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The Lion, the Witch, and the Werewolf

Page 15

by Amy Sumida

  The men to either side of contestant #1 held my thighs apart wide enough that I couldn't even feel the man's face or hair against my skin. They allowed me no clue as to whose mouth descended on my sex or whose tongue laved at me from bottom to top in one, languorous lick. I moaned and tried to move my hips toward that pleasure, but the hands on my thighs held me securely. The other men stayed quiet as the first man feasted; making sure that I couldn't rule out who wasn't between my legs, sucking and tonguing me greedily. Whoever he was, he worked me expertly to release; the tip of his tongue flicking over my clit ferociously until I screamed.

  A cool, wet cloth bathed my heated flesh, and I settled down into a glorious lassitude. Then my whole body turned with the table as I panted through aftershocks. Another man set himself between my thighs and lowered his mouth to my core. Hard sucking came immediately, and I nearly did as well. But then the technique shifted. A thick tongue rubbed over me insistently like a pressed palm before firm lips moved side-to-side rapidly. My thighs tensed and shivered through an explosive orgasm.

  Before I made it back down to Earth, the cloth was back; washing me and cooling me down for the next attempt. My head spun with the table as I was turned to be pleasured by yet another mystery mouth. The wet sounds of lips on my sex added to the sensations of a flicking, sucking, and thrusting tongue.

  I writhed on the table, my hands massaging my own breasts since no one else would touch me. The man between my legs paused as my hands were pulled away from my body.

  “Uh-uh-uh, Lala,” Re chided me. “There can be nothing but the pleasure we give you if you're to judge fairly. Be a good girl or I'll have to spank you later.”

  “That is hardly an incentive for me to behave,” I purred.

  Re laughed and then it went quiet again, and the lips returned to their endeavors. I moaned and thrashed and clawed my way through every man's efforts until they had each given me an incredible orgasm and my body was left shivering and clenching through wild spasms that wouldn't stop.

  “Somebody had better fuck me right fucking now!” I nearly screamed as I tore the blindfold off.

  “Give us a number, and the winner will,” Re said. “Who was your favorite?”

  “I don't fucking know!” I cried out in frustration.

  “You have to choose, Lala.” Re smirked. “Don't ruin the game.”

  “Number Two,” I growled.

  Kirill grinned triumphantly as the other men groaned. The table spun as Kirill turned me to face him, and I sat up to help him out of his jacket. Kirill shrugged it off as he caught my mouth in a savage kiss. I clung to him; preventing any more of his clothing from being shed, but Kirill didn't let that stop him. He undid his pants and thrust into me still clothed. I cried out into his mouth, and he began a rapid pace.

  Kirill laid me back on the table, and the rest of them descended. I stroked my fingers through silky hair and circled them around thick erections as talented mouths sucked and hot tongues licked my body. I was screaming in release again in no time, and as I did, Azrael slid himself into my mouth. I groaned around the velvet steel and sucked him deeper.

  Kirill shoved me forward until my head angled back over the edge. Az gripped the sides of the table and thrust himself down my throat. I groaned and shivered through the beautifully barbaric euphoria as Kirill lifted my legs and pushed them back, his hands beneath my bent knees, until they nearly touched the table. He held them there with his palms and used my body as leverage for his violent pummeling. Kirill pulled out to come in hot streams across my stomach, and I focused on Az. But after someone cleaned my belly, talented fingers took Kirill's place, and when Azrael began to come, I was right there with him.

  Then I was spinning again.

  Odin suddenly stood between my legs; his gorgeous, clean-shaven face smiling sensually as he slid into me, giving a few thrusts until his cock was slick.

  “Perfect; you're dripping wet.” Odin rocked his hips against me, grinding his pelvis over my clit, and then pulled out as his magic replaced him.

  An invisible shaft started moving in and out of me as Odin worked the slippery head of his erection into my other entrance. I moaned from the dark pleasure of that plum tip breaching me with a physical pop as Re filled my mouth with his gleaming, gold-dusted rod. He poured his glass of champagne over my chest and hastily leaned over me and sucked the liquid off my breasts. His tongue trailed through the valley between my breasts and then slowly up the side, making sure to get every drop as he made his way to the peak. I wanted to hold his head to me tighter but my hands were full of my other lovers.

  “Are you fucking her ass?” Toby asked as a hand I assumed was his trailed down my belly and rubbed my clit in slow, fascinated swirls.

  “The Wolf helped Vervain move past all of her sexual hangups,” Odin's voice was low and sexy as his cock worked its way deeper.

  I shuddered around him, my body pulling him in greedily.

  “I've never done that before,” Toby murmured.

  “Lala's ass is made for sin, with the most delightfully tight, tiny, pink hole,” Re groaned around my nipple. “I had to fuck it at least once a day on our honeymoon. You simply must try it.”

  “My ass is not a damn piece of chocolate to be sampled,” I pulled away from Re's cock to say.

  Odin slid himself all the way in with both his magical and physical cock, and I moaned.

  “What was that, Lala?” Re asked in a teasing tone.

  “I said; you're next, Toby,” I purred.

  Toby's eyes widened, and then he started to smile.

  Re cried out and spilled sweetly down my throat; his hands clenching on my breasts as he did. He drew away at last as I sucked him clean, and I finally lifted my head for a beautiful view of Odin. He pulled me back down the table so I could rest my head better, his body bucking against mine as he held my legs tightly against his chest. He had the time to take his clothes off and was magnificent in the candlelight; his massive muscles golden and slick with sweat as the fresh scent of him rolled over me.

  The other men had taken seats around the table to watch and wait their turn. They stroked me covetously, fingers circling nipples and my clit, as my flesh rippled from Odin's powerful thrusts. Then Odin shouted out his release and pulled out of me to come across my belly. I reached down to rub him as he did, and he shivered as he hands clenched on my thighs.

  When Odin came down from his erotic high, he cleaned me off with one of the wet towels they'd been using, and Toby and Trevor moved forward.

  “Enough of this shit,” Trevor said as he lifted me off the table. “You can have her ass, I want that sweet pussy.”

  Trevor and Toby had both undressed and surrounded me in glorious, muscled, male flesh. Trevor placed one of my arms around his shoulders and moved the other around Toby's while they faced each other and sandwiched me. The position put my lower half flat between them while my upper half twisted to face outward. It gave me the ability to divide my kisses between them. I was kissing Toby when Trevor lifted one of my legs up along his side and Toby took the other. They hooked my knees over their elbows, suspending me between them. And then Trevor slid into me. I felt Toby at my back entrance, his cock slick with something. I glanced over at him with a question in my eyes.

  “Olive oil,” Toby said with a grin. “It's good for the skin.”

  I gasped as Toby slipped inside slowly while Trevor started a steady pounding. But soon, they got a matching rhythm going with one sliding in as the other came out. My mind couldn't wrap itself around the pleasure. My head rolled deliriously on my neck like a broken doll. Trevor had his free hand working my breast, and Toby sucked greedily on my throat.

  “Fuck!” Toby lifted his head and groaned. “You were right, Re; this is mind-blowing.”

  “When it comes to sex, I'm always right,” Re's voice had gone low and sexy.

  The way Toby held my leg up and out toward him, put us on display for the other men. Our audience took it as their due; watching us
with lascivious stares as they casually sipped their drinks. It was deeply carnal—putting on a show for the fine gentlemen with my two savages—and I was nearly to my orgasm when Kirill groaned and started shedding his clothes.

  “I'm sorry, Tima.” Kirill resumed his seat and started stroking himself. “But zat is too fucking hot to vatch vithout getting hard. I'm going to need you again.”

  My gaze went to the steady strokes of Kirill's hand over his long shaft, and I shivered when he rubbed the pad of his thumb over his flushed, glistening tip. Then he reached down and palmed his balls; lifting them as if to display them for me, and my whole body shook at the steamy, suggestive sight.

  “I think we all will require more turns; possibly several. This will be a very long night, Lala. Long and hard,” Re's molten gaze locked on my core as Toby and Trevor held me between them and plunged my depths.

  Re started removing his clothes too. They all did.

  I screamed out in ecstasy, both the passion and the promise of more to come sending me over the edge.

  “Happy Valentine's Day, Minn Elska,” Trevor whispered in my ear.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The next day, my Valentine's adventures began in India. The other men had drawn numbers from a bowl to determine the order they'd be going in. After Kirill would be Toby, then Azrael, Trevor, Odin, and Re. Re didn't seem the least bit upset that he'd have to go last. He said it gave him the chance to create memories that I'd remember first.

  Kirill and I traced to India—just down the road from our hotel—and checked into the Oberoi Amarvilas. It was an Indian Palace carved from creamy-honey stone. A rectangular pool languished before it with bridges forming a cross over it. One of the bridges led straight to the hotel's grand entrance. Domes capped the main building as they did several of the surrounding towers. I stared up at their graceful curves until we passed into the building beneath filigree arches and stained glass lanterns.

  We checked in and were shown to the exclusive Kohinoor Suite at the top of the hotel. I strode through the palatial rooms—each one with its own view of the Taj Mahal—as Kirill paid the bellhop. The décor screamed swanky-Indian with enormous Persian rugs covering the hardwood floor, marble columns everywhere, and muted gold gilding. Fresh, pink lilies overflowed a crystal trench set on a long cabinet that defined one long edge of the living room, separating it from the entryway. I walked past the spacious room, noting the brass telescope pointed out the open French doors at the Taj Mahal. Those doors opened onto the terrace; a stone space nearly as wide as the living room that stretched the length of the suite. Down the hall, another pair of doors led into the master bedroom.

  The king bed dominated the largest wall, positioned to face another set of French doors and the impressive view. The most romantic tomb in the world looked as if it were in touching distance of our terrace. It should have been odd to want a view of what was essentially a graveyard, but those graves rested within an Indian monument.

  I understood why Kirill had chosen this place. As an artisan wood-carver, he must be fascinated by the white marble's relief work and inlaid gems. I was looking forward to exploring the grounds myself; a beautiful garden sprawled in front of the tomb in vibrant colors. But honestly, I only had a day with Kirill, and I intended to spend most of it in his arms.

  “Vhat vould you like to do first?” Kirill asked as he wrapped himself around me from behind.

  “Do you really have to ask?” I turned in his arms and lifted my face to kiss him.

  Kirill growled low in his throat and swept me up to carry me to the bed. We were skin-to-skin in seconds, and Kirill eased inside me with the most sublime feeling of completeness. He rose above me on his forearms, his expression tender. His raven hair swept back in a thick braid to reveal the regal beauty of his face. Beauty made sharper by the vivid Indian sky behind it. I clutched my black lion to me, pulling him down into another sweet kiss as he began moving inside me with a slow grind.

  Sometimes, the simplest sex is the best.

  Hours later, after we'd exhausted our passions, toured the Taj Mahal, and had a romantic dinner on our terrace, Kirill and I ended up in the spacious bathtub that ruled its domain from a kingly dais. A bay window rose from the dais with a view of—of course—the Taj Mahal. After touring it and standing beneath the awesome beauty of the intricately carved dome, I could appreciate the monument and the love that had inspired it all the more.

  “Fourteen children,” I said to Kirill as I leaned back against his chest. “Mumtaz Mahal died giving birth to Shah Jahan's fourteenth child.”

  “Da.” Kirill laughed. “She must have been irresistible to him; as you are to me.”

  “Maybe if he'd controlled his passions more, she would have lived longer.” I glanced back at him.

  “But vould she have lived better?” He lifted a brow at me.

  “I'm not having fourteen children,” I said as I turned around and straddled him.

  “Good zing you have birth control spell zen,” he noted with a smirk.

  “Indeed.” I went silent as I stared at him.

  Kirill leaned forward and kissed me, lingering over it until he pulled back to ask, “Vhat is it?”

  “Are you happy?” I whispered.

  There had been this ache inside my chest ever since I'd discovered that Trevor had been unhappy for years. Or, at least, unsatisfied. The other men had given into his alpha claim; Kirill nearly immediately. I knew he understood and even agreed with Trevor's position, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it.

  “Of course,” he said simply.

  “There isn't anything you need that I haven't given you?” I persisted. “Anything that would make you happier?”

  “Vervain,” Kirill said with a soft, amazed smile, “all I ever vanted vas you, and zen you gave me Lesya. Zere is nothing more I vant except to continue to have you both in my life. Just keep looking at me as you are now, and I'll be happy forever.”

  “Gods, I love you,” I exclaimed before I kissed him again.

  “Ven you vere torn away from me in Mirror, I vas frantic,” Kirill went on after we eased out of our kiss. “I vould have torn palace down if I could have.”

  “I was just as scared for the two of you.”

  “Zat's only zing I vant, Vervain,” he said seriously. “You to be safe. Every time ve go to battle or an enemy attacks you, I feel hot and cold vith fear. It's only time I vish for more; for something different.”

  “We've been over this. I can't just hide from my enemies,” I said gently. “And I don't want to give up fighting for humans.”

  “I know, and I don't vant you to either.” Kirill sighed. “Zat's vhat makes you, you. It makes you voman I love. I understand, and I know all I can do is stand beside you and hope zat ve are strong enough to defeat vhatever comes at us. But you asked, so I tell you.”

  “I think we all wish we could protect the ones we love from every danger,” I said. “They may live longer that way but, as you said earlier, would they live better?”

  “Zhat's naughty of you; to use my vords against me.” He chuckled.

  “At least I don't want fourteen children.”

  “I vouldn't mind.”

  “Can you imagine?” I laughed. “Fourteen cubs running about the palace.”

  “I can.” He sighed and smiled. “It vould be chaos, but beautiful chaos.”

  “Do you want more children?”

  “Others need to have zeir children before I can even hope for zat,” Kirill said. “I'm content vith Lesya.”

  “That's not what I asked,” I said softly.

  I couldn't look away from his beautiful eyes; so full of longing and love. I wanted him safe, just as he wanted me, but if we couldn't have safety, I wanted Kirill to have every desire in his lion heart fulfilled. If I could give it to him, I would. Even if it was fourteen children.

  “Da, I vant more children,” Kirill finally said. “But ve have forever, Vervain. I vill never build you a monument like zat one.”
He waved his hand out the window. “Because you vill never die; I von't allow it. Instead, our monument will be our family—our Pride—and ve vill build it together.”

  I swallowed past the lump in my throat and hugged him tightly. There was nothing I could say to that; no string of words that could acknowledge how wonderful Kirill's sentiments had been or how much I treasured them. Instead, I eased back and kissed him again, and when he rose up ready once more, I took him inside me along with his dream of a strong Pride that would be a monument to our love.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Each morning, a new lover would come for me and whisk me away to another exotic destination. After wandering through the Taj Mahal with Kirill and experiencing the profound weight of love and heartache that had gone into its creation, I explored Machu Picchu with Toby; the entire ruins empty except for us. It was utterly amazing and humbling.


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