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Delphi Works of M. E. Braddon

Page 1133

by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

  ‘By your own account I’m afraid you’ve made a bad bargain,’ said Michael. ‘You don’t want a young lady to clean kettles and pans,’

  ‘If she was a young duchess my old woman would make her work,’ retorted Skegg decisively.

  ‘And pray where are you going to put this girl?’ asked Mr. Bascom, rather irritably; ‘I can’t have a strange young woman tramping up and down the passages outside my room. You know what a wretched sleeper I am, Skegg. A mouse behind the wainscot is enough to wake me.’

  ‘I’ve thought of that,’ answered the butler, with his look of ineffable wisdom. ‘I’m not going to put her on your floor. She’s to sleep in the attics.’

  ‘Which room?’

  ‘The big one at the north end of the house. That’s the only ceiling that doesn’t let water. She might as well sleep in a shower-bath as in any of the other attics.’

  ‘The room at the north end,’ repeated Mr. Bascom thoughtfully; ‘isn’t that — ?’

  ‘Of course it is,’snapped Skegg; ‘but she doesn’t know anything about it.’

  Mr. Bascom went back to his books, and forgot all about the orphan from Yarmouth, until one morning on entering his study he was startled by the appearance of a strange girl, in a neat black and white cotton gown, busy dusting the volumes which wore stacked in blocks upon his spacious writing-table — and doing it with such deft and careful hands that he had no inclination to be angry at this unwonted liberty. Old Mrs. Skegg had religiously refrained from all such dusting, on the plea that she did not wish to interfere with the master’s ways. One of the master’s ways, therefore, had been to inhale a good deal of dust in the course of The girl was a slim little thing, with a pale and somewhat old-fashioned face, flaxen hair, braided under a neat muslin cap, a very fair complexion, and light blue eyes. They were the lightest blue eyes Michael Bascom had ever seen, but there was a sweetness and gentleness in their expression which atoned for their insipid colour.

  ‘I hope you do not object to my dusting your books, sir,’ she said, dropping a curtsey.

  She spoke with a quaint precision which struck Michael Bascom as a pretty thing in its way.

  ‘No; I don’t object to cleanliness, so long as my books and papers are not disturbed. If you take a volume off my desk, replace it on the spot you took it from. That’s all I ask.’

  ‘I will be very careful, sir.’

  ‘When did you come here?’

  ‘Only this morning, sir.’

  The student seated himself at his desk, and the girl withdrew, drifting out of the room as noiselessly as a flower blown across the threshold. Michael Bascom looked after her curiously. He had seen very little of youthful womanhood in his dry-as-dust career, and he wondered at this girl as at a creature of a species hitherto unknown to him. How fairly and delicately she was fashioned; what a translucent skin; what soft and pleasing accents issued from those rose-tinted lips. A pretty thing, assuredly, this kitchen wench! A pity that in all this busy world there could be no better work found for her than the scouring of pots and pans.

  Absorbed in considerations about dry bones, Mr. Bascom thought no more of the pale-faced handmaiden. He saw her no more about his rooms. Whatever work she did there was done early in the morning, before the scholar’s breakfast.

  She had been a week in the house, when he met her one day in the hall. He was struck by the change in her appearance.

  The girlish lips had lost their rose-bud hue; the pale blue eyes had a frightened look, and there were dark rings round them, as in one whose nights had been sleepless, or troubled by evil dreams.

  Michael Bascom was so startled by an undefinable look in the girl’s face that, reserved as he was by habit and nature, he expanded so far as to ask her what ailed her.

  ‘There is something amiss, I am sure,’ he said. ‘What is it?’

  ‘Nothing, sir,’ she faltered, looking still more scared at his question. ‘Indeed, it is nothing; or nothing worth troubling you about.’

  ‘Nonsense. Do you suppose, because I live among books, I have no sympathy with my fellow-creatures? Tell me what is wrong with you, child. You have been grieving about the father you have lately lost, I suppose.’

  ‘No, sir; it is not that. I shall never leave off being sorry for that. It is a grief which will last me all my life.’

  ‘What, there is something else then?’ asked Michael impatiently. ‘I see; you are not happy here. Hard work does not suit you. I thought as much.’

  ‘Oh, sir, please don’t think that,’ cried the girl, very earnestly. ‘Indeed I am glad to work — glad to be in service; it is only—’

  She faltered and broke down, the tears rolling slowly from her sorrowful eyes, despite her effort to keep them back.

  ‘Only what cried Michael, growing angry. ‘The girl is full of secrets and mysteries. What do you mean, wench?’

  ‘I — I know it is very foolish, sir; but I am afraid of the room where I sleep.’

  ‘Afraid! Why?’

  ‘Shall I tell you the truth, sir? Will you promise not to be angry?’

  ‘I will not be angry if you will only speak plainly; but you provoke me by these hesitations and suppressions.’

  ‘And please, sir, do not tell Mrs. Skegg that I have told you. She would scold me, or perhaps even send me away.’

  ‘Mrs. Skegg shall not scold you. Go on, child.’

  ‘You may not know the room where I sleep, sir; it is a large room at one end of the house, looking towards the sea. I can see the dark line of water from the window, and I wonder sometimes to think that it is the same ocean I used to see when I was a child at Yarmouth. It is very lonely, sir, at the top of the house. Mr. and Mrs. Skegg sleep in a little room near the kitchen, you know, sir, and I am quite alone on the top floor.’

  ‘Skegg told me you had been educated in advance of your position in life, Maria. I should have thought the first effect of a good education would have been to make you superior to any foolish fancies about empty rooms.’

  ‘Oh, pray sir, do not think it is any fault in my education. Father took such pains with me; he spared no expense in giving me as good an education as a tradesman’s daughter need wish for. And he was a religious man, sir. He did not believe’ — here she paused with a suppressed shudder—’ in the spirits of the dead appearing to the living since the days of miracles, when the ghost of Samuel appeared to Saul. He never put any foolish ideas into my head, sir. I hadn’t a thought of fear when I first lay down to rest in the big lonely room upstairs.’

  ‘Well, what then?’

  ‘But on the very first night,’ the girl went on breathlessly, ‘I felt weighed down in my sleep as if there were some heavy burden laid upon my chest. It was not a bad dream, but it was a sense of trouble that followed me all through my sleep; and just at daybreak — it begins to be light a little after six — I woke suddenly, with the cold perspiration pouring down my face, and knew that there was something dreadful in the room.’

  ‘What do you mean by something dreadful. Did you see anything?’

  ‘Not much, sir; but it froze the blood in my veins, and I knew it was this that had been following me and weighing upon me all through my sleep. In the corner between the fire-place and the wardrobe, I saw a shadow — a dim, shapeless shadow—’

  ‘Produced by an angle of the wardrobe, I daresay.’

  ‘No, sir. I could see the shadow of the wardrobe, distinct and sharp, as if it had been painted on the wall. This shadow was in the corner — a strange, shapeless mass; or, if it had any shape at all, it seemed—’

  ‘What?’ asked Michael eagerly.

  ‘The shape of a dead body hanging against the wall!’

  Michael Bascom grew strangely pale, yet he affected utter incredulity.

  ‘Poor child,’ he said kindly; ‘you have been fretting about your father until your nerves are in a weak state, and you are full of fancies. A shadow in the corner, indeed; why, at daybreak, every corner is full of shadows. My old coat, fl
ung upon a chair, will make you as good a ghost as you need care to see.’

  ‘Oh, sir, I have tried to think it is my fancy. But I have had the same burden weighing me down every night. I have seen the same shadow every morning.’

  ‘But when broad daylight comes, can you not see what stuff your shadow is made of?’

  ‘No, sir; the shadow goes before it is broad daylight.’

  ‘Of course, just like other shadows. Come, come, get these silly notions out of your head, or you will never do for the work-a-day world. I could easily speak to Mrs. Skegg, and make her give you another room, if I wanted to encourage you in your folly. But that would be about the worst thing I could do for you. Besides, she tells me that all the other rooms on that floor are damp; and, no doubt, if she shifted you into one of them, you would discover another shadow in another corner, and get rheumatism into the bargain. No, my good girl, you must try to prove yourself the better for a superior education.’

  ‘I will do my best, sir,’ Maria-answered meekly, dropping a curtsey.

  Maria went back to the kitchen sorely depressed. It was a dreary life she led at Wildheath Grange — dreary by day, awful by night; for the vague burden and the shapeless shadow, which seemed so slight a matter to the elderly scholar, were unspeakably terrible to her. Nobody had told her that the house was haunted; yet she walked about those echoing passages wrapped round with a cloud of fear. She had no pity from Daniel Skegg and his wife. Those two pious souls had made up their minds that the character the house should be upheld, so far as Maria went. To her, as a foreigner, the Grange should be maintained to immaculate dwelling, tainted by no sulphurous blast from the under world. A willing, biddable girl had become a necessary element in the existence of Mrs. Skegg. That girl had been found and that girl must be kept. Any fancies of a supernatural character must be put down with a high hand.

  ‘Ghosts, indeed!’ cried the amiable Skegg. ‘Read your Bible, Maria, and don’t talk no more about ghosts.’

  ‘There are ghosts in the Bible,’ said Maria, with a shiver at the recollection of certain awful passages in the Scripture she knew so well.

  ‘Ah, they was in their right place, or they wouldn’t ha’ been there,’ retorted Mrs. Skegg. ‘You ain’t agoin’ to pick holes in your Bible, I hope, Mariar, at your time of life.’

  Maria sat down quietly in her corner by the kitchen fire, and turned over the leaves of her dead father’s Bible till she came to the chapters they two had loved best and of read together. He had been a simple-minded, straightforward man, the Yarmouth cabinet-maker — a man full of aspirations after good, innately refined, instinctively religious. He and his motherless girl had spent their lives alone together, in the neat little home, which Maria had so soon learnt to cherish and beautify; and they had loved each other with an almost romantic love. They had had the same tastes, the same ideas. Very little had sufficed to make them happy. But inexorable death parted father and daughter, in one of those sharp sudden partings which are like the shock of an earthquake — instantaneous ruin, desolation and despair.

  Maria’s fragile form had bent before the tempest. She had lived through a trouble that might have crushed a stronger nature. Her deep religious convictions, and her belief that this cruel parting would not be for ever, had sustained her. She faced life, and its cares and duties, with a gentle patience which was the noblest form of courage.

  Michael Bascom told himself that the servant-girl’s foolish fancy about the room that had been given her was not a matter for serious consideration. Yet the idea dwelt in his mind unpleasantly, and disturbed him at his labours. The exact sciences require the complete power of a man’s brain, his undistracted attention; and on this particular evening Michael found that he was only giving his work a part of his attention. The girl’s pale face, the girl’s tremulous tones, thrust themselves into the foreground of his thoughts.

  He closed his book with a fretful sigh, wheeled his large arm-chair round to the fire, and gave himself up to contemplation. To attempt study with so disturbed a mind was useless. It was a dull grey evening, early in November; the student’s reading-lamp was lighted, but the shutters were not yet shut, nor the curtains drawn. He could see the leaden sky outside his windows, the fir-tree tops tossing in the angry wind. He could hear the wintry blast whistling amidst the gables, before it rushed off seaward with a savage howl that sounded like a war-whoop.

  Michael Bascom shivered, and drew nearer the fire.

  ‘It’s childish, foolish nonsense,’ he said to himself, ‘yet it’s strange she should have that fancy about the shadow; for they say Anthony Bascom destroyed himself in that room. I remember hearing it when I was a boy, from an old servant whose mother was housekeeper at the great house in Anthony’s time, I never heard how he died, poor fellow — whether he poisoned himself, or shot himself, or cut his throat; but I’ve been told that was the room. Old Skegg has heard it too. I could see that by his manner when he told me the girl was to sleep there.’

  He sat for a long time, till the grey of evening outside his study windows changed to the black of night, and the war-whoop of the wind died away to a low complaining murmur. He sat looking into the fire, and letting his thoughts wander back to the past and the traditions he had heard in his boyhood.

  That was a sad, foolish story of his great-uncle, Anthony Bascom: the pitiful story of a wasted fortune and a wasted life. A riotous collegiate career at Cambridge, a racing-stable at Newmarket, an imprudent marriage, a dissipated life in London, a runaway wife, an estate forfeited to Jew money-lenders, and then the fatal end.

  Michael had often heard that dismal story; how, when Anthony Bascom’s fair false wife had left him, when his credit was exhausted, and his friends had grown tired of him, and all was gone except Wildheath Grange, Anthony, the broken-down man of fashion, had come to that lonely house unexpectedly one night, and had ordered his bed to be got ready for him in the room where he used to sleep when he came to the place for the wild duck shooting, in his boyhood. His old blunderbuss was still hanging over the mantelpiece, where he had left it when he came into the property, and could afford to buy the newest thing in fowling-pieces. He had not been to Wildheath for fifteen years; nay for a good many of those years he had almost forgotten that the dreary old house belonged to him.

  The woman who had been housekeeper at Bascom Park, till house and lands had passed into the hands of the Jews, was at this time the sole occupant of Wildheath. She cooked some supper for her master, and made him as comfortable as she could in the long untenanted dining-room; but she was distressed to find, when she cleared the table after he had gone upstairs to bed, that he had eaten hardly anything.

  Next morning she got his breakfast ready in the room, which she managed to make brighter and cheerier than it had looked overnight. Brooms, dusting-brushes, and a good fire did much to improve the aspect of things. But the morning wore on to noon, and the old housekeeper listened in vain for her master’s footfall on the stairs. Noon waned to late afternoon. She had made no attempt to disturb him, thinking that he had worn himself out by a tedious journey on horseback, and that he was sleeping the sleep of exhaustion. But when the brief November day clouded with the first shadows of twilight, the old woman grew seriously alarmed, and went upstairs to her master’s door, where she waited in vain for any reply to her repeated calls and knockings.

  The door was locked on the inside, and the housekeeper was not strong enough to break it open. She rushed downstairs again full of fear, and ran bare-headed out into the lonely road. There was no habitation nearer than the turn-pike on the old coach road, from which this side road branched off to the sea. There was scanty hope of a chance passer-by. The old woman ran along the road, hardly knowing whither she was going or what she was going to do, but with a vague idea that she must get somebody to help her.

  Chance favoured her. A cart, laden with sea-weed, came lumbering slowly along from the level line of sands yonder where the land melted into water. A heavy lumberi
ng farm-labourer walked beside the cart.

  ‘For God’s sake, come in and burst open my master’s door!’ she entreated, seizing the man by the arm. ‘He’s lying dead, or in a lit, and I can’t get to help him.’

  ‘All right, missus,’ answered the man, as if’ such an invitation were a matter of daily occurrence. ‘Whoa, Dobbin; stond still, horse, and be donged to thee.’

  Dobbin was glad enough to be brought to anchor on the patch of waste grass in front of the Grange garden. His master followed the housekeeper upstairs, and shattered the old-fashioned box-lock with one blow of his ponderous fist.

  The old woman’s worst fear was realised. Anthony Bascom was dead. But the mode and manner of his death Michael had never been able to learn. The housekeeper’s daughter, who told him the story, was an old woman when he was a boy. She had only shaken her head, and looked unutterable things, when he questioned her too closely. She had never even admitted that the old squire had committed suicide. Yet the tradition of his self-destruction was rooted in the minds of the natives of Holcroft: and there was a settled belief that his ghost, at certain times and seasons, haunted Wildheath Grange.

  Now Michael Bascom was a stern materialist. For him the universe, with all its inhabitants, was but a stupendous machine, governed by inexorable laws. To such a man the idea of a ghost was simply absurd — as absurd as the assertion that two and two make five, or that a circle can be formed of a straight line. Yet he had a kind of dilettante interest in the idea of a mind which could believe in ghosts. The subject offered a curious psychological study. This poor little pale girl, now, had evidently got some supernatural terror into her head, which could only be conquered by rational treatment.


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