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Entranced (Electric Desert Nights Book 1)

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by Jewel Quinlan

  “I’m still in college. I go to San Diego State and I work at Target.”

  “I’ve heard that’s a good school.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “What are you studying?”

  “Business.” Her eyes darted away from his face as she answered.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. Am I making you uncomfortable?”

  She looked surprised. “No. Did I look that way?”

  He nodded.

  “I guess it’s just that, whenever I talk about school, some stuff just comes up in my head about my family. That’s all, just some drama.”

  He was intrigued. What sort of drama could there possibly be around her school? “Like?”

  She pushed her hair back over her shoulder and sighed. “They think that I think I’m better than them because I’m going to college.”

  “That’s crazy.” His protective instincts riled at the thought of anyone putting her down, especially her own family. “College is no picnic.”

  “Yeah, and it’s not cheap either.”

  She was paying her own way? He looked at her with new respect. “I hardly know anything about you, but it’s obvious you’re working hard to build a future for yourself. I’m not sure what part of that comes off as being conceited.”

  “I don’t either.” Her furrowed brows smoothed out. “Thanks.”

  “For what?”

  “For saying it like that. You know…so straightforward. It’s hard to keep going sometimes when my family says negative things to me. It messes with my mind. But when someone on the outside says things like that, it helps.”

  “It’s a fact.” He said it with as much seriousness as he could muster and felt satisfied when he saw his words sink in and her expression brighten. People who tore down other hard-working, good people were shitty. Blood relatives who did it were toxic to say the least. That much he knew for sure, and it killed him to think that Yesenia was tied to such a family. Something inside him wanted to reach out and snatch her away from her circumstances and give her the world. But he knew she wouldn’t appreciate such a gesture. He almost chuckled thinking how her eyes would flash and her temper would flare. How he knew that that’s what her reaction would be, he had no idea.

  “What are you studying?” Wade asked.

  “Business,” she said. “I want to own my own business someday.”

  “What kind of business?”

  “I don’t know yet. Something that lets me work online so I can live wherever I want. I would love to be able to do something I was passionate about no matter where I was.”

  “Where would you like to go?”

  She shrugged. “Anywhere. Everywhere. I just want to see the world.”

  He grinned. “And I would love to be there when you see it.”

  They reached the front of the concession line and Wade bought Yesenia a hot dog. The carnival was getting even more crowded now, and the partygoers even more drunk. He normally would have fed on several people by now. But, strangely, his hunger was forgotten. He would rather spend his time getting to know this girl. There was something special about her and he didn’t want to walk away without figuring out exactly what it was.

  As they walked away from the concession stand, Wade caught a predatory gleam in the eyes of a guy about to pass them by. Wade did not like the way he was checking Yesenia out and his protective hackles rose. The guy purposely altered his path so he could walk close by her. And, when he reached down to grab her ass, Wade caught his fingers and twisted them sharply back. The guy crumpled to his knees on the pavement with a groan, his face twisted in pain.

  Wade leaned in close and said, “That’s not how you treat women. Got it?”

  He gave a hasty nod and Wade let him go. Then he led Yesenia away as though nothing had happened.

  “What was that about?” she asked.

  “He tried to grab your ass.”

  Yesenia stopped in her tracks.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She stared at him with wide eyes. “No one’s ever done anything like that for me before.”

  His chest puffed with pride, but he tried to shrug off her admiration. He’d only done what was right. She didn’t deserve to be treated like a common prostitute. “No big deal. Scumbags like that need to be taught a lesson.”

  “I know! I used to get grabbed a lot in high school though. My father always acted like that was the price I had to pay for being pretty, like it was normal. My mom told me I should wear looser clothes.”

  Wade snorted. “That’s ridiculous. Why should you have to hide yourself because of some assholes? You’re gorgeous.” He skimmed a finger down her soft cheek. What kind of fucked up family did she come from anyway?

  She smiled. “There you go again, being all clear and logical. And I’m really glad you are. Thanks.” She ate the last bite of her hot dog and threw the napkin into a nearby garbage can. “This might sound crazy, but I feel really comfortable around you. I feel like I’ve known you for years.” She looked slightly embarrassed saying it.

  Her words made Wade perk up, glad to know he wasn’t imagining things. “I feel it, too,” he said. Their eyes locked and something intense passed between them.

  His soul soared at the connection even though he tried to keep it subdued. Would she still feel that way if she knew what he was? If he bit her? He went back and forth about doing it. Apparently it was the only sure-fire way in the vampire world of finding out if someone was your soulmate. But he’d never been able to get a clear answer about what happened when you bit in. Was there a particular flavor? Or was it a feeling? All anyone ever said was “you’ll feel it” and “you’ll just know.” They said that, in the old days, it prevented vampires from accidentally killing their soulmates. It was a protective mechanism…whatever it was.

  Soulmates were so rare that it was becoming more of a legend. Wade had expected that he would find a female who was already a vampire to be his partner. But he supposed it didn’t matter. She had to come from somewhere. Vampires came from humans. That was the way it was. But would Yesenia even want this life? Would she willingly convert? But he was getting too far ahead of himself. If it wasn’t her then he was just going to feel like a huge idiot.

  Ugh. He was getting tired of hearing himself think. “Want an ice cream?” he asked her.


  He bought her a cone and they left the concession area, wandering in the direction of Cosmic Meadow, passing by Stage 7 on the way. It was one of the smaller stages, but it was no less packed with fans than any of the others. It was sponsored by one of the soft drink companies, so the lighting reflected the brand and the logo was displayed along the sides. After that, Upside Down House came into view. It was a stage built to look literally like an upside down house. They stopped at the perimeter of the dance space to watch the DJ who was performing.

  “So why do you think we both feel that way?” Yesenia asked. “You know, like we know each other. I’m sure I’ve never seen you before tonight.”

  Wade couldn’t help but notice Yesenia’s cute pink tongue as she licked at the ice cream cone. And, of course, it brought to mind more erotic imaginings.

  “Maybe it’s fate?” They locked eyes and he noticed a blush rising to her cheeks. Interesting. Maybe she did feel something between them. Maybe it wasn’t just his imagination. If she was his soulmate, wouldn’t she feel something, too?

  The eighty-degree desert air melted the ice cream quickly. And even though Yesenia had been keeping up with it, during that pause some dripped down onto her fingers. “Oh, shoot!” She shifted the cone to her other hand and tried to flick the vanilla off.

  “Allow me,” he said.

  He gently took her hand in his and, licked the sweet creamy liquid from her skin as he looked straight into her eyes. Beneath the taste of ice cream was something even better, her taste. There was a sweetness to her skin, and the salty tang of traces of sweat combined with it perfectly as though pretzels had been mixed i
n with the ice cream.

  Her eyes dilated and her lips parted in surprise.

  He let go of her hand. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “That’s okay.” Yesenia did her best to act casual, but she was definitely flustered. The feel of his tongue on her skin and the way his dark eyes skimmed over her face made her skin tingle with an arousal she’d never felt before. Do that again, she wanted to say. Did he know the effect he had on her?

  “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  “No. I’m too busy with school and work.”

  “Good.” Wade’s lips curved in a small smile.

  The tingling sensation spread throughout her body, lighting her up as if signaling something. It must have been a signal, because he leaned in and kissed her. His lips were full, firm, and masterful, making her forget everyone and everything around them. When their tongues met, moisture dampened her panties and her knees weakened. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She sighed at the feel of his sculpted chest against her breasts. His powerful form made her feel so small and fragile. She must have dropped the ice cream, because she was clutching at his wide shoulders with both of her hands, holding on as though she would never let go.

  Her mind spun in a rush of pleasure, and her entire body felt alive. It was as if he were the match lighting her into a bonfire of lust. She pressed herself against him and her hands slid from his shoulders to tangle in his lush hair. God, how she wanted him. Even when she’d first seen him from afar she’d felt a spark of desire, but it was a hundred times stronger now. If only they were alone right now…

  He broke the kiss off as suddenly as he started it. “Come with me.”

  As he pulled her along beside him, the sights and sounds of the carnival came rushing back at her as though a soundproof door had been opened. A parade was passing by made up of a strange assortment of steampunk floats and people dressed in black using poles to operating giant fabric butterflies overhead, making them appear to flit. Fireworks from a nearby stage announced that a celebrity DJ was about to start playing. But Yesenia noticed these things only through a peripheral haze because most of her focus was on Wade.

  They passed through a grassy area where Sky Bridge was set up. It was composed of a series of raised wooden decking connected by rope bridges and ladders. Wade led her to the far side behind one of the towers where it was dark and free of people. Once they were shielded from view, he kissed her again, pressing her up against the wooden structure.

  She was grateful for the support because her body became pliable again as her lust was unleashed. She ran her hands over the muscles of his chest and biceps. The contrast of smooth soft skin over taught muscle made her want to rip her own top off so she could feel their skin touch. He pressed his hips into her and she pulled him closer by the belt loops of his jeans. The feel of the erection pressed between them made her even hotter. I want you, was all she could think.

  She’d never been so wanton before. And, for the first time, she didn’t feel any of the religious shame that had been ingrained in her during her upbringing. Kissing Wade, felt right. Being bad with him felt good. She’d been responsible and conscientious for so long that it had become a stale shell that encased her. One that now fell off with every sweep of his tongue and nibble of his lips. He kissed her neck, his hands roaming along her sides. His soft gestures making her feel like a goddess.

  “You have such beautiful curves, Yesenia. I love your body.”

  His words of approval were like a magical key that unlocked even more of her confidence, freeing her from the bonds that had plagued her for so long. He was the honey and she was the delirious bee. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, happy to drown in him, ready to let this be whatever it was going to be because she knew it would be worth it.

  Chapter Five

  Wade was lost, consumed by the fire of passion that was Yesenia. Suddenly he could feel just how deep his loneliness had been because it was now full to overflowing with warmth. Strange how it could be so intensely comforting and exciting at the same time. This had to be a sign. She had to be the one. He could bite her right now and know for sure. His face was nestled into the soft flesh between her collarbone and her throat, and he could hear the increase in the rhythm of her heart as she responded to him. But he held back, afraid to test it. What if he felt nothing?

  He eased back from her and gazed into those chocolate-brown eyes, soft with passion. “Yesenia, there’s something I have to tell you.” For some reason he couldn’t just bring himself to feed on her the way he did other humans, to take advantage of the sweet trust she was giving him right now. Would she accept all of who he was? Or would she walk away from him?


  He hesitated, surprised at how the fear of rejection tripped up his tongue. He hadn’t realized that he’d gotten his hopes up so high. “I’m a vampire.”

  Her dark brows dipped for a second as though she’d misheard him. Then laughter tinkled from her lips. “Yeah, right! Good one. You got me.”

  “I’m serious. My kind, and others, come here every year to feed on the humans.”

  Her amused expression faded away and she eyed him warily. He could almost read the conflict as it passed through her mind. Was he crazy? Should she take off right now? Call for help?

  “Okay, show me your fangs,” she said.

  That was the complete opposite of what he’s expected. But her brazen practicality pulled a short laugh from him. She wanted proof, and he was happy to give it to her. He lifted his lips in a semblance of a smile and allowed his fangs to extend.

  She pressed a hand to her lips and leaned in closer to have a better look. “Holy fuck! How in the hell are you doing that?”

  “I told you. I’m a vampire.”

  “Dios mio. For real? Is that what this is all about?” she demanded. “You lured me over here so you could feed on me? So you could kill me?”

  She sounded more indignant than scared, and he almost laughed at how wonderful she was. He shook his head and retracted his fangs. “No, no, no. Never. I’ve never killed anyone. I swear. And I would never hurt you. It doesn’t hurt actually. To humans, it feels good.”

  “But you do want to bite me?”

  “Yes, and no,” he said, conflicted. Of course he would never bite her if she didn’t want him to. But at the same time, he was dying to know if she really was the one.

  “What does that mean? Are you afraid I won’t taste good or something?”

  He did laugh this time. “Not at all, but I care about you, Yesenia. That’s why I’m telling you.”

  She considered his words. “But you are going to bite someone? You’re going to feed on some other girl?”

  Was she jealous? He nodded. “Generally, yes, I feed on women. I have to drink blood to survive. That’s all there is to it.” It was the truth. There was no getting away from that. “But, I actually don’t want to use you for food. There’s another reason.”

  She crossed her arms across her chest. “Yeah? What?”

  “Remember how we both thought we knew each other before? And how there’s this pull between us? Well…” Did she even feel the pull? Better not to get into the psychic story right now. She already thinks I’m crazy. “Vampires have a way of knowing for sure someone is their soulmate. We can taste it.”

  “You’re joking.” Her eyes widened.

  He shook his head.

  “And you think I might be the one? That we might be each other’s soulmates?”


  “Well that’s…interesting.” She looked at him with a new expression now, something that resembled fascination. “It doesn’t hurt?”

  “No. Vampire venom contains something that induces a feeling of euphoria in humans.”

  She stared at him skeptically for a moment. Then suddenly, with a rough laugh, she thrust her wrist toward his face. “Here. This is such a crazy night. Why not? I still can’t believe it. If that’s the truth, take a bi
te. I’m curious now. But it’d better not leave a scar.”

  “Just like that?” Wade was nonplussed. He circled her slim wrist in his fingers. “You’re going to let me bite you?”

  “Why not? There are people here drinking and doing drugs.” She shrugged. “I feel like it’s my turn to cut loose for a change.”

  Yesenia had no idea what had come over her. So many emotions ran through her when Wade confessed he was a vampire. The first ones were completely logical—that he was a creep, that she should get the hell away from him. But the ones following that were completely illogical. She felt as if she’d known him forever. There was a connection between them that made her certain he would lay down his life to protect her. And why would she feel so possessive of someone she’d just met and barely kissed? Her hackles had certainly risen at the thought of him being in the shadows with someone else. How crazy was that?

  Instead of pushing the confusing mess away, she decided that tonight she would explore it instead. The full moon hovering over the carnival and the energy being created by the people and music seemed to lend their encouragement. She’d never believed in coincidences. Everything happened for a reason. If there was one good thing that had developed within Yesenia during the course of her upbringing, it was an iron-clad belief in fate. She remembered what her grandmother used to say, “Your angels are always looking out for you, mija. Trust the signs they give you.”

  Tonight was no exception. It wasn’t for nothing that she’d almost been trampled to death, or that Wade just happened to be there to save her. She respected the upfront way he had revealed his true nature. Maybe she owed it to herself and the universe to give him some consideration, and that meant knowing more.

  Wade stood there motionless, gazing at her with a soft stunned look on his face. She lifted her wrist toward his mouth again. “Go on. No one can see us.”


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