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Fated Hearts

Page 10

by Elliott, Kelly

  “You got his number, though, right?”

  That all-too-familiar pain in my chest came back.

  “Nope. No phone numbers. All I know is his name, that he has a brother, and that he’s a lawyer.”

  “You know, you could Google him.”

  I sighed. “I already thought about that, but…I don’t know, it would seem like an invasion of his privacy. I mean, we both agreed it was just for this short time.”

  My sister and I both exhaled loudly.

  “I’m pretty sure he’s from down south somewhere,” I added. “He had a southern accent.”

  “Texas?” she asked, a bit of anticipation in her voice.

  “I have no clue, and now I’m sitting at my gate regretting the fact that I didn’t even ask him for his number. We could have had phone sex, damn it. Hot, heated phone sex.”

  An older woman who had just sat down next to me cleared her throat.

  “Yeah, you could have. He did use a condom, right?”

  I remained silent.

  “Anna, you did not!”

  “What? I’m on the pill, and I wanted to—” I lowered my voice—“feel him.”

  She groaned. “This doesn’t sound like my baby sister. The responsible one. Who are you right now?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I mean, you slept with a stranger, and now you’re wishing you got his number so you could have phone sex. This move is already changing you. Come back home.”

  Laughing, I shook my head even though she couldn’t see me. “It was fun and daring to let my guard down.”

  “Yeah, until nine months from now and you’ve got a baby, and the daddy is nowhere to be found.”

  “Oh, stop it. I’m on birth control, Meg. There isn’t going to be a baby.”

  She scoffed.

  “Listen, they’re getting ready to board. Once I get settled in, I’ll call everyone. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Anna.”

  When my boarding group was called, I stood, grabbed my stuff, and walked to the gate. I took one more look behind me, just in case.

  No one.

  With a sigh, I handed my ticket over and then walked down the ramp toward my new life in Texas.


  THE VISE THAT had been around my chest seemed to grow tighter and tighter the farther Annalise walked away from me. I followed her into the airport. Watched as she walked up to the counter. I kept a good distance away as she walked toward security. I smiled when I saw her look back one last time once she made it through. I was off to the side, so I knew she couldn’t see me. Something about the fact that she’d looked for me just one last time did something to me, though. The smile that spread over my face couldn’t be helped.

  She looked back for me.

  It wasn’t until I got to my gate later and sat down that I felt like I could breathe again. I had wandered around the airport for the last hour or so, feeling utterly lost. I scrubbed my hand down my face and cursed. “What in the hell did she do to me?”

  My phone rang, and for a crazy moment, I thought it might be her. But she was up in the air flying, and we hadn’t even exchanged phone numbers.

  Shit. Why didn’t I at least get her number?

  I pulled my cell out of my bag and saw Truitt’s name.

  “Hey,” I said, not even caring that it sounded like my whole world had just ended.

  “What’s wrong with you? I figured you’d be happy to be heading home.”

  Glancing around the airport, a small part of me hoped I’d see Annalise standing there.

  Snap out of it, Carter. It isn’t like you to be hung up on a woman.

  “I am happy. How are things back home? Saryn? The kids?”

  “They’re good. Listen, once you get back, Dad wants us both over for dinner. He wants to talk to you.”

  I brought my hand to the back of my neck and sighed. “Today? I’m not going to feel like dinner at Mom and Dad’s house after this flight. What’s so important that he can’t wait until tomorrow to talk to me?”

  “Do you remember the Martin ranch that was about twenty miles outside of town?”

  “Yeah. I remember it.”

  “They’re putting it on the market. You know what’ll happen if an investor gets it.”

  “Houses,” we both said in unison.

  “Is Dad interested in it?” I asked.

  “No, but we both thought of you. I know you said you wanted something bigger, maybe even get some cattle from Dad.”

  I leaned back in my chair. Ranching had never really been on my list of top priorities, but it had piqued my interest lately, and I did want to move farther out.

  “How much do they want for it?” I asked, dreading the answer. The price of land in Texas had skyrocketed in the last few years, with more and more investors moving in and buying up all the land.

  “From what Dad told me, they want to sell local. They don’t want to see their family’s land get broken up into lots and sold off. Dad mentioned you were looking for some land, so they want to meet and talk about a price.”

  “Tonight? Dinner?” I quickly asked.

  “Yes. Luke Martin and his wife will be there around seven.”

  Glancing up at the board that listed my flight, I saw that it was leaving in thirty minutes and nodded to no one. “As long as I don’t have any delays, that should be fine. I’ve got a straight flight, so I’ll have plenty of time to get there.”

  “Did you change your rental car?” Truitt asked. “You know I can pick you up, Roger. It isn’t any trouble.”

  “No, I don’t want to make you drive in. And please, this isn’t my first rodeo. I rebooked it as soon as I got my new flight info.”

  He laughed. “Right. So, um, how did things go with your hotel buddy?”

  “Good. Better than good.”

  “Christ. You slept with her?”

  “More than once. We made an agreement: no-strings-attached sex.”

  “And how did that work out for you?”

  The last thing I wanted to do was talk about sex with my brother while surrounded by a bunch of strangers. “They’re calling for boarding. I’ve got to run.”

  “In other words, you don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Give the kids a kiss and hug for me. Talk soon.”

  Before Truitt could ask anything else, I disconnected and then shut my phone down. All I wanted to do was get on the plane, order a drink, and fall asleep. Maybe once I woke up in Texas, everything would be back to normal and this strange longing would finally be gone.

  The flight from Illinois to Texas was miserable. Every time I managed to fall asleep, I dreamed of Annalise. When I was awake, the guy next to me in first class tried to sell me life insurance. I couldn’t wait to get off the fucking plane and get back to Boerne.

  I pulled out my computer and caught up on emails, so that occupied some of my time, at least. A part of me was tempted to email the hotel Annalise worked at in New York City to see if they’d tell me where she’d moved to, even though I knew there was no way that would happen.

  The moment the plane landed, I headed to the car rental desk. I drove a Ford F-250 so there was no way I was leaving it in the airport parking lot, not even in valet parking. Truitt had dropped me off, and I had booked a rental for when I came home. Truitt was just as busy as I was, and the drive into San Antonio was a bitch with all the traffic.

  As I came down the escalator, the hair on the back of my neck stood up, and a strange sensation rushed through me. I glanced around, confused, but then shook it off.

  I walked around the corner—and my entire world seemed to slow down and come to a halt.

  I’d felt her before I even saw her. Then I heard her, and I couldn’t help but smile as I walked up and stood behind her in line.

  “But I had a reservation,” she pleaded in her sweet voice.

  “Yes, you did, Ms. Michaels, for three days ago.”

  “I was stuck in Chicago in a sn

  The girl at the counter gave Annalise a sympathetic smile. “I’m so sorry, ma’am. If you had just called and rescheduled, we might have been able to hold a car for you. I’ve only got one car left now.”

  “I’ll take that one then!”

  I smiled and looked down at the ground, trying my hardest not to laugh.

  “It’s reserved for someone. I can’t give it to you.”

  Annalise stood on her tiptoes and said, “I’ll pay double.”

  The girl hesitated, then looked at me. She grinned before focusing her attention back on Annalise.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t. You could always check another car rental place.”

  At that moment, a younger man rushed past me, and Annalise and frantically asked the girl, “Do you have any available cars? No one in this damn airport has any left!”

  The girl shook her head and turned to Annalise. “Maybe an Uber?”

  I cleared my throat and said, “Maybe I can help.”

  Annalise spun around and stared at me, an openly shocked expression on her face.

  I winked at her, then looked at the clerk. “I have a reservation under the name Roger Carter.”

  The girl typed away on her computer and then said, “Yes, Mr. Carter, let me get those keys for you.”

  Annalise slowly shook her head before she started to laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re the guy with the last reservation?”

  I held out my hands and shrugged. “I can’t help it if I remembered to call the rental car place and you didn’t, princess.”

  Her mouth opened to say something, but all she did was smile and shake her head.

  I couldn’t fucking believe it. Annalise was standing in front of me. Here, in Texas—and she was fucking moving here. God, I hoped it was to San Antonio since she wouldn’t be that far from me. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to jump for joy or run like hell. “What are the odds we’re both heading to San Antonio?” I asked.

  Her eyes lit up like Christmas morning. “A million to one. I knew your accent was from the south.”

  The girl behind the counter cleared her throat. “I just need you to go through this paperwork, Mr. Carter.”

  After I initialed and signed, I looked at Annalise. “Where are you going? I’ll give you a ride.”

  “Do you live here? In San Antonio?”

  I shook my head. “No, not in San Antonio, about forty minutes outside of it.”

  She let out another disbelieving laugh.

  “You’re moving to San Antonio?” I asked. “I got the impression you were going to a smaller hotel.”

  The way she stared at me made my heartbeat kick up some. “Oh, I am. The town is outside of San Antonio. Thank you for offering to give me a ride, but it would probably be out of your way.”

  “I’m not doing anything else before dinner, and what better way to spend my afternoon than to sneak in some more time with you?”

  “Do you two know each other?” the girl behind the counter asked as she handed me the keys to the rental. She could clearly feel the energy between me and Annalise.

  “Yes,” Annalise answered with a wide grin. “We know each other well.”

  I lifted a brow and fought to hide my own smile.

  “It’s all set for someone to come pick this up tomorrow?” I asked the girl when I finally broke my stare with Annalise.

  The girl nodded. “Yes, sir. It’s all arranged.”

  Turning back to face Annalise, I smiled. “So, are you going to tell me where I’m taking you, or do I have to start guessing all the surrounding towns?”

  Annalise looked at the girl, then at me. “You have to promise me that if it’s out of the way, you’ll just let me take an Uber or a taxi.”

  I held up my hand and crossed my heart with my finger. “I promise. Where to?”

  “I’m staying at the hotel I’ll be working at until I can find a place of my own. The owner has graciously allowed me to have one of the suites.”

  “That’s nice of her.”

  Annalise pulled out a piece of paper. “I have it memorized, but just in case… Yes, here it is. One twenty-eight Blanco Road. In Boerne…” She trailed off, looking for the name.

  My breath caught in my throat. Had I heard her right?

  “Do you know where that is?”

  All I could do was nod. There was absolutely no fucking way Annalise was moving to Boerne.

  There was no way she would be working only steps from my office.

  Was I still asleep on the plane?

  I looked at the counter girl, then back at Annalise. I rubbed the back of my neck and pinched myself. Yep, I was indeed awake. What in the fuck was going on?

  Tilting her head, Annalise gave me a concerned look. “Roger, are you okay? You look white as a ghost.”

  “What’s the name of the hotel you’ll be working at?”

  “The Montclair.”

  “The historic hotel,” I replied.

  Her eyes lit up, and she gave me a brilliant smile that stole my breath. “Yes! Do you know about it?”

  I reached down and grabbed her case and placed it on top of mine. “Yes, I’ve heard of it.”

  She followed me as I started toward the rental car parking lot. “Is it out of your way? Because if it is, Roger, I can totally take an—”

  “It’s fine. I’m going that way.”

  I hadn’t meant for the words to come out so cold and harsh, but I needed a fucking minute to process all of this. The only reason I’d slept with Annalise, that I’d allowed myself to open up even slightly, was because I knew I would be walking away. I knew I wouldn’t have to think about the way she made my entire body feel warm when she was around. Or how she made my heart feel like it might beat right out of my chest. Or how all I wanted to do was pull her into a private room and bury myself inside of her.

  “Okay, if you’re sure,” she said softly.

  Her voice sounded so uncertain, and I hated that I had made her feel that way.

  We both remained silent as we walked out of the airport to the rental lot. Once there, I unlocked the car and put Annalise’s stuff in first and then mine. When I shut the trunk, I stilled. Annalise was staring at me.

  “Are you angry because you ran into me again? I get why you’d feel that way if you thought what we shared in Chicago was…was…well…what it was. I swear to you, I didn’t know. I mean, how could I have known you lived in Texas?!”

  I nodded. “I know you didn’t know, and no, I’m not angry at all. Just surprised.”

  How in the hell could I tell her that I wasn’t prepared for her to be living in the same goddamn town as me? Working only a block away? It wasn’t like Boerne was still a super-small town, but there was no way we wouldn’t run into each other on occasion. There was absolutely no way I could pretend she wasn’t in the same town.

  “It’s just, I had mentally prepared myself that this morning was the last time I was ever going to see you again, and now…”

  “We run into each other at the airport,” she said with a nervous chuckle as we both got into the car.

  I pulled out of the parking lot and around the twists and turns of the airport until I got out to the highway.

  “Roger, if you’re worried I’m going to expect anything, I don’t. I’m not going to pretend that what happened between us in Chicago was just a fling. I mean…for me, it was more. But I don’t expect anything from you.”

  Glancing at her, all I could do was laugh.

  Her brows pulled in tightly and she glared at me. “Is something funny?”

  I laughed harder, and that made her cross her arms over her chest, let out a disgusted sigh, and turn to look out the window. “Texas is pretty big,” she said. “I highly doubt we’ll see each other again, so you don’t have to worry about me asking for anything.”

  I could hear the anger in her voice, and fuck if it wasn’t hot as hell. I needed to put myself in check, though. Annalise Michaels was unlike any other woma
n I had ever been with, and when I told her earlier that I wasn’t looking for a relationship, I hadn’t been lying.

  What I didn’t admit was that when it came to her, I could see myself breaking that rule.

  We drove in silence for nearly the entire thirty-five-minute trip. Annalise had started to text someone—her new boss, I assumed. Then her phone rang, and I noticed how her hands shook as she answered it.

  Why in the hell was she so nervous? Was it me who made her nervous, or the new job? She had run one of the most prestigious hotels in New York City. She had this in the bag. The Montclair was a nice hotel, one of the nicest in Boerne, but it was on the small side. Very small side compared to what she was coming from.

  “Hello? Yes, Mrs. Montclair, I’m excited as well. It looks like I’m about ten minutes from the hotel. Okay, yes. Of course. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  She hit End and then looked out the window.

  “Did you fly in for an interview?” I asked.

  “No. We did it all on Zoom. This is the first time I’m seeing the town. It’s adorable. All these little stores.”

  “It’s called the Hill Country Mile.”

  She faced me. “Yes, I read that. Are you familiar with this area?”

  I stopped at the light and put my signal on to turn left onto West Blanco Road. “Yes, I’m very familiar with Boerne.”

  “Really?” she asked as I turned. The hotel was at the end of the road and sat just above the Cibolo Creek. I pulled into the circular drive of The Montclair, put the car in park, and turned to face her.

  “Really. I grew up here.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. Yeah, I was a bit freaked out by all of this, as well, so I knew how she felt.

  “You did? Oh, my gosh. Well…that’s a weird coincidence.” Her eyes dropped down to her hands, which were now twisted in her lap.

  I nodded.

  “And…where do you live n-now?” she asked as those ice-blue eyes looked up at me.

  My gaze drifted down to her soft pink lips, and more than anything I wanted to forget the stupid promise I’d made to myself to never let another woman into my heart. I wanted to pull her to me and tell her how fucking happy I was that she was here. That I hadn’t lost her, because I had been so damn miserable at the idea of never seeing her again. But I didn’t say any of that.


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