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A Mermaid's Kiss

Page 3

by Katie Holland

  Chapter 6


  “Yo dude, where’ve you been?” Bodie asked, when I walked back into the party.

  “I walked Kayleigh home.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth I regretted them.

  “You did what? Who’s Kayleigh?”

  I knew he wasn’t going to let it go so I figured I’d tell him the whole story. “You know the brunette from the beach yesterday?” He nodded. “I saw her leaving alone and didn’t think it was safe for her to be walking at night.” I sounded like an idiot.

  Bodie grinned at me. “So let’s see it then.”

  “See what?”

  “The pussy pic for our bet. You did fuck her, right?”

  “Nope, she’s not my type, way too stuck up for me.” That was a total lie. She was exactly my type and he knew it.

  “I call bullshit,” he said.

  I wasn’t getting out of this. “Fine. As far as I can tell, she thinks I’m a dick and wants nothing to do with me.”

  “So, what you’re really telling me is that she said no,” he said, and started laughing his ass off.

  “Whatever fucker.” I left him standing there and went to get another beer. My thoughts drifted back to when Kayleigh had my wrist in that hold. It was actually pretty hot, but I was never going to tell anyone else that.

  “Hey handsome, I hope it’s me that put that smile on your face,” some chick said to me, as she pressed her tits into my arm.

  I hadn’t even seen her, but I wasn’t one to waste an opportunity. I got a good look at her. She was a few inches shorter than my six-foot frame. Long blonde hair, short skirt, and big tits. I called chicks like her California Barbie.

  “What’s your name?” I asked.

  “Does it really matter?”

  “Nope. You want to get out of here?”

  “I’m all yours,” she said in my ear.

  Sometimes, I liked a challenge but when a chick this hot practically throws herself at me, I’d be a dumbass to turn her down. I took her hand and we left the party.

  Once I got her clothes off, it wasn’t hard to convince her to let me take a picture of her sweet pussy. I had this bet in the bag. That four grand was going to be mine.

  Chapter 7


  I hadn’t heard Karma come home last night, but she was ready to go when I came out of my room in the morning. She was cutting up fruit for our morning smoothies. It was something we did every day before practice.

  “What time did you get home?” I asked.

  “I think it was around 2:00 am,” she told me with a smile.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “Oh my God. I’m loving these California guys. I see you made it home okay.”

  “Yep, had a little help though,” I told her about putting Major on his knees than walking me home. “You should have seen the look in his face. He was so surprised. One second his hand was on my arm, and the next he was looking up at me. It was awesome.”

  Karma laughed. “I’d have paid to see that. So, did you invite him up?”

  “Are you kidding? Even though he walked me home, it doesn’t mean he’s a gentleman and my opinion hasn’t changed. I still think he’s a dick.”

  “Fine, fine,” Karma said, putting her hands up in surrender. “Want me to tell you about my night?”

  “Sure.” Anything to get off the subject of Major.

  We made our smoothies and Karma told me about her night, and she left nothing out. Her mouth was just as dirty as any guy I ever knew. More than once I told her she could write erotica. We drank our smoothies and grabbed our swim bags. It was a nice walk over to the swim complex. We were probably among only a handful of students up at this hour on a Saturday morning.

  I breathed in the scent of the pool and started to get pumped up. The water invigorated me. Karma and I went and changed then we were ready to start.

  It always took me a few days to get used to a new coach, but I liked Coach Cross from our first meeting. There were eleven other women on the team and twenty on the men’s team. From what I could tell, sometimes we were going to practice together and it looked like today was one of those days.

  I was stretching when Wes came over to me. I’d long since gotten used to guys looking at me in my swimsuit and was a pro at ignoring it. Wes watched me and I pretended he wasn’t there. For someone who was a competitive swimmer, it was kind of against the unwritten rules for guys to stare at the girls.

  I finished my stretches and waited for Coach Cross to tell us what we were going to do today. I was anxious to get in the water. It had been over two weeks since I swam, and I was itching to get back at it. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long.

  “Good morning everyone,” Coach said. “Today we’re going to do some time trials. We like to get a sense of where you are and how much you’ll improve. We’re going to start with the 100m freestyle. Line up as I call your name.”

  I watched as my fellow swimmers were called. I was looking forward to seeing how fast we all were. Watching them line up got my adrenalin pumping. I loved this part, the anticipation of competing. Even though this wasn’t an official competition, I was competing against my teammates. The gun fired and the splashing started. Everyone was fast, but the guys had beat the girls in this case. My goal was to beat the guys.

  My name was one of the next ones called. I ignored everything around me and focused solely on the lane in front of me. I got in my starting position and waited for the sound of the gun. The instant I heard it, I was off. It was only me and the water. Nothing else existed. I got to the end, executed a perfect turn, and headed back to the other end. I touched the wall and felt pleased with the result.

  I looked at my time. It wasn’t the fastest I’d ever been, but it was good for me not having practiced in a while. As I got out of the pool I looked at the other times. I’d had the fastest of the women and I even beat a couple of the men. It was a good start to the year.

  While the rest of my teammates did their first-time trials I had an opportunity to see Karma dive. She was on the 10m platform, which was her favorite. She did a few twists and a tuck and landed with a bit of a splash. It always amazed me when I saw her dive. I knew from watching her for years she wasn’t going to be very happy with that dive. But then again, like me, she hadn’t been practicing for the last two weeks.

  After everyone swam the 100m freestyle, we did the same with the butterfly, breaststroke, and backstroke. I was happy with my times, but I knew there was room for improvement. Once we all had starting times for the four events, we broke into the men’s and women’s teams so our coaches could talk to us. We ended the practice with some lane swimming to start getting our stamina back up.

  When practice was done, Karma and I went back to our dorm room and got ready for the rest of the day. Since we didn’t know how many free Saturday afternoons we were going to have, we put on our bikinis and headed back to the beach to get some sun.

  “This is the best,” Karma said, as we laid on our towels.

  “I agree. I wonder how long it’ll stay this nice.”

  “I don’t know, but I’m hoping we can still do this in January,” Karma said.

  We’d probably been lying in the sun for an hour, when I heard a voice I have become too familiar with.

  “If you ladies aren’t careful you’ll get sunburned.”

  I opened my eyes to see Major standing over me. He had his arm around his board and was openly staring at me. Since I figured it was a fair play, I stared back at him. He noticed and smirked at me.

  “See something you like?” Major asked me.

  “Nope,” I lied. He had a gorgeous body and he knew it.

  He laughed and shook his head. “Well, see you around,” he said, and headed to the water.

  It was only then that I noticed his friends with him. I had to stop letting him get to me. He was going to think I liked him, which I really didn’t.

  “What was that?” Karma asked.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You two were totally eye fucking each other.”

  “We were not,” I argued. “He was checking me out so I did the same, you know, equal rights and all.”

  Karma laughed. “The two of you are either going to end up hating each other, or you won’t be able to keep your hands off each other. I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Whatever,” I muttered. I turned over and closed my eyes, wanting to get back in the lazy sun mode I’d been in before Major showed up.

  A little while later, Karma was tapping me on the shoulder.

  “What?” I mumbled.

  “You’ve gotta see this.”

  “See what?” I asked, still not turning over.

  “Kayleigh, just sit up and you’ll see.”

  “Fine,” I said and sat up. I looked in the direction Karma was looking, and saw what she was talking about. The boys on their surfboards.

  We watched them for a while and I had to admit that it looked kind of fun. Growing up in Tulsa didn’t give us a lot of opportunities to learn how to surf.

  “I think I’d like to try that,” I said to Karma, after watching for a few minutes.

  “I know, me too. Do you think they’d teach us?”

  “It doesn’t matter if they would, I’m not taking lessons from Major,” I said.

  “I didn’t say anything about Major teaching you,” Karma said smiling. “For someone, you don’t like, you sure seem to have him stuck in your head.”

  She was right and I hated that.

  “Remember our deal?” she asked. “Give things a chance. When they walk back by here I’m going to ask them.”

  I knew it was pointless to argue with her, so I went back to sunbathing.

  I’m not sure how much time had passed when I heard their voices getting closer. I watched them give each other shit as they came closer.

  “Did you enjoy the show?” Major asked, as he stopped in front of us

  I was trying not to act like a bitch so I gave a little nod.

  “Actually,” Karma said, getting his attention, “We were wondering if you boys could teach us how to surf?”

  Major’s face lit up and I was wishing Karma could take her words back.

  “We’d love to teach you ladies to surf. Be here at 1:00 pm tomorrow afternoon and be ready to get wet,” Major said with a wink, and I knew he wasn’t talking about the water.

  Chapter 8


  Seeing Kayleigh in that bikini was even hotter than those little shorts she was wearing yesterday. I was already looking forward to tomorrow. I’d been asked a million times by girls wanting me to give them surf lessons, but I’d always turned them down. I knew it was going to be fun getting under her skin tomorrow.

  We got back to the dorm, showered, and changed. There was another party that we’d heard about and decided to check it out. Zach knew of a hole in the wall pizza place so we stopped to eat there on the way. It turned out to be some of the best pizza I’d ever had.

  We’d all scored last night so we're all tied on our bet. I was going to have to step up my game if I wanted to win that four grand. I put on my smile that melted panties and walked into the house. It looked like I was going to have my choice of pussy tonight.

  Getting a drink, the boys and I scoped out the place. I noticed a hot chick with big tits looking at me. She was the usual type I fucked at parties, and I wasn’t going to make an exception tonight. I walked over and put my arm around her.

  “Hey,” she said licking her lips.

  “Hey yourself,” I said back.

  Before I could say anything else, she had her hand on my dick and was rubbing it through my jeans. I was growing hard with each stroke, and as she bit her lip, I felt like I would come undone just like this. Hell, I could go for this every night. I took her hand and rushed down the hall until I found the first door with a lock. It turned out to be a bathroom. I lifted her tight, short skirt and moved her soaking wet panties to the side. She was ready for me.

  To my surprise, she began nibbling on my ear as she started playing with her pussy. Watching her moan made me harder than I already was. I quickly got a condom out of my pocket, and undid my jeans at rapid speed. I was just about to stick my dick inside her, when I remembered the bet.

  “Can I take a picture of your sweet pussy?” I whispered in her ear, while I squeezed her tits.

  “Mmm hmm,” she agreed

  I pulled out my phone took a picture then buried my dick in her as far as I could. This was going to be quick and hard. She braced her hands on the counter as I fucked her. One of my favorite things in the world was watching my dick go in and out of a hot pussy.

  I could tell she was close as her hot breath began to beg me for more. I didn’t care how loud she screamed, or how hard she dug her nails in my back-- fucking this girl was definitely going to help me win some money. She began to moan louder, begging me to help her reach her climax, so I used my thumb to rub her juicy clit. I loved the feel of a pussy squeezing my dick. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back as I came right after she did.

  I tucked myself back into my jeans and went back to the party. I didn’t wait to see if she followed because I didn’t want her to. Was it an asshole move? Yep, but when it came to sex, I usually was an asshole. I always made sure the chick came, but I never stuck around afterward.

  I found Bodie and Zach talking to a couple of chicks. I flashed them my phone and they both groaned when they saw the new pic I’d just taken. I laughed and went to get another drink. The night was young and I was sure I could convince another chick to let me into her panties tonight.

  * * *

  I didn’t get home until after 2 am so I slept in on Sunday. Zach and Chad had family things to do so it was just going to be me and Bodie teaching the girls to surf. Bodie had gotten up early to get his sisters boards from his house. I had a couple of extra boards, but they weren’t good for learning.

  We loaded up our boards and headed to the beach. I was actually debating on if Kayleigh was going to show up or not. It looked like her friend was making her do this. I hoped she showed, I wanted to watch her in the water. She said she was a swimmer, and the thought of watching her move in the water appealed to me.

  I was pleasantly surprised when I saw them waiting by their car in the parking lot. I pulled my truck up beside them. I got out of the truck and walked around to where she was standing.

  “I didn’t think you were going to show,” I said to Kayleigh.

  “I almost didn’t, but I actually really want to learn to surf.”

  That surprised me. “Are you always this honest?”

  “Yeah, usually,” she replied.

  “Well let’s get started,” I said. “Kayleigh you’ll be with me and Bodie will teach you.” I pointed to her friend and realized that I couldn’t remember her name.

  “Her name is Karma,” Kayleigh said, with disdain in her voice.

  I smiled, yep, this was going to be fun.

  We led the girls over to an area of the beach that was unoccupied. Bodie and I stuck our boards in the sand, and put the other two down for the girls.

  “Ready?” I asked.

  They nodded and took off their cover-ups. I was disappointed that they were both wearing one-piece suits instead of the bikinis from yesterday. I was actually hoping one of their boobs might fall out during the lesson.

  “Are you done looking?” Kayleigh asked me.

  I hadn’t realized I was staring at her, but I decided to play it up. “Nope,” I said, and looked a little longer.

  “Are you always such a dick?” she asked.

  Bodie laughed, Karma smiled, and I just stood there. Chicks never talked to me the way she was. They wanted me for my money or my dick. She didn’t seem to want anything from me and I liked that. Oh wait, I think she really wanted an answer.

  “I guess I am,” I said grinning. I could tell she wanted to say something more, but she stopped he
rself. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll be less of a dick if you are less of a bitch.”

  I thought she might slap me, but instead, there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

  “I think I can manage that if you can.”

  “I never back down from a challenge so consider me less dicky.” That earned me a full smile. “Okay, let’s get started.”

  We taught them about what kind of board they should be using and the basic principles of surfing. They were both in tremendous shape and it didn’t take them any time at all to catch on to popping up on the board.

  I learned that they were from Oklahoma, that explained the accent, and had never swum in the ocean. Knowing that they were at Bay State on swimming and diving scholarships, I knew they were both strong swimmers, but being in the ocean was completely different from the pool.

  “Let’s start by getting used to the ocean. The waves can be stronger than they look,” I told them.

  The four of us waded into the water. When it was up to my chest, the girls started swimming. It only took them minutes to get used to the feel of the waves and the current below us. As Kayleigh was swimming, I had to admire the strength she had in the water. I could tell she loved being in it as much as I did. It might be the first thing we had in common.

  After spending a while in the water we went back to the beach and got the boards. We taught them how to paddle out on the waves, getting a feel for how the boards felt on the water. We sat on the boards letting the water float us around. This was a very peaceful place for me, it always had been.

  “I like this,” Kayleigh said out of the blue. “It’s very relaxing.”

  I agreed with her, but kept that to myself.

  “Ready to try getting on the board?”

  They both nodded.

  “Okay, watch how we do it.”


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