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Passion Never Dies

Page 4

by Tremay, Joy

  Diana felt her pulse accelerate as she stared into Jake’s deep green eyes. She had to tear her eyes away so she could greet Nathan’s nanny properly.

  “How do you do?” Diana asked politely.

  Short in height and a little heavy-set with streaks of grey in her dark hair, Liz had a motherly look about her.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Mulroney,” Liz said, smiling widely.

  Jake held out his hand to Diana, who took it automatically. He grinned at her and she couldn’t help but smile back at him. She glanced at the little blond boy at his side who clutched his uncle’s hand tightly. There was quite a resemblance between uncle and nephew.

  “How do you do, Mr. Redmond,” asked Diana, striving to keep her voice normal even though she was completely stunned by his appearance. This couldn’t possibly be a coincidence.

  “Please,” Jake said, a twinkle in his eye, “call me Jake.”

  Diana’s eyes widened as he winked at her. She couldn’t believe his audacity. Glancing at Joan, she was relieved that her boss had been talking to Jake’s nephew and hadn’t seen the wink.

  “Diana, Mr. Redmond’s nephew will be in your classroom this summer,” Joan said.

  Diana crouched down so she could be at eye level with the little boy. She smiled at him and he grinned back. With his tousled blond hair and bright green eyes, he was really quite adorable and a carbon copy of his handsome uncle.

  “Hello, what’s your name, sweetie?” Diana asked warmly.

  “Nathan,” the boy answered. “What’s yours?”

  “Diana and you may call me Miss Diana. Welcome to our class, Nathan. We’re so glad you could join us. Would you like me to introduce you to one of your classmates?”

  The child nodded his head solemnly and she noticed that he didn’t grip his uncle’s hand so tightly anymore. Diana stood up from her crouch and looked around. She noticed little Tommy in the corner playing with some blocks.

  “Tommy, will you please come here?” she called out. The red-haired little boy immediately looked up and walked over to his teacher.

  “Tommy, this is Nathan. He’s going to be in our classroom. He needs a new friend. Will you show him around?”

  Tommy nodded eagerly and looked at Nathan.

  “Hi, I’m Tommy. We have great toys here. Do you wanna see?” asked Tommy, smiling.

  Nathan nodded and smiled back. He released his uncle’s hand and the two boys walked away together. Diana looked at Jake, who smiled after his nephew. Tommy was an affable child, who got along with all the children. He would be a perfect playmate for Nathan.

  “Well now, I better get back to my office,” said Joan. She turned to Jake and smiled. “If you have any questions, Mr. Redmond, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you. You’ve been very helpful, Miss Mayfield. I’m certain my nephew will enjoy being in your school this summer.”

  Joan smiled and left the classroom with Liz, leaving Diana and Jake alone.

  “Surprised to see me, Diana?” Jake asked, smiling at her.

  “Just a little,” she answered lightly, trying not to reveal how overwhelmed she was by his sheer masculine presence in her little classroom.

  “Max told me you worked here when I spoke to him last night.”

  “Oh, he did, did he?” Diana would have to remember to sarcastically thank Max for being so discreet.

  Jake nodded. “After speaking to Miss Mayfield this morning, I decided that this would be the perfect school for Nathan.”

  “Well, I’m glad,” said Diana. As much as she didn’t like the thought of him prying into her life, she agreed that her school was the best place for any child to attend.

  Diana looked over at Nathan, who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet across from Tommy. Both boys were busy playing with colorful, wooden blocks.

  “What time do you get off work?”

  “Five o’clock,” Diana answered distractedly as her eyes wandered over to Jacob, who had taken back his fire truck and had left Shane looking upset.

  “Jacob -” she started, but at that moment Jacob reluctantly handed over the fire truck to Shane again.

  “Fine, I’ll see you then. I’ll pick you up in front of the school,” Jake said, a satisfied gleam in his eyes.

  Immediately, Diana’s eyes met Jake’s and she asked, “Wait - what?” she asked in confusion.

  “I recall that you still owe me coffee,” he grinned mischievously.

  “I’m sorry but -” Diana began.

  “Miss Diana, Jacob’s being bad!” wailed Shane from across the room.

  Diana tore her eyes away from Jake’s and looked at Jacob, who was banging a toy police car against the wall.

  “Jacob, stop that and come here,” she called out sternly to the little boy. Jacob immediately stood and walked over to her.

  Diana looked at Jake again and shook her head.

  “Jake, I’m not sure if having coffee with you is a good idea -”

  “I won’t take no for an answer,” he interrupted, looking intently into her eyes.

  Diana sighed, knowing that she couldn’t refuse him - he was just too irresistible. She felt a tugging at her skirt and looked down at Jacob, who was looking up at her with an expectant face.

  “Fine, I’ll see you at five,” she said reluctantly, glancing back up at Jake.

  “See you then, Diana,” Jake said, grinning. “By the way, I’ve left instructions with Miss Mayfield that Liz will be picking him up after school today.”

  He took one more look at his nephew and closed the classroom door behind him. Diana bit her lip and wondered if she had just made another impulsive mistake, but she couldn’t help feeling excited at the prospect of seeing him again at the end of the day. Despite the warning bells in her mind cautioning her to think twice before spending any more time with him, she was unable to resist him. He was simply too tempting. It was enough to make her grind her teeth in frustration.


  “Why did Max have to mention my school to Jake?” asked Diana, speaking on her cell phone as she waited for Jake in front of the school later that day.

  Everyone, including her boss, Joan, had already left for the day. She had carpooled with a fellow teacher in the morning, so the parking lot was empty.

  “Max said he was looking for a good preschool, so he mentioned yours. We thought he had a son,” replied Natalie.

  “No, he has a nephew.”

  “Max told him that you worked there and I’m sure that influenced his decision.”

  “I’m sure it did,” answered Diana dryly.

  “He’s obviously still attracted to you.”

  “I can’t believe he remembered me from nine years ago.”

  “I guess the man never forgot you considering what happened at the beach that night.”

  “Well, nothing really happened,” muttered Diana.

  “Not from what you told me. It’s not every day a girl experiences her first -”

  “Natalie!” Diana interrupted her. “Don’t say it.”

  “Diana, he was a stud and he still is. Just don’t underestimate the power of attraction.”

  Diana sighed and bit her lip.

  “I know, I know. I’m twenty-seven now, not eighteen. I can handle this.”

  She looked up as a shiny black Porsche pulled into the school’s parking lot. She watched Jake get out of his car and felt her heart lurch as he walked toward her.

  “I have to go,” Diana said quickly. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Wait, what happened last night? You never did call me back.”

  “I’ll call you tonight and give you the details. Bye, Nat.”

  Diana ended the call and straightened out her grey, knee-length skirt. She hoped that her cotton, pink blouse had not wrinkled too badly, but after working all day with the children, her clothes weren’t always in the best state by evening.

  “Hi, Diana, ready for our coffee date?” asked Jake as he held out his hand to her

  She took his proffered hand nervously as he walked her back to his Porsche.

  “Is this really a date?” she asked, relishing the feel of his hand in hers.

  “For me it is,” he said seriously, his eyes intent on hers before he opened the passenger side door for her.

  She tried to control her racing pulse as she sat on the black leather seat and watched him get into the car. Diana had to repress a shiver of excitement as she looked him over under her lashes. He wore a light blue, short-sleeved, cotton shirt that revealed the muscular strength of his arms and crisp, beige slacks.

  Diana watched him turn on the ignition and change gears. It was difficult not to stare at his strong, masculine hands as he easily controlled the powerful sports car. She tried to discreetly tug down on her grey skirt, which had pulled up on her thighs, and caught him looking at her legs. She met his eyes, which had a teasing gleam in them.

  “You have pretty legs, teacher,” he said, smiling.

  Diana’s pulse leaped at his compliment.

  “Thank you,” she said, suddenly at a loss for words.

  Jake grinned and then continued to drive on in silence. Within fifteen minutes, he had pulled up in front of an elegant restaurant and had parked the car. He opened the passenger side door for her and took her elbow, guiding her to the front entrance. They were promptly seated outside overlooking a man-made lake with several swans swimming nearby.

  “Beautiful view,” she said, looking at the swans and the shimmering lake.

  “A beautiful view for a beautiful woman,” Jake said with a winning smile.

  “Does Nathan like his nanny?” she asked, trying to keep him from becoming too flirtatious, not that she didn’t like his compliment.

  Jake nodded. “Nathan’s nanny has been with him since birth. She’s staying with me this summer.”

  “Why do you have Nathan?” she asked curiously. It had been a question uppermost in her mind all day.

  “Lana and her husband are taking a second honeymoon this summer and asked me if I could watch him.”

  “Their honeymoon will be three months long?” she asked.

  Jake let out a low laugh. “My sister and her husband have been trying to have a baby for a while now. They figure that a whole summer of trying might seal the deal.”

  “But why did they want you to watch Nathan?” Diana asked and then, hoping she hadn’t sounded rude, added, “I mean, you’re single and have a business to run.”

  “I know what you mean,” Jake laughed. “I was taken by surprise when they asked me to watch him, but they promised that Liz, Nathan’s nanny, would come along. She’s very reliable and is almost a part of the family. I was assured that I wouldn’t be overwhelmed as a substitute parent. Originally, my parents were going to take care of Nathan, but my father has become increasingly weak and my mother has her hands full watching over him.”

  “I’m so sorry,” said Diana sympathetically.

  “No, it’s all right. It has all worked out for the best. I’ll get to know my nephew a little better this summer, since lately I’ve only been around him during holidays and short family visits.”

  Diana found his attitude sweetly endearing. Not many busy, single men would have appreciated having to take care of a four-year-old all summer. Clearly, he loved his nephew and family and it made her desire him even more.

  “Where do you call home?” she asked curiously.

  “New York City,” he replied. “My father moved his company’s headquarters to Manhattan several years ago, but shortly afterwards his heart started failing him. My mother berated him and told him he needed to stop working so hard. My parents decided to move back to our family home in San Diego. When my father asked me to take over the reigns of his company, I accepted.”

  Jake paused before he continued. “I’m only in Vegas for the summer. I’m overseeing the construction of a new luxury hotel on the Strip. Once summer ends, Nathan goes back to San Diego with his parents and I go back to New York.”

  “I see,” Diana said softly. But she really didn’t see at all. Where was all this flirtation leading up to? A summer fling? She wasn’t the type of girl who had flings, but as she looked at Jake with his devastating good looks and piercing green eyes, she could easily forget the type of girl she was.

  “Well, let’s hope your sister and brother-in-law have a successful honeymoon,” Diana said lightly, not wanting to delve further into her thoughts.

  Jake grinned. “I sure hope so. Lana had trouble conceiving Nathan, so she’s hoping a trip to a few tropical island resorts will result in a new member of the family.”

  Jake paused as a waiter arrived to take their orders. He ordered a steak with red wine.

  “I’ll just have coffee with sugar and cream, please,” said Diana to the waiter.

  “Are you sure?” asked Jake, frowning a little. “I’m treating you to dinner.”

  The waiter hovered patiently as he waited for her answer.

  Diana shook her head.

  “No, thank you. One of the teachers had their birthday today and Joan had a catered lunch brought in for everyone. I’m very full, so I’ll skip dinner tonight.”

  Diana looked up at the young waiter and said, “I’ll just have coffee, please.” The waiter nodded his head politely and then left.

  “I hope you’re not one of those women who watch what they eat because of their figures,” Jake said as he stretched his legs out beneath the table. “You look perfect to me.”

  Diana felt a blush rising at his compliment. His legs were so long that they bumped into her legs under the table. Diana moved her legs to the side to allow him more space and to keep from feeling flustered.

  “Why, thank you,” she smiled. “But of course I have to watch my figure,” she quipped. “Most women do.”

  “You’re not most women,” Jake drawled as his eyes wandered over her slowly.

  Diana inwardly squirmed in her seat at his perusal, but silently preened at his comment.

  “I’m far from perfect,” she said humbly.

  “We’ll just agree to disagree, shall we?”

  Jake grinned and winked, causing her to pause and catch her breath. The waiter appeared with Jake’s wine and her coffee. She took a sip of her coffee to distract herself. She was finding it increasingly difficult not to fidget under his steady gaze.

  “You really haven’t changed, Diana,” Jake said as he sipped his wine and continued to lazily study her. “It only took me a few minutes to recognize you last night at dinner.”

  “Then my anti-aging cream must be working,” she said lightly, wanting to keep their conversation light.

  Jake let out a short bark of laughter and she felt a tingle run up her spine. He really did have the sexiest laugh she had ever heard.

  “You look like you’re still a college co-ed. It’s good that you’re teaching preschool children. If you were teaching high school, the boys wouldn’t be able to concentrate on their lessons.”

  “Oh please, flattery will get you nowhere,” she said, blushing at his comment.

  “How long have you lived in Vegas?” asked Jake, taking another sip of his wine.

  “Four years. I was initially uncomfortable with the high temperatures, but I gradually became acclimated.”

  “What made you move out here?” he asked curiously.

  “My parents divorced and my mother remarried and moved here. I chose to live here so I could be near her. I haven’t regretted it since, although I still miss Huntington Beach.”

  “Huntington Beach in southern California?”

  Diana nodded. “That’s where I grew up.”

  “We were practically neighbors then. I grew up in San Diego.”

  Jake grinned and then reached over to tuck a stray strand of her chestnut hair behind her ear. She held her breath as she felt his finger gently caress her suddenly sensitive earlobe.

  “Do you remember that night at the beach?” he said softly, his look very intense.r />
  Diana nodded as heated memories suddenly invaded her mind. She could never have forgotten the steamy encounter with a gorgeous stud like Jake.

  “Yes,” she said slowly and looked down at her coffee, suddenly shy. She felt the tip of his finger under her chin as he tilted her face up gently.

  “We lit our own bonfire that night, Diana,” Jake said, leaning closer to her.

  She stared into his penetrating green eyes, a keen awareness of him flooding her senses. Why was this happening between them now after all these years? She needed to get some answers from him.

  “Why are you here with me, Jake? Don’t tell me that what happened between us nine years ago is still fresh in your memory.”

  “It’s not as if I planned this, Diana. What matters is that I’ve become reacquainted with a woman I’ve never really forgotten.”

  Jake paused and then placed his hand over hers on the table. Diana liked the feel of his large, masculine hand covering her slender one.

  “I’ve never really forgotten you either,” Diana reluctantly confessed. Jake smiled and squeezed her hand gently.

  “Good, then it’s mutual,” he grinned.

  Diana paused, took a deep breath and reminded herself that she needed to come clean with Jake for her sake and his.

  “I’m kind of seeing someone right now. I’m not exactly his girlfriend but it would still hurt him if he knew I was seeing you,” she said softly.

  To her shame, she wished she had not had to admit to him about Richard, but she knew it would have eaten her up inside if she had hidden the truth from him.

  “So, you have a boyfriend?” Jake asked in a hard voice. His eyes glittered with an emotion she couldn’t read.

  “We aren’t in a committed relationship,” Diana hedged, “but I’ve been dating him for a little over a year.”

  A small tic appeared on Jake’s cheek and he stayed quiet until the silence made her uncomfortable. His hand still covered hers gently, but she could see in his eyes that he was far from pleased with her answer.

  “I see,” he said slowly. “So, where do we go from here?”

  Diana bit her lip as his green eyes probed into hers.

  “I’ll have to tell Richard about you,” she replied softly.


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