Book Read Free

Final Conflict

Page 15

by Raymond L. Weil

  “They will,” replied Lieutenant Adams. “We’ll limit the amount of explosive rounds they have and reduce the charge of their energy weapons by half.”

  Reed nodded. “That will work. It should make it more interesting next time they attempt Charring.” He looked over at Lieutenant Adams. “When will that be?”

  “Day after tomorrow.” Sue replied. “I want them to get a lot of practice on Charring considering where they might have to go eventually.” Sue was going to make the training as difficult as possible hoping it would help the Marines to survive when they went into Zaltule space.


  Thomas stood grinning at the top of Charring Mountain. He had made it to the top with most of his platoon. Now it was time to go back down, take the suits off, and take a long hot shower.

  “What next?” asked Brian as he stepped over next to Thomas.

  “I’m sure Lieutenant Adams will have some new twists to throw at us next time,” replied Thomas. “We’ll just have to see if we can outsmart her.”

  Thomas was proud of his Marines and how they had reacted to this battle scenario. Thomas walked over to the edge of the plateau and looked down at the training facility. There were three other platoons in training as well as his. Taking a deep breath, he allowed himself to relax. It was time to go back down Charring and prepare for the next day’s drills.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Sundance dropped out of Fold Space just outside the Lenox System.

  “Deploying probes,” reported Second Officer Newman.

  From the Sundance a large hatch opened and four small probes exited. They had already been programmed and quickly made the transition into Fold Space. It was hoped due to their small size the Zaltule would not detect them dropping back out of Fold Space in the Lenox System.

  “Probes have entered Fold Space,” confirmed Lieutenant Stover.

  On the ship’s primary viewscreen, the four probes vanished as they left the area at a speed faster than light.

  The Sundance was at the extreme edge of the ship’s sensor range where they could keep an eye on the entire Lenox System. Commander Smith was hoping this would mean the Zaltule would have a difficult time detecting her fleet as long as they didn’t draw attention to themselves.

  “All ships have set up in standard defensive formation,” reported Newman.

  Bree glanced at the tactical display. The battlecruisers Newcrest and Lisbon were on the flanks of the Sundance with the four light cruisers forming a box around the three heavier ships. “All ships are to hold emissions to a minimum. We may be here for a while. Secure to Condition Three until we start hearing back from the probes.” Bree knew there was a chance the probes might be detected. If they were there was no doubt the Zaltule would begin searching for the Sundance and her fleet immediately.

  “Probes should reach their scanning positions in thirty-eight minutes,” reported Lieutenant Stover.

  Bree nodded. She knew due to the small size of the probes they traveled a lot slower in Fold Space than a regular spacecraft. Leaning back in her command chair she looked around the Command Center. The crew seemed to be relaxed and doing their jobs efficiently. She was pleased with her crew. It was a good one and one she was not afraid to go into battle with. She just hoped that wasn’t necessary during this mission though she knew there was a good chance eventually the Zaltule would detect her ships.


  Into the Lenox System the four probes flew. Two of the probes dropped out of Fold Space ten million kilometers from Lenox Prime, the second planet out from the sun. The other two probes dropped out of Fold Space near the third planet, which earlier scans indicated was heavily populated. For several minutes the probes were still as their onboard computers ran diagnostics and then orientated the probes for maximum sensor coverage. Almost simultaneously the sensors on all four probes activated but at a low level. The purpose of the probes was to detect and track incoming and outgoing traffic to the two planets. It was hoped this would allow the crew of the Sundance to calculate the locations of where the ships were going or coming from.


  Minor Overlord Lazorth studied the latest reports from Lenox Prime. Production of assault ships was on schedule and all supply orders were being filled from the other planets in the Lenox Empire. After his report to Military Overlord Tetus, Lazorth had hoped to be promoted to the rank of full Overlord but so far that had failed to materialize.

  “Status of our fleet?” he asked, looking over at the Zaltule in front of the sensor console.

  “There are currently six Zaltule battlecruisers in the system including our own,” replied the Zaltule. “In addition there are thirty assault ships on patrol throughout the system.”

  This satisfied Lazorth. He fully expected the Humans to return to the Lenox System. When they did, he would be ready for them.


  The probes rapidly began gathering data and started sending it back to the Sundance. The sensors detected the Zaltule battlecruisers and assault ships as well as numerous other spacecraft. All this information was sent to the Sundance to correlate and determine its significance.


  Commander Smith watched with interest as the data from the probes came in. So far they had been scanning the system of Lenox Prime for nearly two days. Each day cargo ships and Zaltule vessels entered the system while others left. Based on the ship types it seemed as if there were probably eleven other star systems controlled by the Lenox. The majority of the Zaltule vessels all came and went in the same general direction. Astrogation had reported three stars in that region of space with two of them being capable of supporting life.

  “We’ve seen enough,” said Bree, squaring her shoulders. “We’ll be sending the Newcrest and the Lisbon to take quick scans of those star systems we believe are controlled by the Lenox. We’ll take the light cruisers and scan those systems we believe might hold the Zaltule. I want all of our ships to rendezvous in one week.” Bree checked with navigation and chose an appropriate rendezvous site. “Once we’re all back together we’ll compare notes and decide on our next move. Also, all ships are to avoid contact with the Zaltule.” They weren’t here to fight a battle but to gather tactical information.

  “Order the probes to head out of the system and then shut down.” It wasn’t practical to recover them. Once they were out of the system the likelihood of the Zaltule finding them was minimal.


  It was two hundred light years from the Lenox System to the first target star. Even before they reached the system long-range scans detected Zaltule battlecruisers. The four light cruisers had been sent to the other star system that might contain Zaltule. If none were detected the light cruisers were to proceed to the rendezvous point and wait there.

  “There is definitely a heavy Zaltule presence in the system,” said Second Officer Newman as he studied the results from the scans. “While we can’t see enough detail from this distance, there is no doubt we are detecting hundreds of Zaltule battlecruisers.”

  “Keep the ship at Condition Two until further notice,” ordered Bree as she gazed at the tactical display, which was filling with red threat icons. “Drop us out of Fold Space near the system’s Kuiper Belt. That should shield us from detection.”

  “We won’t get accurate scans from there,” warned Newman.

  Bree nodded. “I know. I just want to get a general idea of what we’re up against.”

  A few minutes later the Sundance dropped out of Fold Space. Instantly the tactical display filled with yellow objects.

  “We have a considerable number of Kuiper Belt objects showing up,” reported Lieutenant Stover. “They range in size from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers across.”

  On the viewscreen an ice covered orb appeared.

  “Take us close to one of the larger ones,” ordered Bree. “It will help to shield us while we send the probes in.”

  Second Officer Newman looked with concern at the Commander. “If we send the probes
in there’s a good chance they will be detected. There are just too many Zaltule ships in the system.”

  “I know,” replied Bree. “But it’s a chance we’ll have to take. It’s the only way we can see if the nests of the Zaltule Queens are on one of the planets. Fleet Admiral Kelly and General Timmons need to know the exact locations so they can plan their assault.”

  Newman looked at the main tactical display showing the Zaltule ships. “I don’t see how they can land Marines in this system. There are simply too many enemy ships.”

  “That’s not our problem,” replied Bree. “We’re just doing the advanced reconnaissance. Admiral Kelly and General Timmons will have to figure the rest out.”


  The Sundance maneuvered into the Kuiper Belt, bypassing several ice-covered rocks and larger mountains of what looked like ice. It finally came to a stop next to a large icy object nearly two hundred kilometers in diameter. It was more oblong than round but it would serve to help mask the heavy battlecruiser and the light cruisers.


  “Is that solid ice?” asked Lieutenant Kamlin Berry.

  “No,” replied Lieutenant Stover. “Sensors indicate the ice only goes down several kilometers. There’s a solid rocky surface beneath that.”

  Kamlin shivered. Just looking at the icy surface made her feel cold. She was glad she was on the ship and wouldn’t have to set foot on the surface of that ice-covered rock.


  “We’re in position,” reported Second Officer Newman. “Station-keeping thrusters will keep us just above the ice planetoid.”

  “Very well, let’s launch the probes and see what we can find out.” As heavy as the ship traffic was in this system Bree strongly suspected this might be the new home system of the Zaltule.


  Four probes left the Sundance and quickly made the jump into Fold Space. There were two planets in the liquid water zone with space traffic around each. The heaviest traffic surrounded the second planet in the system, which was the warmer of the two in the habitable zone. Two of the probes headed for that world while the other two traveled toward the other.

  It took over seventy minutes for the probes to reach their positions and orientate their sensors so they faced their targets. The probes were only two million kilometers from the two planets and should be able to take detailed images of space around the planets as well as what was on the surface. When all four probes were positioned properly the sensors turned on and they began their scans.


  “First scans are coming in,” reported Lieutenant Stover. “I’m putting them up on the tactical displays.”

  Instantly on the two largest displays two planets appeared surrounded by numerous red threat icons. Five of the icons around the second planet were extremely large.

  “What are those five large icons?” asked Bree, her eyes widening. She knew they had to be gigantic to show up as they did.

  Lieutenant Stover took a minute to examine the data from the probes’ sensors before he replied. “The largest is a trading station. It’s one hundred and twenty kilometers across and twenty-four kilometers thick. It’s surrounded by a number of Zaltule battlecruisers as well as several hundred assault ships.”

  “And the other four red threat icons?”

  “Shipyards,” answered Lieutenant Stover. “Each is about thirty kilometers across and four kilometers thick. There are more Zaltule battlecruisers and assault ships around them as well.”

  Bree drew in a deep breath. This didn’t sound good. Any assault against this system would result in heavy losses. “I need detailed scans of those four shipyards and particularly the trading station. I want to know what the fleet will be up against if it attacks them.”

  Looking at the tactical display, Bree saw more red threat icons appearing every second. With a shudder, she realized there had to be hundreds of Zaltule battlecruisers in the system as well as several thousand assault ships. She didn’t see how the fleet could get through to the planet if they attempted to attack the Zaltule Queens.


  War Overlord Tetus was on board the trading station, which he considered a battlestation, discussing with the other Overlords what to do about the Kleese and the Alliance. For the time being the Humans would be left alone.

  “Overlord Barral will return in a few months with information on the Alliance and our Kleese brethren,” Tetus said in a cold voice devoid of emotion. “At that time we will decide whether to attack and reestablish the Empire under our control or if we need to move further into unexplored space and continue to build up our power.”

  “We are the Zaltule!” roared Overlord Vaxdol. “We do not retreat from any inferior race.”

  Tetus turned his triangular shaped head toward Vaxdol. “That is what Supreme Military Overlord Harmock initially thought as well. We are all aware of what happened to him and his fleet.”

  “The Kleese will not be a problem,” stated Overlord Praveen. “From what Minor Overlord Lazorth reported the Alliance is steadily pushing them back and conquering large sections of the outer Empire. They have grown weak since our departure.”

  “Perhaps,” replied Tetus. “However, they still possess a powerful fleet that will have to be dealt with.”

  “Military Overlord,” interrupted a Zaltule officer who had just entered the room the Overlords were meeting in. “We have detected unauthorized scans of Warmik as well as Harbinger. We are attempting to locate the source.”

  The Humans!” uttered Tetus, turning to the officer. “I want all ships searching for the source of those scans. I will be in the Command Center shortly.”

  “The Humans, here?” said Overlord Praveen. “How did they find us?”

  “I expected them to return,” answered Tetus as he made for the heavy metal hatch. “No doubt they traced our ships from one of the Lenox Systems. They seek information as to our strength and the locations of our Queens. We must do everything in our power to prevent that from happening.” Tetus felt anger toward the Humans. They were forcing his hand.


  Commander Smith watched impassively as more data appeared on the tactical displays as well as on several computer screens. It appeared the second and third planets in the system were infested with Zaltule.

  “The trading station is heavily armed,” reported Lieutenant Stover. “I would estimate it has four times the firepower of those we’re familiar with.”

  “This just gets worse all the time,” muttered Second Officer Newman, shaking his head. “What’s the current ship count?”

  Lieutenant Stover checked his data and then turned toward the commander. “Three thousand four hundred Zaltule battlecruisers and over six thousand two hundred assault ships.”

  Bree felt her body turn cold. She had not been expecting such large numbers.

  “There are probably more ships in other regions of their new Empire,” added Newman.

  “Continue to record data and try to find those hives,” ordered Bree. “If any of the probes are located we’ll leave immediately.” She was starting to have a bad feeling about this mission. “Send two of the probes closer to the planets for more detailed scans. If there are hives on either of the two planets I want to know as much as possible about them.”

  “I’m ordering two of the probes closer to the planets and they’ll focus on scanning the surface,” replied Lieutenant Stover. “If the hives are on either of those two planets we should be able to detect them.”


  For several more hours the probes continued to scan the Zaltule System. Two of the probes moved to within one hundred thousand kilometers as sensors probed the surface of both planets, seeking signs of the hives of the Zaltule Queen.


  “Got one!” called out Lieutenant Stover excitedly. He adjusted the main viewscreen to show the surface of a planet. On the screen was a tall mountain surrounded by defensive emplacements as well as thousands of Zaltule.

  “Are you sure?” asked Bree, leanin
g forward in her command chair.

  Stover nodded. “From the energy emissions and as heavy as the defenses are I can’t see it being anything else. There’s also a large entrance big enough for a light cruiser to enter.”

  Bree nodded. “Scan the rest of the planet and see if you can find any more hives.”

  It didn’t take long now that Stover knew what to look for. Within twenty minutes he found two more.


  Military Overlord Tetus was in the Command Center of his battlestation. Over the last few hours they had located three of the Human probes. He was certain there was one more and waited impatiently for the announcement of its discovery. Already assault ships had moved discreetly closer to the three known probes in an attempt to trace any communication between the probes and the ship or ships, which had launched them.

  “We have detected the fourth probe,” reported the sensor officer in a cold and emotionless voice. “We also have analyzed the communications signals we detected from the probes and determined the location of their mother ship.”

  “Show me,” ordered Tetus, shifting his multifaceted eyes to the tactical display.

  Four red threat icons appeared and then another far out in space at the very edge of the system.

  “They are using an icy planetoid to hide behind,” explained the sensor officer.

  Tetus studied the tactical display. “Just one ship?”

  “Yes, that’s all we’ve been able to locate. At least that’s the one the probes are communicating with.”

  “Contact Minor Military Overlord Breerel. He is to take his task force and destroy that ship. If it escapes into Fold Space he is to follow until he completes its destruction.”

  “By your command,” replied the communications officer. “I will send the order immediately.”

  “As soon as Minor Military Overlord Breerel makes the transition into Fold Space I want those four probes destroyed.”

  Tetus looked around the Command Center. He was a little more cautious and pragmatic than Supreme Military Overlord Harmock had been. “Call up the schematics of the defenses around the hives. I want to be satisfied we have done everything we can to protect the Queens.” Tetus knew without the Queens there would be no Zaltule.


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