can’t say as I’m compelled to silence by my companions, but Hades did not relinquish his throne by choice. You had to have seen the battle Hel waged against him and his subsequent torture at her hand. We freed Hades from torment.”

  Garmr looked into the water of his glass and licked his too wide lips. “Well, Hades is welcome to return to us. He simply needs to kill Hel and take her place.”

  “He can’t.”

  “So he is still compelled to your side then?”

  “He is still something to our side. I have no idea what.”

  The hound pursed his lips and stared at her with huge brown eyes. They might have been pleasant eyes if it were not for the hellhound part of him staring back at her.

  “Then I guess that’s it,” she said shifting to slide off the high seat.

  He nodded his head. “I don’t want to die as much as your mate. Kill Hel and the original agreement stands. We can avoid each other again.”

  “Thank you for coming.” She left with the imprint of his eyes on her back and the smell of sulfur clinging to her sweater.

  The second she entered the hotel room Tyr seized her. “What did he say?”

  “Calm down.” Scarlet gripped his hand clutching her upper arm. “Sit down.” She led him to the couch, and they sat into the plush cushions. “Basically, we’re screwed.”

  “Screwed how?”

  “He has no control. Hel commands them. He says that if we kill Hel, then they can resume the natural order of things, and he will leave you in peace. He seemed genuine.”

  Tyr slumped forward with his head in his palm, his other arm supporting the other side at the wrist. “I’m not afraid of him. Or to die. I would prefer to find another way if there is one.”

  She rubbed his back softly. “I know, love. I know.” It was the same for her. If she could figure out a way to save everyone, she would. No one in their group, in the family, was disposable. Scarlet made her decision before he sat up and leaned in to kiss her.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Scarlet smiled and kissed him back. It was because she loved him she would do this. He could go into the Underworld for her, and she would do the same. Besides, she was War. She had her sword. It was highly unlikely anyone would mess with her. She thought about it for a moment and decided she would call the Red Horse if need be as well. It would scare the shit out of anyone who saw her if she wasn’t careful, but he could get her out of severe trouble.


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