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Ash: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance

Page 12

by Simpson, Serena

  “Ash, do you think he was talking about you?”

  “If he was, what could it mean?”

  She shook her head and took his hand. It sounded more like a riddle and maybe a warning to do right. Her eyes closed against her will. When they reopened, she was standing in his arms at the point. They were home.

  “We never moved.” She looked around just to be sure.

  He put her to the side and changed quickly finding the clothes he discarded.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “We’ve been here to long, unprotected. Time to go home.”

  She followed him as they walked amid the trees and across the field with the tall grass. Turning, she shaded her hands looking for their vehicle. A smothered scream of shock went up when she spotted it. Ash’s inhuman growl of anger confirmed what she was seeing. Their hover was on fire. It blazed as if in the center of a bond fire.

  Ash grabbed her hand and they ran.

  Chapter Eighteen

  She panted as her legs pumped trying to keep up with his long stride. He slowed down long enough to pick her up and throw her over his shoulder caveman style then his legs picked up their Earth eating rhythm.

  Cinching her arms around his middle, she hung on for dear life as her body bobbed up and down and her head tried to swing in an unnatural direction. Were they being chased? Better yet was that laser fire, because no one was stupid enough to shoot a gun at them, projectile weapons were no longer in fashion.

  They moved into a small alley between two buildings. Without realizing it, she found herself holding her breath. Ash put her down on her feet while they waited to see if their hiding place would be discovered. She could hear the shouts of men looking for them.

  There was a shout of ‘fan out’ followed by running feet on the street in front of them. She put her hand to her mouth not wanting to make a sound to give them away. The footsteps faded and she turned wide-eyed to look at Ash. He shook his head and she nodded, pressing further back onto the wall and keeping silent. They waited another few precious minutes before he headed further into the alley with her making a conscious effort to put her feet in his footsteps.

  They peaked out when they reached the back of the alley. Not finding anyone chasing them, he led her cautiously across the street to what looked like an unmarked building. Quickly they crossed the wide open space between the two buildings and disappeared into a door that opened for them.

  Ash shut the door beside them and leaned against the wall.

  “Are we safe?” Brook whispered, not feeling safe at all.

  “No,” he shook his head.

  Pushing off the wall, she looked around the room. The space was smaller than she thought given the size of the building on the outside. It had several chairs that had seen better days as well as two tables and what looked like an ancient cell phone.

  The walls looked like brick but felt smooth to the touch; they were some sort of an illusion being generated but she couldn’t figure out what it was.

  Ash nodded his head as if he was satisfied with what he was seeing and directed her to a chair. He sat and pulled her down onto her lap. There was no complaining from her, she had the best seat in the house.

  “This used to be an interrogation room.”

  “Who was being interrogated?”

  “Aliens, humans, hybrids, anyone the military deemed threatening.”

  “That’s good; our military would never hurt us.”

  “I’ll let you talk to Sergey and Lorali about that someday.”

  She nodded confused. “Why do the walls look like one thing but feel like another?”

  “They act as a damper. No signal can get out of here and none can get in. They’re also sound proof so unless you know where this room is you won’t be finding it.”

  “So we can’t contact anyone while we are in here?”


  She sat back in his lap absorbing that bit of news. How would they get out if they couldn’t reach the outside world? She thought of Jaz. Was she wondering where she was? Had she tried to call her and reached nothing but silence? What if they didn’t make it out alive? That really seemed highly unlikely but the Patron had proven he would not give up. Her life meant nothing to him. All he wanted was her money, something he didn’t need, but she didn’t need it either.

  “Ash, what if I just gave the Patron my money? Turned it over to him lock, stock, and barrel. He would have no reason to come after me or you or the others. We would all be safe and free of him.”

  “You would do that?” He looked at her his eyes glowing red as he studied her face.

  “Yes, if it meant we would all be safe.” She smiled as she watched him warming up to her plan.

  She could go to school. She had always wanted that. College. She would be a married college student but people did that all the time. She would maybe do what Jaz was doing and help others who had been frozen like her. She could see it now, Ash could teach her how to drive. She wouldn’t tell them she lived on the actual ground and she would commute. She hugged him tight and told him her plans.

  “I love your plans and if you want to go to college that will be arranged, but it’s a no to giving your money to the Patron.”


  “You would be simply feeding the beast. Once he beat you into submission, he would simply move onto another family or families to beat into submission. In addition, he will not allow you to live unless you bow down to him. The only thing he admires is power and the only thing that can stop someone like him is power. He’s chasing us because we have the power. The minute we let him get close enough to think he has the power we will both be dead.”

  “I don’t like dead and neither will the Patron. I can think of nothing worse than Aran and Dante hunting me. Which is what will happen to the Patron if something happens to either one of us.”

  “Get comfortable, we may have a long wait.” He shifted her in his arms bringing her closer.

  “What are we waiting for?”

  “Our ride.” His voice was close to her ear causing it to tingle as his breath blew across it. He nipped her earlobe drawing a low sultry sound from her lips.

  His tongue came out to lick the shell of her ear while her hand found his head allowing her fingers to comb through his long red hair.

  “Beautiful, mate,” he whispered coming in for a kiss.

  His lips moved between hers like a heat seeking missile. She pulled him into her mouth sucking on his tongue as the intoxicating taste of honey swam through her senses.

  She slipped her hands under his shirt feeling his heated skin as her eyes focused on his hard nipples that she could just see through the tee he had on. They were stiff begging for her touch. She kissed him again as her fingers stroked him turning up the heat. Their tongues did a dance as old as time, making them pant their pleasure.

  “Your kisses are so intoxicating.” His words had her heart beating double time.

  Could she die from pleasure? Had it ever happened before? Because he had her flying high. For a minute the thought of falling from this high seized her, then she dismissed it. Something’s were worth the risk and Ash was one of those things.

  She took his nipple into her mouth shirt and all. His hands clenched around her hips when she bit him. Air hissed out and he pressed her head closer to his chest so she did it again. Punishing the small peak, she rewarded it by sucking on it before laving it with her tongue.

  His hand moved to her breast making them look small in his big hands. He took her shirt off and this time not fooled he pulled the invisible bra off also. Tossing them to the side, he ran his hands over her breasts soothing them when she wanted to feel his fingers pinching, pulling and tugging at them. She threw her head back, arching her neck and back as she pushed her breasts closer for his examination.

  “Needy mate,” he chuckled, “is there something you want?”

  Her voice came out in a strangled moan as she pressed her breast nipple first into the pa
lm of his hand. He grasped around her nipple and pinched it. Pleasure speared through her, encompassing her belly and moving down to her empty pussy that was clenching and unclenching, looking to be filled.

  “You make me feel like the most desirable woman in the world.”

  “You are the most desirable woman in my world, Brook. There’s no one in the galaxy who compares to you.”

  She smiled pulling his shirt up until she was able to get it over his head. All she needed was to be the center of his world. It was more than enough. She licked her finger and played with his nipple while he sucked hers deep into this mouth making her open wide on a small O. He knew what he was doing with his tongue and teeth on her.

  She bent her head, using her hands to caress him as he placed kisses on her forehead. Her hips arched as her pussy seeped and her body became his. He looked up at her the red in his eyes consuming the white of them. Her body went still as she understood he was showing her all of him hiding nothing. She would either take him or leave him.

  With incredible tenderness, she cupped his face giving him long drawn out kisses before she kissed each eye as he closed them for her.

  “Your eyes turn me on as much as the rest of your body does.” She latched onto his nipple pulling it into her mouth and licking at his skin.

  “You taste like honey but there is no sweetness overload with you. Every lick gives me just enough, increasing the hunger never dampening it.”

  She licked him again and allowed her hand to fall to the thickness hidden behind his jean-clad lower body. A small growl came from him before he flipped her on his body. She was now lying on her back with her head supported by his bent knees and her rear lying against his chest.

  The smile on his face was sinister in the most erotic way. His hand flipped to the button on her jeans, undoing them. The rasp of the zipper filled the small room as she stared into his eyes.

  He was promising her bliss and she wanted him to deliver. He put his hands on either side of her jeans and tugged them off together with the panties she was wearing. She felt wicked lying there on his lap exposed for his pleasure while he was still clothed.

  He flicked her clit making coils of sensation whip through her body as her head felt like it belonged to a rag doll lulling to the side.

  “Again,” she pleaded as bliss tore through him when he did it again.

  Her body shook; her status as boneless rag doll was noted and posted for the world to see. There was nothing she could do but ride the high he was giving her. He tweaked her clit between his fingers eliciting a gasp from her lips that echoed around the room.

  Taking his time while she squirmed on his lap, he inserted a finger into her. She was still tight and needy. When he inserted a second finger, little sounds of need came out. She shifted her hips riding his fingers. It felt so good to be full but she wanted more. Wanted his thick cock in her, pounding into her. Her hands went under her touching him, rubbing the ridge. He was thick and hard. She rubbed her rear against him as he worked his fingers into her.

  “You’re trying my resolve, Brook. This is for you.”

  “Mmm,” she replied as she worked the crack of her rear over his large thick erection.

  “Watch out, Baby. You might find me buried deep back there one day.”

  The thought of that sexy picture combined with his fingers curled deep within her made her body convulse. A scream tore from her lips as she fell over a cliff offering her a beautiful free fall into a pool of sensation. Her body sank deep until she finally drifted slowly to a stop.

  “Soon,” she whispered, “I’m going to take you on this journey with me.”

  He turned her around and held her tightly in his arms. She closed her eyes enjoying the peace.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Brook woke with a gentle hand on her shoulder shaking her.

  “Hi,” she gave him a small smile before stretching like a cat in his arms. She looked down to see she was dressed before looking up again to see the possessive smile he was giving her.

  “Our ride is here.”

  “Your hover?”

  “Not mine, Mick’s.

  He set her on her feet before reaching for his shirt. She watched him rearrange himself since he was still hard as a rock. She looked up and he winked.

  “I’m looking forward to you taking care of my little problem.”

  “Nothing little about that problem.” He gave her a big grin making her feel like a tasty treat for the big bad wolf. This made her remember that he had eaten her.

  He shook his head. “Stop before I make our ride wait some more because I need a taste of you.”

  She blushed, her brown cheeks stained with red. Ducking her head just a little to hide the blush, she followed him to the door. Mick sat in the driver’s seat of the hover.

  “Hi Mick,” she said in greeting, giving him a smile. “Thanks for coming to get us. I’m not sure how Ash reached you while we were in the interrogation room.”

  “There’s little that can keep us from communicating.”

  She climbed into the car wondering what life was going to bring her. How long would she have to run and duck from the Patron? How long would the lives of these males be in danger? Her happiness with Ash conflicted with the need to simply make everyone’s life easier.

  “Brook?” She looked to see Ash watching her. He must have called her name several times judging from the look on his face.

  “Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “No problem, Mick and I were talking and we want to show you some more of what it means to live on the actual Earth.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea? Maybe we should just go back to your house.”

  Already she was hating herself for wimping out. You deserve a day, her inner voice assured her. All she wanted to do was disappear under the covers and reassure herself that this was all a dream. Was that too much? She straightened her shoulders and answered her own question. Each life in this car was in danger because they pledged to take care of her. There would be no running for her and no pity party. She would hold up her end and fight the Patron and whoever else came along. She was a Princess. A small smile hovered over her lips. In that moment she knew her father would be proud of her.

  “If we go back to the house, Brook, we’re allowing the Patron to win. Telling him without words that we are running scared. Then we will be doing that as long as he lives. I don’t want you to live in fear,” Ash told her in a soft voice leaving the decision up to her.

  “Where are we going?”

  Ash gave her a long lazy wink and a smile that could melt her panties. “We’re going to show you the families and the areas the Patron has raided for his own prosperity.”

  She nodded watching as the scenery flew by. The trees and the grass thinned out; the destruction she saw at the Waterworks mall when she met Ash became more apparent. There were areas of total devastation but some areas had little shacks standing. Could anyone live there? Who would call that a house when they could go to the city and live with the others? No, this place had to be empty. She was sure it was until she saw a small girl playing in the rubble next to one of the shacks.

  Mick stopped and Brook’s heart broke.

  Ash helped her out the hover to stand on the uneven terrain.

  “What is that shiny thing I see not too far behind that shack?”

  “That’s the barrier. It shines like that so you can see it day or night. It lets you know that it’s not safe to go any further. If you cross it, you will not be permitted back in the city. If you look through it as it shines, you will see that there are people on the other side. They wait patiently for the barrier to expand so they will be allowed in the city.”

  “I don’t understand. How can we keep people outside the barrier when we are living in the city semi safe and protected?”

  “The barriers were erected to keep the cities safe. Some chose to willingly live outside and still do. Others were too far away when the barri
ers went up or were too damaged by the fighting to be let in. The war wasn’t pleasant, Brook. The world was damaged and two hundred years after the fighting is over, the Earth is still recovering. We do what we can for those outside the barrier but the government has rules.”

  She dashed an angry tear from her eyes. They should help. Your people were your people, she understood not every government felt that way, but she was raised to believe every person was important to the way a country ran, down to the drunk who made everyone laugh on Saturday nights because he or she provided a relief they might not otherwise have.

  She turned her head back to the little girl who was looking at them with bright blue yes.

  “Hi.” She went down to her knees hoping not to frighten her.

  “Mom,” she screamed at the top of her lungs “they’re here.” Then she ran inside as if scared of what they might do.

  “What did she mean by that?”

  Mick just gave her a smile before going to the back of the hover. He opened it and began to pull out bags. Ash went back to help. They both disappeared into the house carrying them leaving her and the rest of the bags behind. She walked over, picked up several, and followed them inside.

  The inside of the shack wasn’t what she was expecting. It seemed bigger than the outside and the furniture looked soft and clean. The floors were swept although the boards looked worn and in need of repair. This place was touched by the Created. She smiled at Ash because she knew they had done something to make the woman’s life easier.

  “Brook, this is Kelli. Kelli this is my mate, Brook.”

  “Brook, so nice to finally meet you. Ash is amazing.” She was drying her hands on a cloth after finishing the dishes. She took Brook’s hand and gave it a hard shake.

  “It’s nice to meet you also, Kelli. I saw your daughter outside.”

  “That’s Ginger.” The woman’s face lit up. “She’s smart as a whip; one day she’s going to become a lawyer. We’ve never had one in the family before.”

  “She’ll make a great lawyer I’m sure.”


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