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revelations 01 - on a red horse

Page 14

by corwin, monica

  Perhaps it belonged to a servant girl. He held it to his nose in hopes it might carry a scent he could remember. He had a very good nose for scents. Tyr inhaled deep the smell of vanilla. His heart beat faster, and he had to sit down from the onslaught of strange emotions. He reached up to find tears leaking from the corners of his eyes.

  “What is this?” He stared at the tears sliding down his finger. Something was wrong. He felt wrong. His hand was returned to him, but he still felt a part of him missing. Like he wasn’t entirely there.

  He got back up and headed toward his kitchen only to trip over a punching bag at the end of his couch. One that definitely didn’t belong to him. He never liked them. What use is an opponent who doesn’t strike back?

  He picked up the bag and stared at it. He could hear something pounding away at it, the squeak of the chains holding it aloft. All in his mind like an echo. “What is this?”

  For a moment he considered Loki scheming again. Maybe the god of mischief found a way to give him his hand back only to take it away whenever he felt the urge. “Loki, if this is you, you’d better knock it off before I rip out your balls and feed them to you.”

  A voice startled him from behind. “Wow, you even curse alike. That is so strange. My name is Hades, and you’ve been resurrected.”

  Tyr stared at the man. How could he not? He was the singular most beautiful man he’d ever seen. “What do you want, and why are you in my house?”

  “I came to help. You feel lost right now, as if something is missing and you can’t quite put your finger on it? Right?”

  Tyr didn’t respond. He still suspected Loki’s tricks, but he was incapable of making such alluring illusions, even if he held no attraction to men. “How do you know what I’m feeling or not feeling right now?”

  Hades smiled wide. “What can I say? I’m an expert on this sort of thing.”

  “Oh? What sort of thing?”


  Tyr looked around his home. Had he somehow died and not realized? He looked down at his restored hand. It would explain his returned extremity. “How did I die?”

  “Well, you angered the current goddess of the Underworld, along with some of your friends, and well, she sicced her dogs on you.”

  “You mean...Garmr? But that means the end of days.”

  “Yeah, we haven’t really gotten to that part yet, but we’re working on it. Apparently since you’re technically alive now and didn’t die, the prophecy is still in effect. Like it took the entire situation into account. Who knows with fates?”

  “So Garmr died too?”

  “Um...I’m not sure, actually. I didn’t check. But Scarlet did a number on the beasts after they attacked you.”

  “Scarlet?” The name struck him like the swoosh of a basketball in a net. Thor always liked to play the game: Tyr never understood it as he couldn’t play with one hand.

  “Ah, resonated huh?”

  “Yes. Who is Scarlet?”

  “Well, that would be better explained on Earth.”

  “Earth? Why Earth? Why would I go there?”

  “Why on Earth?” Hades repeated the words before laughing out loud. He took in Tyr’s expression and sobered with a few chuckles. “Never mind,” he continued. “Do you want answers or not?”

  Tyr stared at him. He held no way of knowing if this man could be trusted or not. He had no assurances as to his allegiances or anything. “Who are you?”

  “I told you, I’m Hades.”

  “But that is simply your name not who you are.”

  Hades nodded. “Fair enough. I’m formerly god of the Underworld and currently a sort of sidekick to the Horsemen of Death.”

  “What does a sort-of-sidekick do?”

  Hades laughed. “Anything his mistress asks of him. Now get dressed and hurry. I have someone you’ve been dying to meet.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  SCARLET PACED BACK AND forth in the hotel she had share with Tyr. She could have gone back to her apartment, but this place still smelled like him. She refused to even allow them to take her bed sheets. Tyr would have said he paid them enough she could do whatever she wanted with the sheets.

  She ran her hands over the folds of the red dress Bianca made her wear. It hugged her curves nicely but made her feel self-conscious. Red was a conspicuous color, and she didn’t like to be conspicuous in any way.

  Bianca rushed in the door and shouted, “he’s here!”

  Scarlet almost toppled over. Never had she been more discombobulated. All she could think about was that last look of longing on his face before Cloris took him away. After that, nothing was the same. She’d begun to get to know him again only to have him stolen away abruptly. It was unfair and downright cruel.

  She reached up and touched the cluster of raised scabs on the side of her neck. The moment she’d found her way out of the Underworld she’d went straight to the All Father. He’d laughed at her. In her anger and rage, she challenged him to a fight. For a moment she thought he might take her up on it. He wouldn’t be the first immortal curious about his or her might against the embodiment of War. But he shook his head and sent his Ravens to attack her. The pair of them were fast and swooped in, gouging her neck before flying away. The All Father had then said, “Let that be a warning. Leave me and stop meddling in things that don’t concern you.”

  Scarlet had left in a state of shock. She barely remembered getting back to the hotel room and curling up in the sheets to find his scent there. Afterward it took all her friends to drag her out of the bed to feed and bathe her before letting her rest again.

  Finally, Cloris had enough and enlisted Hades’ help to find Tyr and bring him to her, no matter the state he was in. But not before Cloris had carried her into the shower and hosed her down with icy water to get through to her. Scarlet had snapped out of the stupor in rage which Bianca easily controlled. Scarlet had vented her anger on herself, but minus a few bruises, she was fine.

  The power they’d used in the Underworld still recharged so they weren’t able to do much by way of magical ability. Bianca felt the worst since they’d returned. The power loomed like a drug over her head, a temptation she wanted desperately but shouldn’t have.

  Scarlet’s mind snapped back to Tyr. There was no way to know his state and how he would react to her. A knock broke her pacing, and Bianca threw her a small bottle of liquor before retreating to the outer room. Scarlet tossed it back. The alcohol burned through her all the way to her belly.

  Hades entered first, eyeing her carefully for any signs of crazy, she was sure. Then Tyr followed close behind looking everywhere as he entered. When no one jumped out at him, he walked into the room and stopped short when he saw her.

  She held her breath, waiting for him to say something, anything, but he didn’t speak.

  He stared at her and then walked closer and sniffed her neck. He stepped back again. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Scarlet.”

  His brows furrowed as he looked her up and down. Then she noticed his hand. He had two hands. She had never known him with both hands. Scarlet reached out to touch it, but he yanked it behind him and gave her a look full of suspicion.

  “What is this? Another of Loki’s schemes? Am I being punked?”

  “ I’m afraid I don’t know Loki.”

  His eyes softened slightly. “Well, if you knew him, you would not say that. It is probably a good thing.”

  Hearing his voice set her heart beating frantically and her body tingling. It was like the whole of her had fallen asleep, and she shook it out so that only a few lingering tingles remained. She decided to drop the bomb and see what happened. “I’m Scarlet. Your wife.”

  He laughed, long and loud. “I have never married. I have never even had an interest in marrying.”

  “Well, once upon a time you did, and then you died.”

  “Hades told me I died, but if I’m dead why am I not in Helheim or Valhalla? Or one of the other realms meant for th
e dead?”

  “Well, you died when the worlds were sort of in transition, so you got some of the old regime and some of the new.”

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  She led him to the table, and Hades disappeared the way Bianca went. “When we married you told me a story about a wild Viking tamed by a woman.” His brow furrowed, but she pressed on reciting his favorite lines:

  SPEAK! speak! thou fearful guest,

  Who, with thy hollow breast

  Still in rude armor drest,

  Comest to daunt me!

  Wrapt not in Eastern balms,

  But with thy fleshless palms

  Stretched, as if asking alms,

  Why dost thou haunt me?

  When she finished both of them attempted to conceal the telltale sheen of tears in their eyes.

  “My mother told me when I found the one I would tell her that story. Who are you that you would tame me?” he asked reaching out a hand for hers.

  “I’m just me, and I think it was you who tamed me. I was lost before you came along with your quick wit and clever hand.”

  He laughed rubbing the pad of her thumb with his own. “I don’t remember you. Why and how can’t I remember you? Your scent and the resonance of your voice seems familiar. Even your name touches something in my chest, but I can’t quite understand what could have happened that I would not remember someone as lovely as you.”

  She smiled as a wet tear slid down her cheek. How far she had come from ice queen refusing to admit the defeat by showing a single tear, to a person who could cry openly in the arms of her beloved?

  “How did we meet?” he asked, alternating between wiping his face and tilting his head back to stop more tears from flowing.

  “Well, it is kind of a funny story. You told me that you could offer me more pleasure in a night than any man with two hands. I took you up on your challenge.”

  Tyr laughed. “You must have struck me then because I have never been so brazen in my life. How did it turn out? Did I rise to the challenge?”

  “You did, admirably.”

  “Good.” He clutched her other hand in his, and it felt perfect to hold both of his hands in hers, like his had never gone missing in the first place. “Tell me who you are, Scarlet.”

  “Well, that’s a very long story. Maybe we could get something to eat, and I could tell it to you,” she suggested. They could try the dating thing she’d heard so much about. Tyr swept her off her feet the first time, and she fully intended to do the same for him this time around. She watched him carefully as he gazed at their clasped fingers.

  His voice wavered as he spoke. “You know you’re the first woman I’ve ever been able to hold in both my hands? I was only a young man when I gave up my hand. I’d not yet known the touch of a woman.”

  Scarlet swallowed the emotions threatening to fall from her lips. She wanted to pull him into her arms, spend the day wrapped around him, and whisper all the reasons she loved him. That would be way more than their fragile reunion could probably handle.

  “Let’s start with coffee,” she said squeezing his fingers in her own. It wasn’t the best response, but it was a start. The rebirth of something old from something new.


  THERE IS A PLETHORA of people I could thank in this section. Mostly, the Little Amps Coffee Roasters (as I mentioned in my dedication) for allowing me to take up space and drink away my problems while writing this book. Nanowrimo obviously because without which this novel would have never been written. Dave Cooper for brainstorming this idea with me. For my friends Mia and Kirsten for also brainstorming with me and supporting me in this endeavor.

  Other obvious gratitude received would be my family. My mom and youngest sister specifically for helping me find the time to get the writing done. My various editors over the years who have helped me become better writers.

  Finally, I owe so much to my cover artist, Victoria Miller, and my editor, Jen Bradlee. I would never have gotten this far without their support and guidance. You girls ROCK.

  Do you like time travel romance? Get a free copy of King Takes Queen by clicking here now!


  The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse –

  Cloris – Horsemen of Death

  When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.

  Katherine – Horsemen of Famine

  When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come and see.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and don’t damage the oil and the wine.”

  Scarlet – Horsemen of War

  When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.

  Bianca – Horsemen of Conquest.

  Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come and see.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

  About the Author

  Monica Corwin is an outspoken writer who attempts to make romance accessible to everyone no matter his or her preference. As a new Northern Ohioan, Monica enjoys snow-drifts, three seasons, and a dislike of the Michigan football program. When not writing Monica spends time with her daughter and her ever growing collection of Arthurian Legend tomes. She can be found on the web at or @monica_corwin on Twitter.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One



  About the Author




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