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The Fighter Duet: Two Full-Length, Red-Hot New Adult Fighter Romances

Page 40

by Tia Louise

  “Why do you want to know this?” She pulls her hands away and fumbles for a shawl as if she feels a chill. The room is suffocatingly hot.

  “Koa wants to know.” A curl lifts the corner of my mouth. “He thinks he can save me.”

  “He can’t! If Hayden doesn’t take you, he’ll kill us all! He’ll release those things on our family… on the town…”

  “Shh! It’s okay, Aunt Pen.” I try to hug her shoulders, but she’s frantic, pushing me away.

  “You have to fulfill your obligation, Mercy. You have to try and love Hayden if only for yourself.”

  “I’ll never love Hayden. I’m bonded with Koa.”

  “Oh, no!” Her hands fly over her face, and she turns into the pillow. “It’s the end of everything.”

  I’m growing tired of my aunt’s behavior. As much as I want to care about her feelings, it’s my future I’m fighting to save. Her theatrics make my stomach cramp and erode my confidence.

  “Either way,” I interrupt, my voice commanding. “Can you at least tell me the name of our ancestor? The one who did it?”

  “Hunter. It was your great great grandfather Hunter Quinlan. Only at the time, they went by the last name Strong.”

  My brow lines. “Why did they change our last name?”

  “It was a common thing back in those days. People would change their names to distance themselves from criminals or unsavory incidents. The country was young. It wasn’t hard to start over.” She turns to the side, pulling the shawl even tighter as if trying to disappear in her cocoon. “Especially if you had nothing to lose.”

  “Our family was poor.” I turn this idea over in my mind. “Hayden let us live here in his house, on his property.”

  “I’m tired now.”

  Stepping forward, I kiss her head before going to the door. “I’m sorry to make you worry. I hope this isn’t the last time we see each other.”

  She doesn’t answer, and I head down the hall. Stopping just inside the door, I see Koa is on his burner phone. He’s standing in the center of my room in jeans and a plaid shirt. His dark hair is pushed back from his face, and his green eyes glow with determination.

  “If you find anything, call me on this number. We don’t have much time.” He waits a moment. “Thanks. I owe you.”

  He disconnects, and I go to where he’s standing. “Who was that?”

  “All our talk about my past, about Slayde, it gave me an idea. He works in paranormal investigations now, with one of the top four guys in the country. I thought maybe—”

  “You think he can help us?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t think it can hurt to ask him.”

  Going to my armoire, I pull out a small bag and put the few items I can’t live without in it. A photograph of me with my mother, one of my first really nice ceramics, Koa’s shirt.

  “Where did you find that?”

  “The night you came here. When you shifted, you left your clothes. I slept in it when we were apart.” Holding the black tee to my nose, I take a deep sniff. “It smells like you, wild woods.”

  He catches my chin and plants a kiss on my lips. “You don’t need a shirt anymore. You have me.”

  “Still…” I go to my dresser and take out underwear, a sleep shirt, shoes. “Oh! Aunt Penny said the man who killed Hayden’s wife, my ancestor’s name was Hunter Strong. Apparently, he changed our name after it happened.”

  “That explains it.” Koa nods, rubbing his chin as he paces my room. “I found an article about the construction of this mansion. Did you know it was called Chateau Croix?”

  “I never knew it had a name.”

  “He built it for his wife, the former Cora Strong of Columbus.”

  “Columbus? My family came here from the north, from Canada.”

  “I’ll call Slayde and give him this new information. It sounds like a lot of what we think we know has changed through the years. Perhaps the truth has also been changed.”

  “You think we might find a loophole?”

  “I don’t know, but I won’t stop looking.”

  For the first time in days, a glimmer of hope spreads across my chest. Koa pulls me into his arms at once.

  “Yes, Mercy. Hold onto that hope.” His lips are against the top of my head, and my eyes close. His strong arms surround me. I’m protected by my fierce panther. “You’re mine. Nothing mortal or immortal is taking you away from me.”


  Mercy still goes to her job at the gym, even though the new moon is two nights away. I suppose it takes her mind off the hours slipping past as we search for any way around what’s coming. It gives me time to scour the library, searching for anything we might use.

  So far, my efforts have been futile. I’ve switched from looking for news about Mercy’s family to researching fault lines in the area, trying to pinpoint where the rift occurs, where the boundary between our world and the underworld breaks.

  Back at my apartment, looking at the calendar on my phone, I feel the first twist of fear. My fists tighten, and the network of ink on my forearm ripples. I can fight. I can use my fists to beat him to death, only it isn’t that easy. Thinking back to that sermon Doris made me sit through, I remember that pastor’s words, Our battle isn’t against flesh and blood. I can’t kill an immortal with my bare hands.

  Fuck! I punch up Slayde’s number and hit send, waiting as the tone buzzes in my ear.

  “Slayde here.” His voice has lost the cold it once had, but he’s still focused.

  “It’s Koa. Just checking in.” He emits a low growl, and my insides cramp. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  “I searched the existing databases. We have good people scanning the old records into our system, but this case is more than a century old.”

  “So nothing?” My fist clenches again.

  “I’ve got a call in to a guy in Chicago. Derek’s partners, the Knight brothers have family there. Shifter connections.”


  “Actually, a mix. Their sister is a cat.”

  Unusual. The only time you get mixed shifters among siblings is when shifters of different types mate. Like Mercy and I would have… Another flinch of nerves.

  “We’re running out of time.”

  He’s quiet, and I can hear the sound of computer keys clicking in the background. “I’m seeing what I can find under the Strong name. Also seeing if I can get any photographs of the body. An autopsy might provide a loophole of some kind. Something we could leverage in the High Council for a pardon.”

  “Would they do an autopsy on an immortal?”

  “No, which is why I’ve requested photos. They did one in this case.”

  “They took photos that long ago?”

  “They did, actually, but it was the kind that took hours—the small box on three legs with the photographer under a black cape.” He exhales, and I can hear him leaning back. “I’m hoping we’ll find something.”

  For the first time in forty-eight hours, I feel hope. “Really?”

  “Don’t get excited. Something as ongoing as the type of pact you’re up against will require concrete verification to get it revoked.”

  “What’s on your mind?”

  He exhales in the phone, and I hear the sounds of movement. “Only thing that might save her would be a mistake. Some way to prove it wasn’t murder.”

  “Accidental death?”

  “Involuntary manslaughter got you a reduced sentence.”

  I wince at the reference. Still… “Immortals don’t follow human rules. They’re vengeful bastards.”

  “It’s the best chance we’ve got of freeing Mercy.”

  Not encouraging. “Keep me posted.”

  Disconnecting the phone, I have to fight the urge to throw it across the room. My jaw tightens as I think.

  Jealous rage I can understand. I’m ready to rip Hayden Cross limb from limb when he comes for her. It still might come to that, only I know it would be a death sentence for me.

  At the same time, we’re talking about an immortal. As time passes, the sting of rage and grief dulls in our minds. After a century, holding onto this tribute system feels more like pride… or spite.

  I’m out the door, descending the wooden stairs when I see my little landlady standing in the driveway. Her stick is propped against her hip like a kickstand, and she’s dressed in pink polyester pants and a cream shirt with large, burgundy flowers on it. Her white halo of hair is also pink.

  “Doris,” I say, intending to pass her and head into town to find Mercy. I don’t want her working anymore. I’m desperate to hold her in my arms.

  “Where are you going, Kona?” She squints up at me before pulling out the biggest pair of sunglasses I’ve ever seen and putting them over half her face.

  “Headed into town.”

  “Going to find that little girl who’s been spending the night?” She adjusts the cane on her hip. “Back in my day, they’d have you two at the alter with a shotgun for all this shacking up.”

  That makes me grin. “Mercy’s parents died when she was young. I don’t think her older sister is the shotgun type.”

  “Dylan Strong.” The old lady nods, and I pull up short.

  “What did you say?”

  “Folks always trying to change their names. Think us old timers will forget who they really are.”

  Returning to where she’s standing, I lean down. “What do you know about Mercy’s family?”

  “One of those Strong daughters was my best friend.” Her voice grows sentimental, and her eyes look past me into the distance, into the trees. “It was a long time ago. She went away.”

  Doris has some pretty deep wrinkles on her ancient face, but I can’t believe she’s much more than eighty. She can’t be talking about anyone who could help us, and most likely, she’s talking about Mercy’s mother who died. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “I’d know her by the mark. They all have it. Tells you who they are.”

  For a moment, I don’t respond. I’m pretty sure Doris isn’t aware of the shifters in Woodland Creek. At the same time, she’s a scrappy old biddy. No telling what she knows, and if she were best friends with Mercy’s mother… Don’t best friends tell each other everything?

  “Those shoes fit you well.” She motions with her cane to the canvas slip-ons I’m wearing. “Figured you two were about the same size.”

  “Oh, yeah. Thanks again.”

  “Don’t thank me.” She starts for her house, and I straighten, watching her go. “Love is stronger than death. It’s deep magic. Stronger than anything.”

  She wobbles through her door, and I stand there watching her like an idiot, puzzled by her strange words. “Stronger than anything,” I repeat as the metal door slams behind her. “Deep magic.”

  Even if she’s talking about her dead husband, I can’t help thinking she’s giving me a clue. Turning for town, I take off at a jog, but her words linger in my thoughts.




  It’s my last day at the gym. I feel a twinge of sadness saying goodbye to my young client. She’s always so stressed out, and I think she considers me her friend. I can’t help feeling like I’m alone now that I know what’s ahead of me.

  This time Andy accepts my resignation and says he’ll give me a reference when I get to California. I never mention Koa’s firing. Everything has changed since that day, and things like unfair dismissals seem very trivial.

  “Dude, I can’t believe it,” Jim says, standing behind the juice bar. “Your dream is coming true.”

  “I hope so,” is all I can bring myself to say. One way or another, I won’t be here on Friday. The thought gives me a shudder.

  “Will you write to me when you get to California?”

  “What if I send you a text?”

  “No way, dude. I want postcards. Send me one with the sign on it.”

  “Sure.” I don’t bother telling him I’m not headed to Hollywood.

  When I look up and see Koa entering the parking lot, I don’t even say goodbye. I’m out the door and running to him before Jim has even finished speaking.

  “Any news?” I hate the way I sound, breathless and desperate.

  It’s so pathetic that I’m looking for him to save me, but I’m out of options. My sister tried, I tried… short of running away, which I know would be a death sentence for Penny and Dylan. I don’t know if he would spare Autumn, since she now lives in New York.

  God, this is so hard to comprehend. I can’t reconcile the Hayden I’ve known for two years with this monster stealing my future. Still I can’t shake the cold determination of his gaze, the chilling entitlement in his voice. You’re mine, Mercy.

  “Slayde has requested the autopsy photos. They’re old, but he’s hoping he might find something unusual, accidental death… anything, really.” Koa’s expression is grim, and I’m afraid I’ll be sick.

  Pausing a moment, I take a deep breath and steady my nerves. He touches me, and the warmth of his love soothes my jumping insides. “I was thinking as I walked over here, I’ve never taken you to dinner.”

  Wednesday night dinner? My brow lines as I look up at him. “You want to go out tonight?

  “I think we could use the distraction.” A hint of a smile crosses his lips. “Will you go on a date with me?”

  “Of course.” Slipping my hand in the crook of his arm, my smile doesn’t come naturally, so I force it. “It feels like we’ve been together so long, but we haven’t really.”

  His large hand covers mine. “I never could have predicted any of this when I left Princeton, but I wouldn’t change it.”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “Not the part about you and me.” He gives me a squeeze. “The rest of it—”

  Stopping, I turn and face him on the sidewalk. “We won’t talk about it any more. Tonight is our first date. We only talk about us.”

  He does a little nod. “Deal. Do you want to go back and change clothes?”

  Looking down at my long black pants, yoga top, and jacket, I fasten the zipper and smooth my hands down the front. “Where did you want to go?”

  “There’s a Duck place ahead.” He points up the sidewalk in the direction we’re headed.

  “Pond and Duck?” I think they’ll let me in like this.

  “You’re beautiful in anything.”

  I shake my head. “You’re very good at the boyfriend lines.”

  “It’s not a line.” His strong arm is around my shoulders again. “I’ve thought you were beautiful since the first night I saw you.”

  “Naked in the moonlight?”

  “Your birthday suit is by far my favorite outifit.”

  I don’t know how, but he makes me smile. For a flicker of time, I feel light. We’re at the restaurant in the center of town, and he holds the heavy wooden door for me to enter. The hostess looks about my age. She’s dressed in all black with her red hair in a ponytail.

  “Table for two?” She asks brightly, and I nod. “Inside or out?”

  Glancing up at Koa, he quickly answers. “Inside.”

  She nods and takes off toward the back of the restaurant. “I’m surprised. I thought you’d say out,” I whisper.

  “Normally, I would, but I don’t want the moon to bring us down.”

  My hand goes up. “Good idea, and that’s the last we’ll say about it.”

  A sad little grin lifts the corner of his mouth. I have to look away fast before my heart breaks.

  “Here you go!” The hostess stands beside a tall, wood-paneled booth. “Your server will be right with you.”

  We’re just sliding across the slick leather benches into the cozy nook when a young man appears. “Water will be right out. Would you like anything to drink?”

  Koa blinks at me a moment before looking up at the guy. “It’s our first date. I think we should start with champagne.”

  “Congratulations! I’ll have it right out for you.”<
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  “Really?” My nose wrinkles when the server disappears. “I’m not sure we should be celebrating.”

  This time Koa holds up his hand. “You said tonight was about us.”

  Pressing my lips together, I let my eyes travel over his beautiful face. His dark brow lowers over his green eyes, and his black hair is pushed back. He’s so powerful. I want to hide in his strong arms forever, forget the consequences.

  “I would hold you forever if I could.”

  My cheeks pink, and I look down. “I forgot you sense my feelings.”

  Reaching across the table, he extends his hand. I place my smaller one in it, and his fingers close. “So tell me, what got you interested in pottery?”

  Focusing on our connection, I let my mind travel back to that winter three years ago. “I was bored. The winter was terrible. It never stopped snowing. I thought I’d go crazy if I had to sit in that mansion one more day.”

  “Still, pottery? Why not the silversmith?”

  “I walked into town, and this little pottery studio had just opened. Mercedes, the owner, was in the back throwing a bowl. I asked if she’d let me watch her work, and she said yes. The rest is history.”

  “She taught you?”

  The waiter returns with two slim flutes of bubbling gold wine. Koa winks at me, and holds his glass to mine. “To first dates.”

  Hopefully not the last, I think as I sip the crisp beverage.

  The waiter takes our orders—I can’t resist ordering the wild nettle pancakes, but Koa gets the roasted duck confit. When we’re again alone, the handsome panther across from me grins.


  “I’ve never had wild nettles.”

  “Don’t get stung.”

  “Besides, I was hoping you might share your duck.”

  That gets me a groan, and I actually laugh. Lifting the sparkling wine, I take another sip. “Thank you for this.”

  Our hands are joined again in the center of the table. “I had to get us out of that apartment. It was either this or shift and run all over the countryside.”

  “We might never come back if we did that.”


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