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Forever Love (Love Collection)

Page 7

by Natalie Ann

  She was wrong. It was as bad as he said it was going to be.

  They weren’t there even ten minutes when he was pulled away by two older men, giving her apologies the entire time. She was good in any social situation, so she made her way over to the side to observe from a distance.

  “So you’re Gabe’s wife. How did you manage to snag him that fast? Many have tried and haven’t even come close.”

  Leah turned to look at the blonde whose hair was as fake as the boobs filling out her one-size-too-small dress. “Maybe I’ve got the magic touch,” she said, lifting her glass and taking a drink.

  She was determined to not be insulted tonight. Or at least not show that she was. Gabe had often told her she had the patience of a saint and she was going to prove him right.

  “Leah.” She turned to see Gabe a foot away from her, his arm slipping around her waist and his lips finding hers. “I’m sorry to leave you stranded like that. My parents are over there just waiting to see you again. Sheila,” he said, nodding toward the woman that was trying to get a rise out of Leah and pulling her away. “Just ignore her. My mother tried to set us up and I wouldn’t even go on the date.”

  “Your mother doesn’t have very good taste in women for you then, does she? I guess that’s good for me.”

  He laughed. “She was getting desperate. I need a drink. Something stronger than beer. I really am sorry I was pulled away like that.”

  “It looked important.”

  “It wasn’t. Just two board members wanting an update and I told them firmly I was off the clock. They’d get a report when I had something to report.”

  She knew he was working hard to secure some airline contracts. “Sorry that you can’t even have one night where you’re left alone.”

  “It happens.”

  “I’ll stick by your side and hopefully it won’t happen often.”

  Which were famous last words as his father pulled him away for a minute. Another woman walked up to her to make a similar comment as Sheila had. “Looks like you hit the jackpot.”

  “Excuse me?” Leah said, her back straightening.

  “Tiffany, go spew your poison over there where someone really gives a shit.” Leah held back her laugh and watched Tiffany stomp away. “I’m Monica, by the way. Just ignore everyone here. They’re all jealous.”

  “Not you?” Leah asked.

  “Nope. I’m happily engaged and my fiancé is over there with Gabe and Colt now. I heard you were a wedding planner. Is that true?”

  Leah smiled. “I am. Congratulations on your engagement. When is the wedding?”

  “Eighteen months. We just got engaged.” Monica grabbed her hand. “Come on. You’ve got to talk with my mother. We need your help.”


  Gabe looked over and saw Tiffany Rider with her claws out talking to Leah. He turned away from his father and Justin Turner to intercept the action when he noticed Justin’s fiancée, Monica Rice, glide over as sweetly as could be, say a few words to Tiffany and then escort Leah to the other side of the room.

  He could only imagine what venom Tiffany was pouring out of her mouth. That had been a mistake of a relationship a few years ago. The start of his mother’s many attempts to set him up.

  Tiffany had diamond rings and wedding bells on her mind. Not babies though. She wasn’t ready to have her body change from what her father had so generously doled the money out for.

  Needless to say, Tiffany wanted what he wasn’t willing to give at that point and when he figured it out just a short two months into their relationship, he was fast to break it off.

  Or maybe it had something to do with the rumors she was telling everyone that they’d be engaged within six months. He had to prove her wrong and what better way than to end it all.

  “Your wife is in good hands,” his father said, slapping him on the back. “You know you can’t have her shackled to your side the entire time. You have to mingle.”

  “I don’t need you to tell me how to be at these events. But Leah doesn’t know anyone,” he pointed out.

  “That’s not true,” Justin said. He’d only known Justin a few years since he was dating Monica. The Rice’s were longtime family friends. “I saw her talking with a few people more than once.”

  “Probably my exes giving her grief.”

  Justin laughed. He was a pretty laid back guy and perfect for Monica, who Gabe had watched grow up. They were probably the most calming couple he knew. “Since I don’t know all of your exes I wouldn’t have a clue, but within earshot, the conversations were all friendly. A few people had even come up and hugged her.”

  He realized now he was overreacting. Leah did have plenty of clients in this room so she wouldn’t be a complete stranger to everyone. “I guess.”

  “This is your first event out in public and it’s bound to draw some attention. She’s handling herself like a pro. Your whirlwind romance is making the gossip mills.”

  “I don’t know what is so important about me that everyone even cares,” he said, looking over at Leah now engrossed in a conversation with Monica’s mother. Probably wedding planning, now that he thought of it, and he was glad that she might get some business out of being dragged to this ordeal that he couldn’t wait to end.

  “Money always makes people talk. You should be used to it by now,” his father said.

  “Besides,” Justin said, “if the sudden marriage wasn’t enough to get people talking then maybe the bling hanging on her did.”

  “A wedding ring and a necklace,” Gabe said. “Not even close to the amount of jewelry in this room.”

  “That’s true, but women look and that’s what they see. That you got a necklace to match her wedding ring. Probably custom made?”

  “Are you a jeweler now?” he asked Justin, who happened to be a doctor in the practice he went to.

  “Not at all, but I won’t bore you with how long it took me to find the perfect ring for Monica. Not only that, she might have been the one to make the comment about them being a matching set.” This time Justin was grinning from ear to ear.

  His father smirked. “The jeweler did a wonderful job matching them.”

  “Whatever,” Gabe said, walking away. He was done with the idle chitchat. He needed to make sure Leah was fine. Who cares if he had that set made before the wedding? He’d had every intention of having her wear the necklace with her wedding gown, but then realized it wouldn’t have looked right with the neckline of her dress. It worked out better this way in his mind.

  Now he just needed to find some excuse to get the hell out of here so he could get his wife out of her dress.

  Meeting Their Requirements

  “Are you ready to strangle someone tonight?”

  Leah grinned but knew Gabe couldn’t see it. He was holding her too close on the dance floor, his strong arms wrapping her up tight, her head against his chest. It was so nice to get a breather from everyone.

  “Not at all. But this is nice.”

  “It is,” he agreed. “I should probably apologize for some of the conversations you might have had with a certain standard of women tonight.”

  “Would those be the women who wanted to have your name and never got it?” she said, leaning back a little and winking at him. She was starting to understand why he approached her with this arrangement. Sheila and Tiffany were two of the milder encounters she’d had of the night.

  “That would be a few of them. I’ve heard some of the side conversations that were hushed up when they noticed I was standing there.”

  “Those conversations about if I was pregnant or not?” she asked.

  Yeah, she’d heard that too and found it funny. In this day and age, not everyone got married if there was a bun in the oven. And if she was having thoughts of babies right now, especially with Gabe, she was trying her darnedest to squash them.

  This wasn’t the world wind romance people were whispering of and she found herself leaning closer to hear.

  He clear
ed his throat. “Yes. You drinking champagne tonight put a squash to those comments.”

  “Which is why I had a few glasses when I would normally only have one as more or less of a prop.”

  “Are you feeling okay?” he asked.

  “I’m feeling wonderful,” she said, letting out a sigh. She couldn’t remember the last time she was drunk, but she was sure enjoying the relaxed haze she was in. Or maybe it was Gabe’s arms causing that.

  He kissed her forehead. “Good. I wonder if we could really get some tongues wagging if I managed to get us a room upstairs and then came back down all wrinkled.”

  “Sweetie,” she said, laying it on thick. People were watching after all, though it sure didn’t feel like an act if she was honest with herself. “If you got us a room upstairs, we wouldn’t be back down here tonight.”

  She felt his body shiver a little and congratulated herself on maybe making him lose a bit of control. As relaxed as he’d been around her, she knew he was still tense and uptight more often than not. His job and responsibilities never seemed to let him relax, making her wonder if that was why he tried to exercise so much. To have some outlet?

  A few times she’d stayed up late waiting for him to come to their room, but she’d fall asleep while he continued to work in his office. Then he’d be up and gone before she got up, or he’d be up and working out, then in the shower.

  They really weren’t spending as much time together as she would have hoped but she reminded herself there was nothing in the contract that stated that either.

  At the moment, one month into their marriage, both of them were meeting their requirements.

  They got along well and didn’t even need to. It was just a side benefit. If she wanted more, that was her problem and not one she would dare voice.

  If all he could do was make time for her once a week for a little bedroom action, then she’d be content with it, knowing they were only biding their time. No use letting herself fall in love with someone she knew she couldn’t have.

  And if she realized anything in the past few weeks, it was that, if given the chance, she could easily lose her heart to her husband.


  Gabe was slowly losing himself in the softness of Leah. Her citrus scent floating up and filling his nostrils, her lean body curving against his. Her head on his heart.

  He was purposely staying away from her more than he wanted to. It would be very easy to fall into a routine with her. To get addicted to her body, her mind, and her personality.

  But this was temporary and work had to come first. He did this so he could focus on the company and get everyone off of his back.

  He felt he had a good plan in his mind. It’s not like he was making up work by any means, but he kept telling himself just once a week or so he’d make time for her. Make time for them to have a dinner or a night together.

  Between her work and his, it hadn’t been difficult. She hadn’t been kidding when she said she got calls all night long and he wouldn’t consider asking her to shut her phone off for a few hours so they could spend time together.

  That hadn’t been part of the arrangement or agreement and he wasn’t changing any of those rules when they seemed to be meeting the need they both were looking for.

  Tonight though, tonight he was going to spend it with his wife and he wasn’t going to be interrupted by anything or anyone.

  “If that is the case, what do you say we skirt out of here now and go home? My bed is going to be much more comfortable than any of those in the rooms above us.”

  It was a stunning five star hotel, but it wouldn’t be as comfortable as his home and never could be. He and Leah could relax more in the privacy of his estate.

  “I’ll take your lead. If you say we can leave, I’ll jump on your back while you run out of here.”

  He laughed. She always made him want to laugh or smile when he never had before. He’d heard that comment a few times tonight in passing too. How he was more laid back than before.

  “That would probably stop my mother’s heart and she went to a lot of effort for this night. That being said, I think I’ve fulfilled my commitment for this evening.”

  He stepped back from the warmth of her body. “Where are we going? Are we really going to just leave like this?”

  He loved the mischievous glint in her eyes. “Your purse is at our table and my parents are there. I should at least say goodbye.”

  “So much for escaping like newlyweds.”

  “That will be our excuse.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I’m pretty sure we did a good job selling ourselves to everyone in the room tonight.”

  She ran her finger down his shirtfront playfully. “I could sell it some more if you need me to.”

  He shook his head and kissed her quickly on the lips. “Not if I don’t want to embarrass myself.”

  They made their way to their table where Leah picked up her purse. “Mom, it was a lovely event as always with you chairing it, but Leah and I haven’t had much time together lately. We’d like to take advantage of a peaceful night.”

  His mother rolled her eyes and shook her head. His father grinned. “You lasted longer than I thought you would. I’ll be in touch with you soon.”

  “That was easier than I thought,” Gabe said a few minutes later when they were in his car and driving back home.

  “I think I may have won your parents over.”

  She had, but he didn’t want to think of that too much. He was sure his mother wasn’t going to be thrilled when their marriage ended in thirteen months. Tonight wasn’t the night to think of that either.

  “You’ve got a way to you when it comes to dealing with people.”

  “Do I get to show you that way tonight?” She reached a hand over and laid it on his thigh, moving it up between his legs, lightly teasing him.

  “You can show me anything and everything you want to tonight. No interruptions or distractions. Just us.”

  “Well then, I need to put my thinking cap on.” She moved back to her seat more, her hand now in her own lap as she sat there quietly.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “I’m thinking. Keep driving. I’ll let you know when I’m good to go.”

  He shook his head and put his foot on the gas pedal a little bit more.

  When they pulled into his garage, she got out of her side before he could walk over and let her out. They made their way in through the kitchen and up the stairs, not really talking to each other.

  “Any ideas?” he asked.

  He was rock hard in his pants just thinking of getting her naked. He didn’t need any special plans for it at all.

  “I’ve got something I wouldn’t mind if you’re game.”

  “I can be game for anything.”

  She stopped once they were in his bedroom. “Well then, how about a bubble bath? I was in your tub the other night while you were working downstairs. I was hoping that you would wander up and catch me while my hands were roaming over my body, but unfortunately you were busy working.”

  He moved past her and toward the tub, turning the water on to fill it up. “If I had known what was going on up here, I would have walked away from my desk.”

  He lost track of the number of times he wanted to do that when he was working, telling himself to not get too used to having her at his beck and call.

  “Maybe I’ll have to give you a little sign in the future when I’m lonely up here.”

  “You can do that. Or you can just tell me point blank.” He was getting into dangerous territory but told himself he was married to Leah right now. He could feel and do what he wanted if she was willing. Nothing was stopping him.

  Nothing was stopping them.

  “While that is filling up, why don’t we get out of these clothes?”

  “You need help with your zipper, don’t you?” he asked, moving toward her. He’d zipped her up earlier with thoughts in his head of when he could move the zipper back down.
  “Of course I do.”

  She turned her back to him and he glided his knuckles down her spine, stopping at the metal hook and releasing it, then sliding the zipper to her hips where it stopped. Her dress fell to the floor, leaving her standing there in a strapless black lace bra and matching panties.

  The round globes of her rear end were peeking out, just making his mouth water.

  He didn’t waste any time moving his hands there and giving her a feel, then a light massage.

  Her head fell back against his chest and his lips went to her neck. So sweet. And his. At least for now.

  “You like when I touch you, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do. You can’t tell?” she said, her voice hoarse.

  “I can. I feel the same when your hands are on me.”

  “Then let me return the favor,” she said, turning and giving him a view of her cleavage spilling out of her bra. She was covered just right in her dress, but right now, this was a major tease.

  Her hands went to work undoing the tie she’d helped him with hours earlier. His jacket and shirt followed quickly, then his pants. It wasn’t long before they were both left standing there in their undergarments.

  “I think the water is ready now,” he said. “We forgot the bubbles.”

  “That’s okay. This way I can watch your hands on me.”

  She was going to be the death of him.

  He crushed his mouth to hers, his hands unhooking her bra and letting it fall away, then nudging her panties down where she did a little wiggle until they dropped to the floor. He did the same with his underwear; then he was swinging her up in his arms and settling into the tub.

  The minute he was seated with her on his lap, he reached forward and shut the water off, pulling her back to his chest, just holding her like that. He didn’t hold her often, even if he wanted to. Neither one of them sat still long enough, but when they had moments like this, he had to remind himself to keep a little bit back.

  To not let his mind go where it had no business being.

  “Have I ever told you how much I really like your hands?” she said, hers now moving up and down his thighs.


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