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Final Conflict

Page 25

by Raymond L. Weil

  “All the Zaltule ships should arrive just prior to us reaching engagement range,” reported Lieutenant Klein from her sensor console.

  “What’s the total we’ll be facing?”

  “Seven Zaltule battlecruisers and thirty-three assault ships.”

  Haden eyed the tactical display for a moment. “Our own assault ships will target the enemy assault ships. Our battlecruisers and light cruisers will target the Zaltule battlecruisers. I want full spreads of our multi-warhead antimatter missiles launched at first contact. I want all the missiles focused on four of those battlecruisers. After they have been destroyed I want full spreads of missiles launched at the remaining three. With a little luck this battle will be over before it starts.”

  Commander Kendra Allison quickly passed on the orders. The fleet was in a cone formation with the heavier ships in the center. Allison was confident of victory as they had superior numbers and firepower.


  Minor Overlord Lazorth watched the tactical display as the rest of his ships began to arrive. It was obvious he was heavily outnumbered. For a moment he toyed with abandoning the system but he was a Zaltule Overlord and did not retreat from battle. His orders were to defend this system and keep it under control of the Zaltule. Military Overlord Tetus would be very displeased if he abandoned the system. It was better to die as a warrior than to be executed for failing to fulfill his duty to the Zaltule.

  “All weapons are ready,” reported the Zaltule at the tactical console. “Energy shield is at 98 percent.”

  “All ships will target the Humans’ heavier vessels,” ordered Lazorth. “If we can destroy a number of them in the initial exchange, they will be forced to withdraw and when our reinforcements arrive we can hunt down what remains of this fleet and destroy it.” Lazorth was confident his plan would work. The Humans, while they did possess powerful war craft, were still not Zaltule. He would make them realize they should never have attempted to attack this system.


  “Two minutes until engagement range,” reported Commander Allison as the two fleets edged closer on the tactical display. “It appears all of the Zaltule ships have arrived and formed up into a globe formation with the battlecruisers on the inside and the assault ships on the perimeter.”

  Rear Admiral Haden nodded. If the Zaltule had more ships that formation would be hard to crack. However, he had one hundred and thirty assault ships against only thirty-three for the Zaltule. That was an advantage of over four to one. The perimeter of the Zaltule globe would not last long against that amount of firepower.

  “I want our missiles launched as soon as we reach engagement range. We must hit the Zaltule before they begin firing on our ships.”

  “We’re ready,” replied Commander Allison.

  On the main screen, the image shifted to show more of the Zaltule fleet. The battlecruisers looked ominous and impressive at three kilometers each. They were massive vessels of war far larger than anything in the Human fleet. However, enough antimatter missiles striking their shields could still destroy them.


  In space, the two fleets continued to close until the Human fleet reached the edge of engagement range. Instantly, missile hatches slid open and hundreds of multi-warhead sublight missiles launched. At nearly the same time the Zaltule battlecruisers opened up with their pulse fusion batteries and energy weapons. Sublight antimatter missiles were launching as well.

  Defensive batteries in both fleets opened up attempting to knock down the incoming missiles. Space became filled with small explosions marking the successful interception of a number of the missiles. Energy beams lanced out, striking the energy shields of both fleets and then the missiles began to strike. Huge flashes of light designated where antimatter warheads were exploding against energy shields.

  Both fleets were lit up brightly from the massive detonations of twenty and forty-megaton antimatter warheads. In the Zaltule formation, assault ships began to die as their shields were overwhelmed. Antimatter warheads were overloading the shields allowing more missiles to reach ship hulls and blow them apart.

  Several antimatter missiles slammed into the hull of an assault ship turning it into glowing wreckage. Numerous Zaltule assault ships were dying in the same manner.

  Four Zaltule battlecruisers were under heavy attack. Their shields were radiating brighter and brighter as massive explosions rolled across them. Suddenly a shield collapsed and dozens of warheads struck the heavily armored hull of the ship turning it into molten plasma. In a massive explosion of light the three-kilometer vessel blew apart, its flying wreckage striking a nearby Zaltule battlecruiser and knocking its shield down. Moments later that battlecruiser also died a fiery death.


  Minor Overlord Lazorth was livid with rage as his warships died around him. Four of his battlecruisers were gone as well as nineteen of his assault ships. “I want those Humans destroyed!” he said harshly, his anger rising. “We are the superior species!”

  Even as he spoke his ship shook violently, nearly throwing him off the command pedestal. Alarms began sounding and several consoles shorted out, throwing fountains of sparks across the Command Center. The Zaltule in front of the communications console was thrown into another panel and died instantly. Others were injured from the massive impact.

  “We had an antimatter warhead detonate against the hull,” reported the Zaltule at the damage control console. “We’ve lost two fusion reactors and nearly a fourth of our weapons emplacements. We have a hole in the hull nearly three hundred meters in length and one hundred meters in depth. There are numerous fires burning around the impact area.”

  “Energy screen is down to 18 percent and dropping due to a lack of power,” added the Zaltule at tactical. “We can no longer fire our pulse fusion cannons due to a decrease in available energy. At the current rate of failure our shield will collapse in another two minutes maximum.”

  Minor Overlord Lazorth looked at the tactical display. The Human ships were still closing with his fleet and were now using their energy weapons as well as launching more missiles. Blinking his multifaceted eyes he knew his time as a Zaltule Overlord was coming to an end. The ship suddenly shook violently and Lazorth could hear the sound of tearing metal. In a sudden blast of light, the Command Center and everything in it was incinerated as antimatter energy flashed through the ship.


  Rear Admiral Haden watched the viewscreens as the last Zaltule battlecruiser was blown apart. Only a few assault ships remained and they were rapidly being dealt with. “What are our losses?”

  “We lost two standard battlecruisers and seven assault ships,” replied Commander Allison. “Several other ships are reporting damage but it’s repairable. Fleet should be back to 100 percent combat effectiveness in about two hours.”

  “We will remain here for another hour and then set course for the rendezvous coordinates.”

  They would not be leaving in the direction of the Zaltule homeworld but in another direction as if they were searching for another target to attack. Rear Admiral Haden hoped Rear Admiral Stinson’s plan worked. The fewer ships they had to face at the Zaltule homeworld, the more likely they could give the Marines the cover they needed.


  Two days later the fleets were recombined and heading toward the Zaltule homeworld. Rear Admiral Stinson had reviewed Rear Admiral Haden’s attack against the small Zaltule fleet to see if she could learn anything from it. One thing she did notice was the Zaltule tended to depend more on their energy weapons rather than their antimatter missiles while the Human fleet did just the opposite.

  “I wonder why?” asked Commander Hill. “It makes no strategic sense.”

  “It could be the Zaltule consider themselves to be warriors and they just prefer energy beams over missiles,” replied Amelia. “It’s something we may never know the answer to. However, it’s something I intend to exploit. We have a large supply of missiles for this mission and we’ll use them to our advanta

  “I wish we knew more about their planet-based defenses,” said Commander Hill. “We don’t know how powerful those will be.”

  Amelia had to agree. From the data files the Sundance had transmitted, there were not a lot of details on the planetary defenses other than those around the three Zaltule hives.

  “By now the Zaltule assault ship that left the Lenox System should have arrived at the Zaltule homeworld,” commented Commander Hill. “If there is going to be a response we should know it when we enter the system and scan for warships.”

  Amelia looked at the tactical display, showing the nearly one thousand ships of her fleet. It was a powerful fleet but the enemy they were going up against was even more powerful. “Let’s hope a sizable portion of their fleet has been sent to search for us in Lenox space. It’s the best we can hope for.”


  War Overlord Tetus watched as a large Zaltule fleet left the Warmik System. He was sending seven hundred battlecruisers and nine hundred assault ships to seek out and destroy the Human fleet now marauding through Lenox space. He was confident the size of the fleet would ensure the Humans’ destruction.

  “These Humans are becoming a pest,” said Overlord Haler, stomping his six feet against the deck. “For a minor race and one with such a small population, it’s becoming more apparent sometime in the future they will have to be dealt with.”

  “Supreme Military Overlord Harmock failed in his attempt to destroy the Humans’ star system,” Tetus replied. “I was there when his fleet was destroyed by the sun weapon. It might be best to quarantine the system until we’ve dealt with the Alliance and the Empire. By taking their allies away we will seriously weaken the Humans.”

  Overlord Haler nodded his triangular shaped head. “Supreme Military Overlord Harmock believed at the end the Humans might be equal to our own warriors in their fighting ability.”

  Tetus shook his head. “I never believed that though I did hear Supreme Military Overlord Harmock voice such an opinion several times. I’m convinced his belief in the Humans’ fighting ability is what caused his defeat. Remember, we are the Zaltule and the galaxy’s greatest warriors. All races should be subservient to us. Someday we will rule this galaxy and it will be time to expand our reach into intergalactic space.”

  “A goal all Zaltule share,” replied Overlord Haler.

  Tetus looked at the large tactical display. Overlord Barral should be back shortly with his report on the defenses of the Alliance and the Kleese Empire. Once he knew what the Zaltule would be facing in combat, it would be time to launch the first attacks against the Alliance. Tetus had spent considerable time deciding upon his first targets. Lanolth would be the primary target since it was the capital of the Alliance and the largest shipbuilder. After Lanolth was conquered the systems of Nalton, Pradel, Waltarn, and Tureen would be attacked. Once all five of those systems were under Zaltule control the Alliance should collapse and the Zaltule could then focus on the Empire.

  Tetus would like to see the look on the faces of the Kleese Council of Overlords when they realized the Zaltule were back in force and had the Empire set in their sights. Someday Tetus would stand in the Council Hall on the Kleese homeworld as the Supreme Overlord of the Empire and a large section of the galaxy.


  Rear Admiral Stinson sat nervously in her command chair as they neared the system containing the Zaltule homeworld. The fleet was emitting an interference pattern, which should confuse the Zaltule sensors. It would cause the sensors to show numerous snowy areas of interference as would occur during intense solar activity. They had already fooled the Zaltule once with this gambit and now they hoped to again.

  “This won’t work too many more times,” commented Captain Hill. “The Zaltule will eventually figure it out.”

  “We just need it to work one more time,” replied Amelia. She could feel her heart beating faster and she was breathing quicker as they neared the Zaltule System. She knew she was taking her fleet into a very dangerous situation.

  “Forty minutes until Fold Space drop out,” reported Lieutenant Hines from her helm and navigation console. “We’ll drop out approximately forty thousand kilometers from the target planet.”

  Amelia would like to drop out closer but she dared not risk it with the heavy ship traffic around the Zaltule homeworld. “Bring the fleet to Condition Two. We’ll go to Condition One ten minutes before we arrive at the target.”


  Thomas was inside one of the Marine drop ships on board the Victory. He had his battlesuit on with the helmet open. He would close it once the drop ship was launched. In all, the Victory would be dropping ten drop ships and six cargo ships. The cargo ships would hold the eight hover tanks, extra ammunition, as well as a large number of Marines in the Type Seven battlesuits. The rest of the Marines in the Type Sevens would be in the drop ships along with Thomas and the Marines wearing the Type Nine battlesuits.

  Thomas looked around the inside of the drop ship at the assembled and waiting Marines. Some looked nervous while others seemed unaffected. Fortunately many of the Marines in the Type Sevens had experienced combat before including being dropped from a drop ship.

  “It’s not that bad,” confided Sergeant Bixt who was in a Type Seven suit and sitting across from Thomas. “There’s a lot of shaking and noise from going through the atmosphere and before you know it we’re down.”

  “If they’re not shooting at us as we try to land,” added Private Benson. “On my last drop we had two drop ships shot down by Kleese weapons fire from some grounded assault ships. From what I hear this drop might be even tougher.”

  “A Zaltule is just like any other overgrown spider,” growled Sergeant Bixt. “Chop off their head and they will die.”

  “If they don’t get yours first,” replied Private Benson.

  Sergeant Bixt frowned at Private Benson but did not reply.


  Brian was inside another drop ship along with Kinsley and Leah.

  “Are you as nervous as I am?” asked Leah, looking over at Brian.

  Brian grinned. “What’s to be nervous about? We’re leaving a perfectly good ship to land on a planet inhabited by millions of Zaltule all wanting to kill us. We’re going to invade their hives and pretty much attempt to kill their mothers. What could possibly go wrong?”

  Kinsley frowned at Brian. “Be serious. We could die down there.”

  “I always make jokes when I’m nervous,” replied Brian in a softer tone. “It helps me to take my mind off everything.”

  Leah shook her head. “You didn’t look nervous this morning the way you ate breakfast. You ate more than Kinsley, Thomas, and I combined.”

  “Might be my last meal for a while,” answered Brian as he shifted his assault rifle to his other arm. “I wanted to make sure I had enough to last.”

  “We have food and water in our suits,” pointed out Leah.

  Brian snorted. “I don’t know if I would call that food. Some of it’s just paste and the rest is like a compact food bar. The taste is sort of bland.”

  “But it has all the nutrients we need to survive,” said Kinsley. “We can live in our suits for at least forty-eight hours and have everything we need.”

  “Maybe so,” replied Brian. “But I would still prefer real food.”

  “There are MREs here inside the drop ship,” said Kinsley. “We can eat them in an emergency.”

  “If we get back to the drop ships,” replied Brian. “From what I understand of the plan we’re going to leave them on the planet and take the assault ships back up into orbit and then try to rendezvous with the fleet.”

  Leah leaned back and closed her eyes. “I have a horrible feeling something bad is going to happen. I wish we were all back on Centerpoint.”

  The others didn’t reply. They all knew the odds of surviving this mission were small.


  Rear Admiral Stinson took in a deep breath. The fleet had just gone to Condition One and would
soon be exiting Fold Space. Scans indicated the presence of over 4,300 Zaltule battlecruisers and 7,000 assault ships.

  “Not very good odds,” commented Commander Hill as the tactical display began to light up with red threat icons.

  “No, they’re not,” answered Amelia. “However, they are scattered across the system. We just need to worry about the ones in orbit of the planet and the trading station.

  Commander Hill checked his data screen which was giving a breakdown of the Zaltule fleet and its location. “There are still 3,200 battlecruisers and 4,300 assault ships close to the planet. Scans also indicate the trading station is heavily armed. It’s more like a battlestation than anything else. Same goes for the four shipyards.”

  Rear Admiral Stinson looked over at the helm. “As soon as we drop out of Fold Space I want the fleet to accelerate and close with the planet. We’ll go into low orbit, drop our missiles on the defenses around the three hives and begin landing our Marines. Our job will be to hold off the Zaltule fleet until the Marines are down. Once that’s done, we’ll leave.”

  Commander Hill looked at the tactical display and the swarm of red threat icons. “I just don’t see how any of those Marines will make it off the planet. Even if they make it back to the assault ships they’ll just be shot down by the orbiting Zaltule warships when they leave the hives.”

  “Then I suggest we come up with a plan,” replied Amelia. “We don’t leave people behind!”


  Military Overlord Tetus was in his quarters working on battle plans to conquer the Alliance when klaxons started sounding and red lights began flashing. He looked up perplexed, wondering what was going on. There were no drills scheduled and no reported equipment malfunctions. Touching the communicator on his desk he contacted the Command Center. “Why are the alarms sounding?” he demanded harshly.

  “We have unidentified ships dropping out of Fold Space 38,000 kilometers from Warmik,” answered the Zaltule on duty in the Command Center. “Sensors estimate approximately one thousand ships.”


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