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Forever Love (Love Collection)

Page 5

by Natalie Ann

  None of the women had careers, many came from money like him, and all they were looking for was a man to care for them while they produced some kids and headed up fundraising events. Kind of like his parents’ relationship from what she’d heard.

  “That someone would suspect this and it would ruin the reputation of my business. Not even that, but when we split, will it affect any potential clients I could have garnered during our marriage?”

  That thought started to occur to her recently, making her wonder if the financial compensation for the short term could ruin it all for the long term.

  “I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen,” he said.

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “We’ll work it out,” he said. “We get along now. We can add some clauses in there that for the public eye, we have to maintain our friendship outside of the marriage. Be cordial to each other in public, be seen together a few times etc.”

  “That would work.”

  There were just clauses that neither of them would mention the arrangement or benefit they’d received out of the deal unless they wanted to be opened up to any legal ramifications.

  She wouldn’t tell a soul. Not just because she wouldn’t be able to pay back any of the money, but it would cripple her business and that was the only reason she was agreeing to this to begin with.

  “Any other questions?” he asked.

  “No. Sorry to bother you. I said I’d wait to the end and didn’t do that.”

  “Never a problem.”

  He went back to his work and she wondered if he was so easygoing all the time, or if it was just around her. Some of the things she’d read about him in terms of work were that he was ruthless when it came to negotiating contracts. That he was a fair boss but didn’t get pushed around at all. He didn’t have a union and he’d never have one, and most of his employees were okay with that, as they felt they were compensated well.

  But reading those things just didn’t jive with how he was around her other than when he’d said he does what he has to do to get what he wants.

  It’d taken her almost an hour to get through everything. She put the document down on the table and stood up to stretch. She was always on the go and didn’t often like sitting still.

  “Are you all done?” he asked, his eyes moving over her body as she twisted and turned, the heat from his gaze almost burning her. Hmm, interesting and something she’d have to store away for another day.

  She’d been thinking about their sleeping arrangements for when they got married too and couldn’t get him out of her mind. She knew she was attracted to him and she was starting to think it was pretty mutual.

  Sure, he’d said he would love to sleep with her, but one thing she’d learned in her life, was that most men were driven by that anyway.

  She was a woman that slept with a man when she respected him. She didn’t have to feel love, but she had to trust and respect him. That meant more than anything else.

  And she respected Gabe. Not just from what she’d read about him, but also from how he’d been handling this whole situation.

  He’d been nothing but nice, sweet, and accommodating to her. Almost giving her too much. More than she expected or would even ask for.

  And for that reason, she was going to make sure that she attended every function that he’d need her at. She’d already been putting feelers out for an assistant as it was. She’d planned on waiting for a few months until she knew she had the cash flow, but with Gabe fronting the cost, she could start to line up potential candidates.

  He’d even put a budget for the staff in the contract and was going to advance her the money quarterly. Again, more than she could ever ask for.

  “I am. If you’ve got a few more things to do, I’ll just leave you to them and go run to the store for the makings of dinner. I can meet back at your place whenever works for you.”

  “I’m done,” he said, standing up. “I was just going through email and can do that later tonight. I’m sure I’ve got what you need in the house for dinner, but we can go to the store together and pick things out. What are you in the mood for?”

  “I’m dying for tacos. I haven’t had them in a long time. Fish tacos, beef tacos, chicken tacos. I love them all.”

  “Soft or hard shells?” he asked.

  “Really? A true taco is a soft shell. Get with it, Gabe.”

  “Do you make them from scratch? I like corn tortillas?”

  His face reflected what she was feeling. Like a kid at the carnival getting ready for corn dogs and cotton candy. What was it about tacos that made her feel young and carefree?

  “No. You’ve got me there. But let’s see if we can find some corn ones.”

  He walked over to her. “I happen to love tacos myself, but can’t tell you the last time I made them.”

  “Then I’ll show you the way I do it. Do you have a pressure cooker?”

  “Probably. Why?”

  “I’m going to get the chicken nice and tender so that it pulls apart. Chicken thighs for that and marinate it in some spicy seasonings. You’re in for a treat tonight.”

  “Then chicken tacos it is. It’s been a while since I’ve been given a treat too.”

  She read what he was truly saying in his eyes, but food was all he was getting. Since this whole situation was unconventional, she was going to make him wait until their wedding day. Might as well make it as special as possible, all things considered.

  Open About It

  Time flies when you’re trying to plan your own wedding in less than a month.

  Leah thought she had everything set, but if she didn’t, then it was too bad.

  Since it was just her and Gabe anyway at his parents’ cabin, then there wasn’t much she had to worry about.

  Gabe’s lawyer and best friend, Michael, would be officiating the event, so that took one thing off her list of things to do.

  Michael seemed nice enough. She could tell he didn’t approve of what Gabe and she were doing and she tried to tell him, “I like Gabe as a person and I appreciate your concern for him. I’ll try not to break his heart or give him a massive distaste for women in the next fourteen months.”

  Gabe had laughed and slapped Michael on the back, saying, “I told you she was great, didn’t I?”

  Hearing those words had sent little spiky tingles through her body, but she pushed them aside. She and Gabe signed their names to the documents and then she had three weeks to secretly plan for their wedding.

  Which was happening today. She and Gabe were packing up his car now to drive there.

  She shouldn’t be nervous, but she sure the hell was. They were leaving early, giving her time to decorate a little and make sure everything she’d arranged to have set up for the tiny ceremony was there.

  Gabe had no clue what was going on or what to expect. She’d just told him she would be wearing a nice dress that could be described as a casual wedding gown and for him to dress appropriately. A hairdresser was coming to the house to get her ready and then they’d be married by sunset on the beach of his family home in Lake Placid.

  She looked around her apartment, saw all the boxes of clothing that were packed up. Her furniture and other possessions were staying for the moment. She’d figure it all out before her lease ran out in two months, but for now all that was needed would be picked up by movers that Gabe hired to be delivered to his house while they were gone.

  Once the last article of clothing was packed for the weekend, she drove to Gabe’s house knowing that this was the last night she’d be spending here. When her fourteen months was up under their contract, she’d have to find another place. Time yet to worry about that, and now wasn’t the time.

  An hour later they were in Gabe’s BMW and on the road. “Do you care if I promote our wedding for my business?”

  He turned his head sharply. “Promote how?”

  “Just use pictures of what I did. Considering its short notice, and we technically eloped, I’d
like potential clients to know what I can do in that situation. Not everyone wants a big wedding, but this could be another sector I could drum up business for. It’s a nice reference.”

  He smiled, then nodded. “That’s fine. You’re not worried about when it ends, how it will look?”

  She kept her features light, no reason to be offended by that comment. She knew it was coming and they had to be open about it. “Not at all. Maybe I’ll throw myself a divorce party and then I’ll have personal experience on both fronts.”

  His smile wobbled a little. Maybe she wasn’t the only one a little uncomfortable with this. “There is that too. So what did you do for our wedding?”

  “That’s a surprise,” she said, reaching her hand over and letting it rest on his thigh. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I have every intention of enjoying my wedding. The question is, will I enjoy my wedding night?”

  This hadn’t come up yet at all, but maybe it was best to get it out in the open too. “You know, Gabe. I think we’ll both be very pleased with how this weekend is going to go.”

  “Really?” he asked. “I don’t want you to feel any pressure at all.”

  That was sweet of him. “Here’s the deal. I know our arrangement is unconventional, but for all to see, we’ve been ‘dating’ for a month. While it’s pretend or not, it at least feels like dating to me. It has all the elements. We go out and spend time together. You’ve met my parents and I’ve met yours. Though this will be a surprise to everyone, it shouldn’t be a complete shock. I respect you and that means more to me than any deep emotions when it comes to sex.”

  His grin was wide. “So if we didn’t have this arrangement, and we’d been dating for real, would you have waited this long to sleep with me?”

  Time to ruffle his feathers a little. “Actually, no. I would have jumped your bones a few weeks ago. I’m dying to see this six pack you’ve been bragging about.”

  He burst out laughing. “Maybe we should have just dated instead then.”

  “It will be worth the wait for both of us.”

  He reached over and threaded their fingers together. “I believe you may be right.”


  Gabe fought back from having a raging hard on the entire drive there. Though he’d been hoping to hell they consummated their marriage, it wasn’t a requirement.

  He was glad to know that maybe Leah was feeling some of what he’d been for the past few weeks. Though they hadn’t had sex, they’d shared several kisses and innocent touches in front of family and friends. He’d like to think they both earned an Emmy for their performances in public.

  Except, was he really acting? He wasn’t so sure anymore but was reminding himself that this was all about her expanding her business while it got his parents off his back, allowing him to focus on running the business.

  During those few weeks, Leah helped relax him. She’d come to dinner at his house a few times and they’d talk about everything. Oftentimes she listened to him vent about work, then offered him some advice, if not just being a calm sounding board.

  She was more diplomatic than he’d ever been or would probably ever be, and he’d like to think some of it was rubbing off on him. At least that was what his secretary told him the other day when he walked in all smiles and she commented on how he’d handled a staff meeting better than he had in the past and wondered if love did that to him.

  He’d laughed and brushed it off. He wasn’t in love, but he sure the hell was in lust. That night before, he and Leah ended up making out on his couch like a couple of horny teenagers. They’d done that quite a few times since too.

  So though she was relaxing him in some areas of his life, others were more on edge.

  They finally pulled into his parents’ cabin. “This is your family cabin?” she asked.

  “It’s made of wood like a cabin would be,” he said. He figured she’d make that comment. The place was huge, but it was often used by senior management when it was available. Parties were held here, retreats too. It wasn’t just a family vacation home but used for business purposes.

  Now it was going to be the home of his wedding. Who would have thought?

  “How big is this place? It could be a bed and breakfast by the looks of it.”

  “It probably could. I’m not sure of the exact square footage, but it’s got seven bedrooms. Four of them have en suites, the other two share a bathroom in the hall. The master is on the ground level off to the side of all the action.”

  “I can’t wait to see the inside of it. Do you have things to occupy you so that I can set up a bit more? I want this to be a surprise, but I realize now that might not be the case.”

  “I can go entertain myself in the office for several hours if you’d like. Michael should be here in a few hours and we’ve got plenty of things to go over.”

  “Is Michael staying here tonight too?” she asked, not looking real excited about the possibility.

  “There is a guest cottage off to the side of the property that my parents have been known to escape to when there are a lot of people here. He’ll be staying there for the night.”

  She let out a breath. “Thanks. I was worried I might have to be quiet later tonight.”

  It was the worst thing she could have said to him. “That’s just mean.”

  “Yes, it is,” she said and he was coming to love her personality.

  Michael and he worked while Leah was doing whatever she said she needed to do for the past few hours when Michael said, “Are you getting nervous? Having second thoughts?”

  “No to both. I think this is the right thing to do.”

  “I support you, but you know I still think you’re crazy.”

  “So noted,” Gabe said. “The ceremony is in an hour. Leah is getting her hair done upstairs, so I should probably go shower and change myself.”

  “I’ll see you outside soon.”

  After Gabe was in his suit, he walked outside to see Michael standing under a white wooden arch that was surrounded by multiple pastel flowers. He had no idea what they were, but they were stunning and breathtaking. There was a gauzy material that was shifting romantically in the light breeze with the sun starting to set in the background.

  A photographer was taking pictures of the setting, then started to direct him for shots. He hadn’t expected that but should have. He did what was asked and knew his smile was honest.

  He was standing beside the arch when he heard the back door open and turned to see Leah standing there.

  Talk about breathtaking! Her dress was covered in lace on the top, looking classic and elegant with a touch of modern by being a pastel pink on the bottom, the top an ivory lace.

  Her hair was swept up away from her face and there was a bouquet of flowers in her hands that matched the ones woven around the arch.

  He moved beside Michael to await her, wishing there were music playing. He got that wish when soft strums of music played through the speakers on the outside of the house. His heart started to race in his chest as she made her way toward him.

  Leah stopped in front of him, her smile bright, her eyes even a little misty.

  “Arrangement, my ass,” he heard Michael whisper under his breath.

  Too Late Now

  She was married. That wasn’t as painful as she thought it might be trying to arrange her own wedding while being the bride.

  Michael had been short and sweet during the nuptials. She and Gabe hadn’t written their own, as it really didn’t make sense to do it. When Gabe slipped a massive diamond wedding band on her finger, she thought she was going to be blinded by the shine. He just laughed at her.

  Once the “I dos” were said, they did share one scorching kiss at the end.

  Now they were alone on the deck with candles lit and the sun setting, a gourmet dinner being served by the cook she’d hired.

  “You really went overboard,” he said when the bowl of Italian wedding soup was placed in front of him. “And this w
asn’t lost on me.”

  She giggled like a schoolgirl. “I thought it’d be cute to put it in there. I didn’t want to do a heavy dinner, but it is a wedding dinner. Salad, soup, main course, and of course a cake that we’ll cut together. I know we’ve had a lot of pictures taken”—she paused as another was snapped—“and it’s still going. But once the cake is cut and we’ve had our pieces, then he’ll leave us alone. And speaking of overboard.” She had held her hand up and wiggled her diamonds around. “Ahhh, what is this?”

  “It’s called a wedding band. And to play into the fact you needed a small wedding ceremony to be believable, putting a small gold band on your finger wouldn’t be believable on my end.”

  “I get it, but this is nuts. I don’t even want to guess how many carats this is.”

  “Four,” he said.

  “I would have rather not known.” But she was looking down at the four one-carat square-cut diamonds lined up on the band.

  “Too late now,” he said, smiling. The photographer came over and took a picture of them then backed away. “I think I’ve had almost fifty pictures of me taken alone before you came out.”

  “Probably. He’s also taken several hundred of the entire set-up. Even the bridal suite.”

  “Oh really. I can’t wait to see how that looks.”

  She smiled and dipped her head. “He’ll go in and snap a few more right before you’re allowed in. I just want to make sure it’s set up completely.”

  “So if you had an assistant, she would have done all of this for you today?” he asked.

  “If it was a real wedding, then yes. I make sure these things are done when requested as part of my job. If I don’t do it, I make sure the hotel or venue does.”

  They finished their meal while just chatting about life in general. It wasn’t as if they had wedding guests to entertain, but they did have a first dance because that was all part of the wedding ceremony.


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