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The Fighter Duet: Two Full-Length, Red-Hot New Adult Fighter Romances

Page 45

by Tia Louise

  Pausing before I run, I think hard, hoping to send a message: I’m here, Mercy. I’m coming for you, my love. Don’t give up. I have to believe she can hear me.


  The light never changes in this place, no sunrise or sunset. I never know if it’s day or night. I have no idea how much time is passing. It feels like weeks.

  My body grows tired as if by habit after hours of wakefulness, then I sleep. I open my eyes to find I’m in the same dim gloom. I’m starting to think I’ll go mad before Koa ever finds me—is he even still searching? Did he try to find me and Cerberus killed him?

  Desperation tightens my chest, and I have to get out of this room. Ripping my covers back, I jump out of the enormous bed and throw open the black doors, running down the hallway to the top of the stairs.

  “You let Persephone go home!” I shout at him.

  Heavy wooden bannisters lead down to an expansive room with two chairs in front of a massive fireplace. I hold the thick railing as I make my way down to where Hayden stands at an impossibly tall window topped with a pointed arch.

  “Persephone nearly drove me insane.” He crosses his arms, and for the first time, he’s not wearing the armor.

  “Where have you been?” My eyes fly over his clothes.

  He’s dressed in a tailored black shirt and slacks like he used to wear at dinner. It’s topped with a red velvet jacket tied at the waist, and his nails are trimmed and glossy pale, not black and pointed.

  “I had business above ground. Nothing to worry your beautiful head about, my queen.”

  Koa. My throat tightens, and I’m sure whatever his business was, it had to involve my panther. Keep calm. What do I want to know?

  “What did Persephone do that drove you insane?” My voice is still demanding, and he actually laughs.

  “There she is.” Walking to where I stand at the foot of the stairs, he lifts a lock of my hair, letting it slip through is long fingers. Pale blue eyes linger on my breasts before rising to mine, and I see desire in his. “I’ve been waiting for my strong girl to resurface.”

  Inhaling slowly, I move past him to the dark fireplace. “Why do you have fireplaces and no fire?”

  He’s still standing at the foot of the stairs watching me. “They’re esthetically pleasing to me.”

  I look down and realize I’m only wearing the thin, beige sheath I slept in. It’s essentially transparent, and I burn with shame. Hayden’s lust is not what I want. Pulling my hair over my shoulders, I use it to cover my dark nipples.

  “Tell me why you let her go back please.” My voice is softer, less demanding. I’m still facing the fire, keeping my back to him.

  “For starters, she wasn’t very smart.” He’s behind me now. “It’s unfortunate wit can sometimes skip a generation.”

  “Maybe if you didn’t make a blanket decree, you could get to know someone like you did with Cora. Find a girl who actually wants to be with you.”

  “That’s not how it works!” he suddenly shouts. “I’m the Prince of Darkness. Someone injures me, someone is made to pay.”

  Or several someones. My anger matches his, and I jerk my chin at him. “It sounds like you’re the unintelligent one.”

  He takes a step forward, and my chest clenches with fear. Blue fire burns in his eyes as he gazes down. “Don’t test me, Mercy. I will allow certain things for a season, but I am not a patient man.”

  I try to swallow the lump in my throat, but it’s caught. I’m caught, and I tremble before his wrath. His jaw is clenched, and I see the intent in his eyes. A shiver moves through my body, and I know he wouldn’t back down from rape.

  “I’m cold. I’m going to my room.”

  He doesn’t move, and I cower back, turning quickly and running up the stairs. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. If Hayden tries to force me, I’ll fight him. I don’t know where that will leave me. I don’t know how far he’ll go to break me.


  My running finally slows to a walk as I reach the edge of the forest. A tall castle rises in front of me against the grey gloom. It’s shadowy with pointed spires and tall windows that twist into pointed arches.

  It’s his castle, and it’s unguarded, which makes me even more cautious. If he doesn’t think he needs a guard, I’d better be on my toes. Asphodel crush beneath my boots, and I wish I were armed. I don’t have anything to use as leverage. I don’t know what I’m even planning here.

  Doris talked about deep magic and our bond. Is it written somewhere that I can take her back on love alone? I only know of one myth where a man was permitted to take his loved one back from the underworld, and it ended badly.

  Standing before the tall, wooden door, I turn the round handle and push. No surprise it opens slowly. It’s so quiet. The hall I’m in is dark with the only light coming from blue flames in small lanterns. The flames feel cold on my skin, but I don’t waste time studying them. I continue until I reach a large open room.

  I’m facing an enormous fireplace with two chairs in front of it. Two heavy wooden staircases lead down to it from opposite ends. Looking up, I see the stories rise high on either side. Everything rises to a sinister point.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to come.” Hayden’s calm voice snaps me to attention.

  I take a step back, assuming a defensive pose as he steps around one of the chairs to the center of the room. I now realize he had been off to the side, standing at one of the tall windows.

  “Where is she?” My voice is a low vibration in the quiet.

  “My queen has retired to her bedroom. You just missed her, actually.”

  Anger twists in my chest. “She’s not your queen. Mercy belongs to me.”

  “You belong to me.” His eyes flash blue. “All murderers have their place with me in the underworld.”

  “I’m not dead, I’m alive. I’m here through the rift in the worlds, and I’m taking Mercy back.”

  “A murderer walks into the castle of Hades. He demands his bride and a pardon.” A mocking grin is on his lips. “It’s not so funny, is it?”

  “Mercy belongs to me. Our blood has bonded. She’s my mate.”

  “Too bad for you. The High Council says she belongs to me.”

  “No one can give her to you if we’re bonded. You’ve been using an old grudge to punish her family for generations. You don’t even care anymore about your lost mate. It’s a game of spite for you.”

  He folds his arms and walks to the fireplace. I watch his elegant moves. He’s dressed in black slacks and a black tailored shirt with a blood-red jacket on top. It’s belted like a smoking jacket.

  “Only one part of what you say is true. I don’t miss my lost mate as much as in the beginning. Mercy’s aunt Cora eased that initial pain.” I start to speak, but he continues. “However, she’s gone, and I will have a wife. Mercy pleases me.”

  “Mercy is MINE!” I shout, hoping she’ll hear me.

  Rushing forward, I reach for Hayden’s throat, but his hands rise at the same time, meeting mine.

  We hit each other with a CRASH! like granite meeting limestone. He’s immortally strong, but my strength is equally impressive. Our hands are clasped, and I’m pushing against him. Eyes flash, green striking blue. We both growl, hot breath rising between us in this battle of wills.

  I push against his arms, and desperation fleets across his face. In that moment, I realize my advantage. I’m grasping his wrists. He can’t conjure or even signal his minions. I could defeat him this way.

  ROAR! From the depths of my soul, I shout as I rip his arms down, hoping to pull them from his body. A yell of pain tears from his throat, and satisfaction rises in my chest. Suffer, motherfucker. I want to see you bleed. I want to be the panther who sees you die.

  Just then, a noise changes everything.

  “Koa?” It’s Mercy’s voice—muffled, but coming from above.

  I’m distracted, but with all my strength I throw Hayden hard against the wall. His head hits the s
tone with a sickening CRACK! and I’m sure he’s down for the count.

  “Mercy?” Looking up, I start for the staircase. I don’t know where in this castle she might be, but I plan to find her and carry her out of this hell.

  I’m running for her voice when WHAM! I’m hit with a flash of energy so hard it knocks me to my knees at the foot of the stairs.

  “Mercy…” I gasp. Reaching forward, I hold the railing, trying to catch my breath and find my footing. WHAM! I’m hit again, and I fall all the way to my chest. It feels like a bolt of lightning struck me, but without the burn. I’m paralyzed.

  “Koa?” I hear her voice calling louder now, and I struggle to answer.

  Strong hands jerk me under each arm. Guards I never saw coming drag me from the staircase and down the large room. I try to fight, try to kick, but my arms and legs are useless.

  The last thing I see is Hayden smirking in front of the fireplace. He looks up quickly, and just before the door slams shut, I see her.

  In the blink of an eye, my beautiful Mercy appears at his side in a flowing, champagne gown with her dark hair rippling around her shoulders. She’s so gorgeous, and instantly she disappears behind the closed door.

  She never even saw me.


  I’m not going crazy. I’m sure Koa was here. Running down the stairs, I’m back with Hayden where we left each other earlier. Looking all around, I see nothing but him standing there, rubbing one shoulder. The rug is disturbed, and I see signs of a struggle. Anger burns in his eyes, and it quickly turns to lust as he watches me standing in the same stupid gown. I might as well be naked.

  “It’s time, Mercy,” he strides toward me, and I fall back, clamoring for the stairs.

  “NO!” I shout, but his hands are on me, pulling at the thin fabric of the dress. I struggle and kick against him, but his grip is like iron. I’m off the ground and in his arms in a sweep.

  “Let me go!” I scream, trying to fight, but I can’t escape.

  We’re not going to my bedroom. He turns the opposite direction and storms through another door leading to a different chamber with blue panels on the walls and great glass windows. They’re wide open, and from this direction, I see a mountain in the distance. Black birds—either bats or crows circle it in a menacing cloud.

  “Lie down.” He throws me on my back on the bed, and one strap of the thin dress rips.

  I do my best to catch the front, but the result pushes my breasts up, spilling them over my arm. His eyes burn hot, and he unties the belt on his long coat. As it falls to the floor, his clothing transforms before my eyes. It’s now a long black robe, loose and open in the front. He’s naked underneath, and I see his erection through the split in the fabric.

  “Don’t do this, Hayden.”

  “You’re mine. It’s time you acted like it.”

  Crawling back on the bed, I try to put as much space between us as I can, but he grabs my ankle in a black-clawed hand. I scream as he drags me roughly to the edge of the bed. My gown is gone in a rip of tissue-fabric.

  “Yes, my Mercy.” His eyes rove my naked body as he jerks my thighs apart. “So beautiful.”

  “If you do this, you’ll ruin everything.” My voice shakes with tears. “I will hate you. You will never earn my love.”

  “Never is a very long time.” A finger traces the slit between my thighs, and I scream. Hunger burns in his eyes. His lips part over white teeth as he slips the finger in his mouth. “Delicious.”

  His erection touches me, and I scream again, kicking and twisting away from him. “I love KOA!” I scream. “I will ONLY ever love Koa!”

  My voice is hoarse, and I’m shaking, fighting. None of it matters. He’s over me, pinning me with his weight, both my hands clasped above my head in his iron grip.

  Ducking his head, he bites my breast. His erection touches me right at my core, lining up to plunge inside.

  Squeezing my eyes tightly shut, I scream as I flex every muscle, bracing against his onslaught. Suddenly, a sharp voice cuts through the darkness.

  “STOP THIS! LET HER GO!” It’s a voice I don’t recognize, but it’s filled with authority.

  Hayden pauses long enough to look over his shoulder, and his grip on my wrists loosens. I take the opportunity to jerk my hands free and push my body away from him.

  “Who the FUCK are you?” Hayden stands, his interest in me momentarily distracted.

  “By the High Court’s decree, you have no right to this shifter.” The man is slender and not quite as tall as Hayden, still he seems to wield some power. “I’m Slayde Bennett, and I have this writ from the council. You’ve been issued a restraining order while they examine new evidence on the supposed murder of your immortal mate.”

  He strides across the room as I’m pulling the scraps of my dress over my nakedness. I want to shift and cover myself, but I need to hear this.

  “What is this bullshit?” Hayden pulls the fabric closed over his waist, tying it with a belt. “No one tells me what to do here.”

  “That might be so,” Slayde continues, stepping to where I’m trying to cover myself on the bed. “However, the council has reason to believe the pact you made with the Quinlan family is invalid.”

  He scoops up the red coat Hayden discarded and hands it to me, graciously averting his eyes from my body. I take it and quickly push my arms in the sleeves, tying the belt and moving behind my strange defender.

  Hayden’s eyes flash with the fury I saw earlier. He wads the papers in his fist and throws them across the room at the same time his other hand sweeps up from his side as if throwing a ball underhanded at us.

  Just as fast, Slayde whips out what looks like a silver badge. It’s in the palm of his hand, and as the purple pulse of energy nearly hits us, it explodes in a circular rainbow of light above our heads. I shriek at the same time Slayde lets out a low grunt. I’m behind him, holding his waist, and I feel the flex in all his muscles as he pushes back against Hayden’s power.

  We’re walking backwards. Slayde is pushing me with every step toward the door. Hayden is furious as he reaches over his shoulder in a motion like he’s pulling a bow from a sheath. It’s another pulse of energy, this time red, and he slams it toward us with all the strength of a fast pitch.

  Both of Slayde’s hands go up in front of us, and I see the light reflect off two small shields he’s holding. I duck my head behind his back as his entire body goes rigid. The noise is like a bomb drop, and I feel the heat of the conflicting energy burning in the air around us. It’s the first time I’ve felt heat since I’ve entered this castle.

  At last we’re at the door. Slayde pushes me through it and grabs the handle, slamming it behind us before breaking into a run. My hand is firm in his grip, and he’s headed for the stairs.

  “Where are we going?” I gasp, as we round the corner and head down the enormous staircase.

  “STOP!” Hayden orders from his room.

  Slayde pushes me against the bannister so hard it bangs my shoulder. I cry out in pain, just as the wood above our heads explodes with the force of Hayden’s blast.

  We’re up again, and he’s dragging me through the downstairs room, past the chairs to a long narrow hallway leading to the exit. My shoulder is throbbing, but I’m running so fast, I don’t even care.

  “This way!” We’re out of the castle, running through the gloom. Our footfalls are a shushing sound through the little white flowers, and Slayde leads me straight into the forest.

  “Where are we going?” I manage through panting breaths. I’m barefoot wearing only Hayden’s coat, doing my best to keep it closed around me.

  “The rift between the worlds is at the end of this forest.” Slayde stops and lets me catch my breath. He slips the two shields back in his pockets.

  “What are those things?”

  “Negative energy repellants.” He wipes his hand across his forehead as his breath returns to normal. “They emit a small wave of magnetic energy, but when Hayden’s nega
tive pulse hits them, they consume and deflect it in an arc.”

  I don’t understand a word of what he just said, but I nod anyway.

  “You ready to run? We’ve got to get out of here now.”

  I’m just about to say yes when I hear a sound I know too well. The terrifying howl of a dog, followed by the snarling and snapping of teeth.

  “Cerberus!” I scream. “RUN!”

  The words are just out of my mouth when Slayde’s ice blue eyes widen. I don’t have to look behind me to know what’s coming. I’m ahead of him, running before he has the chance to grab my hand. Soon, we’re side-by-side, ducking under limbs and leaping over fallen logs. He jerks my hand, and we veer to the left. I see a stream of water up ahead, but the monstrous dog is getting closer.

  His roars and terrifying barks are just at our heels. I push my thighs until they burn with pain, but I don’t see anywhere for us to go. I don’t see a cave or a hill or a door. Nothing is ahead of us, and my heart almost gives out.

  One of Cerberus’s horrible heads snaps at my elbow, and I scream in pain. He bit me, and the wound burns like fire. He’s too close, and I brace for him to take off my arm when the world around us flips.

  We hit the ground with such force, the breath is knocked from my lungs. I’m gasping and holding my chest, rolling onto my side as blood pours from my bleeding elbow. Still, through all the pain, I look up and see the sun is shining. Grey has been replaced with golden light.

  We’re lying in a forest of brilliant reds, yellows and greens. The horrible dog is gone, and Slayde is beside me on the ground panting heavily.

  “We made it!” My throat tightens and I start to cry. “Oh my god, we’re out! We made it out!”

  Sobs rip through my chest, and I’m barely able to breathe. Still I can weep for joy and relief. I’m back in my world.




  When I wake, I’m startled to find the small room where they left me is smashed. The furniture is overturned, and the fabric is ripped from the bed.


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