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Wyatt: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 3)

Page 18

by Chelsea Handcock

  "I’m not really sure why I did it though I knew the women was bad news, and the more I feed her, the more she would want. I think at that time in my life with Bastian off saving the world I need a connection even if it was a bad one at least I could pretend. What about you Wyatt? You can’t get much worse than my childhood, how was yours."

  "Well, it was surprisingly normal actually. My mom and dad raised me they were older when they had me, so they were pretty much set in their ways. Dad was kind of a dick, and my mom was kind of a doormat, but beyond that, they pretty much left me alone. I had food, clothing and a place to sleep, so they felt their duty to me was complete. On the occasion that they wanted to impress or move up in some kind of social standing, they would dress me up and parade me around."

  "Oh, Wyatt I’m so sorry."

  "Thanks, honey but it is okay. I’ve lived it and compared to some it wasn’t all that bad. They bought me my first computer and encourage education. They didn’t beat me, they just had a different way of thinking. I don’t know if I will ever understand it, but it was the way it was. Shit, my mom passed not all that long ago, and my Dad didn't even bother to call. I found out through Jacks. It is just the way my family worked."

  "We lived in a community with other shifters not that far from where Bas grew up. I had him and the rest of the guys, and we made our own pack. Our own family, I’m surprised I never met you while you were staying with Bas and his Dad. I’ve been racking my brain, but the only thing I can come up with is that would have been during the time I spent at a school out of town."

  "Probably, but then again besides going to school I never really got to meet or hang out with any of Bastian’s friends, a matter of fact I attended a different school altogether. I can remember thinking it was odd at the time but I never questioned it. Bastian didn’t bring home friends, and neither did I. I believe that we were both just a little ashamed of what was going on behind closed doors."

  "Yeah, I can understand that my parents were aloof with me and each other as well but they made sure to never let that side of them show to the outside world. They acted like they were this perfect couple with the perfect little family. When the reality couldn’t have been further from the truth. Like a lot of Shifters Dad cheated constantly and Mom just accepted it. He had his room, and she had hers. Once the doors closed, everybody just went their separate ways. Up until I was about eight years old I thought all families acted that way. Imagine my surprise when I found out it wasn’t even close to the truth."

  "Wait I thought you said they were married. Weren’t they mated like you keep on telling me we are?"

  "Yes, they were married but not mated. We all found out very recently that true mates existed once again, Shifters stopped producing shifter females over a century ago, we were taught about true mates through fairy tales or bedtime stories told to us as kids. The one person out in the world that would not only bond with the man but their animal as well making their lives whole. Most unions are just between the man and the women although I am pretty sure a buddy of mine’s parents are true mates, at least I would like to think they are, they represented everything I didn’t have, a loving couple that loved and cherished their children."

  "That’s where I heard the stories from Lance’s parents they are still together, and you can see the love they have for each other it's breathtaking. I want that for us. Don’t confuse my parent’s relationship with ours Peyton my bear is calm around you peaceful that hasn’t happened since my very first shift. Shifters that don’t find their true mates eventually go rogue and have to be put down. It is almost like turning into a rabid animal, mates provide the grounding we need to live without the constant struggle of being two separate parts."

  "Do you talk to your bear?"

  "No, not really talk, it’s more of a subconscious type of thing or a feeling my bear is always there just under the skin if he senses danger he lets me know. If he is unhappy, he really lets me know, and if he is content, it’s a feeling, unlike anything I have ever felt before. That has only happened once in my life Peyton. It started when Bas sent me your picture, the first whiff of you sent sealed the deal and the sight of you sprawled out on the monitor's rooms floor cemented it. You are my mate human or not. It’s not going to matter if you turn out to be one of Franklin's babies like Ryleigh and Emma, I know in my heart you are my mate. And most importantly so does my bear. It’s time for you to get caught up."

  "I’m getting there but Wyatt this is really fast for me. I just found out about Shifters and true mates. I am unbelievably drawn to you, and I want you, but I am not the type of person that moves this fast. Can you understand that, accept it?"

  "Yep, up until I met you I was the same way but baby you need to know I won’t stop kissing or touching you. I like it not to mention I need it. Can you accept that?"

  "Yes, Wyatt I can accept that I feel very much the same way."

  "So how about some normal first date questions, what’s your favorite color?"

  "Well up until today I would have said it was green but I’m think it has changed too aqua blue. What is yours?"

  "Like you, up until recently I would have had to say green, but now it is definitely brown somewhere between melted chocolate and mahogany to be exact, see we already have so much in common, Wyatt laughed. Why did you change your favorite color today?"

  "Well you see I met this guy and he has the most unusual shade of aqua blue eyes I had ever seen. I kind of fell in love with them on the spot."

  "On the spot, huh? I know that feeling."

  "Okay next question." she said a little yawn escaping mid-sentence.

  "Nope, sorry sweetheart you need to get some sleep if your jaw doesn’t break on your next yawn I’m sure you’re going to face plant in that soup you didn’t even touch. Come one time for bed."


  "No worries baby we are just going to cuddle nothing more. I need to feel you in my arms for a while before the real world intrudes again. Do you need to use the bathroom first?"

  "Yeah, and thanks, Wyatt. Do you need me to find you something to sleep in or a toothbrush or anything?"

  "No problem baby and no I have everything I need."


  Chapter 20

  Peyton went into the bathroom, and yeah it was her moment of truth. Should she wait or should she do what she really wanted and jump Wyatt’s bones? He had already gotten her off and kissed her more times than she could count. They had both also experienced so many emotions in such a small amount of time, it was almost like they had known each other for years.

  If he meant everything he said, then why wait. She did feel a connection with him and knew if she didn’t take this further she would regret it for the rest of her life. Wyatt was one in a million. She trusted him, felt safe with him and wanted him beyond reason, so why not? Decision made Peyton brushed her teeth and changed into an old t-shirt modesty wouldn’t allow her to step out into the room in the buff. The t-shirt gave her some confidence, though.

  When she opened the door, she found Wyatt was already in the bed, his chest was bare, and the ends of his hair were damp like he had taken a quick shower. Damn, he was handsome. Beautiful if you could call a guy that and Peyton was even more determined to take a leap and trust this man with all of her.

  Wyatt lifted the blanket up on the empty side of the bed and said, “Come on baby jump in before you get a chill.”

  Peyton’s confidence wavered maybe she wasn’t as sexy as she thought. But then she kind of kicked herself, he is a bear shifter not a superhero with x-ray vision no way does he know she was completely bare under her, very sexy sailor moon t-shirt. Damn, she really needed to go shopping.

  Getting into bed, she kind of wished they were somewhere a little more inviting. The room was tiny, and the bed was only a full size one. The walls were blank and painted a soft white but held no Knick knacks or pictures. The bedding was utilitarian at best. While Peyton had taken the time to make the common room more
comfortable she hadn’t done any of that in the sleeping quarters. Figuring she would be the only person that would ever see them.

  She took the final few steps and cuddle into the most enticing thing the room, Wyatt. Turning to her side while Wyatt dropped the blanket on top of them. He then wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. When his bare and scorching, enormous erection hit her own very bare bottom, Wyatt joined her in a groan.

  “Baby is there something you forgot to put on?" Peyton said, “Nope I have all I want on at the moment.” Wyatt groaned again and pressed his pelvis closer to her bottom. “Honey either you don’t generally wear underwear to bed, or you're trying to tell me something. I can’t read minds, so you’re going to have to tell me what you want." Those words spurred Peyton on, she remembered them from her dream, but this felt oh so much better than before.

  "Honey you need your sleep, I hadn’t planned on doing anything more than cuddling. We have some much going on, this can wait. He said while grinding his pelvis into her backside."

  "I don’t know Wyatt I think this," she said while pushing her butt back" is really something we need to concentrate on for a while." "Damn baby, if you keep doing that you’re going to get more than you bargained for."

  "I don’t think so Wyatt I think giving you the green light is just exactly what both of us need. Please make love to me," Peyton said in a whisper and turned to her back so she could face him. "Baby, you just said this was going too fast I don’t want to do anything until you are ready until you sure?"

  Peyton answered with a pleadingly, "Please Wyatt I need you."

  "Thank God," replied Wyatt as he bent down and kissed her until she didn’t have any breath left in her lungs, she didn’t even care. She would die a happy woman just from his kiss alone. She didn’t want to be a passive partner, so she reached down and stroked his enormous cock with her fisted hand. Surprised when her fingers didn’t even touch. With giddy anticipation, she was about to find out if bigger really was better.

  At her touch, Wyatt broke the kiss long enough for Peyton to get some needed air. They were both panting, but Wyatt broke the silence, “baby I don’t know how long I am going to last, I need you so badly, but if you keep that up I’m not going to get the chance to blow where I really want to. God baby that feels so good are you wet for me?"

  Peyton blatantly spread her legs and said," I’m not sure I guess you’re just going to have to find out aren’t you." " Damn baby." Wyatt starting kissing her again but this time his fingers went to work in the place she needed him most. When he first came in contact with her wetness, he smiled against her lips and said, “I see I’m not the only one turned on, you're so wet for me.”

  When he penetrated her with his finger, it was Peyton’s turn to moan, arching her back at the sensation Peyton pleaded, "Please Wyatt I need you now, please I want you in me now I don’t want to wait." "Baby you are so tight damn you are going to feel so good wrapped around my cock." Ignoring her plea Wyatt continued to fuck her with his fingers first with one, then two and finally three preparing her for what was to come.

  Peyton could not take it anymore she needed him, she tried to roll on top of him, but the maddening man stopped her. She tried to reach down to his cock to entice, but he moved away from her right before she was about to scream Wyatt removed his fingers and Peyton couldn’t help the groan in protest that emitted from her mouth. The asshole had the nerve to smile down at her.

  "What do you need baby?" Getting up on his knee in between her legs he was still smiling, "do you need me as badly as I need you, baby? Look at my cock, it knows right where it wants to go." He scooted forward and placed his mushroomed head at her entrance. " Baby prop yourself up I want you to watch as I claim you as mine." Peyton did what he asked, but she was in such a state of need she wasn’t even aware of her surroundings as she felt him push in.

  "Look, baby, you are taking me so well," see-sawing back and forth Wyatt and Peyton both watched as he became fully seated in her heat. It was incredible to watch and even better to feel. Peyton was so lost in the sensations that she closed her eyes to savor the moment. Wyatt never increased his speed, but she could feel his heat sear on their joined bodies on his next push forward he ground his pubic bone against her clit and Peyton erupted.

  Peyton back was still arched when Wyatt changed positions, rubbing his glorious upper body against hers and taking her mouth in a heated kiss. “Oh, baby I thought earlier was the best sight I had ever seen but you just proved me wrong, how about we try and improve on the already perfect.” And then he started to pump in faster and deeper than before. This time he alternated between hot kisses to her mouth and even more heated kissing and biting on her breasts and neck.

  The build of the second explosion should have shocked her, but it didn’t. Wyatt seemed to be able to keep her on the constant edge of ecstasy. When her vision blurred and the flutters stopped, she faintly remembered screaming Wyatt’s name. After that, for the briefest moment, there was nothing, no sound, no sight or air. The hardest earth shattering orgasm she had ever experienced had stolen her mind. Bigger was most definitely better.

  Before she could come down from her high, Wyatt roared her name, and she felt the molten cum that had erupted from him landing deep inside her feminine walls. She also felt a bit of a burn and pinch on her neck. Not thinking much of it she figured Wyatt had given her a hickey or something. She had never had a hickey she felt there was really not much use in them, but with Wyatt, she was willing to try anything. If she could bottle what she was feeling at that moment, she would be a millionaire, but she was pretty sure that she wanted to keep it all to herself.

  Wyatt was still inside of her looking down with awe he said, “Baby we have been blessed look at my neck?” Peyton was confused but looked anyways, and what she saw confused her, where before was smooth, dark skin now sported a mark. There right at his pulse point was an elongated infinity knot but instead of two rings, there were three. It looked like a birthmark or a tattoo, and she was pretty sure it hadn’t been then before. Wyatt must have noticed her confusion and said," baby it’s a claiming mark. "

  "Claiming mark, fate blessed, what?"

  "Yeah baby damn I knew it, the fates have blessed our mating. Legend states that if the mates are meant to be then a mark will appear blessing their union. Didn’t you feel the bond connect?” She had but, pushing Wyatt off of her she ran to the bathroom and the mirror she wanted to see it for herself. And just like he said it was right there a mirror imagine of his mating mark was on her neck.

  Wyatt had claimed her she didn’t need any more proof they were meant to be fated, true mates. This was fantastic, he was inside her she could feel his love radiating through her body. The feeling was beyond anything she could have ever hoped for. Wyatt walked up behind her and looked her in the eye through the mirror. He looked kind of apprehensive, and Peyton didn’t like it," Baby are you, okay I know I didn’t tell you about the claiming marks, but I didn’t know if it would happen. I had hoped, but without knowing if you have shifter DNA, I couldn’t have been sure."

  Peyton reached her hand back and creased his cheek," I have never been happier in my life. This connection is incredible, I felt it before, but it is unbelievable and so strong. I was afraid before shoot, not even that long ago, but I’m not anymore."

  "Ryleigh and Emma both have them. I knew we were mates I just... shit honey could you say something I am kind of freaking out here are you mad?” Peyton just turned around smiled and then kissed him," I love you, Wyatt, I am proud to be your fated true mate. I hope I make you a fraction as happy as you make me. Don’t get me wrong I’m beyond freaked out this is fast Wyatt but for the first time in my life, I am going to just go for it. I know how I feel. And you are mine, and I am yours forever."

  "So, do I baby, so do I."

  Chapter 21

  The next few days went by in a blur of training, laughing, making love to Wyatt and preparing for the mission. When it was t
ime for them to leave, Peyton was dying a little inside. She never once thought she would meet a man and now she never wanted to leave his side that was how she felt. Parting ways even for a little while was going to be harder than Peyton ever expected.

  "Listen, baby, we need to get going if you are going to make your flight. I want to meet up with Cash first so we can make sure you get out without detection. Once you get to Michigan, Senior will be waiting for you on the tarmac. I have been watching the reports, and your hackers lost Judy and the suits two days ago. Until they surface, I’m not going to feel good about sending you out on your own even for a simple flight."

  "The plane we contracted is private, so you will be the only passenger. The pilot is a friend of one of the other Alphas. I would feel better if you let Cash take you and this pilot took me to Alaska."

  "Wyatt honey, you need to stop worrying. Judy will show up again, she always does, and you need Cash in Alaska with you, we can’t change the plan now. It will be okay I promise," Peyton said offering him false promises she didn’t want to leave but if she even showed a little bit of reluctance she knew deep down that Wyatt would pull the plug on the mission and they needed this information.

  This wasn’t only about her trying to figure out who was after her brother or what Judy was up to anymore. This was about helping a group of people and possibly shutting down another group that threatened them all, her family. Peyton walked into the warmth of his body and hugged his waist. This was becoming her most cherished spot. She held on to him taking a couple of minutes to assure them both that what they were about to do was the right thing. They would survive, and then they would take the time to figure out what comes next.


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