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Born To Sin (Born #1)

Page 4

by A. L. Simpson

  Throwing my phone onto the coffee table, I unwrap my legs and pad to the bathroom for a shower. I flick both controls and water rains from the ceiling as well as the wall. I stand under the warm spray, close my eyes and with the picture of Hamish fresh in my mind, I finger fuck myself to one hell of an orgasm.

  I choose a green dress and matching shoes for my meeting with Leon. It has low cut front and shows plenty of cleavage. I’m desperately hoping Hamish will be at the restaurant where we’re meeting. Once I’m dressed, I splash on my Chanel and slip on my shoes. I twist and turn in front of the full length mirror trying to decide if my ass is really as big as it looks. I shrug my shoulders. Can’t do anything about that or my oversized boobs. At least my waist is slim.

  I leave the bedroom, grab my phone and keys and throw them into my Gucci. The elevator arrives immediately after I press the button and I step inside. It whisks me down to the lobby. I leave the building and join the throngs of people on the sidewalk. I smile, full of confidence. By the end of today, Hamish will be mine.


  I knock on the glass door at Leon’s, it’s too early for the restaurant to be open. An elderly man opens it, ushers me inside and escorts me to where an elderly woman sits at a table.

  “Take a seat please, Miss Cartwright. I’m Leon and this gorgeous woman is my wife, Alice.”

  “Hello, Alice.” I pull out a chair opposite the woman and sit. “Please call me Blossom.”

  “Coffee, Tea, Water? Name your poison.”

  “Water please.”

  The old man disappears through the swinging kitchen doors. I try to see into the kitchen without appearing overly obvious. I don’t do a very good job of hiding who I’m looking for.

  “Hamish isn’t in until the day after tomorrow.”

  How the fuck did she know who I was looking for? I feel overwhelming disappointment that Hamish isn’t here. Why?

  “Leon told me about your dismissal last night. I guess a woman like you doesn’t like to be disregarded, especially by staff. Hamish didn’t have a clue who you were and frankly, he wouldn’t have cared if he did. He’s fiercely loyal to Leon and you pissed him off by offering him a job in here, in front of his work colleagues.”

  Leon returns with a pitcher of water and three glasses which he places on the table. He pours water into each of the glasses and sets one in front of his wife and then me. I take a sip. It’s icy cold with a hint of lemon. Refreshing.

  “What were you two talking about that has made you look so serious?”

  “Your wife was explaining to me what a thoughtless bitch I was when I spoke with Hamish last night.”


  I place my hand over Leon’s. “I’m sorry. Your wife didn’t say that, she explained what I had done to upset Hamish and it made me realize, it was thoughtless and rude of me.”

  “Yes it was.”

  Leon lifts my hand off his and places it on the table. He may be elderly but I get the impression he won’t be fucked with. These negotiations are going to be tough.

  “Now, Miss Cartwright, we are here because I want to sell my restaurant. Because you are here, I assume you are interested in buying.”

  I nod my head. I note he doesn’t call me Blossom as I asked. Keeping it formal. Why do I feel like I’m back at school in front of the Principal? “I’m very interested.”

  “This will not be a normal sale. The contract will have a legal and binding clause that, short of misconduct, the current staff will remain for a minimum of five years after the sale is completed. You’ll note I said, I want to sell. I did not say, I need to sell.”

  I have every intention of keeping the staff. They are who makes a restaurant what it is. They are the drivers and in this case, some of the very best in the city. I decide not to make it easy and play a little. “So you’re saying, if I don’t keep all the staff you’re not selling?”

  “That is exactly what I’m saying.”

  “You’re forcing the buyer to commit to staff he or she doesn’t know.”

  “I am. This restaurant is the best because of them. I assume you want the best?”

  Touché. “Yes I do. I will agree to keep on all the staff with a five percent rise in salary.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because I want to ensure I keep the best. Staff can get a bit antsy with new management and start looking elsewhere.”

  “Fair enough. Now price. I want 1.75 million dollars.”

  Fuck. That’s about half a million more than I anticipated. “What’s your take?”

  “4.2 million annually.”

  Shit. That’s about one and a half million more than I expected. “After expenses and staff payments?”

  “2.9 million. It’s been growing steadily for the past three years. I expect earnings will be around 4.7 million this year. Keep in mind that while that rises, costs also increase.”

  The figures are too fucking good to believe but, it is in the best part of the city with a regular wealthy clientele and menu prices are high. I stand and stick out my hand. “You have a deal. I’ll put my Accountants and Lawyers onto it immediately and if the figures check out, consider it sold.”

  Leon glances over at Alice and they smile adoringly at each other. Momentarily, a shaft of, was it envy, shoots through me. He stands and shakes my hand.

  “Miss Cartwright, it’s been a pleasure.” He smiles at me for the first time and hands me a card. It has contact details for his Accountant and Lawyer written on it.

  “Thank you. Hopefully it will be mine within the month.”

  “You don’t waste time, do you?” Leon has his arm around his wife’s waist.

  “Not when I want something, Mr. Fitzroy.”

  I scoop up my bag and he escorts me to the door and back onto the street. Now, where’s a bar so I can celebrate?

  Chapter Five

  I let my motorcycle roll into Wade’s garage. He’s left the door up. I climb off and cross to a panel on the wall that sets the door moving downward to close. It hits the ground and bounces slightly with the impact. I’ve been here before but not for this reason. Usually we lie around the pool or take a spa. He’s always known I’m off limits, until now. There has been the occasional cock fondle, brush of his hand. I know he’s wanted me for a long time. I guess it’s why I gave in so easily tonight. I have to admit, I’ve been a tease.

  Strolling to the door at the side of the garage which leads to inside, I take a deep breath. The door swings opens before I reach out for the handle. Wade is waiting in all his naked glory. It’s the first time I’ve seen him totally naked and I’m impressed. Sure he has a broad chest with ripped abs and he’s a good looking man, I suppose. But what impresses me is his cock. It matches mine in both thickness and length.

  I’m dragged into his arms, he pulls my head down and savages my mouth. I drop my helmet, gloves and bag on the floor where we stand and put my arms around him. I deepen the kiss. My tongue tangles with his, his hands roam my body tearing at my clothes. It’s not so bad. I can handle it. I break free when I hear my t-shirt rip.

  “Hey, what’s the rush? I told you I’ll stay for a couple of nights.”

  “I want you naked, now.”

  I raise my eyebrows. His voice is commanding, not all soft and sweet like it is at work. “Can we get out of the fucking hallway first?”

  He grabs my hand and starts dragging me upstairs. He’s a strong little sucker when he wants something.

  “My bag. It has clothes in.”

  He laughs and refuses to let go of my hand. “Trust me. You won’t need them.”

  I’m pulled into a room, the curtains are open and I see the view of the harbor. Lights from ships and buildings are twinkling. I’ve never been in his bedroom before. It’s as big as my entire apartment with a huge four poster bed. It’s masculine but with a feminine touch. I think Wade is the feminine part of the equation but I don’t know much about gays so I could be thinking crap.

e I’m taking in my surroundings, he’s unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down my legs. My boots prevent further progress.

  “Sit on the bed” he orders.

  I do what he asks because I promised him he could do what he wants with my body. Within reason, of course. He disposes of my boots and jeans before tearing my t-shirt from me. Literally. Fuck. I’ll have to buy a new one now. I like them faded so I’ll have to wash it at least a dozen times.

  “Lie on the bed. In the center.”

  I shimmy onto the middle of the bed like I’m asked and wait for what’s next. He’s getting something from a drawer. I tense, wondering what it is.

  He comes toward me and holds up some straps and a blindfold. Fuck, he’s into kink. I become rigid.

  “Relax, sweetheart. I’m going to tie you to the bed posts and blindfold you. I want you to feel what I do to you without fighting it. The blindfold will help you to imagine it’s a woman.”

  I relax. He’s a good man. He’s thinking of me as well as himself. I nod and he lifts my right arm toward the bedpost. The ties are soft, silky. He does the same with my right leg before moving to the other side. He ties them too. I’m spread-eagled, helpless. Strangely, I trust him and I’ve never trusted anyone before.

  “Can I blindfold you now?”


  He ties the thick black material around my head and I’m plunged into darkness. I flinch and tense when he touches my dick.

  “Relax, darling. I promise I’ll make you feel good.”

  I’m trying really hard for him but it’s a man for God’s sake. I’m starting to regret my decision until…something soft caresses my cock. It feels like feathers? Cotton wool? Fuck, I don’t know but I’m getting harder and harder. Whatever it is continues the length of my dick, over my balls. My hips begin to respond to the arousal. They rise and fall. I pull on my restraints.

  “Fuck, what are you doing?”

  Wade doesn’t answer. He continues what he’s doing.

  “Talk to me.”

  The caressing stops. I hear Wade sigh. “I’m trying to make you believe I’m a woman. If I speak, how can you do that?”

  “I know it’s you. A woman doesn’t do what you’re doing.”

  “Alright, but the blindfold stays on so you feel rather than see.”

  “I’m good with that. Tell me what you’re doing though.”

  “No. If I do that you’ll picture it. I want you to feel.”

  “Goddamn you’re fucking stubborn.”

  “Yes, my friend. I am. And can I mention, I have all the control?”



  He goes back to caressing my dick. It’s so hard it aches. I think I’m about to come but then he stops and starts kissing me. My hips push upward. I need something, anything, friction of any kind. If I don’t spit, I’m gonna die. My cock is throbbing with need but Wade won’t touch it. He releases my lips.

  “Wade, please.” I sound breathless.

  “Please what, darling?”

  “I need to fucking come. You’re killing me.”

  He laughs. The fucking prick laughs.

  “I won’t let you die but you’re a long way from coming.”

  “Fuck, no. Please, I can’t wait any longer. Just touch me once and I know it’ll be enough.”

  “Of course it will be, darling, but I said not yet.”

  “Wade.” I yell at the dickhead. “Untie me, now.” I’ll finish the job myself.

  He kisses my lips and runs his hand over the muscles of my arm. His touch resonates to my dick but it’s not enough to give me the relief I desperately need. “Sweetheart, trust me. I know you’re climbing out of your skin but I want your orgasm to be mind blowing and it’s too soon.”

  I wriggle and thrash as much as my restraints will allow. “No, untie me.”

  “You promised, I could do what I wanted.”

  Shit. He knows I never go back on my word. I might be no fuckin’ good in every other way but my word is unbreakable. I relax. I’m doomed.

  “That’s better. Now, let me play.”

  I nod. I know I’m defeated. Even my dick has started to soften.

  Wade is sucking on one nipple and playing with the other. He’s twisting, biting and pinching. It’s painful but then the sensation morphs to pleasure. My dick stands to attention. It’s okay. It’s not aching – yet.

  His lips are on mine. His tongue forces its way into my mouth and they dance for several minutes before he pulls away. He kisses over every inch of my chest and …… there it is. The fucking ache is back. It’s twice as bad.

  I writhe and push my hips into thin air. Why the fuck won’t he touch me and let me come? He can do what he likes then.

  “Please, Wade. I can’t take it.”

  “You mean a tough guy like you who’s stolen, cheated, assaulted can’t take his prick aching a little?”

  “No. Call me weak but I’ve never been tortured like this. Usually I strip, my dick is hard and I shove it into a cunt. Pound a few times and I’m done.”

  “Well darling. Welcome to foreplay.”

  He’s moved to my legs. He kisses and licks up to my groin and just when I think, he’ll take my cock into his mouth, he fuckin’ stops. “Foreplay, sucks.”

  I’m sweating, shaking with need. I think I’ll come without him touching me. I hear him walking away. He’s fucking leaving me? “Hey, where are you going?”


  After a few moments, I shout again. “Wade, where the fuck are you?”


  At least my dick has softened again.

  I hear him padding back into the room. “Will you stop shouting, you’ll wake my neighbors. I went to get lube and a condom.”

  He wraps my cock in his hand and the fucking thing leaps to life. The ache starts again. He releases me and I hear a packet tear. He rolls the latex expertly onto my dick. “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you relief, darling.”

  I feel the weight of him on my legs and then my dick is being guided. It’s his asshole. It’s tight. Feels amazing actually. He lowers himself onto me until I’m inside him fully. He rests his hands on my chests and raises and lowers onto my dick.

  “I’m jerking myself off, darling so don’t panic when you feel my cum on your belly.”

  I couldn’t fucking care less. My cock is about to explode. I’m pushing against him, driving my dick into him. “Fuuuuuck,” I roar as a powerful orgasm hits me. Wade quickens his pace and I feel the wetness on my belly as he comes. He slides up and down, milking every drop from me. It seems like forever before my body calms and stops trembling.

  Wade climbs off and I feel him remove the condom. I sigh and relax. I feel so fucking good. I didn’t know orgasms like that existed. I’ve never had anything that good with a woman. Maybe I am gay.

  I’m being untied and Wade massages my wrists and ankles. I remove the blindfold and throw it to the floor.

  “Good?” I can see he’s anxious and I tell him the truth.

  “Better than good. Fanfuckintastic. I think maybe I am gay. I ain’t never felt that with a woman.”

  Wade lies on the bed and draws me into his arms. My cock rubs against his and shows interest.

  “Darling, you’re not gay. You just haven’t met the right woman. You’re so busy fucking women, you don’t take the time to experiment and enjoy it. You see it as a release. It should be a pleasurable experience. The more intense the build-up, the greater the explosion…Right?”

  He kisses me. Gently. I kiss him back.

  A light in my head flashes on. “You’re teaching me to love.”

  “Yes, darling. I want you to make love when you meet the right woman, not fuck. I want you to know what it’s like to be loved so you can give love.”

  This time I kiss him. I love this man but he’s right. I’m not gay. Although his body gives me pleasure, I crave a woman’s soft curves, tits and pussy.

�m going to learn a lot from you over the next day or so, aren’t I?”

  “Yes darling, you are. When you leave here the day after tomorrow, you’ll know what it is to give and receive pleasure.”

  “Thank you.” I kiss him again and draw his head onto my chest. With my arms wrapped around him and a tear in my eye, we drift off to sleep.


  “Come on sleepy head, wakeup.”

  I fight my way through the fog and open my eyes. Wade is standing beside the bed, naked. My eyes drift down to his dick. He’s hard.

  “Morning wood.” He knows what I was gazing at. “I need release but not here.”

  He throws the covers off me and grabs my arms. I sit up and throw my legs over the side of the bed. Once on my feet, his lips crush mine. I’m still half asleep but kiss him back. I have morning wood too and our cocks kiss each other.

  He breaks away but keeps hold of one hand. “Come on, I have breakfast ready.”

  “Wait, where are my clothes?”

  He stops and grins at me. “Sweetheart, the next time you put clothes on will be to go home.”

  I shrug. It’s his day and, if he keeps making me feel as good as he did last night, I might never go home.

  I allow him to pull me along until I spot a bathroom off to one side. I pull my hand free and he swings around to see what I’m doing. “I need a piss then you can do what you like.” He nods and I go into the bathroom and relieve myself. I splash water on my face and finger comb what little hair I have. He’s waiting in the hall when I step out and I lift my hand so he can lead me again.

  We go into the room where the pool is. There’s a bar off to one side. I’ve been to parties here and the two of us have also been alone to swim. There’s a table set up with covered dishes. He pulls out a chair and I sit.

  He lifts the covers and reveals bacon, eggs, hash browns and sausages. Cholesterol heaven. My thoughts go to Jonesy who is probably hungry again by now.

  “Help yourself.” Wade sits opposite me.

  We load our plates. I don’t normally eat this stuff but the exercise I’m sure I’ll get over the next day will burn it off. I dig in.

  “What do you have planned for me today?”


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