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Alien Warrior's Bounty

Page 10

by Lizzy Bequin

  I yelp and giggle as his hard teeth nip at me playfully. He’s definitely going beyond the call of duty now. His strong hands knead my breasts as he sucks me. He turns his attention to the other nipple, working that one over equally.

  As far as I can recall, I didn’t have any leech bites there, but I keep that to myself.

  Rogar, however, suddenly seems to remember that he has a job to do, and his mouth moves lower to clean my other small wounds.

  “Do you remember where all of the bites are?” I tease him. “Or will you have to kiss me all over, just to be safe?”

  A deep, masculine chuckle rolls in his throat. Apparently he is amused by my continuous attempts to communicate with him.

  “Maistuu hyvaltoo,” he rumbles.

  His voice is so strange and inhuman, like he is speaking with two sets of vocal cords.

  “Maistuu hyvaltoo,” I whisper, trying and failing to mimic his pronunciation.

  Rogar chuckles again. I wonder if he’s laughing at my pronunciation or at what I said.

  His powerful arms brace me as I lean back so he can mark my belly with his lips and tongue. He kisses over my ribs. He lays me down on my leaf mat and rolls me onto my belly. He leans over me and his mouth slowly stitches a dotted line of kisses down my spine, deviating here and there to catch the places where I was bitten.

  He kisses my tailbone. My cheeks. He kisses down my thighs and my calves and my ankles. He leaves nothing untouched.

  “Kiyerahda,” he says in a commanding tone.

  His hands provide the translation. Gripping my ankles, he guides me to roll over again. I lie there on my back with my breath coming in short, shallow gasps.

  “Rogar. Please…”

  “Maistuu hyvaltoo“

  My body tenses, and I clutch at the edges of my leaf mat as his mouth starts its return trip up my legs, working over my shins.


  His strong hands force my legs apart, and his lips blaze a trail of scorching kisses past my knees and up my inner thighs toward my sweltering center. I whine and mewl as his mouth roams higher, tracing over the ridge of my pelvis. His chin brushes the short tuft between my legs.

  “Makeaa,” he groans against my skin. “hyvn makeaa.”


  My fingers twine through his thick, alien mane, steering his head. His cool breath tickles me as it washes over my parting, which is dripping wet with need. His soft lower lip brushes against my petals.

  “Yes,” I whine. “I need you right there.”

  He buries his face between my open thighs. My cries reverberate off the rocks and mingle with the rush of the falling water.

  I moan and squirm as he laps me, his powerful arms curled around my spread legs. He doesn’t leave an inch of me unkissed. He nips at the quivering tendons of my inner thighs and tongues the plump outer lips of my pussy. Then he lets his forked tongue slide between my inner folds, finding my sensitive hole and tracing its rim.

  “Oh fuck,” I moan, tossing my head as he licks me. “Rogar, that feels so fucking good.”

  With my eyes blinded, my sense of touch is intensified ten times over. And Rogar is touching me in all the right places.

  His tongue slides up my slit. His fingers draw back my hood of flesh, exposing my throbbing clit to the night air. He circles that tender nub with his tongue, then strums it up and down. It’s not at all like when I play with myself because now I can’t predict what’s coming. He keeps changing things up until he finds the touch that makes me tremble.

  It doesn’t take him long. Within seconds, he’s got me writhing like a snake. His fingers bite into my hips, holding my squirming body steady as he feasts on me.

  He wraps his soft lips around my tender bud and sucks hard, flicking it inside his mouth, making me shiver with chills of pleasure.

  “Don’t stop,” I whisper. “Oh God, please don’t stop.”

  He doesn’t stop, but he adds to it. One hand slips from my hip, and a moment later the pad of his finger is circling my entrance.

  He pushes inside me, and curls his finger against my inner tissue like he’s beckoning something. My walls begin swelling around him, as my impending orgasm builds up to a scary intensity.

  Keeping one hand buried in his thick locks, I toss the other hand up behind my head and grab for purchase on the edge of my leaf mat.

  “Please don’t stop…”

  Somehow, he forces another thick finger inside, and he walks them, stroking my tender place in an alternating rhythm that matches his tongue on my throbbing clit.

  The double attention, inside and out, is too much to endure.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop.” I hiss over and over like a desperate mantra between my clenched teeth.

  The wave of pleasure rises, crests, and breaks. I bridge my back, and my muscles clench and release as a shock wave of pleasure ripples out from my center. The sharp yelp of my voice splits the night, surely scaring off any creatures watching from the edge of the jungle.

  Rogar doesn’t stop.

  One shuddering orgasm rolls right into the next, and I spasm and scream as he continues to suck me and lick me and fuck me with his fingers. I’m his instrument, and he’s playing me like a master.

  At last he relents, and I collapse, limp and boneless on the leaf mat.

  Rogar draws his fingers out of me. He purrs against my pussy, gives me one last long stroke with his tongue, and climbs forward to cradle me in his arms. I lie gasping in his embrace, struggling to catch my breath.

  I’ve never climaxed so many times in such quick succession in my life, and never so hard. It was my first time having a guy make me come, and it was so much more intense than anything I had ever done solo.

  “Rogar…that was…amazing,” I heave between ragged breaths.

  His face is inches from mine. Blindfolded, I can sense it, but I can’t see him.

  “Kiss me,” I whisper. “I want you to kiss me.”

  “Ki…smi” he growls happily.

  I don’t know if he somehow understands. Or perhaps my need for him is simply etched all over my face. But he responds exactly how I want him to, pressing those incredible, ridged lips to mine. That forked tongue, longer and narrower than a human’s, tickles along the inside of my upper lip.

  My mouth bucks open, inviting him inside. His tongue accepts the invitation, rolling and tangling with mine as our lips crush together so hard it fucking stings.

  We don’t stop until we’re right on the edge of drowning in each other. At last we break, both gasping and laughing.

  I run my tongue over my lips.

  “I can taste myself on you,” I whisper into his mouth.

  Without thinking, I touch his jaw, and he flinches under my fingers. I hesitate a moment before tracing my fingertips over the ridge of his cheekbone. His hand catches my wrist, swallowing it completely in his massive fist.


  “I want to see you,” I whisper, brushing my lips against his.


  With my other hand, I reach for my blindfold. Rogar sees what I’m doing, and just as I manage to push it up onto my forehead, his palm clamps over my eyes.


  “Neix!” he bellows.

  His voice is like a bomb going off. Frightened wings flutter at the edge of the jungle. The single alien syllable echos over the water, slowly fading away.

  I realize I’m shivering with fear.

  “I’m sorry,” I stammer, “I didn’t mean—“

  Rogar takes his hand off my eyes, but in the same motion, his other hand roughly shoves me away. Before I have a chance to glimpse him, I go rolling over the beach kicking up the loose sand. I lie still for a moment, my back to him, trembling and wondering if he is going to attack me.

  “I told you, human, no one may look upon my face.”

  I can understand him. That means he has put his helmet back on.

  “You need to stop your defiance
,” he barks. “You need to obey me.”

  I sit up and wheel around, and my legs send up a splash of sand. My fear hasn’t gone away, but now it’s competing with my anger at this infuriating alien.

  “Obey you?” I shout. “Obey you? What do you think I am, your little pet?”

  The green fire has gotten low. Rogar stomps over to the stacked pile of extra fire wood. He begins adding pieces to the pale flames.

  “I’m trying to protect you,” he snarls. “You’re obviously far too helpless to survive on this harsh planet by yourself.”

  I pull my panties back on. The fabric is wet against my skin—an uncomfortable sensation. Next I find my dirty, ripped loincloth and fasten it back in place.

  “You make it sound like you’re doing me some big favor,” I half shout. “But I’d like to remind you that it’s your fault I’m on this stupid planet in the first place. And while we’re at it, let’s be clear about something else. You’re not interested in protecting me. You only want to keep me in one piece so you can pawn me off to some evil alien crime boss.”

  Rogar angrily chucks a few more pieces of wood onto the fire, sending up more whirling, dancing sparks.

  “You don’t care about me at all,” I go on. “You only want your money.”

  He crouches, studying the rising green flames. His scaly muscles are tense and ticking with restrained rage.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grumbles. “It’s complicated.”

  “It’s complicated,” I repeat sarcastically. “It’s complicated. You keep saying that, but you haven’t told me what you mean. You know what I think? I think it’s not complicated at all. I think you’re just full of shit.”

  Rogar growls. I know I’m pushing it, but I don’t care. I feel so confused right now. One minute ago, everything felt so…perfect. But now he’s acting like a different person, all because I tried to peek at his face.

  “I’m not full of shit,” he says coldly.

  “In that case, you need to explain to me what is so complicated about the situation.”

  He is so quick that I barely see him move. One second he is crouching by the fire, and the next he is right in my face, one big scaly finger pointing accusingly.

  “Let me tell you what you need to to do, little human,” he hisses. “You need to stop tempting me.”

  “What?” I’m trying to sound tough, but my reflection in his visor is trembling with fear. Or maybe that’s from Rogar trembling with anger. “What do you mean? Are you going to hit me?”

  He scoffs at that.

  “I mean you need to stop tempting me with your body.” He gestures toward my naked breasts which are spotted with sand where it has stuck to the memory of his wet kisses.

  I cover myself and look around for my top.

  “Tempting you?” I say incredulously. “I thought this was all your idea Mr. I-want-to-lick-you.”

  I find my top half-buried in the sand. I pull it out and give it a hard shake before putting it back on.

  “Do you think I enjoyed that?” he says. “Well, I didn’t.” After a moment, he adds, “Although you clearly did.”

  I glare at him.

  “Fuck you,” I hiss.

  My reflection in his mask is darkening. My eyes are brimming with angry tears.

  “Fuck! You!”

  I shout the words like a one-two punch, then I gather up my leaf mat and drag it toward the edge of the circle of pale green light cast by the fire.

  “Clare, don’t go too far,” Rogar says, his tone suddenly softening.

  “Don’t worry,” I sniff as I smudge away the tears that are striping my cheeks. “I’ll be careful. I know how ‘valuable’ I am to you, bounty hunter.”

  Rogar stares at me blankly for a moment before he rises and trudges away. He sits down with his back to me and the fire, and he looks out over the water silently.

  As I lie down, I realize my leaf mat is wet from what we did together, so I turn it over and lie on the other side instead. It is much less comfortable.

  I turn my back to Rogar too and stare into the dark jungle.


  My body is weary, but all I can do is lie here for what feels like hours, unable to fall asleep. The fire crackles and shifts behind me. Unseen things chitter in the depths of the jungle.

  It’s not that I’m scared something will come crawling out of the shadows to attack me. I trust that Rogar’s security orbs will alert us to the presence of any big dangers.

  Besides, whatever his true motives are, I have no doubt that Rogar will protect me.

  Anyway, at this point I’m so freaking exhausted, it’s like I’m beyond fear. God, if that spiny tiger-porcupine-frog came charging at me right now, I think I might let it take me.

  No. That’s not true. I want to live.

  I also want to sleep, but I can’t.

  My mind is on sensory overload right now, abuzz with all the crazy experiences I’ve had crammed into one day.

  Kidnapped. Shipwrecked. Hunted.

  But more than anything else, I can’t stop going over what happened with Rogar tonight.

  Part of me feels ashamed. In the span of a few hours, I had more brushes with death than I care to count, yet here I am fixated on a guy getting me off for the first time.

  To be fair, the guy in question is a blue, scaly alien.

  And besides, it’s not only the frighteningly intense orgasms that he gave me. Don’t get me wrong, those were incredible. But somehow that part felt a little…impersonal. I was blindfolded, so I couldn’t see him. And without a shared language, we couldn’t really communicate.

  Him going down on me was all about raw pleasure, pure and simple. I hadn’t realized until it happened just how badly I needed that release.

  But the kiss we shared after. That was different.

  That couldn’t have been more personal.

  We were definitely communicating then, telling each other things that were impossible to put into words, though I’ve been lying here trying to do so all night.

  I tense as something moves behind me, but I realize it’s only Rogar adding more wood to the fire.

  His feet crunch in the coarse sand as he approaches me. The revived fire projects his flickering shadow against the leaves at the edge of the jungle. He crouches and spreads a piece of cloth over my curled-up body. It’s coarsely woven and too small to cover me completely, but it is toasty with warmth.

  It’s his cape, which has been drying by the fire. It smells of wood smoke—charred and slightly sweet. It is a comforting smell. But underneath that pungent odor I can detect notes of Rogar’s distinctive, masculine scent.

  I don’t turn around. I’m still pissed about our argument. Or at least I’m pretending to be. But my skin is fairly screaming for him to lie down with me and curl those strong, smooth arms around my body once again.

  That doesn’t happen.

  He moves away. His shadow on the trees lowers and disappears as he lies down a short distance away from me. For a few minutes, the only sounds are the rush of the waterfall, the lazy crackle of the fire, and the nocturnal chirps and croaks of the things in the jungle.

  Then, out of nowhere, Rogar speaks.

  “It’s because of my brother,” he says. “The reason I hide my face is because of my brother.”

  I don’t turn around or say anything. I just wait silently to see if he will go on. After a little while, he does.

  “I am a bounty hunter by trade, but I’m a Mezentine warrior by birth. We are a proud species, and we live by a strict Creed. If a warrior is disgraced in life or in battle, the Creed dictates that he must forever hide his face in shame. He may never again show his face to another sentient being unless the disgrace is somehow expiated.”

  The fire pops. The waterfall goes on splashing in the dark.

  “My disgrace is the loss of my brother. My younger brother, Kozar. It was my responsibility to protect him, and I failed at my task. He was taken in battle by
Oggryn raiders and sold into bondage. Ever since then, I have worked for the Galactic Bounty Hunters’ Guild, saving my money until the day I can buy his freedom.”

  I lie still, letting his words sink in.

  If what he’s telling me is true, and I believe that it is, that means Rogar isn’t as venal as I originally thought. It certainly doesn’t make me any more enthusiastic about becoming a sex slave for some alien criminal, but at the same time, I can at least understand his motives.

  This isn’t about greed. It’s about family.

  “So you were right,” Rogar says at last. “I am full of shit. It’s not complicated. It’s actually really simple.”

  I want to tell him I disagree. I want to tell him many things, but the feeling of weariness that suddenly surges over me is too great. The day has finally caught up with me, and I find myself tumbling off into a deep and welcoming sleep with the sound of falling water rushing in my ears.


  The jungle is alive with colors and sounds.

  Though the morning’s rain showers have stopped, the forest canopy is still dripping. Fat, prismatic drops gather and roll from the nodding leaves to splash on my shoulders and drum on my helmet. I catch brief flashes of color as strange creatures flitter and squawk overhead. Rays of late morning sunlight poke through the canopy and strobe across my vision.

  The foliage is oppressively dense. We stick mostly to the narrow tracks where the underbrush has been worn down to the dark steaming soil by the wandering of unknown beasts. However, in some places, the tangles of looping vines hang so thickly that I have to hack a path through them with the blade of my spear.

  The girl sticks close beside me, her pretty eyes wide with a combination of wonder and fear. Every time there is a sound close by, which is often, she clings briefly to my arm and presses herself against me before bashfully letting go again.

  I think back to earlier this morning.

  Just before daybreak, I was startled awake by pelting drops of rain. The shower was cool on my skin, and it hissed in the low embers of the campfire.

  The rain was unexpected, but even more surprising was the discovery that the girl was sleeping in my arms. Somehow she had snuggled her way into my embrace during the night.


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